neon-ufo · 8 months
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the end of a legend
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crystaltoa · 1 year
Do you think Matoran have a concept of twins?
Like, sometimes you just get a pair of Matoran that are almost always near each other and have a striking similarity in some way, either in their appearance or in aspects of their personality. Not necessarily best friends, they may even be outright antagonistic to each other sometimes, but inseparable nonetheless. You don't include one of them in something and leave the other out, that would just be rude.
Other Onu-Matoran often make fun of Onepu's vanity. He's the only Matoran in the village to own a mirror. Occasionally, others have turned up at his hut to find him talking to it. Apparently. he sometimes calls it "brother."
Onepu knows that it's silly for a highly accomplished Matoran of his age to have an imaginary friend, and perhaps a bit vain for that imaginary friend to look very much like himself. But hey, everyone has their little quirks, right? And while he likes being one of a kind, he sometimes thinks life would be much more interesting if his mirror-brother was real.
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sammykat2hb-blog · 8 months
A Whenua headcanon I got after reading Voyage of Fear:
In his flashback sequence about Mavrah, Whenua seems to be a biologist or zoologist. He’s one of only three people studying dinosaurs/sea monsters in an extremely secret project, so he clearly knows his stuff.
But when we meet Whenua later he’s an “archivist” — a broad title, but he seems like more of a librarian. He mentions cataloguing. Toa Lhikan finds him doing what looks like data entry on an exhibit of nondescript mechanical bits.
After Whenua almost died on the job, after the project was scrapped and Mavrah vanished (presumed dead), when all he and Onepu could do was mourn privately and keep their mouths shut…I bet Whenua transferred himself to a different field.
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ctrl-alt-tahu · 5 months
Nuparu's Longing
Somewhere around his 30,000th year, Nuparu reckoned, he'd forgotten how to make friends. Not that he'd ever had many, but there had been a time, when was a newly-minuted Onu-Matoran going through training in Ga-Metru, when it had seemed like you were just thrown together with people and before you realised it, you were friends. When he returned to Onu-Metru with the incoming class of Onu-Matoran to their first assignments, it had seemed like this was just how life worked: you were thrown together with others like you, you spent time together, and then you were friends.
But no one else was thrown together with him when he first started to experiment with Kralhi, and even Mavrah talked to him less after that. Officially, Nuparu was still on the roster as a Rahi Receiving Official at the Onu-Metru dockyard, but the Kralhi project had been commissioned by the Turaga, so the shifts became fewer and more infrequent until they had vanished altogether. It was thrilling work, engineering the enforcers, and then frantic work, when they failed and had to be decommissioned. By the time Nuparu emerged from that debacle to again take a normal shift, several hundred years had passed, and he no longer had friends, only acquiantances--and Mavrah.
And that was enough. Nuparu didn't seek social gatherings, either those for Onu-Matoran alone, or those for the entire city at the Coliseum, content to do his work and his research, and he avoided the elbow-rubbing of neighbours at shops or in the streets, preferring to be "efficient": going to the market dark off-hours or having things delivered outside his residence. The neighbours--by now mostly more newly-made Onu-Matoran who had never known him in a normal setting, knew him only as the infamous inventor of the Krahli.
It didn't bother Nuparu when Mavrah stopped visiting. At first he didn't notice. They were still friendly; he just wasn't interested in the Rahi-centric pursuits that Mavrah was now getting up to with Whenua and Onepu. And he was getting busy again: Turaga Dume, almost alone in the city, didn't see him as the failed inventor of "Nuparu's folly." Instead, he saw Nuparu as a brilliant mind who alone had the talent to engineer the Vahki. With a little more guidance from Dume and with Nuparu learning from his failures, the Vahki would be everything the Kralhi had been meant to be.
When the Vahki were finally commissioned and the tinkering had ended, Nuparu had not seen Mavrah in so many decades that even he discerned that theirs might no longer be an active friendship, perhaps only a past association, and Nuparu considered that while he regretted the end of their camaraderie and their chat, he couldn't imagine a way to say that to Mavrah, especially as Mavrah clearly didn't need him: after all, Mavrah had done nothing either to tie them back together. He was happier in his new pursuits with Whenua and Onepu.
So Nuparu was along, and the Vahki were deployed, and Nuparu was both lonely and idle, for though Dume kept him employed as the Vahki technician, it was infrequent work fixing damaged units and adjusting subroutines to please the Turaga. Without a task or a great puzzle to employ him, Nuparu felt keenly his isolation, but it was a problem he could not fix, that he could not imagine fixing. Instead he hoped for a puzzle that might distract him and give him again a sense of purpose.
It did not come, but disaster did. Mavrah was lost. When at last he was declared dead, there was a memorial at the Coliseum. Those who wished to pay their respects, those who remembered him, came and laid a hand on a faded Pakari and left a candle to burn out. There were already dozens of candles burning when Nuparu made his way across the great arena at the end of the vigil hours. There was only one face he recognised.
"It's been a long time, Nuparu," said Whenua, and there might have been a trace of judgement in the words, though perhaps it was just banter. "There aren't many of us left who remember Onu-Metru before they dug the North Gallery. My newest assistant was promoted before he ever realised it wasn't part of the original plan."
"There are so few chances to speak of the past," said Nuparu, who could scarce imagine a rotating cast of assistants. "The future is ever beckoning."
"Well, some of us help it along, don't we," said Whenua, and it definitely seemed like he might be saying something. "Of course, in the old days, a little more idle chatter was permitted."
"Is it not permitted now?" asked Nuparu, unclear what Whenua meant.
"Loiter during work hours with friends and see how the Rorzahk feel about it," said Whenua, and the Rorzahk's inventor squirmed a little.
"I don't have friends," said Nuparu, quietly, though Whenua heard him. "Not anymore…" He looked at Mavrah's memorial. "Once…" He stopped. "I wish…" Then he sighed. "Friends came easily, once, but I let them slip away just as easily. Now they are all gone."
It wasn't that long after Mavrah's memorial, as the Matoran reckoned things, that things came apart at last. Living alone and rarely consulted, Nuparu did not complain when the Vahki came, even for him, but followed them to the Coliseum almost eagerly: he was ready to be thrown in with the other Matoran, no distinction being made. That is how friendships form. Only with a hint of misgiving did he enter his pod, and then all was forgotten.
Nuparu might have been the oldest Onu-Matoran left, Turaga Whenua mused to himself, looking at his villagers on the shores of the new island. Nuparu had been shielded from the dangers of Onu-Metru by his removal to his strange fate. Whenua had never known him well, and still found that he disliked him a little, unable to forget that the odd inventor had made the Vahki, but as he watched Nuparu and the other Onu-Matoran mingling, he shook his head.
He's as young as any of them now. They're all young. And if Turaga Whenua had his way, they would all grow old too. Nuparu would have to just be a normal Matoran with a normal job, though--Whenua wasn't about to set him apart. He'd just have to mingle with the village and work shoulder-to-shoulder with the rest of them.
Neither he nor Nuparu knew it, but this was exactly what Nuparu had long wanted. This is how friendships are formed.
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randomwriteronline · 3 months
The anguish is dull, distant, indistinct. The muscle pulled off the bone by ill-chosen equipment would be so much worse in any other cirumstance, but not now. Not like this.
A door opens. The room freezes over. Fast angry steps crack the ice beneath them as the Kestora tries to pry his frozen feet from the pavement - his mostly organic body is slammed against the operating table, the back of his head comes into view. His chest is held by someone a little too far back to be visible from this angle, with a hiss that condenses the air in a frigid cloud as he squirms.
"Put him back together this instant or I'll freeze your limbs until they fall off."
"Which - which - which one would fall first?"
The sound of frost creaking to life: "Are you so keen to find out?"
The Kestora shakes his head. He is turned around harshly, and he sets to work frantically: he pulls away the stakes, sews back the organic fibers, closes the chest and stomach, reattaches the joints... The second he is done a white hand grabs him and throws him away - his scuttling across the icy floor as he makes his escape goes unnoticed by the white visage that enters the field of vision, focused as it is on what it looks at with some kind of horrified relief in his blue eye, the other hidden under a battered scope. A mask with a broken visor clicks into place on the unmoving face: its power seeps into the laying frame with a faint tingling sensation. Fingers rest gently on the orange brainstalk.
"Pohatu," the Toa of Ice calls, "Pohatu, please, get up."
The body sits up in complete silence. The Toa looks it over without talking, awfully antsy, checking if the repairs have been done correctly, if there is anything that could cause it pain when it will inevitably stand up and walk; his own armor bears signs of extensive modifications after what probably was a terrifying fight. At last he carefully holds one of the limp hands in his own and pulls towards himself: no reaction.
"Get up," the Toa insists, "I'm taking you home."
The body stands up.
There is a Matoran in the room. Black body, purple Mask of Strength, dim eyes: revived Onu-Matoran. He looks at the figure standing still with a dull expression: "What are you doing?"
"He is my brother," the Toa replies: "I'm taking him with us. I'm taking him home."
The Matoran stares at the silent being and says nothing.
They walk through the winding labyrinthine corridors, through the swarms of Matoran wailing to be allowed to work, the Turaga struggling to herd them in spare rooms, the Toa roaming restlessly through the halls, the Skakdi attacking everything they cannot recognize, the beings crawling along the floors still half mangled as they struggle to function even in such a sorry state for they cannot work otherwise and to work is all they were ever made for, the Kestora chasing anything that moves in a frenzied need to vivisect. Nothing has a mind of its own, not anymore, not so far from the quiet whispered riddles of a god: still the Toa of Ice perseveres deeper into the dedalus curling around him, holding the Matoran in his arms and gripping the mostly limp hand like a lifeline as he drags the silent body behind himself.
The Turaga without a mask, roped into following along, looks at it with a dull expression: "There is no need for that."
"He is my brother," the Toa replies: "I'm taking him home."
The Turaga stares at the silent being and says nothing.
The halls are longer, longer, numbingly long. The Matoran are antsy. They need to work. They need to work. They need to work. They were made to work, and they were repaired to work, but they cannot reach work, so what must they do? The Turaga herd the together, crush them against one another, but they are antsy too. They were made to supervise, they were made to guide, they were made to coordinate, but they cannot do any of it like this. The Turaga tell the Matoran to work: the Matoran, with no other option, dismantle to create.
They dismantle themselves to make Toa. They dismantle Toa to make Turaga. They dismantle Turaga to make themselves. They dismantle Skakdi to make fish. They dismantle Vortixx to make snakes. They dismantle Kestora to make horrors left undescribable. They pick up pieces of broken bretheren to create tools, anything, anything, to busy themselves with work, for there is nothing else they were ever made for except work. They do not fight when they are struck by the Kestora's disabling tools - they go down pliantly, trembling from the shock, allowing themselves to be dragged away to be torn open without any of their siblings to notice or care as the work absorbs their every thought. The only way to escape from the torture awaiting is to be found by a Toa, but Toa are seldom fighting. Most often they are seen standing idly, or laying limp, or wandering aimlessly, devoid of purpose and community and objective: their work was interrupted and their own existence is now incomprehensible to them, and they do not know or feel the prongs stabbing through them or the blades opening their bodies. They retaliate to violence distractedly, without intention behind their automatic movements, strike down to their hearts' content. Nothing is ever dead for long anyways; death left this place long ago anyways.
The sharp-toothed beast that struggles to pull himself upright, let alone teleport successfully, looks at the body dragging its feet numbly while it is pulled along with such impossible affection with a dull expression: "A diversion?"
"He is my brother," the Toa replies: "I'm taking him home."
The sharp-toothed beast stares at the silent being and says nothing.
There are so many he wants to bring along. If he could, he would drag the whole thing down, so they could all breathe in the open air again, learn to be people again: but he can't, and so he brings along only those he can - those he, so desperately selfishly, wants to bring along. The weight in his palm is comforting, it is a promise he has made, an apology, a remedy to something that would have been final, a thread he so desperately wants to collect and spin back into its spool, unraveled and clean and perfect: a good ending, a proper ending, the ending that should have been. He will bring his brother back home and things will be fine. Now that things are a little easier, now that Teridax is gone, he will bring his brother back home and he will understand. They will help him and he will be fine. He will be with them again. Things will be fine again. Like they should have always been, if only he'd spoken a little better, explained a little better, been a little gentler, been a little clearer. He failed his brother twice and he will not fail him again. He will not fail him again. He will save him, this time. He will. He will. He has to. He will. He has to.
The room is crimson, pulsing, buried deep within the structure like a horrifying heart, and the exit is there, right there, just not working, just not working yet. The Toa stands side by side with the dull figure whose hand he refuses to part from, guarding the door, as the smaller beings work on the commands and the large one forces the teleporter wide enough for the four of them through his mere brute force, while the howling shrieks of the Kestora come closer and closer to the only entrance. The bright ends of their tools spark with electricity, crackling madly as they come closer, closer, closer -
A loud buzzing sputter fills the room as the barely functional machine wheezes awake, its intermittent glow slowly picking up the pace. The Matoran jumps into it, the sharp-toothed beast approaches it; the Turaga turns to the remaining two beings, settling his eyes on the quieter warrior.
"Fight them!" he orders.
The body lurches thoughtlessly forward towards its doom. The Toa loses his grasp on the until now unresponsive hand.
He tries to follow in a desperate attempt to pull the figure back, to drag it to the teleporter and leave with him, with him - but a strong arm yanks him away harshly, securing him in the sharp-toothed beast's grasp as he crawls into the pod; the Toa screams, screams, squirming to escape, as he watches powerless his brother seize when a burst of electricity passes through the orange armor and the stocky build falls onto the floor shaking slightly from the charge as though struck by rigor mortis, and he screams and screams and reaches out with both hands, to grasp him, calling, calling, calling desperately: "POHATU!"
He wishes he could see anything in his brother's gaze, he wishes he could hear anything said with his voice; he wishes he would move, reach back, respond, show him anything, any hint of his mind's state, any hint of feeling.
His wailing sob is met by empty eyes like a slaughtered animal.
Then Kopaka disappears, teleported away with the living corpses who followed him away in the last voyage back to life before the machine completely gives in, turning unusable beyond repair; Pohatu's body lays perfectly still, without thoughts nor will, as the Kestora grasp it in their small hands and drag it once more into the horrors of the Star to again break apart the vacuous shell his brother so vainly hoped would have still held even just a bit of the broken soul that had drowned in its own poison.
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turagapohatu · 1 year
Whenua: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Onewa: The friend of my friend is my enemy. Onewa: *looks at Mavrah* Onewa: Fuck you.
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enigma-actual-art · 9 months
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Matoran of Metru-Nui Mavrah
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What do we know about Mavrah? He wears a purple pakari, he loves Godzilla, and Greg doesn't think he should be dead.
Due to a lack of purple parts existing, I decided to make purple into his secondary color and support it with the wealth of black and dark bley parts. Which works for me, because Metru-Nui is full of dark bley.
I've NEVER liked the Metru matoran chest Dorito, so in an attempt to find something that would restrict articulation less I settled on the marginally better rahkshi foot. That will cause a lot of problems later if I find other metru build matoran I want in my collection since it only exists in a couple of dark colors.
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 1 year
I don't care that Mavrah canonically wore a purple Pakari; in my mind he had a dark-grey Noble Ruru.
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jujucomet · 1 year
Inspired by a prev reblog because I think it would be fun. What are your weirdest Bionicle ship?
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whiteheartlight · 5 months
do you think since Whenua is an archivist-biologist he used to be a huge fan of Makuta.... like the other Onu-Matoran hear screaming in his hut and come running but it's just because he heard about Antroz making a new species of bat. he has tried to sneak close to Teridax's lab before. Mavrah has a carving of a Makuta who specializes in marine life on his work desk. there are Rahi trading cards with the names of the Makuta who made them on them. Teridax is all mad Matoran don't appreciate Makuta, and clearly there's an idea of the Makuta as being frightening and dangerous, but the Onu-Matoran of Metru Nui kind of love their work honestly. here's a museum of your work so sprawling that Matoran die inside on the regular <3
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takuas-eyebrows · 3 months
man the toa metru do a lot of catching each other dont they
In Darkness Below, after being saved by Matau, Vakama is caught by Nokama while Matau is NOT caught by Whenua (who makes up for it by catching Matau in Voyage of Fear)
Vakama then returns the favor by catching Nokama in comic 19
Nokama also catches Nuju in Voyage of Fear when he’s swept away by Mavrah’s freak current
In Maze of Shadows, Onewa is caught by Nokama after falling off the Rahi Nui, only to catch Nokama after her fatal wound by the Rahi Nui
Also in Maze of Shadows, Nokama is caught by Matau after taming a giant mutant bug
Now that I’m writing this out, Nokama does a LOT of the catching and being caught, more so than the others
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arr-jim-lad · 1 year
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I love how when you read the Bionicle books there is a distinct switch where Matorans suddenly just start dying lmfao
Like they died before, Mavrah being an obvious example, but it was in special circumstances
Once we hit Voya Nui tho? Start that death count, babes
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crystaltoa · 1 year
Thinking about ages for Matoran, specifically the ones who would become Toa Metru.
All of them are fairly accomplished in their respective fields, so I imagine none of them are super young, but there are some things about each that make them seem older or younger. Additionally, some populations of Matoran are going to average out as older or younger depending on what kind of work they do and how often new Matoran of that type are needed
Matau- One of the younger ones. I imagine the Le-Matoran on Metru Nui are on average younger than most other populations due to their dangerous profession having a high turnover rate. Iruini taunts him that he probably believes the great spirit flies down the chutes on naming day, implying he was a very young Matoran, or at least is as naive as one.
Nokama- older, by virtue of being a teacher while Ga-Metru is predominantly populated by students. She probably attends courses herself every few years to extend her qualifications or keep up to date with the latest research. Ga-Matoran may have a higher replacement rate for non-fatal reasons than other Matoran types in Metru Nui if the schools have an exchange/transfer program that has Matoran leave to teach or do other work in other areas of the Matoran universe.
Whenua- Onu-Matoran average as one of the younger populations, but Whenua is one of the older ones out of that lot- Nuju thinks of him as "an old archivist" so he seems to give off that vibe of being older as far as others are concerned. He was also chosen by Dume to study the "first Rahi" along with Mavrah and Onepu. Mavrah seems to be older than him though.
Nuju- Ko-Matoran on average are older as they have a relatively safe lifestyle. He was presumably younger than Ihu though. Seems to think Whenua is old, possibly in relation to himself. May or may not be correct about this.
Onewa- older, given the variety of projects he's been involved with. A common fan theory is that he was around during the Matoran Civil War, which accounts for some of his animosity toward Vakama. This would put him at 80 000 years old, but there's no mention of him in relation to the event, and the animosity could well just be a cultural thing that resulted from the war.
Vakama: Younger. Not a lot of evidence to work off here. But I've listed most of the others as older so I'm mostly going off vibes again. I'd be curious to see if there's any other evidence others have found for his being older or younger than others.
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bomonga · 2 years
Quick list of all (known) powers a Faxon user could access
In case you were wondering just how overpowered this mask actually is.
Land Rahi:
Artakha Bull - Incredible intelligence
Boggarak - Rhotuka that rapidly dehydrates a target, skating on water
Cable Crawler - Rhotuka that causes vertigo in an enemy
Crystal Serpent - Absorbing light to power a heat ray
Dermis Turtle - Having an impenetrable shell
Dikapi - High endurance and stamina
Doom Viper - Breathing highly toxic chemicals at prey
Energy Hound - Tracking targets
Fader Bull - Teleporting to safety
Frost Leech - Sucking all the heat out of prey
Furnace Salamander - Clinging to any surface
Gate Guardian - Being invisible and making a smaller decoy of itself
Ice Vernin - Rhotuka that makes the target vibrate real hard
Kahgarak - Rhotuka that opens a gate to the Field of Shadows
Mavrah’s Kavinika - Detecting Kanohi use
Keelerak - Rhotuka that acidicly melts anything
Keetongu - Producing any antidote
Kikanalo - Powerful sonic roar
Kinloka - Eating anything
Kraawa - Growing larger every time it gets hit
Kratana - Seeing the future and the past
Lava Rat - Can burst into flames
Mana Ko - Firing energy blasts
Nui-Jaga - Venom that causes blindness
Oohnorak - Rhotuka that causes numbness, voice mimicking
Roporak - Near perfect camouflage
Spine Slug - Feeding off of Skakdi battle rage
Suukorak - Rhotuka that makes an electric net around a target, perfect mimicry of a corpse
Vako - Incredible speed
Aerial Rahi:
Air Serpent - Acid spitting
Avokah - Being a beam of electricity
Fireflyer - Stinging someone so bad they feel like they’re on fire
Kanohi Dragon - Breathing fire, being resistant to cold
Klakk - Sonic beam that cures Shadow Leech effects
Lava Hawk - Total immunity to extreme heat
Phase Dragon - Turning intangible
Venom Flyer - Rhotuka that makes a target unable to fly
Underwater/Amphibious Rahi:
Cave Fish - Absorb Protodermis to become bigger
Hydruka - Firing solidified air bubbles
Makika - Poisonous skin
Sea Spider - Venom that shrinks prey
Underground Rahi:
Archive Beast - Shapeshifting
Blade Burrower - Digging, good sense of smell
Catapult Scorpion - Materializing balls of magma, eating Protodermis
Dagger Spider - Having a paralyzing venom
Fire Entity - Being made entirely of fire
Hoto - Giving off intense heat
Krahka - Shapeshifting
Tunneler - Turning into whatever you shoot at it
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Ever since I read @herora-nuva​‘s post about Nuju and Vakama’s unexplored bond (in regards to Vakama’s visions of the future), I’ve been thinking both about this relationship and the one between Whenua and Vakama.
I‘ve been looking for some interesting moments between them. There are few but the two I found through a quick glance are really interesting.
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This scene’s from Trial by Fire, which I referenced in my reblog. 
Whenua: “Mavrah couldn’t see. He became so fixed on what he might be losing, he forgot to look ahead to all the future might have held for him.”
Nuju: “He tried to hide away from the world.”
Vakama: “But the world always finds you.” (From Voyage of Fear)
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randomwriteronline · 3 months
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heaps of humanized bonkles, some newer, some older - ft. all toa mangai and a few members of the order of mata nui
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