My Personal History - My Dad
My Personal History – My Dad
  Welcome to another instalment of my personal history! I have to say that I am really enjoying writing this!
This time I am going to be speaking about my Dad and to start this I am going to give you a quote:
Frenchy: Men are rats. Listen to me, they’re fleas on rats. Worse than that, they’re amoebas on fleas on rats. I mean, they’re too low for even the dogs to bite. The only man a girl can…
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My Personal History - Part 2
My Personal History – Part 2
Happy mother’s day! Yet again it is that day of the year in which we celebrate how wonderful our beautiful mothers are and buy them tat they are never going to look at again. In our household mother’s day is not celebrated in the normal way as all of my siblings are now parents ourselves we use this day to remind us all what a beautiful person my mother is by spending the day together as a…
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£5 Beauty Blender?!?
Hi everyone!   As you can all tell I have been doing fantastically well at doing blog post on a regular basis (jokes) There is a very good reason behind this but it Is all hush hush right now so you will have to bear with me! Right onto the actually post! I did something a couple of weeks ago which frankly always breaks my heart… I threw my beauty blender in the bin :,( I have had it for ages and…
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Fondation Review
Hello there, And welcome back to the page that I have done nothing with despite all my good intentions to actually write something! I have no excuse this time I just had really horrible writers block. Everything that I did write was so crap and uninspiring I felt it was my duty to delete it and never look at it again. So here we are attempting to make some form of effort all over again!…
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My Personal History - Part 1
My Personal History – Part 1
Where does your name come from? I remember as a kid always asking my Mum and Dad why the hell they gave me such a common name because I hated it! Without fail there was always someone else called Jessica where ever I went so I would always end up being described as “you know, ginger Jess” like what the frick even is that! Now the moaning is over and done with I will get on with the story of how I…
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Happy New Year
Hello everyone and Happy New Year! I know we are already weeks into January and I haven’t even bothered to wish everyone a happy new year, but this year has been crazy busy which is always the excuse I use so don’t lecture me… To be honest I am well and truly happy to see the back of 2017 and start this New Year with a fresh face. Don’t get me wrong I am not planning any earth shattering changes…
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November Monthly Faves
  Hello you wonderful lot! It is that time of the month again when I am looking at all the things I have loved this month. Now I know that it was only a couple of weeks ago that I had another one of these, but bear with me I am trying to get back on track writing and updating. Beauty Disney Eyelashes – You fucking heard me right, Disney princess eyelashes. I literally got so excited when I found…
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Make-up Bag Staples
  Hi guys! So I was packing myself a little bag this morning as, being the party animal that I am, I am heading straight out and it got me thinking that I am getting to a point in my life where there is always the same little things that keep going in my makeup bag time and time again. Even though I am always on the lookout for new products these seem to be the ones that I keep reaching back to.…
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Monthly Faves!
Hello my lovely people! How the hell is it November already? I mean where has the sunshine gone?!? I am not a great lover of winter and all that comes with it, however Bonfire Night is by far my favourite holiday! So I thought I would re-kick the writing of my blog off with a monthly favourites post 🙂 Beauty: I am a bit of a bore when it comes to make-up. I tend to stick to the ones i like even…
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Happy Halloween!!
YAY Halloween is here again! Though i dont know how it has been a year already since the last time i was forced to give into my kids demands for expensive costumes they are going to refuse to wear on the day and for sweets that are going to keep them up to stuipd O’Clock… FUCKING YAY. I joke, I actually like Halloween. I love getting dressed up and the games, any excuse for a party really,…
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Hey guys!
Its review day and today I wanted to talk about my first ever pink parcel! This was something I has seen floating around for a little bit but I was never all that sure how it work out, and when I did my research honestly it seemed a little to good to be true…
So basically this is a subscription box like no other I have seen where you are sent a box around the date of your period containing everything you could possibly need for your visit from mother nature. When you sign up you choose your preferences like pads or tampons (personally I am a pad type of girl) and the brand you would normally get. You then enter data about your cycle and when you normally start and that is you done. The package also contains little treats to perk you up for the more suckier parts of your period. Of course this is a subscription box so it will set you back £10 a month via direct debit.
So In this months box we defiantly got a wide range of products and the first thing I spotted where these stunning socks! They are actually SUPER cute and SUPER comfy. I love a good pair of socks especially when they are soft and comfy. I have no idea how long they are going to stay as a pair but hey ho we can hope can’t we ;)
 Amie deep pore exfoliation polish 
The first thing I am going to say about this is I have honestly never heard of this brand before, and after using the product I have no idea why! This face scrub was totally lush and smelt so good I could have eaten it (I didn’t chill). It leaves skin feeling so smooth and smelling so nice the hubbie thought I had used new perfume. Using rice granules it brags about being able to clean skin deep down and my face defiantly felt a lot better after one use. I would love to try some more of these products to see if they all live up to this one.
Like to give it a try? http://www.amieskincare.com/product/amie-new-leaf-deep-pore-exfoliating-polish/ 
Product Rating: 
I really liked this, I liked that it was natural and how amazing it made my skin feel. I will defiantly be trying some other products from the company when this round of skin care products run out.
    Mud Masky Facial Detox Recovery Mask 
Out of everything I got in this box THIS is what I would buy again 100x over. This mud mask is super. Pretty quick to use and comes with the bits in giving your skin an amazing feel after use. The sample tube you received in the box was pretty big and I got a good couple of masks out of it before it run out. The problem is the price of the full tube. The website retails the product for £60 which I personally would not pay for a mask when there are 100’s of products just as good for a fraction of the price. However if I suddenly become super rich over night I would have no problem forking out for this.
Product Rating: 
I did like this product, I really really really did. My husband would leave me if I spend £60 on a face mask. Divorce is more expensive…
  Want to give it a go? https://mudmasky.com/product/detox-mask/
    Simple Candle co. Wax Melt
Who doesn’t love a nice smelling home? With 2 kids, 2 dogs, a cat and a husband it is very rare that my home doesn’t smell like farts and coco pops. Due to this I do love a good scented candle to relax in the evening. So I was pleasantly surprised when I got this and I am not going to lie it made the whole box smell wonderful. I got the wild berries flavor (Is that the right word? I know what I mean) and it did smell fucking amazing! I have actually bought more of these from the website and you can even order a monthly subscription box where you got 8 melts a month which was pretty darn cool.
Wannna see? http://www.simplecandleco.com/
Product Rating: 
The fact that I went out and bought more of these is proof enough that it is a good product. The smells where amazing and not to strong but enough to leave the house smelling like the dogs bathed in my shower gel XD 
Honestly no idea how happy I was when I saw the food! Cravings are a staple of my period and the need to eat constantly. So there where two little sweeties a brownie things from Squirrel Sisters which everyone in the office had to have a try of because it smelt so good. Sadly the bar was pretty tiny so I can’t really give a good review because we shared, however the morsel I got was awesome. The middle one is a fudge thing which sadly I have misplaced the wrapper and cant tell you where it is from :( was not really my cup of tea as I can’t eat dairy but the kids seem to like it. Last but not least was a tea bag which I have still not tried but it claims to help with period cramps and the general felling shitty.
The Box Overall
WELL worth the money. Not only did I get enough pads to last me throughout my period but they came in a little box AND a little bag to stick in my handbag for the day. I was so chuffed with this and love the idea. A few of my friends have signed up since and they all love the it as well. If you think about how much you would normally pay for your period products really a tenner a month is not that expensive. They give you enough to last your whole period so no running out to pick some up because you forgot. Lets be real, periods are never fun, but this will defiantly make it a bit better.
Do you subscribe to any boxes? Have you ever heard of something like this? Let me know!
First Pink Parcel! Hey guys! Its review day and today I wanted to talk about my first ever pink parcel!
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Finally finished Williams Christmas hat #chrisrmashat #knittersofinstagram #knittedhat #madewithlove
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Where have I been?!?!
Where have I been?!?!
Hey Guys! It has actually been forever since I have posted anything on here so I thought I would just write a little quick note about the reasons why I have been so absent and let me just say I have really missed writing and have some great plans to expand what I have been writing about. So firstly and the main reason is sadly I have had a little bit of a change of jobs. I say sad because I…
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Has it not truly been an amazing weekend? In our area of the world we have been enjoying some wonderful sunshine which just made the Accrington Food festival and crafty vintage fair the place to be this weekend. I am always on the hunt for fun things to do at the weekend that isn’t going to take large amounts of travel or cost me the earth (Although i did end up spending quite a lot this weekend, but you will see why!).
One of my main loves in life is food, and I love trying something fun and different and although my kids have no caught the food bug they do love searching these food festivals for sweets and cakes and we defiantly were not disappointed of this front! While the hubbie enjoyed a German sausage with lots and lots of onions the kids were treated to traditional sugared doughnuts and watched in fascination as their candyfloss was whipped up right in front of them, even if we discovered that getting the train home with sticky kids on a hot day was not as easy was we thought! It was not long before I had hunted down the Italian sweets with a huge range of ice cream and other wonderfully creamy treats, I was so excited the lovely owner even threw in a few extra cakes for free!
In the town hall where hundreds of stalls selling everything you could possibly want from vintage clothes to homemade soap, all from local people selling things that local people had made. For someone like me this was my idea of heaven and I couldn’t wait to get stuck in exploring all of the wonderful things that these super talented people had to offer!
The first stall I found I was instantly drawn in by the amazing smells and the bright colours of the beauty stall ran by a company called Heavenly Bubbles. The lovely lady running the stall was more then happy to allow you to try any product you wanted and was super helpful for myself who had already pre-warned that I have super sensitive skin. All the soaps and lotions on offer where hand made and smelt so amazing you could eat them. All the lotions could be gift wrapped and looked so beautiful you wouldn’t want to take them out of the packet! In the end I settled for two bars of their indulgence soap and a tub of the sugar  scrub in enchanted garden. I will defiantly be scouting the website at Christmas time for gifts for family and friends and you can check them out as well on their website http://heavenlybubbles.co.uk/.
The next thing we found on our travels was a wonderful display of some of the most beautiful fairy gardens I have ever seen sold by Mrs Christmas. This women is super talented and makes these amazing nature themed fairy gardens, and of course when you have a fairy obsessed four year old this is not something you could just walk past. She had a wonderful range with both artificial and real plants all with their own unique figures and scenes. These are just so beautifully made you can see all the hard work that has gone into each one. Best of all there was not only pre-made ones, there were kits as well full of everything you need to make your own wonderful fairy garden at home! 
This has defiantly given us some inspiration to extend our fairy garden even further so we can add some more fairy friends. You can check out more of these wonderful products on her etsy store https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/CraftyMrsChristmas
So once we got the fairy’s garden we obviously had to find a fairy to live there, so it was lucky when we found a lovely lady that was selling fairy’s in a jar! I really can not tell you how amazing these are and after much deliberation I did finally settle on one and not hundreds! My daughter is absolutely enchanted by this and really believes that there is a fairy inside. Not only that as they come with a little LED tea light this looks amazing with the other candles and would look lovely outside on these lovely hot summer nights. Again another super talented lady who was more then happy to explain how they were made and which was the best way to do them.
While we were trooping round the stalls the kids started to get a little grumpy, shopping is not their idea of fun especially when there was lots of things they were defiantly NOT aloud to touch, so while we were browsing they were whisked off by nanny to the kids sections doing lots of arts and crafts activities for free and most impressively there was something there for all kids ages, so while my son at 2 was able to destroy some paper and stick random feathers on, my daughter at 4 was able to make some lovely craft work to take home and they both walked away with cat faces.
Overall it was lovely day out and we all left feeling very full and very tried! If you feel like a trip out have a look at their Facebook page for all their upcoming events!  https://www.facebook.com/craftyvintage/
Hope you all had an awesome weekend and enjoy the sunshine while its here!
RedLipstickLove XoX
Craft Vintage Haul! Has it not truly been an amazing weekend? In our area of the world we have been enjoying some wonderful sunshine which just made the Accrington Food festival and crafty vintage fair the place to be this weekend.
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May Favorites!
Hello everyone and welcome to my May faves list! There was so much that I wanted to talk about in this post because there was a lot that I liked this month, but to be honest there was not a lot of make-up products that I had got that I really loved. So this is a mixture of 4 make-up, home wear and the books that I have been crushing on this month. Collection Galactica Lip Butter – I know I am…
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Hey guys! and welcome back to another fun filled post ;)
I love love LOVE reading these post and having a noisy at what everyone else carries around with them on a daily basis, so I thought that I would share as well! Today I did my work bag… because I spend my life at work :( So lets get started…
Of course the most essential part of my bag is my make-up bag. Due to my job being people based I try and make sure that my make-up is topped up through out the day and so I just have a small make-up bag which never leave my work bag. This I snatched at super drug for free when I bought something else, I don’t know what it was, but its a cute little bag and TOTALLY WASHABLE!
And here is what is in the little bag. Starting from the left is my mineral magic powder which for an as seen on TV product is pretty dam good. Don’t get me wrong it is advertised as a stand alone foundation, which it is totally shit for, however it is a really good powder and I normally use it to just top up through the day. Next is the miss sporty concealer which ended up in this bag because I liked it, however I just found a concealer I liked better for my morning routine so this one got related to the work bag. Next is my mini clique lipstick in “Cherry Pop” Which always lived in my bag. If I am going somewhere straight from work and need a bit of glam this is perfect to just take my make-up to a night level. I actually got this as a sample on the front of a mag but actually love if and it is the prefect size for my handbag!  And last but not least is my Crabtree and Evelyn rosewater hand moisturizer. This was a gift for Christmas and smell fucking amazing. 
Last and certainly not least is this little lady which is actually a lip balm for chapped lips. Due to wearing a lot of lipstick sometimes my lips can feel super dry and this is where this gal comes in because I can just smooth her across my lips for a little bit of softness with out all the icky sticky you get with some balms. To be honest I have no idea what brand she is or where she came from other then I spotted her all on her tod and the pound shop and kinda felt sorry for her. Now I, for some reason, have become slightly attached to her and carry her everywhere with me like my little mascot…
P.S She smells like apples…
  Ladies, if my mother ever taught me one thing about work it would be to ALWAYS carry deodorant on you. Not body spray DEODORANT.  A lot of my jobs entails swapping informal appointments to formal meetings, and if you are stinky it aint right good. Don’t get me wrong it’s not like it is going to make a difference but it will effect your confidence if you are worried that people think you smell. Its a fact.
          Say hello to my favorite man in the whole wide world, Mr Tetley. I am a huge tea lover thanks to my Dad, who always had to have proper tea, and one of my main loves is green tea. Being unable to have dairy and working in the community means the 9 times outta 10 when I am offered a brew I have to turn it down, so to overcome this issue I always have a pack of green tea in my bag. Yes I get laughed at for carrying my own tea but most just think its a funny quirk XD.
The other drinks item I always carry around with me is one of these little juice dropper thingy me bobs. No matter where I go I have a bottle of water one me, It is actually one of my coping mechanisms for my anxiety. However drinking water all day cant get a little fucking boring to say the least so I just put a few drops of this in to get some juice… sorted.
I have a wide range of flavors of this and they come in so many more but this raspberry lemonade is one of my all time favorites, mainly because its pink…
        The next thing that I always have in my bag is a book of some sort. At the moment I am reading “The Kings Sister” by Ann O’Brian. I have to say right now I am totally loving this book. I am struggling to put it down and I love it when you get so wrapped up in a book that you can not wait to start reading it again. I always try to read on my lunch brake to take away the temptation of working through it and it gets me away from my desk for half an hour which is always a good practice to get into. I of course also have 2 planners, my work one which I keep all the dates of my meetings and appointments in and my personal one which has all the birthdays in and all that jazz. I try to always keep the 2 separate so my work life doesn’t slip into my personal life.
And that my lovlies is all the things that I carry around with me on a day to day basis. Hope you enjoyed this post!
  Whats In my Bag… Hey guys! and welcome back to another fun filled post ;) I love love LOVE reading these post and having a noisy at what everyone else carries around with them on a daily basis, so I thought that I would share as well!
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Getting my hair cut 😺
Getting my hair cut 😺
There is nothing I hate more in life then getting my hair cut… I love almost all the stereotypical girly stuff, but getting my hair cut is not one of them. There are so many reasons why I hate it. One is that to say I live in a pretty small town there is a large number of hairdressers and every time I find one that I like they either do something to really upset me (story to come) or they…
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