regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Stem Cell Treatment for Neuropathy?
Can Stem Cell Therapy Help People With Neuropathy Pains?
Exciting new research shows that stem cell treatment for neuropathy may be a more natural way to treat and make great progress in regards to neuropathic conditions and pain.
Those who suffer from neuropathy know and understand the discomfort and pain that they live with on a daily basis. Many sufferers are fed up with the lack of treatment options, particularly when they would like to avoid taking dangerous pain medications.
This article will discuss neuropathy, what causes it, what the current standard of care is to treat it, and how stem cells could be the best way to relieve symptoms. 
Sound intriguing? Keep reading for more.
Types of Neuropathic Pain
Peripheral neuropathy is the result of damage to the peripheral nerves on the outside of the brain and spinal cord. This damage typically causes weakness, numbness, and pain in areas of your body, particularly in the hands and feet.
The peripheral nervous system is responsible for sending information from your brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body. The peripheral nerves also send sensory information to your central nervous system. 
If that sounds complicated, it’s because it is. Our bodies are truly fascinating machines, with complex systems that work in conjunction with one another to keep you functioning optimally.
Neuropathic pain presents in a variety of forms. People can experience spontaneous sensations, like shooting pain, that will last for several seconds. Or, they may experience superficial pain, which can present as an ongoing, burning sensation.
Additionally, sufferers may experience pain caused by pressure or hot/cold stimuli that would normally be nonpainful in people without this condition. Essentially, neuropathy makes people extremely sensitive to stimuli.
Causes of Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathic pain is caused by nerve damage. What happens is, pain identifying areas of the peripheral or central nervous system get injured, causing the person to suffer the pain associated with nerve damage.
Signals are generated by the injured nerve that then gets sent to the brain where they are interpreted as pain. Those who suffer from this type of pain are often thought to be dramatic or attention-seeking, however, the pain they feel is very real.
The most common cause of neuropathic pain is diabetes; however, this condition can also be caused by;
Autoimmune diseases-lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, vasculitis, and more.
Infections-viral or bacterial, including Lyme disease, shingles, hepatitis B and C, HIV, Epstein-Barr Virus, and more.
Tumors-Both malignant and benign tumors can develop on or around the nerves causing pain.
Inherited disorders
Bone marrow disorders
Exposure to poisons-industry chemicals and heavy metals like lead and mercury.
Medications-particularly ones used to treat cancer.
Major trauma-accidents, falls, sports injuries, etc. can sever or damage nerves.
Vitamin deficiencies-B-1, B-6, B-12, Vitamin E, and Niacin are critical for nerve health.
As you can see, neuropathy is a difficult condition to put into a box because it can be caused by so many different factors.
What Are The Symptoms?
Each and every nerve in your peripheral system has a specific function. Your symptoms will depend on the type of nerve affected. There are three different types of nerve classifications: 
Sensory nerves: these receive sensations such as temperature, pain, vibrations, etc. from your skin.
Motor nerves: these are the nerves that control your muscle movement.
Autonomic nerves: these control functions such as your blood pressure, heart rate, bladder functions, and digestions.
Some of the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include:
Numbness, tingling, or prickling sensations in your hands or feet, which can eventually spread up your arms or legs.
Sharp, throbbing, or burning pain
Extreme sensitivity to touch
Poor coordination or frequent falls
Muscle weakness
A feeling that you are wearing gloves on your hands or socks on your feet when you aren’t
In extreme cases, where motor nerves are affected, paralysis can occur.
What Are Traditional Treatment Methods?
Traditional treatment methods for neuropathic disorders usually include anticonvulsant and/or antidepressant drugs as the first line of defense. Additionally, pain medications such as Aleve or Motrin can be used to alleviate some of the pain, with some patients requiring something much stronger to see any relief.
We all know the problem of taking pain medications to treat the symptoms of pain; they only serve to mask the pain, not to cure it. Pain killers are addictive and can have a whole bevy of side effects of their own that make living comfortably difficult.
Those who are diabetic suffering from nerve pain are often advised to better manage their disorder to alleviate the pain. Effective management of diabetes can help prevent additional nerve damage.
Lastly, some pain specialists may use electronic stimulation, or e-stim, to help control the nerves and the pain they are causing the patient.
You probably noticed that these treatment methods all have one thing in common; they treat the symptoms of neuropathy, not the root cause of the problem. This is why stem cells for neuropathy may be the new standard of care when it comes to nerve damage treatment.
Why Stem Cell Treatment for Neuropathy?
Maybe you’ve heard the buzz around stem cell therapy on the news, or maybe you even know someone who has to receive stem cell shots for joint pain.
Recent research into the benefits of stem cell therapy for neuropathy shows that stem cells are attaching themselves to the damaged nerves and working to repair them and prevent any further damages.
The best part about using stem cells to help neuropathic pain is that it’s a completely safe and natural treatment. Stem cells that are harvested from the umbilical cord of a healthy mother can be injected easily, there is no need for surgery, pain pills, or anything else that may further complicate your health.
Stem cell treatment, or regenerative medicine, has gotten a lot of attention over the past couple of decades thanks to the medical world’s focus on finding a better, safer way to treat joint and nerve pain.
What Does The Future Look Like For Stem Cell Treatment Helping Neuropathy?
The future looks bright, that’s for sure. While research continues to prove the healing benefits of stem cells and insurance and healthcare companies start to see that real people are getting real, positive results, stem cell treatment will undoubtedly continue to become more mainstream.
The more people who suffer from chronic illnesses and pain rebel against traditional treatment methods that only perpetuate their pain, the more people will discover the amazing benefits of regenerative medicine.
Is stem cell treatment guaranteed to work? No, but not even surgery is guaranteed and that’s a much more invasive procedure that leaves patients much more vulnerable for complications than stem cell treatment.
Will insurance companies recognize the benefits of stem cells for neuropathy and begin to cover it? We sure hope so. Researchers are confident that with even more testing, results, and scientific evidence to back it up, stem cell treatment will become as mainstream and widely used as pain killers-but much less dangerous to our health.
  source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/stem-cell-treatment-for-neuropathy-2/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Stem Cell Treatment for Fibromyalgia
New and exciting research into the effects of stem cell treatment for fibromyalgia is proving very promising.
Fibromyalgia affects millions of Americans, 80-90% of those affected are women between the ages of 40-75. Unfortunately, many women show signs of this condition but feel silly or trivial admitting that they are struggling with uncomfortable symptoms.
The feeling of being alone and not understood adds emotional pain to physical pain. It is a vicious cycle that can leave people feeling helpless.
This is a bewildering, and often, a very misunderstood condition that researchers are working hard to get a grasp on so that suffers can be relieved of their symptoms and live a more pain-free life.
Those who do struggle, are often presented with conventional treatment options that can have dangerous side effects. In recent years, there has been a lot of research done into stem cell treatment for fibromyalgia, and the results are looking very promising.
Want to learn more about this all-natural treatment method? We thought you would…
Let’s dive in.
What is Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a condition that’s most commonly associated with widespread chronic pain, fatigue, mood changes, and memory problems. It’s not a single disease, but rather a pattern of symptoms that can be managed with treatment.
It can be brought on by a variety of factors, including; physical or emotional trauma, infectious illness, hormonal changes, and more. Even with all the new research and technology we have in the medical field today, there is still no clear cause for the syndrome, and it is also often very difficult to diagnose.
Researchers studying this condition believe that it may amplify painful sensations by affecting the ways your brain processes your pain signaling system.
It has historically been considered a musculoskeletal condition; however, research is now indicating that this is also related to the central nervous system as well. 
What Are The Symptoms?
Difficulty sleeping
Pain that can range anywhere from mild to severe and can affect all areas of the body
Stiff joints in the morning
Falling sensations
Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet
Painful menstruation
Time lapses before the brain “kicks in”
Difficulty with thinking and memory, also known as “fibro fog”
Marketed weight loss or weight gain
Some people say that on top of the pains, it gives you an overall feeling of being ‘off kilt’ and a bit ragged around the edge no matter how much you try to have a great attitude and even when taking doctor-prescribed medications. You still feel like life if unraveling and you’re at the mercy of this life-altering challenge.
stem cells for fibromyalgia Jax fl
Diagnosing Fibromyalgia
As we mentioned, diagnosing this condition is often difficult due to the wide variety of symptoms and an overall misunderstanding of the condition.
In fact, many patients who suffer from fibromyalgia are often discriminated against and thought to be crazy, manipulative, and attention-seeking by their friends, family, and sometimes, their doctors. This is partly due to our inability to be able to diagnose a “true” medical condition.
Historically, doctors would check 18 specific pain points on the body to see how many of them were reported as painful by the patient when pressed upon firmly.
Newer diagnostic methods don’t use the tender point exam. Instead, a diagnosis can be made if a person reports having widespread pain in their body for longer than a three month period with no clear underlying condition that would explain their pain.
Additionally, doctors often perform blood tests. There’s no way to confirm a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, however, your doctor will likely try to rule out any of other conditions that have similar symptoms.
You’ve probably started to sense why so many people who suffer from this condition feel hopeless; doctors have a difficult time pinpointing exactly what is going on, and, and therefore proper treatment is often overlooked.
Sounds frustrating, right?
Conventional Treatment Options and Why They May Be Dangerous
Considering this condition is so difficult to diagnose, and it is not yet fully understood, there are many different treatment options that sufferers can be prescribed. Traditional treatment options typically include both medication and self-care.
Conventional treatments include: 
Pain relievers, antidepressants, and anti-seizure drugs are prescribed to help relieve the pain that is commonplace in sufferers. It goes without saying that taking any kind of drug for a long period of time to manage symptoms is dangerous and wrought with dangerous side effects, however, this is often the first thing prescribed to sufferers as it provides a quick fix for the pain they are feeling.
Physical and occupational therapies are often recommended for fibromyalgia sufferers to help reduce the effects on this condition on their body and life. Counseling is another form of therapy that is recommended to patients as a way to help strengthen their minds and deal with difficult situations.
Lifestyle Remedies
Self-care is believed to be a hugely important treatment option. Self-care techniques such as; maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, reducing stress, getting enough sleep, etc. are thought to be some of the best ways to manage your symptoms.
Unfortunately, there seems to be little no positive response from patients to conventional treatment methods in the long-term. Instead, sufferers are forced to live with horrendous pain, depression, fatigue, and an overall feeling of misery.
Until now…
Stem Cell Treatment for Fibromyalgia
Although traditional forms of treatment seem to be failing patients, there is a ray of hope in the use of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Treatments.
Stem cell treatment is becoming more well-known and widely accepted as a safer, more natural treatment option for a variety of illnesses, fibromyalgia included. Stem cells are capable of modifying some of the brain’s neurotransmitters, like serotonin and dopamine, to effectively reduce the nagging symptoms and pain associated with this condition.
Most of the patients that are turning to alternative treatment methods, like stem cells, are the ones who have lived with the debilitating pain and fatigue for years and have tried every traditional treatment method out there, to no avail.
According to recent case studies, the advancements in stem cell research may provide more effective treatment methods. Stem cell therapy may have the ability to reduce or eliminate the need for chronic drug administration and have longer-lasting side effects.
The result? Improved quality of life for those who suffer and a significant reduction in healthcare costs.
Stem cells are showing great potential for fibromyalgia sufferers, giving them the potential for immediate symptom relief in a completely safe and natural way. Stem cell injections help contribute to the restoration of tissue homeostasis, which helps relieve the painful and disruptive symptoms associated with this condition.
This unique and exciting treatment method leverages the rejuvenating properties of stem cells to heal the pain-causing centers located throughout your body. Stem cells are injected into the body and carried to the site of injury and pain via a protein called SDF-1. 
Once the cells arrive, they immediately get to work repairing the damage while simultaneously reproducing healthy cells. The result? A body that is restored in a natural way and substantial pain relief.
Sound too good to be true? It isn’t. New research into the positive effects of stem cells is being conducted every day, and more and more fibromyalgia patients are finding the relief they deserve.
This is definitely NOT a cure for fibromyalgia. Yet, this natural pain relief treatment shows such promise with the types of results that it just makes sense to look into how regenerative medicine may be a better option than the many over-the-counter options that have dangerous side effects.
Stem Cell Treatment for Fibromyalgia: Conclusion
Fibromyalgia sufferers should celebrate the fact that there is a safer, more natural way to manage and even cure their painful symptoms.
The use of stem cell treatment to combat chronic pain in the body is becoming more and more widespread and accepted as a viable treatment option for numerous ailments.
  source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/stem-cell-treatment-for-fibromyalgia/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Stem Cell Treatment for Neuropathy
Stem Cell Treatment for Neuropathy
Exciting new research shows that stem cell treatment for neuropathy may be a safer, more natural way to treat this extremely painful condition. There are a number of researchers that believe stem cells even presents the hope of someday possibly having a cure neuropathic conditions and pain.
Those who suffer from neuropathy know and understand the discomfort and pain that they live with on a daily basis. Many sufferers are fed up with the lack of treatment options, particularly when they would like to avoid taking dangerous pain medications.
This article will discuss neuropathy, what causes it, what the current standard of care is to treat it, and how stem cells could be the best way to relieve symptoms. 
Sound intriguing? Keep reading for more.
stem cell treatment for neuropathy
Types of Neuropathic Pain
Peripheral neuropathy is the result of damage to the peripheral nerves on the outside of the brain and spinal cord. This damage typically causes weakness, numbness, and pain in areas of your body, particularly in the hands and feet.
The peripheral nervous system is responsible for sending information from your brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body. The peripheral nerves also send sensory information to your central nervous system. 
If that sounds complicated, it’s because it is. Our bodies are truly fascinating machines, with complex systems that work in conjunction with one another to keep you functioning optimally.
Neuropathic pain presents in a variety of forms. People can experience spontaneous sensations, like shooting pain, that will last for several seconds. Or, they may experience superficial pain, which can present as an ongoing, burning sensation.
Additionally, sufferers may experience pain caused by pressure or hot/cold stimuli that would normally be nonpainful in people without this condition. Essentially, neuropathy makes people extremely sensitive to stimuli.
Causes of Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathic pain is caused by nerve damage. What happens is, pain identifying areas of the peripheral or central nervous system get injured, causing the person to suffer the pain associated with nerve damage.
Signals are generated by the injured nerve that then gets sent to the brain where they are interpreted as pain. Those who suffer from this type of pain are often thought to be dramatic or attention-seeking, however, the pain they feel is very real.
The most common cause of neuropathic pain is diabetes; however, this condition can also be caused by;
Autoimmune diseases-lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, vasculitis, and more.
Infections-viral or bacterial, including Lyme disease, shingles, hepatitis B and C, HIV, Epstein-Barr Virus, and more.
Tumors-Both malignant and benign tumors can develop on or around the nerves causing pain.
Inherited disorders
Bone marrow disorders
Exposure to poisons-industry chemicals and heavy metals like lead and mercury.
Medications-particularly ones used to treat cancer.
Major trauma-accidents, falls, sports injuries, etc. can sever or damage nerves.
Vitamin deficiencies-B-1, B-6, B-12, Vitamin E, and Niacin are critical for nerve health.
As you can see, neuropathy is a difficult condition to put into a box because it can be caused by so many different factors.
What Are The Symptoms?
Each and every nerve in your peripheral system has a specific function. Your symptoms will depend on the type of nerve affected. There are three different types of nerve classifications: 
Sensory nerves: these receive sensation such as temperature, pain, vibrations, etc. from your skin.
Motor nerves: these are the nerves that control your muscle movement.
Autonomic nerves: these control functions such as your blood pressure, heart rate, bladder functions, and digestions.
Some of the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include:
Numbness, tingling, or prickling sensations in your hands or feet, which can eventually spread up your arms or legs.
Sharp, throbbing, or burning pain
Extreme sensitivity to touch
Poor coordination or frequent falls
Muscle weakness
A feeling that you are wearing gloves on your hands or socks on your feet when you aren’t
In extreme cases, where motor nerves are affected, paralysis can occur.
What Are Traditional Treatment Methods?
Traditional treatment methods for neuropathic disorders usually include anticonvulsant and/or antidepressant drugs as the first line of defense. Additionally, pain medications such as Aleve or Motrin can be used to alleviate some of the pain, with some patients requiring something much stronger to see any relief.
We all know the problem with taking pain medications to treat the symptoms of pain; they only serve to mask the pain, not to cure it. Pain killers are addictive and can have a whole bevy of side effects of their own that make living comfortably difficult.
Those who are diabetic suffering from nerve pain are often advised to better manage their disorder to alleviate the pain. Effective management of diabetes can help prevent additional nerve damage.
Lastly, some pain specialists may use electronic stimulation, or e-stim, to help control the nerves and the pain they are causing the patient.
You probably noticed that these treatment methods all have one thing in common; they treat the symptoms of neuropathy, not the root cause of the problem. This is why stem cells for neuropathy may be the new standard of care when it comes to nerve damage treatment.
Why Stem Cell Treatment for Neuropathy?
Maybe you’ve heard the buzz around stem cell therapy on the news, or maybe you even know someone who has to receive stem cell shots for joint pain.
Recent research into the benefits of stem cell therapy for neuropathy shows that stem cells are attaching themselves to the damaged nerves and working to repair them and prevent any further damages.
A patient who has already received stem cell treatment for their neuropathic pain started seeing decreased pain and tingling in their body just weeks after their first treatment. Many patients are able to restore large amounts of function in their body, with a significant reduction in pain.
The best part about using stem cells to treat neuropathic pain is that it’s a completely safe and natural treatment. Stem cells that are harvested from the umbilical cord of a healthy mother can be injected easily, there is no need for surgery, pain pills, or anything else that may further complicate your health.
Stem cell treatment, or regenerative medicine, has gotten a lot of attention over the past couple of decades thanks to the medical world’s focus on finding a better, safer way to treat joint and nerve pain.
What Does The Future Look Like For Stem Cell Treatment?
The future looks bright, that’s for sure. While research continues to prove the healing benefits of stem cells and insurance and healthcare companies start to see that real people are getting real, healing results, stem cell treatment will undoubtedly continue to become more mainstream.
The more people who suffer from chronic illnesses and pain rebel against traditional treatment methods that only perpetuate their pain, the more people will discover the amazing benefits of regenerative medicine.
Is stem cell treatment guaranteed to work? No, but not even surgery is guaranteed and that’s a much more invasive procedure that leaves patients much more vulnerable for complications than stem cell treatment.
Will insurance companies recognize the benefits of stem cells for neuropathy and begin to cover it? We sure hope so. Researchers are confident that with even more testing, results, and scientific evidence to back it up, stem cell treatment will become as mainstream and widely used as pain killers-but much less dangerous to our health.
  source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/stem-cell-treatment-for-neuropathy/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Stem Cell Meniscus & Knee Cartilage Repair Costs 
Stem cell meniscus repair & knee cartilage repair costs vary depending on the type of treatment you’re seeking. Every year there are over 600,000 Americans have knee replacement surgery, and that number is expected to rise to 3 million by 2030.
Yes, you read that correct, 3 million. 
And a number of people will have to have both knees treated so the actual number of replacements is much larger.
Now think about this.
These are all people that have been told that they need to undergo major surgery to have their knee replaced or joints repaired from the damage caused by arthritis and age. These numbers don’t include the over 700,000 people that have a surgical procedure done to try to treat the meniscus which recently has been determined that the popular surgery options which are paid for by insurance are not getting the results that were intended.
Meniscus Knee stem cell costs
But what if there was an alternative? One that didn’t require people to go under the knife, spend weeks recovering, and risk the side effects of pain killers?
Well, there is. Stem cells for meniscus repair and knee cartilage damage are providing knee pain sufferers a solution to their damaged knees with a simple shot.
What Causes Knee and Cartilage Damage?
First, it’s important to understand that there is a difference between your meniscus and knee cartilage. Cartilage is the connective tissue in our body that serves many purposes, including keeping our bones and joints strong and healthy. There are different types of cartilage found throughout our bodies.
Your knee has two types of cartilage inside the joint; articular cartilage and meniscus cartilage. The articular cartilage creates the smooth layer of the joint that covers the ends of your bones. The meniscus acts as a shock absorber between the bones. See the difference?
The meniscus is not attached to the bone like articular cartilage, it sits between the bone ends to act as a cushion for the joint. Regardless of what kind of cartilage in the knee is damaged, the fact of the matter is, it causes pain and mobility issues that, left untreated, can cause serious consequences.
Both types of knee cartilage can be injured. The most common causes of a cartilage injury in the knee include; traumatic injuries, arthritis, chronic overuse, and age. Any number of these factors, or a combination of factors, can cause the cartilage in your knee to wear down and/or tear.
Here are some of the commonly used terms when it comes to knee damage:
Fissure: A fissure occurs in the articular cartilage when there is a separation within the layers. Some people may not notice anything when they have a fissure, while others will note a “catching” sensation in their knee.
Thinning: This can be an early sign of arthritis in your knee and can also be caused as a result of an injury. Thinned out cartilage is not as smooth and will not glide as easily.
Defects: A defect in your knee cartilage can lead to the bone within the joint being exposed. Again, this can occur as a result of arthritis or a traumatic injury.
Flaps: A flap in your articular cartilage occurs when a portion of the cartilage layer has not adhered properly and can be lifted, or flapped, from its normal position. This scenario will also cause a catching sensation in the knee.
Knee cartilage injuries are very common. If you’re a sports fan, you’ve probably seen countless athletes go out of the game with knee injuries. Or, you yourself may be feeling the effects of age and arthritis in your knees more and more as the years go by.
Which brings us to the next point, what are the signs and symptoms of a torn meniscus or knee cartilage damage?
Signs and Symptoms of a Torn Meniscus and/or Knee Cartilage Damage
Damage to the cartilage in your knee is one of the most common joint injuries and can range from mild to severe. Minor cases of damage may heal on their own with time and rest, however, more serious cases require medical intervention.
Symptoms of cartilage damage in your knee joint include:
Joint pain that continues even when resting or worsens when you apply weight to the joint
Swelling in the knee, this can happen immediately or may take hours, even days, to develop
A clicking, catching, or grinding sensation
It can sometimes be difficult to know if the symptoms you’re experiencing in your knee are from cartilage damage or if it’s another common joint injury, like a sprain.
In any case, your best bet is to head to the doctor to have your knee examined and get a proper diagnosis of your condition.
Meniscus Repair and Knee Cartilage Damage Treatment Options
So, you tore your meniscus or have cartilage damage in your knee joint, what are your treatment options?
Physical therapy
Strengthening exercises
Cortisone shots
Anti-inflammatory medications
And now…stem cell shots
If you remember back to the beginning of this article, we mentioned that there are currently 600,000 patients that go under the knife each year here in the United States for knee repair.
What typically happens is, people, start out with physical therapy, cortisone shots, and pain meds, only to realize that their relief is short-term. When they go back to see their doctor, more often than not, they’re told that surgery is their only next option.
However, stem cells for knees are quickly gaining traction and trust in the medical community thanks to its massive success. People are seeing considerable pain relief and healing from stem cell shots.
Risks and Complications Involved With Surgical Intervention
It goes without saying that surgery is a risk. Knee surgery is no exception, there are plenty of risks involved with going under the knife to repair your cartilage damage.
Even if your surgery goes well and it’s considered a success, you can expect months of rehabilitation to follow. Additionally, patients who undergo a surgical knee procedure are often required to wear a brace that limits their mobility and range of motion for weeks, even months following the procedure.
The worst part is, about 20-40% of the time, the meniscus fails to heal after surgery and a second procedure is required. Additionally, it’s very common for the surgical fix to only last a few years before knee pain flairs again due to the constant wearing of the now thinned or missing cartilage.
Given this information, it’s easy to see why people are reluctant to sign up for surgery and are desperately looking for another way to repair their damaged joints.
Stem Cell Therapy for Meniscus Repair and Knee Cartilage Damage
Stem cells taken from a healthy mother’s umbilical cord are concentrated and injected into the knee with high success rates. Stem cell therapy for the knee works in the following ways:
The cells develop into essential cartilage cells thanks to their ability to regenerate and adapt.
They work to prevent the inflammation that can worsen symptoms of arthritis.
They release proteins called cytokines that work to slow degeneration of the cartilage and reduce pain.
There is ongoing research being conducted to determine which stem cell therapy for knee techniques yield the best results, however, the preliminary results are amazing. 
It’s unfortunate that many people with knee cartilage damage don’t do anything about the pain and decreased movement because they don’t want to be laid up with a bum knee and physical therapy appointments for months, missing work and family time. 
Knee pain sufferers are rejoicing in the fact that they have an alternative option for invasive and painful surgery. Stem cell shots are a safe, pain-free way to help repair and rebuild your knee cartilage, naturally.
Stem cells are a great first line of treatment for individuals who are experiencing knee pain and cartilage damage and view surgery as a last resort option.
  source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/stem-cell-meniscus-repair-costs/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Stem Cells For Hip Injuries? Regenerative Cell Therapy May Be A Vital Part Of Hip Fractured Recovery.
Quick Facts: The amount of hip fractures is expected to increase 240% in the coming years. Stem cell therapy will be playing a role to speed up the recovery. The hip injuries too many times have a lingering impact.
There was a time when a hip fracture for the elderly did not bode well on their survival. The pain associated with hip joint problems is intense. And the hip fracture can cause someone to be laid up in bed for a very long time. But the introduction of stem cells now brings hope.
Mesenchymal stem cells are a specific type of stem cell. Here is a definition:
Mesenchymal stem cells, or MSCs, are multipotent stromalcells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types, including: osteoblasts (bone cells), chondrocytes (cartilagecells), myocytes (muscle cells) and adipocytes (fat cellswhich give rise to marrow adipose tissue).
  DURHAM, NC – Each year in the United States more than 300,000 people are hospitalized for hip fractures. Almost half never recover well enough to live an independent lifestyle and, even worse, the one-year mortality rate is high, ranging from 12 percent to 37 percent.
    The post Stem Cells For Hip Injuries? Regenerative Cell Therapy May Be A Vital Part Of Hip Fractured Recovery. appeared first on Regenerative Medicine of North Florida.
source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/stem-cells-for-hip-injuries-regenerative-cell-therapy-may-be-a-vital-part-of-hip-fractured-recovery/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Dangers and Risks of Corticosteroid Joint Pain Shots
Dangers and Risks of Corticosteroids Injections For Joint Pain Joint pain is something that affects millions of people. Corticosteroids injections for joint pain is a common method when it comes to alleviating pain. A common misconception with it is that it’s a pain reliever. Cortisone is a type of steroid that lowers the inflammation associated with joint pain. Steroids, in general, can relieve pain because they are drugs that lead to less pain being felt due to the decrease in inflammation. Unlike stem cell therapy for joint pain, which is a long term approach in dealing with the pain, there are many dangers and risks you have to think about before getting corticosteroids injections for joint pain. Infection Just like with any injection, corticosteroids injections for joint pain can lead the area to become infected. This is the side effect, usually, of poor hygiene or the use of unclean tools to inject the corticosteroids. The infection may also arise if there’s another medicine, topical or injected, that has been applied in the vicinity beforehand. Bleeding A blood vessel might get broken within the skin or muscle which can cause bleeding. The bleeding may not stop which would leave the person who injected the corticosteroids subjected to additional surgery to stitch the area close. This doesn’t lead to a leak of the injected corticosteroids. Swelling Swelling or soreness may be observed where the person gets the corticosteroids injection. While these can subside within a few hours or up to 2 days at most, there are cases where the swelling doesn’t subside. This may mean that the area is infected or there’s an allergic reaction. Allergic Reaction Reactions to the medication are not uncommon. This is known as the post injection flare. However, there may be more aggravation of inflammation which can be found in the injected area due to an allergic reaction. This is ruled out last because of the testing that has to be done. Thin Skin A long term side effect of corticosteroids injections for joint pain is the thinning of the skin. Continuously injecting a specific area will make the skin be easier to puncture. This can be dangerous because other things that are not intended to go through the skin might go through it. Osteoporosis Thinning of the bones is another long term side effect of corticosteroids injections for joint pain. It can be avoided by opting for stem cell therapy for joint pain instead. With stem cell, the procedure is going to be less invasive in the long run because it’s a way to redevelop the problematic joint. Effectiveness of Stem Cell Stem cell therapy for joint pain is the more effective alternatives to corticosteroids injections for joint pain as it poses fewer dangers and risks and it is a natural treatment that actually helps to heal and does not cover up pain or lead to additional damages.
Corticosteroids used to be the only option, but due to modern medical advancements you know have the most cutting edge options such as stem cell therapy to help your body to actually regenerate cartilage, muscles, tendons and more.
Why operate or just take a harmful steroid when you can regenerate the way that your body was intended to perform?
  The post Dangers and Risks of Corticosteroid Joint Pain Shots appeared first on Regenerative Medicine of North Florida.
source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/dangers-and-risks-of-corticosteroids-joint-pain-shots/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Bone on Bone May Not Automatically Mean You Need Surgery – Here’s Why.
Stem cell injections may help bone on bone diagnosis and that is why regenerative cell therapy keeps gaining more fans on a daily basis.  Because people are excited to avoid the dangers and risks associated with surgery. Plus, there’s a large number of people who would prefer to have a natural pain solution instead of a drug or piece of metal or plastic to replace their joints.
There’s a phrase that says ‘life is a grind’ and unfortunately for many people that ‘grind’ shows up in our joints. Your hips, shoulders, knees, ankles all seem to wear with time and injuries. Before you know it what used to be uncomfortable becomes truly unbearable.
Our joints such as our knees and hips are very susceptible to being worn down by daily life. Deteriorating joints can deeply impact our lives, even when it comes to regular, everyday activities. For instance, a worn down knee could become a big obstacle for basic actions such as bending, running, walking and lifting heavy objects using leg-strength. And all types of physical pains lead to emotional pains. For you and for your loved ones.
Pain can stop you from being the best version of you. It also stops you from getting to go where you want to go and do what you want to do.
So the thought of being able to remove or reduce pain is a very attractive option. But it’s important that you get all of the facts when it comes to joint replacement surgery because your best option just may be to NOT get surgery and to choose the powerful natural solution – stem cell therapy.
Let’s have a closer look at joint replacement issues that you must consider.
Risks of Joint Replacement Surgery
Once the joint pain worsens and starts to reduce our quality of life, we usually go see a doctor. The doctor might suggest getting a hip or knee replacement surgery. This can be a frightening scenario, as there are many risks and potential complications involved in any joint replacement surgery.
Some of the potential problems and issues include:
Blood clots.
Rejection of the replacement materials by the body’s immune system.
Bad reactions to the anesthesia used during the operation.
Hip implants can fail due to smoking, corrosion, or hypersensitivity, among other causes.
Addiction to pain killers that are prescribed post-surgery.
Complications from surgery leading to other issues, or even death.
Overly long recovery times for joint replacement surgery.
Increased risk of any of these issues occurring as you get older.
Consider Stem Cell Therapy
An option that many people haven’t yet considered is stem cell joint therapy as opposed to joint replacement surgery. Stem cell therapies treatments have advanced steadily over the years, and they should now be considered a viable option for treating chronic or severe joint pain. There are many cases where patients were informed that they were “bone on bone,” but after their stem cell therapy treatments, they were surprised to learn that they didn’t need to have any surgery done.
Stem cells can be thought of as a sort of “building blocks” of our bodies. Each person’s stem cells are located in our blood, adipose issues, and in our bone marrow. From stem cells, the body can produce the cells that may help regenerate joints, bone, muscles, cartilage, and ligaments, among other parts of the body. In fact, each of us has stem cells that are constantly regenerating and healing various organs and tissues within us.
It boils down to this.
Stem cell therapy treatment can take advantage of a patient’s own cells to repair damaged or worn down joints. It’s what your body was designed to do!
The best news about stem cell therapy treatment for joints is that these stem cell joint injections just may alleviate the very need for surgery by healing the cartilage or other parts of the body that have worn down or suffered injury.
Rather than having a knee or hip replaced with an artificial joint-like device, stem cell therapy for joints can lead to fresh and healthy tissues that have recovered from their previous deteriorated condition.
Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy Treatment for Joints
The procedure can be performed in just one day, typically less than an hour. When compared with surgery, stem cell therapy procedures are much quicker.
Stem cell treatment is a natural healing process since it’s stem cells repairing your joint damage.
 Minimal recovery time after the stem cell procedure: days or hours rather than months after surgery.
Daily routine should not change. Unlike surgery, which often leads to lengthy periods of immobility or extremely reduced mobility of joints.
The patient can steadily increase their level of joint activity as the weeks past post-procedure.
Living with chronic or severe joint pain can be a living nightmare. Though replacement surgeries for joints were the only viable option in the past for potentially relieving people of joint pain, it’s no longer our only option. And often, it is actually a bad option.
Joint replacement surgery can be costly, dangerous, and saddle the patient with a lengthy recovery process even when the procedure is a complete success.
Stem cell therapy treatment for damaged or worn joints is a safer, cost-effective, and more efficient process that allows the patient to go back to enjoying life faster and in a more natural way than joint replacement surgery ever could.
The post Bone on Bone May Not Automatically Mean You Need Surgery – Here’s Why. appeared first on Regenerative Medicine of North Florida.
source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/bone-on-bone-safe-treatment-options-stem-cell-therapy/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Joint Pain Doctors Jacksonville, FL
Joint pain doctors are often pain specialists, but too often they may not be using stem cell therapy in the Jacksonville, Florida area.
Though we’ve made tremendous advancements in healthcare, many chronic conditions such as knee pain, inflammation, and joint pain still have limited treatment options. This explains why millions of people in the USA have to endure years of pain from injury and immobility that only gets worse when they grow old. The qualified joint pain doctors in Jacksonville can turn things around painlessly.
There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Non-invasive regenerative procedures such as stem cell therapy and platelet injection treatments hold the key to resolving many problems such as arthritis, immobility, and chronic pain. Both require precision and understanding of the body’s healing powers, so they can’t be replicated on a surgery table or in a chiropractor’s clinic.
Almost everyone experiences knee pain at one point in life. It could be a result of arthritis, injury to the ligaments, menisci tear, or a baker’s cyst (a condition where synovial fluid accumulates at the back of the knee). When the pain or injury becomes unbearable, most people turn to invasive surgery and steroids to remedy the situation, but it does it really help?
A study published in the British Medical Journal shows that interventions such as meniscectomies have no real benefit to the patient. Add to that the trauma of undergoing invasive surgery and the painful road to recovery that could take months, and you’ll appreciate why knee stem cell therapy is the best recourse for chronic knee pain.  That’s where the Joint pain doctors in Jacksonville come in with their safe, effective, and non-invasive procedures.
Joint pains from injury or aging?  Stem cells may help
Injury or arthritis is a common problem among people who experience elbow pain. Steroid injections offer temporary relief but worsen the condition. Plus there’s no scientific proof to show that invasive surgery can remedy the situation. If anything, the risk of relapse and infection or deterioration remains real.
What’s the best route or alternative therapy to surgery? Stem cell therapy is the answer to all chronic pain be it in the knees, elbows, hip, or neck. This wonderful procedure triggers the body’s healing processing by regenerating new and healthy tissue. Within a few weeks, parts that were incapacitated by pain start recovering.
Stem cell treatment is useful in treating shoulder pain a problem that afflicts older citizens more than any other group plus many joint problems. From labrum tears to rotator cuff tears to osteoarthritis, this non-surgical procedure helps restore the strength and the mobility of injured shoulders and at the same time reduces pain. The good thing is that downtime is almost half that of shoulder surgery, and you won’t need pain killers to alleviate the pain or costly and torturous rehabs.  
When people suffer hip pain bursitis, they’re more inclined to go for surgery than stem cell treatment from qualified joint pain doctors in Jacksonville. The truth is hip resurfacing and knee replacement surgery can’t solve injuries or problem. If anything, it can make the situation worse as patients have to endure pain and discomfort for months.
We encourage you to consider HUCT stem cell injections to help remedy the situation.
Using an image-guided procedure, orthopedics will inject stem cells or platelets in a specific part of your hip to help your body regenerate new cells. This process taps your body’s natural healing mechanism. It’s safe and highly effective.
In no time your pain will disappear, and your elbow, knee or hip will get back to its original state.  You don’t have to worry about the risk of tissue damage or nerve injury, problems that are common with surgical interventions. These are unheard-off when you undergo stem cell transplantation.
Where do stem cells come from?
We use mesenchymal stem cells derived from donated umbilical cord tissue, but stem cells can also be derived from a patient’s blood, bone marrow, or fat tissue. We just prefer cord blood stem cells as they’re more proliferate and potent.
Some stem cells may be harvested from the bone marrow in the pelvic bone using a syringe and needle, a process known as bone marrow aspiration. The other option is to derive stem cells from blood samples that collected or extracted from adipose fat using liposuction or surgery.
Am I eligible for joint pain treatment using stem cells?
That’s a question we can answer after your consultation.  So, please attend a complimentary seminar and then book an appointment at the earliest opportunity available.
That doesn’t mean everyone qualifies for this type of treatment, though. We will make a recommendation based on your individual case.
It’s very important to know that insurance companies do not cover stem cell therapy or treatment. Be prepared to pay for the procedure out of pocket. The benefits far outweigh every dollar spent on this type of intervention.
How do I know when I should seek stem cell treatment?
Pain should not be making decisions for you. If you find yourself taking pills, and not doing the things you want to do because of chronic joint pain or disorders then there’s a good chance you’re overdue to look into how stem cell therapy may help you. You are the one who understands your problem, be it hip pain, elbow pain, or back pain. If you’ve been struggling with any of these problems for many years, then you’re a prime candidate for stem cell therapy.
You deserve to have the highest quality of life that you can possibly attain and stem cell therapy may be your best option to reduce pain and gain mobility and take your life back out of the control of pain. Give us a call.
  The post Joint Pain Doctors Jacksonville, FL appeared first on Regenerative Medicine of North Florida.
source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/joint-pain-doctors-jacksonville-fl/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
9 Most Common Dangers & Inconveniences Of Total and Partial Knee Replacement Surgery
Have you been told you need a partial or total knee replacement? Have you struggled with the decision to deal with the risky surgery? Have you heard about the horror stories? You’re not alone.
Getting a total knee replacement seems like the first choice for many doctors instead of the last choice. There are many times when it is the best option. But there are also a tremendous amount of times when it just may be avoided due to stem cell therapy.
Sadly, too many people feel that since stem cell therapy is not paid for by insurance that it is not a good option. But, just because insurance pays for joint replacements does not mean it is the best option for you. The truth is your insurance company does not have your best interest in mind. Only you and your loved ones do. Insurance companies want to do whatever they can to keep getting insurance premiums. And as long as the premiums keep coming in they will keep paying for the surgeries because it’s a ‘you scratch my back and I’ll scratch your back’ system.
Stem cell therapy represents a possible threat to this system and you can bet there will be lobby groups and political fighting to try to discredit stem cell therapy.
We feel that joint replacements and stem cell therapy both have their space and we want to be sure you have the facts so that you can decide which is a better option for you and your loved ones.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the risks that you have to remind yourself of before finalizing your decision. There are not in any order.
Stiffness of the knee.
Knee stiffness is a common issue that arises right after a total knee replacement. In fact, it’s one of the more commonly known dangers of total knee replacement. Some have reported that it gets better with time, while there are some that stated they had to go through physical therapy.
Noise from the knee.
Getting a total knee replacement means that there will be artificial components where your original knee parts were. In areas involving joint functions, they may be replaced with artificial ones that cause noise. This often causes embarrassment. Plus, keep in mind the inconvenience and additional time you’ll need in order to be able to fly on a plane due to TSA security because you’ll have metal in your body.
Worn out replacement.
Depending on where you had your knee replaced, it may become worn out sooner than later. This means that you’ll have to go through the process all over again just to make sure that your knee is fixed.
Knee infection.
There are early and late infections that affect those that get a total knee replacement. Among the different dangers of total knee replacement include infections in the form of bacteria getting into the bloodstream then into the knee joint. Infection is one of the leading causes of death from complications due to surgery.
Swollen knee.
A swollen knee after a total knee replacement can be caused by a variety of things. The most common that people point out is the blood clotting inside. This might happen if the patient isn’t placed on blood thinning medication weeks before the surgery.
Allergic reaction.
It’s uncommon, but an allergic reaction to the artificial knee may be developed by someone who gets a total knee replacement. This will cause their body to reject all the different components. The symptoms will differ from person to person.
Giving out.
The artificial knee may suddenly give out. This depends, of course, on the build and compatibility of the artificial knee. Not all artificial knees will work in the same places while doing the same activities. The knee suddenly giving out will be dangerous.
  Incompatibility with lifestyle.
A person who wants to have an active lifestyle may not be satisfied with a total knee replacement. This is yet another powerful reason stem cell therapy which brings back the knee instead of replacing it with artificial components, gets the upper hand.
  Anesthesia complications.
The last thing you’d think about when it comes to dangers of total knee replacement is a complication arising from the anesthesia. It’s rare, but there are people that do have an allergic reaction to anesthesia that can even cause death.
This is not an exhaustive list of the challenges associated with surgery. Many people have symptoms that would fall into the PTSD category due to the side effects of the anesthesia.
So what’s the alternative? Stem cell therapy is a safer approach. Studies have shifted the conversation from stem cell being an experimental cure to a proven powerful alternative that should be utilized first even for the most problematic injuries even those involving the knee.
Why get surgery when you can get stem cell therapy instead?
  The post 9 Most Common Dangers & Inconveniences Of Total and Partial Knee Replacement Surgery appeared first on Regenerative Medicine of North Florida.
source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/9-most-common-dangers-inconveniences-of-total-and-partial-knee-replacement-surgery/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Stem Cell Shot vs Over The Counter Pills -Surprising Danger In Pain Pills.
Living with joint and back pains can be unbearable at times. It limits your physical activity and diminishes your quality of life.
Society seems to condone taking a pill to resolve pain, but in most cases, the ‘little pill’ is going to cause more harm than benefit.
Before you know it, you’re talking with your physician, mentioning how this is an everyday problem that needs a solution. Chances are if you suffer from chronic body pains, you’ve been prescribed over the counter painkillers and they are a mainstay in your medicine cabinet.
The problem with over the counter pain killers is that it only takes away these pains temporarily. And if you abuse them it could cause major damage to your liver.
It’s important to understand what types of over the counter painkillers can cause liver damage.
The Main Ingredient that Can Hurt Your Liver: Acetaminophen
Common drugs that your doctor may prescribe you if you have joint pain, or any kind of severe discomfort, include Vicodin, Lortab, and Percocet. All three of these have high dosages of acetaminophen.
What is Acetaminophen?
According to WebMD, more than 50 million use acetaminophen each week because it is the main ingredient in pain medication. It is found in many over the counter drugs.
When you follow the directions/label it can be very helpful and safe. It also won’t damage your liver. But if you pay close attention to what you’re supposed to take, then you’ll quickly realize that it is very common for people to take way too many pills for way too long which leads to some severe consequences.
If you take too much of it can seriously hurt your liver and can even cause liver failure.
Yes, over the counter pain killers may be better than the other prescription pain killers, but both damaging side effects.
When possible, it is a much better option to consider how stem cell therapy may be a better option for you both long and short term because of the many benefits of regenerative medicine in comparison to the damaging effects of painkillers.
A common prescription pain killer is Vicodin.
What is Vicodin?
Vicodin is an opiate medication that is prescribed by your doctor and it contains two active ingredients:
  Both of these active ingredients are painkillers. Hydrocodone is an opiate and acetaminophen as we already know is the pain killer that is found in your most common over the counter pain pills for joint and body pains.
Acetaminophen is mixed in or added to the hydrocodone in Vicodin. This increases the analgesic properties. Another reason acetaminophen is added is to decrease the chances of abuse. The reasoning being is that this type of painkiller can be extremely harmful, and if people know that, they won’t consume more than the labeled directions.
One of the most frequently abused drugs in America is Vicodin. There were an estimated 100 million prescriptions for Vicodin and similar drugs last year.
When there’s an addiction to pain meds, it is followed by a rapid tolerance to the effects of the hydrocodone. As soon as the addiction is real, these people need to take greater quantities and higher doses so they don’t go through withdrawal.
Acetaminophen and Liver Damage.
Every drug you take is broken down and processed by the liver. It is the liver then that will be working overtime and be heavily stressed by over the counter painkiller abuse. It can also store toxins from the breakdown process.
The most significant liver damage results from acetaminophen, which is included in many of these drugs. Taking too much of it can lead to liver disease, failure, and even death.
As a result, more than 50,000 people visit the emergency room, with more than 200 dying.
In an effort to save the lives of some people who were abusing these drugs, the FDA limited the amount of acetaminophen in a painkiller to 325 mg per pill. Unfortunately, even with the limitations, many abusers still take more than the recommendation.
Dosage by the Numbers
Four (4) grams per day for adults is the maximum recommended dosage of acetaminophen
Liver damage symptoms can happen between 7 and 10 grams per day for adults
Symptoms: How do You Know You Have Liver Damage
Now that we know what causes liver damage, but how do you know if you are experiencing it? After all, taking acetaminophen one-time can result in an overdose.
Stomach pain
Loss of appetite
Sometimes you won’t be able to physically notice symptoms right away. In many cases, symptoms may not occur for up to 12 hours following overdose.
Raising Awareness
Back pains and chronic body pain are not easy to deal with on a daily basis. It’s almost inevitable that, if you suffer from this, you may need over the counter painkillers to help reduce pain.
The last thing you need is to end up at the hospital because you damaged your liver by overdosing on pain meds.
To Ensure Liver Health, Manage Your Medication
Medicines are supposed to help and can help you manage pains until you can hopefully feel better and stop taking them. However, they can be difficult to manage and can be potentially dangerous.
For the health of your liver and your overall health, be sure to take your over the counter painkillers properly. Do not deviate from the directions.
Who is at risk
You may think its pretty simple to read the label and follow directions. However, people who have multiple conditions, take a number of different medications and therefore are at risk. There is always the possibilities of dangerous drug interactions and overdose.
The elderly and children, whose bodies process medication differently, are also at a higher risk. Young and middle-aged adults aren’t as sensitive to dosage amounts and side effects of medications.
Follow dosage instructions.
This is such an important piece of controlling what you can control. There are specific tools you can use to remind you to take your medicine as directed. These tools can help you know how and when to take each medicine.
Read the label.
Another important step when taking medication. If you don’t read the label and miss something you shouldn’t, you could be staring down the barrel of a hurt liver, especially when it has to do with painkillers.
Know your medicine.
If you don’t research and know the side effects of your medicine, you could end up causing some serious damage to your body. You should know its purpose, ingredients and potential interactions with other medications.
Dealing with joint pain, back pains, and chronic body pains isn’t easy. In fact, it can be one of the most difficult things you will ever have to experience. Know and understand how over the counter pain killers can hurt your liver.
And if your pains are such a level that you feel the need to take pain killers, even if you think it’s ‘just an over the counter’ painkiller. Please know that the word ‘killer’ is in there for a reason.
Stem cell therapy may be a better option in order to reduce your pains and help safeguard your vital organs.
The post Stem Cell Shot vs Over The Counter Pills -Surprising Danger In Pain Pills. appeared first on Regenerative Medicine of North Florida.
source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/over-the-counter-pills-vs-stem-cell-therapy-for-pain/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Just May Be Your Best Alternative To Knee Replacement?
Partial knee replacement or total knee replacement should be your last resort. Here’s why. Thanks to technological advancements in healthcare, stem cells for knee pain may be the solution to provide relief of discomfort and excruciating pain to a lot of people. Having knee pain is a severely common problem that millions of Americans and people around the world suffer from.
The daily throbbing of knee pain takes a toll on one’s quality of life and over the counter drugs, such as anti-inflammatory medication, will never help bone on bone pain relief.
As a result, there has been a laser-like focus and interest in finding solutions to restore healthy knee mobility and everyday functionality. Enter stem cell therapy – could umbilical cord stem cells be the best alternative to total knee replacement?
Let’s take a closer look because it is important to learn why and when the right time to go ahead with this procedure to reduce knee pain.
The Importance of Stem Cell Therapy for Knees.
Knee replacements can be very expensive and if you get one, you’re more than likely to get another one. Today’s medical advancements in medicine allow physicians to be able to offer affordable, cost-effective and long-term treatments that address the pain.
Because of what stem cell therapy can do (cartilage regeneration and more), it carries the possibility to make knee joint paint go away permanently. With knee replacements, you won’t always be pain-free from that point forward. In fact, many people say they experience even more pains than they had before the TKR.
Regenerative therapy is getting great results and many people are saying it is the greatest medical breakthrough since antibiotics.
Let’s take a closer look at why regenerative cell therapy has so many people excited.
What’s Causing Knee Pain and Why is it a Problem?
It’s no wonder why knee pain is at an all-time high. People take for granted an intensive workout, or a simple walk around the park. In addition, the amount of wear and tear your legs go through every day can cause your joints to flat out fail on you at any time.
And when you think about the number of baby boomers that are all striving to hold of aging then the volume of people experiencing knee and joint pains really starts to explode.
There are many different ways people develop knee pain. Arthritis is a very common cause and develops when the cartilage around the joints starts to deteriorate.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 15 million US adults live with severe joint pain related to arthritis. A shocking, but a sincere reality for many people.
The result of having arthritis?
Bone on bone friction, causing relentless daily pain, discomfort, and limited mobility.
Ligament damage can also cause cartilage deterioration. Most likely, a reconstructive surgery occurred and a twenty-year knee replacement was always the plan. Stem cell therapy can easily be a new alternative.
Living with pain causes people to do things they naturally wouldn’t if they were healthy and pain-free. The use and abuse of opiates are also at record highs and a serious problem around the World.
The opiate epidemic going on is mostly due to chronic pain. Doctors are dishing out prescriptions like hot cakes and that takes the place of “fixing” the pain. Most patients will become addicted to painkiller medications and never treat the root cause.
Right now, stem cells for knee pain can be the alternative that will not only help reduce the number of knee replacements but also reducing the number of patients using and abusing opiates.
Main Conditions that Stem Cell Therapies for Knees Treat.
Osteoarthritis, cartilage degeneration and torn ligaments, such as an ACL, MCL or meniscus are the main conditions treated by stem cell injections. While the process of stem cell therapy rebuilds tissues and cartilage, it actually speeds up healing and recovery times.
Cartilage, in the past, could never regenerate. People were born with what they had, and through physical activity, it wore away from the joints. Sadly, there was no replacing it, until stem cell therapy came along.
This cutting-edge technology enables doctors to help their patients rebuild and restore lost cartilage around joints.
How Stem Cell Therapy Works.
The stem cell therapy for knees procedure is not as complex as it sounds. It is minimally invasive and a procedure that will decrease inflammation, repair damage from arthritis and prevent knee replacement surgery.
What’s Possible with Cells Stem Cell Therapy?
Remember the cord blood we mentioned? Well, it already is being used to treat nearly 80 life-threatening diseases. The possibilities are endless, which is why this method is one of the best alternatives to total knee replacement.
We focus on HUCT, which are the stem cells derived from umbilical cords. There’s a number of other types of stem cell therapy including and not limited to, adult stem cells, which can be extracted from the patient’s body such as bone marrow or fat through simple methods.
How Much Does Stem Cell Therapy Cost?
It all depends on the number of areas that needs stem cell therapy. One of the many great aspects of HUCT (Human Umbilical Cord Therapy) is that it is not uncommon for you to only require one treatment. But, many people opt to come back to get multiple treatments only because it makes them feel so good and they love the results.
Are Stem Cells For Knee Pain Right for You?
The rigid feeling of pain and discomfort on a daily basis is causing some people to find a way to reduce their pain and stem cell treatment is taking the world to new heights in terms of getting positive results. It is not a cure, but it is making a lot of people very happy because they are avoiding surgery and getting away from dangerous pain pills.  This is even getting results with patients who were told they were never going to have an option other than surgery to help bone on bone pain relief.
  Stem cell therapy is not guaranteed, just like surgery is not guaranteed. Is it right for you? The only way to know is to learn more about how stem cell injections are helping people get a new lease on life. Give us a call to learn more. We look forward to speaking with you soon.
  The post Umbilical Cord Stem Cells Just May Be Your Best Alternative To Knee Replacement? appeared first on Regenerative Medicine of North Florida.
source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/umbilical-cord-stem-cells-just-may-be-your-best-alternative-to-knee-replacement/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Stem Cell Therapy: An Alternative To Help Avoid Knee Replacement Surgery?
Like everything in life, the more we use something, the quicker it wears down. This can also be compared to using our bodies, especially our knees and other joints that are naturally sensitive to the wear and tear.
When the knee loses cartilage, you will be searching for a bone on bone pain relief solution because the cushion that used to be there doesn’t exist anymore. The first thing people think about when their knees are wearing down is TKR (total knee replacement).
First of all, knee replacement surgery has its place. It should be reserved as a last resort. But there are people who will swear by it. Yet, it is always a risk to have major surgery. Plus, it can cost you lots of time and money as you will be recuperating from the surgery.
Second, the number of technological advancements and research findings in healthcare today will blow you away and get you really excited.
Finally, if you are experiencing serious pain in your knees you are probably not able to move around as good as you used to. Explore the options and take advantage of medical advancements in today’s world.
With that being said, its exactly why you should look into stem cell therapy, and then maybe give it a try.
Causes of Knee Pain
Whether your knees have been wearing down over time or you suddenly damaged a joint, the pain will likely get worse over time. Arthritis is one of the leading causes of joint pain.
Other causes include:
Ligament damage (ACL / MCL)
Wear and Tear
Muscle Strain
One of the most common causes of pain in joints is the loss of cartilage around the joint. The cartilage provides a cushion for your joints, and when its damaged or deteriorating, the pain increases tremendously.
Unfortunately, cartilage doesn’t grow back on its own, and for a long time, the default way to deal with the pain is to cover it up with cortisone or gel shots as well as prescribe dangerous painkillers. This standard way of treatment is a one-way ticket to getting a TKR.
Granted, the knee replacement would, and still do, allow you to go back to doing what you love to do. But the risks along the path as well as the level of returning to your normal activities makes this option, once again, an absolute last resort.
Medical Advancements That You Really Need To Know About.
With the introduction of stem cell therapy, many people feel that the rush to surgery mindset will be eliminated.  Even if you’re bone on bone.
Let’s look into this a bit further.
Stem Cells Therapy For Bone on Bone
If you’re a knee patient, you have probably been told that your joints are bone on bone. This is because the cartilage in the knee joint has been damaged, or has deteriorated. But what most people don’t realize is that just because you’re told your joint is bone on bone does not mean that you have no cartilage left at all. That is very important.
How does this relate to Stem Cells?
Stem cells are essential building blocks of our body. So the injection into your joint essentially goes to work on rebuilding what the body is in need of getting repaired. So the deficient portion of your cartilage may be rebuilt as a result of the injection. It is extremely rare that a person would have zero cartilage left so even if you have a portion of your cartilage left, then regenerative cell therapy is still an option that you should consider.
The use of stem cells regenerates the tissue around the joints where the procedure is taken place. It requires a simple injection in the knee and immediately gets to work.
  Once you decide to go with stem cell therapy over a knee replacement surgery, your cartilage may start to rejuvenate, eliminating or reducing bone on bone pain in your knee. The anti-inflammatory aspects of the injection also will help lend to reducing your pain.
Why Stem Cell Therapy vs Knee Replacement Surgery?
For starters, stem cell therapy is a minimally invasive procedure, while knee replacement surgery is not. Like we said before, going with the surgery is always risky as well as the dangers associated with opioids. However, there is a better option and its very natural.
Let’s check out why you should try stem cell therapy and avoid knee replacement surgery:
The procedure with stem cell therapy is much quicker than surgery. An injection vs a full surgery – it’s a no brainer.
It’s very natural because stem cells are your body’s natural healing agents and not a synthetic man-made pharma product.
Healing / Recovery Time
Anytime your body undergoes a serious surgery, you’ll need to rest, recoup and then rehab. You will most likely have to pause your physical activity and that can last for months. Worst case scenario your mobility will be severely limited.
Stem cell knee injections, on the other hand, can speed up the healing process due to an immediate injection of stem cells that will help rejuvenate the lack of cartilage around the joint. You walk into the office and then walk out of the office in less than an hour.
The best part?
Your daily routine should stay the same. In fact, in a few weeks from the procedure, you should be able to increase your physical activity levels.
Future Procedures
Stem cell procedure lowers the risk of future arthritic damages and can heal the ligaments naturally so that they become as stronger vs removing your natural body parts and putting in plastic and metal that will need removed and replaced in the future.
This also avoids the traumatic surgery required so there is less room for error and a faster recovery. If you ever needed to get stem cell treatment again in the future, at least it’s an easier process than surgery.
You could end up getting more than one TKR, or total knee replacement. That means you will be going under for surgery again. We all know how traumatic that can be.
Choosing The Right Option for You.
By now, you should completely understand the benefits of stem cell therapy for knees, and you should consider giving it a try.
Like anything, make sure you get your questions answered. You’ll want to discover if you’re a candidate. Medical advancement is soaring and because of that, there is a groundbreaking pain relief solution for your knee. It’s time to get rid of that bone on bone pain and start living your life with less pain. Stem cell therapy could be your best option. Give us a call to learn more.
The post Stem Cell Therapy: An Alternative To Help Avoid Knee Replacement Surgery? appeared first on Regenerative Medicine of North Florida.
source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/alternative-to-knee-replacement-surgery/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Why Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Therapy Shots Are Better For Knee Pain & Arthritis Than Cortisone Shots Even Though Cortisone Shots Cost Less
Knee pain is a condition that affects millions of people around the world. This discomfort could be due to various causes, nonetheless, it results in such pain that it can be an impediment to our daily lives. The most common form of knee pain is osteoarthritis which is a degenerative bone disease
Unfortunately, this condition is inevitable for many people. As we go through the daily motions of life, the slick and rubbery cartilage that cushions and protects the ends of our bones starts wearing down and, eventually, it reduces to nothing leaving bones rubbing painfully against each other.
A good analogy would be to think of it like a worn out brake pad. While this erosion can take place in about any ball and socket joint in the body, it typically tends to occur fast in addition to degenerating speedily infrequently used joints such as knees, hips, hands, shoulders, and the spine.
When it comes to the management of degenerative joint disease, most of the available treatments center around managing the discomfort that comes from inflammation caused by bones rubbing against each other. As such, typical treatments include anti-inflammatory pain relievers, physical therapy, surgery, and cortisone injections.
Lately, however, a new treatment has entered the block and is looking to not only alleviate the pain that comes from degenerative bone diseases but also to help regenerate the worn out cartilage tissue.
This treatment is known as regenerative stem cell therapy and is a non-surgical option that harnesses the ability of a patient’s own stem cells to repair damaged tissue to treat their degenerative condition.
Unfortunately, stem cell therapy is facing slow adoption by various bodies such as insurance providers who do not offer to pay for the procedure despite evidence that it is the superior arthritis treatment option.
This article will pit the most popular treatment – cortisone – against the superior solution – stem cell therapy to see why you should consider the stem cell therapy over cortisone injections despite the latter being cheaper.
Why Do People Get Cortisone Shots For Knee Pain and Other Joint Pains?
Cortisone is a type of corticosteroid that is typically used in pain management. One steroid characteristic is that they have some anti-inflammatory properties. This is why they sometimes offer some pain relief upon injection.
Conventionally, cortisone injections are used to provide joint pain relief. This relief will last anywhere between one and three months after the injection. The amount of relief the patient feels, however, depends on the severity of their condition. Nonetheless, these injections are usually effective for short term pain management. It basically covers up the pain. Like putting a blanket over a hole in your floor … the hole is still there, but since you can’t see it, there’s a false notion that it looks better, but in truth, is the situation just got more dangerous -Right?
The issue with cortisone injections is that they only provide temporary relief by reducing inflammation without addressing the root cause of the problem. This is why an arthritis patient needs multiple cortisone shots, and these costs eventually accumulate to obscene amounts.
A newly discovered problem about cortisone shots is that they actually cause long term joint damage. This is from findings from research that revealed that a cortisone shot for knee joint pain causes more damage to the joint . The shot that is supposed to be helping turns out to be a bit like candy which seems good at the beginning, but always causes decay and cavities which causes even more long term issue. The cortisone shot actually leads to degenerating cartilage and protein structures inside the joint capsule. In here lies the cortisone paradox, where patients come looking to find relief for their condition only to get a treatment that offers temporary relief but degenerating the joint further.
Stem Cell Shots
How do stem cells help? Stem cells are basically the reason your body can heal itself. Think back to when you were younger and you would get injured and it did not take long for your sprained joint or for any other type of injury to heal. Now compare those same type of injuries that used to take a week or two to heal, and if you get that type of injury now that you’re older it takes a lot longer time to heal. The reason is when you’re younger you have significantly more stem cells. So the simple description of how stem cells work is they are injected into the damaged joint, and the healing process begins because they allow your body to do what it used to do when you were younger which is what it is designed to do.
What Are The Role Of Stem Cells and How Do Stem Cells Work?
Essentially, they are body cells which possess the ability to duplicate themselves in addition to making different copies of themselves to suit a particular function. Even though there are various types of stem cells, those that are excellent at promoting the healing of ligaments, tendons and cartilage are known as mesenchymal stem cells, which are potent stromal cells.
Our bodies usually reserve a generous amount of these powerful cells in case they need to repair injured tissue. In addition to promoting cartilage growth, they also serve as powerful signaling cells that encourage the body to send in proteins such as cytokines – molecular messengers which slow down the rate of cartilage degeneration while easing the pain – in addition to interleukins, which are a specific type of cytokines that work to reduce the inflammation.
The goal of regenerative stem cell therapy, therefore, is to reduce pain while improving the joint’s function, in addition to stopping the death of the original cartilage cells.
Stem cell therapy, as such, provides the opportunity to fill the critical treatment gap for osteoarthritis patients, by being the alternative between pain medication and total joint replacement surgery.
Who Would Benefit Most From Stem Cell Therapy?
People suffering from the following joint conditions or looking to achieve relief with treatment that has these characteristics then you may find stem cell therapy to incredibly beneficial:
Back pain
Tennis elbow
Herniated disc
Neck pain
Golfer’s elbow
Rotator cuff injury
Plantar fasciitis
Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy
Instant pain relief
Fast recovery time
Uses your natural growth factors
Regenerates cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue
Safe and effective
Which Is Better For You? Cortisone Shots vs Stem Cell Injections.
While cortisone injections remain the predominant method of treating joint conditions, they are not the most effective. Due to their powerful anti-inflammatory properties, cortisone shots will offer a patient pain relief, nevertheless, it is temporary as you will have to go for a follow-up shot after a short time.
And with each shot costing a significant amount, they eventually pile up and have you spend a lot of money with no end in sight. Additionally, the injections are now known to further exacerbate the condition. Stem cell therapy, on the other hand, offers patients a more permanent solution as it utilizes the body’s natural healing agents to aid in not only offering pain relief due to their powerful anti-inflammatory properties but to also stop the degeneration and promote regeneration.
Yes, stem cell therapy might seem to be a higher investment, but if the goal is to have your joint get better, then does it really make sense to inject cortisone into an already damaged joint knowing that it will only accelerate the damage and put you on the fast track to getting joint replacements? And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to determine who stands to make money when you get a joint replacement. Could it be the same doctor that is injecting you with the cortisone?
There’s your answer as to which is really the better option when you have to decide what is the best option for you. Right? Give us a call. We are NOT against joint replacement when you need them and they serve a very great service to thousands of people, but it should be the LAST resort, and stem cell therapy gives you a chance to rebuild, regenerate, and regrow. Get the facts. Call us to see if you’re a candidate.  
The post Why Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Therapy Shots Are Better For Knee Pain & Arthritis Than Cortisone Shots Even Though Cortisone Shots Cost Less appeared first on Regenerative Medicine of North Florida.
source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/cortisone-shots-or-stem-cells-for-knee-pain-and-arthritis/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Stem Cell Injections
Until recently, stem cell injections in Florida to treat knee pain would not be thought of if you’re considering ACL surgery because surgery was the only remedy available for patients who’re plagued with chronic pain and stiffness following an ACL injury. That’s no longer the case. Stem cell therapy is gaining traction as a viable way to treat knee pain and a myriad of problems without going under the knife.
One major breakthrough in regenerative medicine is the use of stem cell injections to assist the body to heal naturally. No longer touted as a fad, stem cell therapy is helping patients recover from injuries and chronic pain. It’s an easier route for patients who are seeking treatment for arthritis or damaged knees or elbow pain among other physical conditions, which make mobility a challenge.
How does it work? Stem cells are delivered to the appropriate area via injection. Once the stem cells reach the area, they start to activate new health tissues to replace damaged muscles, tendons, bones, and cartilage.
Unlike surgery which seeks to reconstruct using foreign parts or by removing damaged parts, stem cell therapy aims to regenerate tissue by activating the growth of new and healthy cells where they’re required. It taps into the body’s natural healing and repair process to remedy a myriad of health problems and conditions. Stem cell injections are administered and within an hour regeneration starts.
Knee pain can strike at any time
Avoid Surgery If You Can – It’s Risky
Bleeding and blood clots are twin challenges that many patients face when they undergo surgery. If not managed well, they can be life-threatening—but that’s not all. There’s also the risk of disease transmission if a graft comes from an infected cadaver. Plus, anytime you have to use anesthesia there’s a peril which is greater for people who are older.
Post-reconstructive surgery isn’t smooth for anyone who is experiencing knee, hip, shoulder, elbow pain. The journey to recovery is marked with continued knee pain and weakness. Loss of control or motion takes away the joy of living as patients are unable to perform even the most basic tasks.  Improper healing may occur especially if the recipient’s immune system rejects the graft.
Kids who undergo knee replacement surgery instead of receiving stem cell injections are prone to growth template injuries. The affected bones are located at the end of both arms and legs. In the event of an injury, the bones may become short. In adults, the risk of bleeding and infections are real when they go for ACL surgeries.
While surgery is a standard procedure in treating arthritis and joint pain in general, the associated risks – both short term and long-term—are too high a price to pay. That explains why some patients opt for milder treatment options instead of ACL reconstruction surgeries. If you’re concerned about the risks of surgery, consider stem cell treatment, a safer alternative to joint surgery.
Stem cell therapy can offer lasting relief from pain without having to endure lengthy and painful surgeries. All it takes is a visit to a qualified medical professional who’ll select a stem cell protocol and administer injections to the injured area.
Cortisone injections May Cause More Damage Than Good
Some patients opt for cortisone injections instead of stem cell injections whenever they experience arthritis or joint inflammation.  The ugly truth is cortisone is known to weaken and to suppress the immune system. Also, it raises blood sugar levels among people with diabetes, so it’s not recommended for patients with blood sugar numbers over 200.
Even worse is the fact that cortisone injections cause damage to tendons and predisposes patients to tendon tear or rupture. We can’t rule out the possibility of a mini infection after every injection either. Because of the risk of disease transmission, patients have to clean the area when the injection is administered.
Far too often, patients go for multiple sessions without understanding the dangers of cortisone injections. They do this to mask their elbow or knee pains, but eventually, they wear out. The temporary relief that an injection brings makes them overlook, if not ignore, the underlying issue. That sets the stage for other problems such as obesity, poor body control, and autoimmune disorders.
Common Stem Cell Therapy Injections for Pain
The most popular type of stem cell therapy is HUCT. This option uses umbilical cord-tissue derived stem cells (mesenchymal stem cells) to treat osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease which causes joint pain, locking, and stiffness. Cord umbilical cells proliferate faster than older cells, hence are more effective in regenerating damaged tissues, inducing healing, and relieving the pain.
HUCT is a highly-effective as an intervention for chronic pain and may in certain situations be a superior alternative to invasive surgical procedures. As well as being a natural non-invasive option, HUCT therapy yields better, faster, and lasting results. Treatments are administered the same day. That’s not the case when you go under the knife to remedy knee problems, elbow pain, or a disjointed hip. With stem cell treatments, you will be in and out of the office many times in less than an hour and you’re back out doing your daily routines.
  From relieving acute pain to helping body parts recover from chronic tearing or debilitating diseases, HUCT stem cell treatments restore body function. Thousands of patients in the USA have received stem cells with success. Talk to our office to see if you’re eligible for this fast, virtually painless, and reliable treatment.
The post Stem Cell Injections appeared first on Regenerative Medicine of North Florida.
source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/stem-cell-injections-florida/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Stem Cell Shots for Back Pain Jacksonville, FL
Back Pain Alternative To Surgery
People seeking stem cell shots for back pain in Jacksonville FL typically are struggling with a painful back condition that’s sucked the joy out of your life.
You’re not alone.
Millions of people have chronic lower back pain, and they don’t know how to remedy the situation. It’s a monstrous problem that causes 150 million lost work days and billions of dollars in lost revenue. Standard Treatments for Back Pain
Though lower back pain tends to afflict older folks more, it doesn’t discriminate and can affect anyone. More and more people are getting afflicted as they enter the aging bracket of the population. Degeneration happens over some time, so back pain develops over time. Pain may manifest as a tingling sensation then worsen into the feeling of a disc rupture.
Current remedies and treatment for back pain aren’t effective. In fact, the amount of people with failed back surgery in Jacksonville Fl is alarming. As well as the number of people who are currently taking pain medications. Too many times patients may have to undergo physical therapies and therapeutic injections too. In worst case scenarios, invasive surgeries like spinal fusion may be used to treat back pain. These treatments can’t restore maximum function. Plus, the patient has to undergo lengthy rehabilitation, so the risk of ongoing pain or dysfunction remains.
Cortisone shots for pain are commonly used to calm irritation and soothe inflamed nerves in the back. The problem is they work only for some time, so patients have to go for multiple doses just to keep the pain in check. However, the high dosage comes with adverse side effects that include a reduced ability for the body to heal itself through regeneration. Eventually, he or she has to undergo surgery to correct the problem.
Even more worrying is the rampant use of opioids, a pandemic that has swept across the USA. More than 30,000 people lost their lives needlessly because of overdosing on pain medication. Many of those deaths were a result of addiction to opioids such as oxycodone and methadone. You don’t have to take this route if you got herniated discs or strained muscles or tore some ligaments, stem cells for back pain could turn your fortunes around.
Stem Cell Treatments for Back Pain
Sciatica is a common problem that often manifests as burning back pain. It’s caused by a bulge in the lumbar disc which irritates nerve roots. Pain relief medication can ease the pain, but won’t address the root problem. That’s where stem cell therapy comes in. As well as treating lumbar back pain, stem cell injections can treat degenerative disc disease and hernia, underlying conditions among many patients.
What’s the “magic” behind it?
Well, the principle that underpins stem cell therapy is that the body can heal itself through regenerating cells and parts, and stem cells are the catalysts that are used to stimulate healing. Administered early, they can change the course of painful injuries or back pain and improve your quality of life considerably.
Stem cell shots for back pain trigger a concentrated stimulus-response healing in areas that would have otherwise not healed on their own. With a high success rate, the therapy helps repair joints and strengthens weak ligaments and tendons while reducing pain. Side effects are minimal, and the risks are next to zero. If you’re interested, visit our medical facility for a quick assessment.
There’s really no clear-cut guideline on who qualifies for stem cell shot for back pain in Jacksonville, FL and who doesn’t need it. Age isn’t a factor as long as you’re in good health. In fact, the majority of patients who undergo this procedure are senior citizens in retirement. Also, it doesn’t really matter when you were injured or how long you’ve been in pain. As long as you have no infection or underlying medical condition, you’re good to undergo stem cell therapy.
Could Stem Cell Therapy Help You Avoid Surgery?
  That’s a question that we often hear from patients who dread going under the knife—and the answer is yes. Many people dread surgery because it’s an invasive procedure that’s both risky and painful. Worse, complications could arise, and the recovery process is often long-drawn. In between medication, a patient has to go through physiotherapy and adjust his or lifestyle.
Thanks to regenerative medicine, those who’ve been plagued by chronic back pain can now resolve their problem once and for all. Medical professionals can administer stem cell shots for back pain within minutes. The procedure is more effective than physiotherapy and yields lasting results.
Some patients dread the thought of going under the knife. Don’t worry if you’re among them. Stem cell therapy may help you avoid back surgery. It’s a fast procedure. Since it is non-invasive in nature, there are no hospital stays and no risks associated with it as you’d have with even a one-day hospital stay.
It is not uncommon for just one stem cell injection to the area that needs treatment, and that one stem cell shot is enough to help you live a  life of significantly reduced pain years. The injection secretes factors that rebuilt tissue, and this help rejuvenates damaged or herniated discs.
Just like surgery, stem cell therapy is not guaranteed. Yet, the results have been very exciting.
What kind of stem cells are used to treat back pain?
  We use human umbilical cord therapy (HUCT) to treat chronic pain in the back and degenerative disc disease. The process involves extracting stem cells from umbilical cord stem cells and injecting them to a tendon or joint to aid healing. You will feel the same type of discomfort as a flu shot. In other words, it’s very tolerable. There are some exceptions as with all things, but the overwhelming majority of patients say it’s over so quickly and the results are so good that they often want to come back to get more treatments for other areas of pain.
  Stem cell shots for back pain is in the US is very popular in remedying lower back pain and related problems. It can reduce nerve irritation, soothe inflammation and aid the degeneration of discs and in some cases helps to repair some of the damage. Whereas many interventions treat the symptoms, stem cell shots go to the root and deal with the underlying problem.
The post Stem Cell Shots for Back Pain Jacksonville, FL appeared first on Regenerative Medicine of North Florida.
source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/back-pain-doctor-jacksonville-fl/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Jacksonville Knee Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cell therapy for knee pain is an innovative and promising therapeutic treatment option for knee pain and other joint and ligament conditions affecting Jacksonville, FL residents like yourself.
Are you suffering from cartilage degeneration, chronic knee pain or osteoarthritis? Don’t suffer needlessly or risk expensive and invasive surgery. Consider knee stem cell therapy as a way to help gain back the quality of life and mobility you once had.
Who knows, you might be back on your favorite Jacksonville, tennis court or golf course before you know it!
But is Stem Cell Therapy Effective for Issues with your Knees?
This alternative to surgical solutions has shown potential to be an impressive long-term solution to knee and other joint pain and associated underlying issues.
That said, for some Jacksonville, FL residents it might not be the right course of action. At Regenerative Medicine of North Florida, we take the time to understand your symptoms and utilize state of the art diagnostics to uncover underlying causes of your condition.
Our experienced and caring doctors will discuss the circumstances of your injury or chronic condition, exampling painful or symptom-prone areas and review diagnostic imaging (when necessary) in order to make an individualized recommendation specific to your situation and body.
Our doctor may discuss with you various studies or applications that have shown significant improvement in reducing knee pain and improving knee cartilage health and regeneration following various stem cell treatments and how those may be applicable to your issues.
How Does Knee Stem Cell Therapy Work?
Think of stem cells as the “construction workers” of your body’s own natural repairing and regeneration mechanism. When something gets broken or damaged, either due to overuse, injury or disease, stem cells (in some cases) have the ability to repair and heal that damaged tissue without the need for surgery.
In fact, regeneration by way of stem cells is one of the primary healing mechanisms found naturally in the body. As it relates to knee tissues however, natural stem cell healing can be a challenge for your body.
Knee and surrounding tissues such as joint cartilage and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) get little in the way of blood supply. This means that your body isn’t as capable of adequately delivering stem cells and other nutrients to those areas in order to initiate natural healing.
However, with regenerative medicine, we are able to give your body a helping hand as it were, by delivering a hefty dose of regenerative stem cells directly into the area in need by way of a simple injection.
By doing so, these stem cells can get to work right where needed, helping to promote the repair and healing of degenerative cartilage, damaged or partially torn tendons, and more. All of which can improve mobility, restore function, and reduce or eliminate pain.
What are the Advantages of Stem Cell Regenerative Therapy Over Other Treatment Options?
Regenerative therapies offer a number of benefits over surgical or other treatment options for those that are a good fit for the procedure.
Some of these benefits include:
Minimally Invasive Procedure: performed “in office” with no required overnight hospital stays and causing minimal tissue damage.
    Speedy Recovery: Ability to return to work within 24-48 hours and usually does not require the need for braces or other types of supportive assistance.
      Return to Higher Impact Activities Fast: within 4-6 weeks most patients are able to return to sports and other vigorous activities
      All-Natural: Stem cells come from and are found naturally throughout the human body, with treatment helping to trigger and support your own built-in healing mechanism.
      Affordable: though stem cell therapy isn’t covered by insurance, the overall “opportunity cost” may be less than the actual surgery. For example, not only do you bypass deductibles, but you also are able to get back to work and earning a paycheck faster, or get back to spending time with your children or grandchildren sooner. And you can’t put a price tag on that.
    Involves Less Medications: Requires little to no post-procedure pain killers or other drugs.
  This Sounds Interesting – What is the procedure like?
Unlike risky and invasive major surgeries, stem cell therapy is a simpler and less intensive treatment option for those Jacksonville, FL residents that are a good fit.
During the procedure, your doctor will mark the area of the knee for treatment and will inject concentrated cord stem cells into the tissue. The process can be completed very quickly. Often it is less than a half hour.
  Preparing for Your Procedure
How you prepare for your procedure may be dependent upon your unique situation. As such, it is advisable to ask questions as to what you should or shouldn’t do to prepare for the big day.
For example, avoiding anti-inflammatory drugs (over the counter or prescription) is usually advisable for up to two weeks prior to the date of your procedure.
At Regenerative Medicine of North Florida, we always take the time to answer all of your questions and make sure you are fully prepared for every step of this journey together.
Our patient-centric approach ensures you’re always informed and comfortable.
What Should I Expect Post-Procedure?
One of the great things for those in Jacksonville seeking regenerative therapeutic options is that stem cell treatments are almost always done as an outpatient treatment.
For most individuals, they can be back out on the Jacksonville streets for their brisk morning walk or participating in any low-impact activities soon after the procedure.
That said, a small number of people may notice mild discomfort, swelling or pain for the first 48-72 hours or so post-treatment. From that point, you should experience a gradual decline in discomfort and will be able to resume any other daily activities as usual.
Post-Care Recommendations
Always heed the advice of the doctor or nurse practioner for your unique situation. They know your body best. That said, below are some general guidelines and restrictions you may be advised to follow after your operation:
Avoid high-impact or heavy use of your knee for the first 14 days
Pay attention to how your knee feels as you ease back into regular activity
Avoid anti-inflammatory medications for up to two weeks post procedure
For 24-48 hours post procedure take it easy and rest as much as possible
Both walking and cardio are allowed from weeks 3-4 onward
After 30 days you may resume running and weight lifting as permitted
  The Healthy Human Knee
Your knee is a complex joint comprised of a load-bearing hinge. This hinge relies heavily on proximal surrounding ligaments, musculature, and connective tissues for both stability and function.
In case its been a while since biology class at Jacksonville High, let’s recap below…
Human Knee Components:
Femur (thigh bone)
Tibia (top of your shin)
Patella (kneecap)
The aforementioned bones above are kept together by both ligaments and tendons and separated by an absorptive layer of smooth articular cartilage that aids with shock absorption.  
The associated cartilage comprises both the medial and lateral meniscus, allowing the bones to roll and glide smoothly over each other with very little friction or resistance.
What Can Go Wrong With your Knee?
Unfortunately, a lot. Especially if you’ve happened to have put yours through years of high impact wear and tear (such as with sports).
But even if you treated your knee with care and kindness throughout the years that doesn’t mean that you too won’t be susceptible to issues.
Everything from hormonal changes, to genetics and weight gain, can take a toll on your knees. Not to mention the natural degradation that generally comes with aging.
Hey, no one ever said getting old was easy right?
The two most commonly treated issues Jacksonville patients see us about include:
Chronic pain (often due to overuse, cartilage degeneration or arthritis)
Acute knee injuries or strains
Common Issues of the Knee – an overview
Torn Meniscal Cartilage – damage that occurs as a result of a tear in the cartilage that is located along the top of the tibia, allowing the femur to slide when the joint moves. This type of injury is often the result of a sudden stopping or abrupt twisting motion, causing the end of the femur to grind into the top of the tibia. This motion can tear or pinch the cartilage of the meniscus causing injury and is often seen as a result of athletic activities.
Damaged ACL Anterior Cruciate – ACL injuries refer to those that cause a sprain or tear of what is called the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL for short). These injuries are most often seen as a result of sports activities and often brought on by sudden changes in direction, stopping of motion, jumping or landing. One notable characteristic is that many individuals will notice or hear a “pop” in the knee when the injury occurs. Following this “popping” noise, the knee may swell, feel unbalanced or be painful to bear weight on.
Damaged Posterior Cruciate Ligament PCL – Damage to the posterior cruciate (PCL) is less common than that to its anterior counterpart, yet just as serious. The PCL in combination with the ACL connects your femur (thighbone) to your tibia (shinbone). Tears can cause instability, pain, and swelling.
Collateral Ligament Injuries – Located along the outside of your knee joint, the collateral ligaments aid in connecting the bones of your lower and upper leg on the inside of your knee joint. When damaged, the lateral (LCL) or medial (MCL) ligaments can cause pain and instability, allowing your knee joint to slide too far to the left or right. These injuries are often seen as a result of those activities that involve twisting.
Articular Cartilage Defects – Similar to other joints or “articulations”, those of the knee joint including the femur, tibia, and patella, are covered with a smooth, highly durable lining called “articular cartilage”. This cartilage has both unique physical and biochemical properties that allow your knee joint to move virtually frictionless (much in the same way two sheets of ice would glide over each other). Articular cartilage defects are a common condition affecting the knee joint of many Jacksonville residents. These defects are a main contributing factor to a condition known as osteoarthritis (OA) or degenerative arthritis in the knee joint.
Swollen or Inflamed Synovial Membrane –arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis cause synovial membranes to become thickened and inflamed, causing both pain and swelling. Long term this condition can even cause deformity of the joint itself.
Arthritis – arthritis affects millions of individuals all across Jacksonville and the United States. Arthritis causes pain, stiffness, swelling, and inflammation of the knee joint, making everyday activities such as climbing the stairs and walking a challenge.
Ready to Learn More?
Don’t suffer from pain, discomfort or decreased mobility of your knees. Whether due to acute injury, overuse, or degenerative conditions, Regenerative Medicine of North Florida is here to help.
Our talented team of regenerative medicine specialists will evaluate your situation and can quickly assess whether or not you’d be a good candidate for stem cell treatments.
From your first call to post-treatment care and follow up, you’ll be treated like family. Because to us, you are.
Call or drop us a message today and find out why so many Jacksonville, FL residents turn to us for help with knee pain and discomfort.
The post Jacksonville Knee Stem Cell Therapy appeared first on Regenerative Medicine of North Florida.
source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/jacksonville-knee-stem-cell-therapy/
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regenmednorthfl · 5 years
Stem Cells – Everything You Don’t Know But Should Know About Stem Cell Therapy
  You’ve heard about them in the news, and perhaps have even read about them in AARP or Readers Digest…but did you know that stem cell therapy isn’t just science fiction anymore?
This innovative medical marvel is both a readily available and highly effective therapeutic tool that can be used for a broad range of ailments.
Read on to learn more about how umbilical cord stem cell therapy might be able to help you or a loved one improve the quality of their lives and avoid costly surgical operations.  
What are Stem Cells Anyway?
Remember playing with Lincoln Logs as a kid or Legos with your grandchildren? Well, stem cells are similar in that they are the body’s “building blocks”. Stem cells are those cells from which all other types of cells come from.
When subjected to the right conditions, these miracle cells can be manipulated to “regenerate” and multiply into cells with any number of desired specialized functions.
This process is called differentiation. And therein lies the medical marvel. Stem cells can be nudged to differentiate into any number of cell types needed such as:
Bone cells
Cartilage cells
Cardiac/heart cells
Neurons/Brain cells]
And more…
Why Should You Care About Stem Cells?
We’re glad you asked.
While stem cells have been exciting scientists and the medical community for years, only recently have they become an available option for individuals such as yourself to consider.
With stem cells has come incredible advancements in regenerative medicine as a mainstream therapy for a diverse range of medical conditions.
What does that mean?
“Regenerative Medicine” utilizes your body’s natural ability to heal itself. Exciting isn’t it?
Imagine being able to avoid invasive and dangerous surgeries or treatments, and instead, helping your body to heal itself.
Both scientific and clinical studies have demonstrated the potential of stem cells to effectively regenerate various tissues, offering patients the opportunity to seek out stem cell therapy as a possible alternative to surgery.
This type of therapy is showing particular promise as it relates to improving the quality of life for those suffering with:
Neuromuscular issues
Joint issues
Knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, neck, back, hand, wrist, foot, and ankle issues’
Can you imagine that? When was the last time you rolled out of bed pain-free or able to go for a brisk walk without your hip, knee or other joint causing you discomfort?
What if that could all be remedied or improved with stem cell treatment?
What Types of Conditions Should You Consider Getting Cared For By Regenerative Medicine?
Regenerative medicine, also referred to as stem cell therapy can be used to promote the repair and regenerative response to injured, diseased or dysfunctional tissues.
At Regenerative Medicine of North Florida, we leverage the power of HUCT Mesenchymal stem cells to help promote your body’s natural ability to heal conditions such as:
Torn cartilage or ligaments
Bulging or herniated discs
Failed surgeries
Carpel tunnel syndrome
And more
Sounds Interesting, but Where do Stem Cells Come From?
Good question, and one that we certainly need to explore.
Over the years researchers have discovered a number of potential sources for stem cells.
 Umbilical Cord Blood
But wait, isn’t umbilical cord blood only available during the birth of a child? You would be correct, but you don’t need to have a late-life child in order to benefit. With the consent of parents who want to help others, umbilical cord blood can be collected from the cord of a newborn baby shortly after birth and safely stored in cord blood banks until needed.
Cord blood is a rich source of stem cells and would otherwise be discarded and thrown out as medical waste along with the placenta if not harvested.
 Embryonic Stem Cells – This is Illegal in the U.S.A.
As the name suggests, these stem cells come from developing embryos. Though versatile and effective, embryonic stem cells are controversial given that they result in harvesting from developing embryos. We would not offer this even if it were legal.
 Adult Stem Cells
Stem cells can, in fact, be found in most adult tissues. However, the concentration of stem cells is low, and as compared to umbilical cord stem cells, the adult version is quite limited in their ability to differentiate into other types of tissues. This makes them a less ideal option for regenerative medicine.
Why Are Umbilical Cord Stem Cells the Better Option?
As it relates to regenerative medicine, cord stem cells are often the preferred treatment option. Umbilical cord fluid is jam-packed with stem cells, with other 10 times more cells than those that can be collected by, say, bone marrow.
They are also easy to collect and rarely carry infectious diseases. Not to mention they are only around half as likely to be “rejected” by your body when compared to adult stem cells.
HUCT Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC)
HUCT Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) used by our clinic are those cord stem cells which are “immune system privileged”, meaning that rejection by your body is a non-issue and removes the need for HLA (human leukocyte antigen) matching.
Forget Costly and Dangerous Operations
Why operate when you can regenerate? No one should have to live with chronic pain, discomfort or reduced mobility as a result of musculoskeletal, tendon or ligament disease, damage or impairment.
Yet, for those of us middle-age and up, daily aches and pain are often a constant most of us have to live with.
Alternative options such as joint replacement surgery might be covered by surgery, but the risks, downtime, rehabilitation and other potential downsides are not for everyone.
Surgery Involves:
Invasive procedures
Dangerous anesthesia
Risk of infection
Rehab and physical therapy
Alternatively, regenerative medicine offers an alternative therapeutic aid that leverages your body’s own ability to repair itself, helping promote healing, wellness, and quality of life.
Find Out Why So Many Individuals Turn to Us for Treatment
At Regenerative Medicine of North Florida, we take a patient-centric approach to our care and treatment services. Our service oriented and holistic approach to patient care has helped us build a reputation of one of Florida’s “go to” clinics for stem cell therapy.
We’ve helped countless patients like yourself improve their quality of life with innovative treatment options that can have a real impact on your well-being.
Reach out to us today. We would love to learn more about how we can help.
The post Stem Cells – Everything You Don’t Know But Should Know About Stem Cell Therapy appeared first on Regenerative Medicine of North Florida.
source https://stemcelltherapyjacksonville.com/stem-cells-everything-you-dont-know-but-should-know-about-stem-cell-therapy/
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