redbritishsniper · 1 hour
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redbritishsniper · 16 hours
Send 💋 to give my muse a kiss
Add 'reverse' to have my muse kiss yours
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redbritishsniper · 16 hours
You are allowed to send antagonizing anons about my muse
(i was gonna put this on my rp blog last night, but i decided to make it a post on here so anyone else who likes antagonistic anons can reblog it as well without borking my notifs)
people are allowed to send anons about what goes on on my blog and the circle of blogs that interact with me, this includes trying to get under my muses skin or tell them the hard truths about what is happening, or even about their fellow friends and enemies!
berate them for putting up with something dumb, point out flaws in someone's story, mention how something they believe is not the truth, do it, have fun!
just be sure that the antagonistic anon you sent is directed at the muse, not the mun, and make sure to read the rules of the blog you wish to send anons to, some antagonizing might be seen as godmodding and will go unanswered or blocked.
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redbritishsniper · 16 hours
(Good morning)
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redbritishsniper · 1 day
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redbritishsniper · 2 days
In honor of Munday, here is your chance to ask the mun anything you’ve been wondering!! 
Come in the ask box on anon or not, ask about our lives, our writing, our pets or children or significant others! our habits or anything else you can think of!
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redbritishsniper · 2 days
For Munday, anonymously ask the mun something you want to know about them, their portrayal, or what they will/won’t write.
Especially if it’s something you’re too shy or afraid to ask off-anon. 
(Admin note: If you reblog this from someone, try to send them something, even if it’s just a basic question. The mun will really appreciate it.)
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redbritishsniper · 2 days
(Good morning)
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redbritishsniper · 2 days
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redbritishsniper · 3 days
Send some hearts to tell my muse how yours feels about them.
❤️: Wants or is in a romantic relationship with them.
💛: Loves them platonically.
💚: Is a little jealous of them.
💙: Feels pretty indifferent towards them.
💜: Finds them sexually attractive.
💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive.
💗: Finds them romantically attractive.
💞: Feels attracted to them, but can’t work out if it’s platonic, sexual, or romantic attraction they’re feeling.
💝: Looks up to them as a role model.
💓: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
💔: Hates their guts.
💘: Doesn’t really like them, but doesn’t flat-out hate them either.
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redbritishsniper · 3 days
Anon or not, send my muse any question you want! Funny, sad, angsty and fluffy are all fair game!
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redbritishsniper · 3 days
(Good morning)
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redbritishsniper · 3 days
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redbritishsniper · 4 days
(Good morning)
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redbritishsniper · 4 days
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redbritishsniper · 4 days
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‘ you have turned down god’s will, refused your own story. what will you make of this? ’
‘ you’ll still suffer in the end, and you’ll still be some kind of dead, anyway ’
‘ you say that fate is what intertwines us, but aren’t you the one who always comes back to me? ’
‘ we are not made for sacrifice. who said you are meant to carry this weight alone? ’
‘ can you carry these burdens until the end of time? ’
‘ who has done this to you, love? who has made you into a being of ruin and pushed you into the abyss even further? ’
‘ you are no greater than humanity ; your origins will be your downfall ’
‘ did you think we could both survive this? ’
‘ where does it go : the love that survives in you? ’
‘ yes, it is lonely, this place of brutality ’
‘ where did it go, your heart? ’ 
‘ i already know you for who you are, not who you choose to act as ’
‘ there’s always tomorrow, dearest. we can try again tomorrow ’
‘ when will you learn that you, in the end, are human? ’
‘ you have chosen the worst ending for yourself, haven’t you? ’
‘ i can’t promise nothing bad will happen, but i can promise that we’ll make it out of here ’
‘ it can’t happen again. not this time ’
‘ if numbness is a cruelty, then what must the gods call this? ’ 
‘ yes, this is all we’ll ever know ’
‘ if you shatter, you will die. you will be forgotten and everything you have fought for will die, too ’
‘ when is it that you can shatter under the weight of the world? ’
‘ there are other ways to break my heart, you know ’
‘ it is so terribly hard to be human ’
‘ this world is meant for ruin, and only one of us is meant to survive it ’
‘ there is no forgiveness in sight, so the suffering will always be felt, and maybe it is supposed to be that way ’
‘ you have always managed to put my heart at ease ’
‘ this life is very much a cruel and painful one, isn’t it? ’
‘ no, nothing good will come of this ’
‘ you are at war with yourself ’
‘ you are not as frightening as you let on ’
‘ you were born from everything that burdens my heart. do you think i would yearn for more? ’
‘ don’t you want to play the innocent part here? ’
‘ do you ever wonder if this is our second chance? ’
‘ you are helpless and weak and you cannot even save the person you love ’
‘ time is nearing. i hope you’re ready ’
‘ fate knows best of all ’
‘ have i at all made a difference in your existence? ’
‘ we have met before. who were you to me? ’
‘ no one is meant to know the severity of such loss ’
‘ i won’t leave you. you have me until the end ’
‘ it’s safer to cut your losses, better to cut out what causes the pain before it hurts you ’
‘ this is not a betrayal, because betrayals are meant to hurt ’
‘ what a very selfish thought to have ’
‘ you will survive this. you have to ’
‘ what happens when there is nothing left?’
‘ you are lying to me. i know this ’
‘ now now, i thought you would enjoy this more ’
‘ there are things worse than death ’
‘ you force my hand when you know all along that we are not meant to be enemies ’
‘ there is always love in what could be lost ’
‘ you surround yourself with the dead because that’s all you know ’
‘ you keep getting blood on your hands ’
‘ i don’t regret joining your side, not one bit, so don’t start thinking otherwise ’
‘ yes, i am aware that you are in love with me ’
‘ so what is it that makes you different? ’
‘ did you love, just as i have? did you regret it? ’
‘ you’ll get the life you deserve. i promise ’
‘ i’ll grant you the kindest ending, erase you from an existence you never deserved ’
‘ you’ll worry your pretty little head off, sparrow ’
‘ i never gave you my word ’
‘ am i losing myself? should i run? ’
‘ i don’t think any of us are innocent here ’
‘ i almost ended the world once ’
‘ not even that will you save from being torn apart by me ’
‘ no matter this life or the next, even the past, i am grateful to spend it with you ’
‘ we can work together, find some way in ’
‘ what judgment will you pass upon me? ’
‘ grief is a very hard thing to swallow, isn’t it? ’
‘ you have always done enough ’
‘ the pain will be worth it. it always is ’
‘ it’s better to hope that you can live, not survive ’
‘ isn’t that what you want? for me to fall? ’
‘ it’ll be fine. no one can hurt me ’
‘ what will you do? pick off my limbs, one by one, and decide whether you love me or not? ’
‘ you are both monster and human alike ’
‘ how do you bring an end to a relentless suffering that follows you throughout the lifetimes? ’
‘ even then, you’re just human in the end ’
‘ in all your years of existence, do you ache? have you ever been happy? ’
‘ tell me what name you have chosen for me in this life ’
‘ i should always be sad. you’re much nicer this way ’
‘ you may be the one who is doing the saving, after all ’
‘ how can you love someone you have known for so little of your life? ’
‘ we have known each other before this, haven’t we? ’
‘ you are only human, and what is humanity if not for the longing of it all? ’
‘ not a pleasant welcome home gift, is it? ’
‘ there is nothing here for you. you should go home now ’
‘ as long as you come home to me, that’s all i need ’
‘ lonely? i have you, don’t i? ’
‘ you are more than your darkness ’
‘ it would be good to consider your advice and use it for yourself ’
‘ so you tend to me, not out of love, but out of convenience? ’
‘ better to keep to yourself and do what needs to be done ’
‘ if you have another nightmare, i’ll be here when you wake ’
‘ what is there to be said? ’
‘ i didn’t like you when we first met ’
‘ you are not who you were before ’
‘ there will always be a good ending with you ’
‘ you’ve caused more trouble than you’re worth. what did you expect would happen? ’
‘ it is corruption that triumphs over love ’
‘ what does one do with regret and failure? ’
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redbritishsniper · 5 days
A few Starters - Ice Breakers
“Are you following me?”
“Hey, watch where you’re going.”
“You look vaguely familiar…” 
“I don’t know who you are but you don’t strike me as the trustworthy type.”
“I don’t know what you want but you’d better fuck off before I make you.”
“Sorry but I’m new around here, would you mind giving me pointers?”
“Strange to see a fresh face around here.”
“Hey you. It’s dangerous to be walking around here, you should leave.”
“Do you need help with that?”
“Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?”
“Do I know you? Cause you look a lot like my next girlfriend/boyfriend.”
“See my friends over there? They wanna to know if you think I’m cute.
“Hey handsome/beautiful.”
“You might be new, but you’re looking at the top dog around here.”
“Sorry but I’m not interested in your offer.”
“Are you as cold as you seem or do you always walk around like you own the place?”
“What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“The answer is no by the way, to whatever you’re about to say.”
“Don’t bother, I’m busy.”
“No no no, this can’t be right. You shouldn’t be here.”
“It’s you, isn’t it?”
“Happy to see me again?”
“It’s been so long since we’ve last parted, hm? We have some catching up to do.”
“You looking to start a fight or something?”
“Did you think I wouldn’t notice you watching me?”
“Us meeting wasn’t an accident.”
“Hey hey, no need for that I’d just like to talk.”
“Why the hostility? Do you treat every stranger this way?”
“I see no one has ever bothered to teach you manners.”
“Come with me, no time to explain!”
“Look, you’re in danger. You need to do as I say.”
“Are these guys bothering you?”
“Hey, leave him/her alone!”
“You look tired. Need a ride?”
“Shit shit, are you okay?!”
“Give me your belongings and you won’t get hurt. Sound fair?”
“Well look what the cat dragged in.”
“Never thought I’d see your face again.”
“Are you drunk? Hey, you can’t be walking around like that, be careful!”
“You look like bad news….”
“I hope I’m not being too straightforward, but are you single?”
“Nice to meet you.”
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