redchocroo · 6 years
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Ask yourself… Do you love animals or pets?
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redchocroo · 6 years
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All animals deserve to live long happy lives!
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redchocroo · 6 years
“The double agent for the patriarchy is basically just a woman who perhaps unknowingly is still putting the patriarchal narrative out into the world. Is still benefitting off, profiting off and selling a patriarchal narrative to other women. But it’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You know, just because you look like a woman, we trust you and we think you’re on our side, but you are selling us something that really doesn’t make us feel good. You’re selling us an ideal, a body shape, a problem with our wrinkles, a problem with ageing, a problem with gravity, a problem with any kind of body fat. You’re selling us self-consciousness. The same poison that made you clearly develop some sort of body dysmorphia or facial dysmorphia, you are now pouring back into the world. You’re like recycling hatred. I find that really dangerous and I think it’s unacceptable and I don’t care if you’re a woman. I think constructive criticism is needed for anyone to ever evolve. For our gender to evolve we need some sort of constructive criticism. As long as we do it in a somewhat careful way. (…) So many of the worst things in the world have happened motivated by greed. And I just don’t think that’s an acceptable excuse anymore. How much money do you need? Really how much money do you need? How much money do any of these huge influencers who are worth millions or billions sometimes… why are they still promoting appetite-suppressant lollipops to young girls? And it’s not a fight against obesity. They have young, already slim girls, in their adverts for Flat Tummy company, this company that are absolutely everywhere, and they’re even being advertised in some of the most mainstream magazines, women’s magazines, and they have a billboard in Times Square. The money is built on the blood and tears of young women who believe in them, who follow them, who look up to them like the big sister they never had. It’s so upsetting and it feels like such a betrayal against women.”
Jameela Jamil explains why she thinks the Kardashians are “double agents for the patriarchy”
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redchocroo · 6 years
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c u t e
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redchocroo · 6 years
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redchocroo · 6 years
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Do you really mean that?
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redchocroo · 8 years
This is so important! Please watch...
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redchocroo · 8 years
Must watch!
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redchocroo · 8 years
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redchocroo · 8 years
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redchocroo · 8 years
a ferret making a nest
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redchocroo · 8 years
Mick Jagger, 72, is having a kid, his 8th, with his 29 year old girlfriend, who is 16 years younger than his oldest child, which is 45. But two moms or two dads is too difficult to explain to a seven year old.
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redchocroo · 8 years
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redchocroo · 9 years
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- I don’t like the fact that she left her husband. That bothered me.
- Oh yeah… Didn’t he cheat on her? (x)
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redchocroo · 9 years
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redchocroo · 9 years
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redchocroo · 9 years
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