regnum-andromeda · 9 years
Hestia tended to be quieter, but generally when another student was struggling she tried to offer her help. “Um, I think that’s the wrong ingredient,” she offered a small smile, “Yeah,” Coming closer, Hestia pointed to the last ingredient, “You’re using frog’s tail, when it should be frog’s leg.” 
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The Slytherin looked up, the girl talking was usually quiet. Andromeda wasn’t sure they’d ever spoken, to be honest. Something Jones, perhaps? “What?” she furrowed her brows as she reread the ingredient list. “Oh.. you’re right? How could I have messed that up?”
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regnum-andromeda · 9 years
Lily didn’t make it a habit of helping Slytherins, but she didn’t generally like to watch people struggle with potions so much. The way she struggled with it too - it was almost pathetic. It wasn’t that hard of a potion, was it? “You’re putting them in in the wrong order,” Lily finally decided to speak up, disheartened to think she had to watch the Slytherin girl struggle much longer.
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Andromeda looked up to see who was helping her. She was more than a little surprised to be looking at Lily Evans. A Muggleborn Gryffindor was helping her? How intriguing. She’d take whatever help she could get at the moment though. “The wrong order?” she asked, frowning as she looked at the book then back at the red head. “Is there any chance of fixing this or is it a lost cause at this point?”
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regnum-andromeda · 9 years
Andromeda had been staring at her open Potions textbook for what seemed like ages. No matter how she tried, it was the one subject that just made absolutely no sense to her. Which naturally meant she was determined to master it. After careful consideration she added the next two ingredients to her practice cauldron, only to have the awful green mixture blow up in her face. She let out a howl of frustration, kicking the cauldron in the process. “You stupid useless thing! Why won’t you work?!”
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regnum-andromeda · 9 years
“Aw, you really do care,” Andromeda laughed. Seeing her sister like this was what she lived for. It wasn’t that Narcissa was cold, not to her any way. But the Narcissa the world saw wasn’t the same Cissy Andy got every day. “Of course I-” she stopped, furrowing her brow. “Actually no. I didn’t..”
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“The hearts of the men here matter little when my sister needs me,” Narcissa responded, smiling brightly down at her elder sister. Smiles from Narcissa were like chocolates–a treat. Generally, they were reserved for family, mainly her sisters and Regulus. “Have you checked your bag? You know you often forget to.”
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regnum-andromeda · 9 years
Andromeda straightened up when she heard the familiar voice. Narcissa had always been her favorite. She’d never say so, of course. But she was sure it was obvious. “You don’t have something better to do? No hearts to break at the moment?” she teased, grinning at the younger girl.
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“Could you use some help, Andy?” Narcissa asked, the childhood nickname falling easily off of her tongue. If Narcissa loved anyone, it was her sisters. As a young girl, her family had been her closest confidantes and friends. The present time, in her mind, was no different.
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regnum-andromeda · 9 years
“How did I already lose a book?” Andromeda muttered to herself as she looked under a table in the library. “I swear I’d lose my own head if it wasn’t attached.”
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regnum-andromeda · 9 years
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“Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it.” ~Mandy Hale
NAME → Andromeda Black
HOUSE → Slytherin
YEAR → Sixth
BLOOD STATUS → Pureblood
RELATIONSHIPS → Bellatrix Black (sister), Narcissa Black (sister), Sirius Black (cousin/friend), Ted Tonks (friend/crush), Emma Vanity (friend)
ACTIVITIES → Charms Club, Defense Against the Dark Arts Club
FC → Adelaide Kane
The middle child of Cygnus and Druella Black, Andromeda was the most different out of her sisters. Despite being raised in such a prestigious family, she couldn’t allow herself to believe some of their more bigoted beliefs. She wasn’t under the impression that Muggle-born wizards were the worst thing in the world and sometimes she found Muggles fascinating. She never spoke her mind about this matter; she knew what would happen if she did and she feared that kind of rejection from her family. When she went to attend Hogwarts, she feared for the Sorting Ceremony. Going right before her cousin, she begged the hat to place her in Slytherin. Her entire family had been sorted into Slytherin and she wasn’t going to let that change because of her. Still, she was proud when minutes later, Sirius had been sorted into Gryffindor.
In her earlier years, she continued to keep up this image that she wanted her family to believe. She walked like they did, talked like they did; like they owned the world and everybody owed them favors. She feigned disgust when discussing the Muggle-born wizards and tried to seem as nonchalant as possible. In her third year, she met Ted Tonks. At first, she tried to hide their friendship. Ted was infuriating in ways she didn’t quite understand, but she enjoyed his company and she knew her family wouldn’t approve of him. As the years went on, however, she started being much more open. Though this created tension between her and her sisters, Andromeda found that she didn’t care as much. She wasn’t going to change who she was, even for her family.
There are rumors of a war and discussion about who is taking what side, but Andromeda has made it her own personal goal to remain undeclared. She deflects every discussion, for fear of secluding herself. Though she gets along with her cousin, as well as a few others who would more than likely choose the side that stands for Muggle-born wizards, she knows that making the right decision would cut her off from her family. She’s not quite sure if she’s ready for that leap yet.
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