redtomatofan · 2 years
hey you may not remember me at all (im cheeto!!) and i just wanted to thank u for your art like 4-5 years ago. it got me through a rough time and i just wanted to thank you before i set off from tumblr again <3
I do remember you, yeah! Thank you for sending this message Cheeto, it's nice to know I was able to help someone through my silly artz ❤️ I hope you're doing alright! Happy belated Holidays and all the best in the upcoming year, mmmwah! 💋
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redtomatofan · 2 years
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🎁 How to sign up: send us an email at [email protected] with ‘GYFTMAS2022’ as the title, and wait for our reply! Remember to read our rules first!
🎁 Don’t forget to join the server with the link at the end of the form!
🎁IMPORTANT🎁 If you realize you forgot something in your application, DO NOT SEND OUT A NEW ONE. Contact us on Tumblr, Twitter, or at [email protected].
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redtomatofan · 2 years
Welcome, welcome!!!
It's a real fun event my lovely brosephskis, care to join us to make it EVEN BETTER??
🎄 The Gyftmas Event returns! 🎄
🎁 This year’s edition is once again strictly 18+, so minors are not allowed. It will be hosted by 6 mods @sin-cognito, @absurdmageart, @soloshikigami, @redtomatofan, @lagt-duck, and @/Mirai!
🎁 Applications will open on November 1st (tuesday)!
🎁 Stay tuned for more info very soon!
Find us on Twitter!
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redtomatofan · 2 years
I miss you Red and also our BloodSugar hype we had. I still ship BloodSugar but more platonic brotherly love on the classic set. Weird huh?! Anyways Baby Glou sends you kisses and would like to be carried. Sugar approved due to Blood being out. I still be wary. 👀👀👀👀
I miss you too Fanfic ❤️ I loved our long talks about them boys, it was always so fun.
Oh man, that's a great dynamic as well! Sometimes I actually even prefer that dynamic, depending on the scenario I have in my head. There is something so amazing to me in deep platonic relationships. I just love me some of that devotion to the other person without any need for romance or sex 🔥
Awh, baby Glou, the precious little star! I have enough courage to boop him on the nose hahah.
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redtomatofan · 2 years
Did you have a porn comic where Papyrus was a porn star, and Sans jacked off to it? If so could you link it?
I did! I deleted it since Tumblr banned pr0n but never uploaded it on any other sites since I am unbelievably embarrassed of my artistic skills back then and the convoluted and stretched out plot I created fndnnd.
I don't mind sending the comic in PMs to peeps who really want to see it again but I need a proof you're not a minor to do that 👌
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redtomatofan · 2 years
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Random post! I know this account is barely alive but I'm still gonna surprise-post things here from time to time hueheheh.
So I fell for Error WHO CAN BLAME ME HE'S PERFECT 🔥❤️
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redtomatofan · 2 years
Hello friend! You're awesome!
I'm sorry for slow responses, I'm so rarely posting on this account lately 😭
Thank you so much sweetie, that's very nice of you to say, mua! 💋
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redtomatofan · 2 years
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Commission for a bean on Twitter 🙏
Boobmare is a delicious concept, I'm glad I could contribute with at least a small addition ✨
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redtomatofan · 2 years
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A gift for @jennajen for the @halfwaytogyftmas event! 🌴🎁❤️✨
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redtomatofan · 2 years
Hej, nie wiem czy mnie pamiętasz. Ostatnio mi się przypomniałaś po zobaczeniu pewnych rysunków z Undertale. Jestem, a raczej byłam, nazwana TajemniczePudełko, lata temu w sumie. Z przyczyn osobistych musiałam dosyć niemile odejść, nie wiem czy to znaczenie, ale mimo wszystko przepraszam, że odeszłam tak bez słowa. Ciekawość mnie zawlekła tutaj, na twój blog i chcę Ci powiedzieć, że twoje rysunki teraz to całkiem nowy poziom, są piękne. Mam nadzieję, że Ci się powodzi. Pozdrawia polska cebulka~
Hej!! Oczywiście, że Cię pamiętam 🧅 Byłaś jedną z pierwszych osób które powitały mnie w całym tym światku fandomowym, w którym powiem szczerze, że bardzo średnio się wtedy orientowałam.
Nie ma za co przepraszać, takie jest życie i czasem człowiek po prostu odchodzi a powodów może być wiele. W ogóle się tym nie przejmuj.
Dziękuję ❣️ Praktyka czyni mistrza i tak dalej (chociaż do mistrzostwa mi daleko, ale jak dla mnie to jest naprawdę okej i absolutnie nie narzekam).
Dzięki za to, że wysłałaś tą wiadomość. Przyznaję, że od czasu do czasu rozmyślam o Tobie i o tym co tam u Ciebie ale nigdy nie pisałam bo nie byłam pewna czy życzysz sobie kontaktu. Trzymaj się ciepło i też mam nadzieję, że wszystko u Ciebie okej, a jeśli nie, to że sprawy dążą do poprawy ☺️
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redtomatofan · 2 years
im serprised someone had so little to do that thay thought complaneing to an artest sounded fun XD
It's the True Internet Experience for ya, peeps go bonker bananas when online (me included 😂).
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redtomatofan · 2 years
I love your art! Keep up the wonderful work!
Thank you so much, Anon ❤️✨
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redtomatofan · 2 years
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Commissioned cover for one of my favourite Papcest stories called 'Making It Work' by @msmkcreates ❤️✨
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redtomatofan · 2 years
kill yourself <3
If you want me hurt, do it yourself babe, don't be a coward 🔥
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redtomatofan · 2 years
S T O P speaking for us, Anon. Worry about your own reactions to this content.
you’re aware that shipping fontcest is supporting incest, right? it seems a bit insensitive to those who have gone through trauma including incest for you to then draw two skeleton brothers kissing. your art style is amazing, i love the way you draw the sun and moon, and the way you draw skeletons is quite appealing to me ^^ i just wish you’d stop drawing incest of skeletons, even if they’re fictional.
i would encourage you to unfollow me or block me. :) i dont cause people trauma.. nor i harm other in the process... they are just drawing. i just draw at my blog and you just stumble here and treat it as your own place. this is where i express things. this is the internet, there chances you see gore, murder and others things. is common sense you should learn to avoid and not interact.
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redtomatofan · 2 years
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Gift comic for @silverryu25 who is just ❤️✨💋🌻
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redtomatofan · 2 years
I just came across your Underfell Invasion story and it was sick af. ❤❤❤❤❤ Are you gonna continue that series?
Oh sweetie, it's not actually my story! It's been written by @canadian-buckbeaver ❤️✨ They commissioned me to make a page for their fic but that's about when it comes to my connection to the series 🙏
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