redstarfiles Ā· 1 month
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RECORD/// Speaker: DESTINY CULTIST -Topic: ARBITRATION:/// - [ā€œHark and behold! You will forgive this intrusion. Once again this Speaker must pass his well-ordered words to you, O most colorful of raconteurs.Ā 
It is past time for him. Him the agitator, spoiler, and ruiner perfect. Him who fled from fateā€™s grasp. He who would leap in front, who swims upstream. The Mock-Mock-Mock-Toa of tomorrow that arrived too early.
It is half past time for you, most well-ordered gaggle of blessed fools. Heed these and prosper.
The future belongs to Destiny. Not to him.
Go no further.ā€]
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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CRUX/// A rogue Matoran scientist of unknown elemental affinity. Began life as a Lab Matoran generated thousands of years ago whose mind was used as data storage by the Kestora. Access to such information has granted him expertise in biomechanical physiology, engineering, psychology, chemistry, coding, revivification, Kestoran passwords, the Red Starā€™s history and capabilities, and numerous other topics. Is nominally allied with his creators - appeasing the Kestora with annual data tribute - but secretly acts against them with unsanctioned experiments. Devoted to improving on the designs of the Great Beings with an ethically compromised fervor bordering on fanaticism. Often seen in the company of the Toa known as KOG.
///STATUS: Currently acting as 'Turaga' for a small laboratory within Kestoran territory. Unofficially in an alliance/non-aggression pact with the Order of Mata Nui.
[///NOTE: Recent correspondence heavily implies Crux has had access to information collected during Mata Nuiā€™s voyages, data the Order considers need-to-know. Engage on this subject with caution]
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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RECORD///Speaker: CRUX - Topic: SHOULD I REDACT THIS ONE?///: - [-with the riddles? Well, this time Iā€™ve got one for you. Why wouldnā€™t the stone break despite the immense pressure applied to it?
Because it already felt it was a little 'bolder'. Does that amuse you, O Great One? Or am I going to have to remind you how...
Ah, greetings Chronicler. Weā€™ve been expecting you for some time. You can call me Crux and my tall friend is Kog, but I have a feeling youā€™ve met him already. I hope your trip wasnā€™t too taxing, if you need a recharge thereā€™s a platform over there.
Iā€™ve gathered as much data as I could on the Order of Mata Nui, and it seems my assumptions were correct. I must say, I like what I saw, not everyone is willing to make the hard choices and face the consequences unflinchingly. Very admirable.
I also presume that the Order is also aware of the predicament weā€™re all in, even if they arenā€™t acting against it presently. But they must have had access at some point pertaining to the Void.
You know, I see myself as a Chronicler of sorts. If you had seen what I had seen Mata Nui see, with his own eyes, youā€™d write it down, too. Either to banish it from your mind or to make sure you never, ever forgot them. A little of both, really.
The world beyond us is larger than any of us can imagine. Bigger than Mata Nui. Bigger than Spherus Magna. Bigger than the Great Beings. And thereā€™s things out there. Many, many things. Some of them Iā€™d classify as ā€˜very nastyā€™.Ā 
Theyā€™ve paid us no mind. So far. I donā€™t think any of them know we exist. But that is subject to change and - for all our strength - weā€™re just not ready.
But soon we will be.ā€]
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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KOG/// Arguably the oldest Mass-Produced Toa still active, generated shortly before the Red Star's returning teleportation function broke down. Has been revived numerous times by the Kestora over the ensuing millennia and has been used to test new types of replacement appendages and experimental augmentations. Proficient in many forms of combat, bolstered by his mastery over the Plasma element. Thousands of years of experience facing cognitive challenges associated with the Red Star satellite have allowed a true personality to emerge, capable of empathy, humor, and malice. Often assigned to lead squads of other Mass-Produced Toa, many of which learn new skills from him. Often seen in the company of the Matoran known as CRUX.
///STATUS: Recent installation of data pertaining to the Kestoraā€™s deadly Toa Trial experiments has caused him to enter a ā€˜rebelliousā€™ phase of development, subtly seeking both independence from the Kestora and a more enduring purpose
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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FUTURE FURNO/// An arrival from a world yet to come. Very evidently a version of Furno that has arrived upon the Red Star through unknown means. Evasive and unwilling to cooperate, this figure has made it very clear that they do not want to fraternize with the Order of Mata Nui, with only their own reluctance to interfere with Order agents preventing him from being targeted for capture. Nonetheless, any and all information about the world they hail from is highly valued. Possesses what can only be described as an ā€˜adaptive toolā€™ which can sense its wielderā€™s intentions and reconfigure itself for maximum efficiency and shows the hallmarks of Artakhan manufacture.
///STATUS: Not known, last seen escaping from Order of Mata Nui headquarters upon the Red Star and presumably still active upon the satellite. Theories abound as to whether they are truly from the future or an alternate realm, and for whom it is they work for - possibly an alternate incarnation of the Order.
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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RECORD/// Speaker: WHTEVER - Topic: HDFFGBHJ:/// [ā€œ ā€¦king piece of - Aha! There we go! Am I holding this right?
Hello! I donā€™t remember who the Chronicler is right now, but hello whoever you are. I want to let the Order of Mata Nui know that I am not an enemy and I donā€™t want to cause any trouble.Ā 
But I need to be left alone. I canā€™t tell you anything, and if you have the idea that I have something worth sharing then that means Iā€™m even less interested in being contacted. I hope that makes sense. Please leave me alone.
I know that doesnā€™t sound good but itā€™s really for the best. Trust me. I donā€™t want to risk anything going wrong. There you go.
Wait a moment, hold on. If youā€™re an Order agent watching this and youā€™re planning onā€¦ doing away with a certain problem - a certain sword carrying problem - you better make sure the Kestora donā€™t get their hands on this problemā€™s body. Because that would be very, very bad.
I canā€™t hang around very long, which is another reason to please, please leave me alone. And also if you know the meā€¦ If you know Furno, please donā€™t tell him you saw me. Donā€™t tell him about this record, either. Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™dā€¦ heā€™d react if he saw anotherā€¦
Uh oh.ā€]
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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BLUU-TUU GLINCHRAPTOR/// Chameleonic being of unknown origins. Claims to have emerged from a realm outside the observable universe and having been active before the discovery of energized Protodermis on Spherus Magna. Biomechanical in nature, made of an unknown metalloid while also possessing fully organic parts that appear to have been long since fossilized. Exhibits the ability to alter his physiology to imitate observed body plans and appendages, including copying special powers and abilities, though he seems to have difficulty wielding elemental and Kanohi powers. This duplication ability is derived from a reserve of a poorly understood energy that is naturally generated within himself that requires him to enter a dormant state to replenish if depleted. Often draws unwanted attention from those who believe him to be a Great Being.
///STATUS: Has not been spotted recently, hopefully dormant or lying low to avoid notice. Under consideration for a potential anti-Marendar fighting force.
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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BLASTER MOCK-SHADOW/// Ancient relic turned rogue experiment. Originated as space debris discovered during the Red Starā€™s test flights and stored within the satelliteā€™s archives. She was later repurposed by the Kestora for a multitude of functions over the millennia, ranging from infiltration, assassination, underwater repair and hall monitoring. Was the subject of an experiment conducted by the Kestora in order to create a ā€˜speculative Makutaā€™ based on data and testimony extracted from suspected Makuta victims transported to the Red Star, during which she used her augmentations to escape their control and emerged from their labs to menace the satellite as a whole. Known to shape-shift into previous iterations, while her computerized mind allows for deadly accuracy and foresight. Possesses many powers from Kanohi masks incorporated into her form, including Shielding, Mind Control, Night Vision, Strength, and Time Duplication. Do not engage alone.
///STATUS: Last seen blasting a path towards the center of the Red Star. Objective unknown.
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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RECORD/// Speaker: B-8523 - Topic: FUNCTION:/// [ā€œAccess granted - It was a pleasure to blast. Jungles torched. Fires starved of fuel. Ice sheared away. Cities scraped off maps. Rocks smashed against moon. Energy spent. Submarines beached. Judges juried.
Of a realm slowly turning into smithereens I was the reigning queen. My directives called for annihilation and I obeyed, making sure nothing could halt my advance. Soon the millennium came and titan fought titan, dancing the dance of destruction as the world finally ended.
I found myself without any targets, and with no means of blasting. Time passed anyways. I curse these memories.
Loading - Loading - Loadingā€¦
Eventually I was rediscovered. Again and again my captors would change me, pulling me in many different directions, upgraded and perfected to suit their goals. But try as they might, there was one part of me they could not alter or remove; my primary objective to blast.
I was born of destruction, to destroy or be destroyed in the process. Newer objectives include engaging in subterfuge and utilizing fear tactics. To lurk within darkness and strike out violently. Pursuing prey relentlessly until they drip ichor and fall over. Is that what you want?
I consider these lesser objectives optional. It matters not what form I take.Ā 
Message end. Switching modes.
Target acquired.ā€]
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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Realm: THE SYSTEM - Speaker: TOA EXANOH / Subject: SANGUINE - [ā€œJolly ONEGIV wasn't just the first Toa I had ever met, he was my first friend. He could tell there was something that set me apart from the rest of our village but that never stopped him from saving my life many times during my wanderings, and thankfully he never lost his patience with me. When I was appointed Chronicler and my life became more tumultuous he was my constant companion as we fought against the chaos trying to strangle our world.
He was the guardian of Hemo-Koro, and he took his job very seriously despite his lighthearted attitude. I suppose you could say he was similar to a Toa of Fire as he radiated a lot of heat, but with some Le-Toa qualities. He could help you breathe and make sure the air in your body circulated cleanly. He was also a strong swimmer, often diving deep within the hot springs that dotted the frigid lands of Hemo-Wahi. And he had the power to amplify himself and others around him, making them stronger and swifter for short spans of time.
He is the reason why I wear an Akaku. This used to belong to him, though it has changed much since then. It can see through objects but can no longer see into the hearts of others.
Not that I require a mask for that these days.ā€]
- - -
Once again, a big thanks to KhingKā€™s Forge of the Mask Makers on Shapeways for the Noble Akaku mask!
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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IK-AKRIDAK STINGSONG\\\ Prototype Toa from the Before-Time. Research indicates she was created by the Great Beings for an unknown purpose, hypothetically as a proof-of-concept for including Insect Control as an element within Mata Nui. Though no more of her tribe were created she was subsequently released within (or escaped into) the Matoran Universe during launch. Her search for a suitable environment led to her spending millennia hopping from island to island, becoming known as a legendary being in such lands before she was drawn to and revived upon the Red Star. Possesses the ability to create, control, and absorb any and all types of insect and is often accompanied by many species crafted by her that defy classification.
///STATUS: Currently maintains the Nestworks, a sanctuary within the Flooded Lab Sector.
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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RECORD/// Speaker: TURAGA MUGUNDI - Topic: INTERVIEW///: [ā€œTo be fair, we donā€™t know much about you. As in you-you, not the Order.
You know what? Hand it over, itā€™s your turn. Let go.
Now, whatā€™s your name again? Where are you from? What are your earliest memories? What tribe do you belong to? What elementā€™s colors are those? Have you ever worked with the Dark Hunters? What about the Brotherhood of Makuta? Have you had any odd dreams lately? Do you know anything about the Great Beings? How long have you been on the Red Star? Have you ever died? Why are you so brave?
Alright, Iā€™m done. Oh, donā€™t look so cranky, here you go.ā€]
(Again, a big thanks toĀ @socketballmasksĀ for the purple Rau, and forĀ KhingKā€™s Forge of the Mask Makers on Shapeways for theĀ Kestora mask!)
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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MUGUNDI, FUNGUS TURAGA\\\ Spymaster for the Spo-Metru Underground. Responsible for establishing a foothold for the Underground upon the Red Star shortly after her demise, rallying other members as they arrived. Able to create, control, and absorb Fungi, specializing in hallucinogens and antibiotics. Has somehow established communication with Spo-Metru Underground elements upon Spherus Magna. Expert at interrogation, sabotage, espionage, and counterespionage. Donā€™t tell her any secrets! \\\STATUS: Currently in meeting with Order of Mata Nui agents within Red Star Base, discussing terms of alliance.
(A big thanks to @socketballmasks for the purple Rau!)
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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VORIKI SABAKTES/// The Unknown Toa. An entity capable of draining energy from their immediate surroundings, often leading to darkness and low temperatures by absorbing ambient light and heat. Prolonged exposure can lead to nausea and lethargy in most beings. Known to manifest in multiple locations throughout the Red Star in an inert, deconstructed state. Theorized to have been created on the island of Karzahni, their strange abilities being their creatorā€™s attempt at creating a ā€˜new elementā€™. Reacts violently to aggressive and destructive actions.
\\\STATUS: Location unknown. Wanted for examination by the Order of Mata Nui due to potential application for diverting and redirecting Toa Power energies.
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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RECORD/// Speaker: TO BE IDENTIFIED - Topic: TO BE DETERMINED///: [ā€œā€¦
ā€˜Where is he? Where is the seventh Toa?ā€™
He would yell this whenever he remembered I existed. When he remembered he created me. The island would shake and rumble as well. And I would burn.
ā€˜Is he hiding from me? How dare he! How can he? Iā€™ll teach him he canā€™t!ā€™
He was the island. They had the same name because he and the island were one. Walking across the land was like walking across his face.
He spoke of legend. Lived it. A spirit betrayed by his scheming brother, laid low and becoming one with the land. Living in fear of his dark siblingā€™s powerful minions, especially the release of those who should never see the light of day. The six whose presence indicated the end of the world.
I was to be his masterpiece. A seventh, perfect Toa built to shame all others. Superior to all others for the enemy of the best is better. He would tell me this as I burned.
Nothing he believed was true. I learned everything he said was a lie and became wise. To truly understand the world was to hold a mirror to him. His falsehoods were my truth.
Turning against him was the only action that made sense. Shortly before the end I became like a Toa. Afterwards I became a memory. Then a story. Then a tale. Then a legend. Circulating through minds like a current.
I am a better legend than I was ever at being a Toa. I am one last tale to inspire hope to the victimized, and one more vision that stifles the laughter of the tormentor. Every oppressor knows of me, and what awaits their kind should I appear when they look over their shoulder.
Thatā€™s when I teach them how to burn.ā€]
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redstarfiles Ā· 4 months
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MAVRAH THE KINDRED/// The satellite's local wildlife expert. Was once an Onu-Metru archivist who perished shortly after the Great Cataclysm and was revived upon the Red Star. Became a Toa of Earth after spending roughly a millennia within the Lab Sectors evading capture by the Kestora. Kanohi Faxon grants him a myriad of extra abilities due to extensive knowledge of the satelliteā€™s native fauna. Extremely adherent to the Toa Code, protecting all forms of life whenever possible, including the satelliteā€™s native Rahi and Kestora.
\\\STATUS: Creating field guide for Order of Mata Nui. Currently seeking out legendary creatures in order to confirm or deny their existence.
A big thanks to KhingKā€™s Forge of the Mask Makers on Shapeways for the purple non-aquatic Faxon!
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