reimalebario · 9 months
Character Creation Challenge 2024 - Day 10
Gamma World 3e
Mutant Plant (a fern of some kind) Rank 1
PS 15, DX 12, CN 9, MS 11, IN 10, CH 7 HP: 28
Mutations: Mobility (use roots as a sort of cluster of thin legs to move across the ground) 3 Light Manipulation 2 Telekinesis 10 Allurement 7 Immunity 4 (Mental Attacks)
Frondy is a mutant fern of some kind. It grew up in a field near Ascension where it eventually joined that city’s underclass. It has joined Roona in her adventures mainly out of curiosity but also because it’s come to feel some kind of responsibility for looking after her when her Poor Dual Brain takes control.
Speedy, continued
Arriving back in Gamma World, Speedy encounters Roona and her new adventuring companion Frondy who he immediately takes a strange liking to – it’s just nice, somehow, to be around this sentient mutant fern. After a few radioactive adventures with Frondy and Roona, his stats are:
Speedy Maledict
Master of Time
Muscle 63, Speed 112, Stamina 64, Mental 108, Luck 20, Total 367 Damage 7, Init 12, Heal 7, Power 11, Luck Roll 7, Force 37
Physical 80 (19x3)
Life Points 81
Skills: Pilot-5, Mechanic-2, Street Criminal-3, Unarmed-2, Rapier-5, Theatrical-2, Wilderness-4, Gamma Raygun-2, Futuristic-3, Magical-5, Stage Magician-1, Laser-2
Powers: Magneto-2, Wizard-1
Rapier, Ballistic Cloth Bodysuit, Laser Pistol
Speedy has dramatically improved his wilderness survival skills when, on a voyage across the ocean to find the fabled lands of Yurp, he gets swept overboard in a strange storm. After struggling in the water for some time, he’s rescued by a steamship.
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reimalebario · 9 months
Character Creation Challenge 2024 - Day 9
Tiny Supers
Ghost Monkey
Ankara grew up in the poorest part of Bedlam City. She lost her father at a young age. Her father had been involved in a counterfeit designer bag operation and had fallen to his death while being pursued by the vigilante Pterodactyl-Man, founding member of the Retribution Union of America. Being down-and-out she signed up to a medical experiment being conducted by Meffott Enterprises (not knowing Jason Meffott is Pterodactyl_man’s secret identity). Every participant vanished into thin air but she reappeared – she had somehow gained superpowers which she has vowed to use to bring Pterodactyl-Man (and all of the members of RUA* enabling him) to justice. 
Paragon (Enhanced)
Stress Capacity: 6
Invisibility Tier 1 Incorporeal Tier 1 Teleport Tier 1
Weakness: Direct sunlight
Proficient with Ligt Melee Mastery with unarmed
*Blue Bullet, Blitz, Splendor-Woman, Tomorrowman, Dark Parrot, Eagle-Lad, Blue Torch and more.
Speedy, continued
Speedy is initially confused by this weird futuristic world and all the spandex-clad vigilantes running around in it. He also half-expects Blackpool to show up any time. A costumed vigilante named Ghost Monkey helps him orient himself and he spends a bit of time helping her take down and unmask a couple of members of the RUA (Blue Bullet and Eagle-Lad).
Speedy Maledict
Master of Time
Muscle 59, Speed 104, Stamina 60, Mental 96, Luck 18, Total 337 Damage 6, Init 11, Heal 6, Power 10, Luck Roll 7, Force 34
Physical 75 (18x3) Life Points 77
Skills: Pilot-5, Mechanic-1, Street Criminal-3, Unarmed-2, Rapier-5, Theatrical-2, Wilderness-2, Gamma Raygun-2, Futuristic-3, Magical-5, Stage Magician-1, Laser-2
Powers: Magneto-2, Wizard-1
Rapier, Gamma Raygun, Backpack, Mechanic’s tools, Lockpicking tools, 4 power cells, Ballistic Cloth Bodysuit, Laser Pistol, Keytar, Mask
Speedy has slightly improved his unarmed fighting proficiency by the time he and Ghost Monkey confront Blitz whose Velocity Power creates a tear in reality which sucks Speedy away to a strange irradiated land where he runs into an old friend yet again …
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reimalebario · 9 months
Character Creation Challenge 2024 - Day 8
Tiny Dungeon 2e
Our hypothetical P&P campaign from Day 5 has now been converted to a much, much simpler system: Tiny Dungeon. (I’m also using Micronomicon because it adds so much to Tiny Dungeon, I think it’s essential.)
Xelad is a young, natural mage from Donara who has teamed up with Fela from day 5.
Parents’ occupation: Innkeepers
Proficient with Light Melee Mastery with Dagger
6 HP
Traits: Spell-touched, Spellborn (Micronomicon), Vigilant, Healer
Bonus content: Fela converted to Tiny Dungeon
Parent’s occupation: Dancer
Proficient with Light Melee Mastery with Dagger
6 HP
Traits: Sneaky, Acrobat, Dual-Wield, Lucky
Speedy, continued
Speedy is so happy to have gotten away from Blackpoool, that he nearly breaks into song when he appears in the middle of summoning circle to the surprise, disappointing and indignation of a group of cult members who’d clearly been hoping for somebody else. To his further delight, he spots his old friend Fela (and her new friend Xelad) who were breaking into the tempel to rob it while the cultists were distracted.
After more adventures with Fela and Xelad, Speedy’s stats are now:
Speedy Maledict
Master of Time
Muscle 56, Speed 101, Stamina 56, Mental 92, Luck 16, Total 321 Damage 6, Init 11, Heal 6, Power 10, Luck Roll 7, Force 33
Physical 71 (17x3) Life Points 73
Skills: Pilot-5, Mechanic-1, Street Criminal-3, Unarmed-1, Rapier-5, Theatrical-2, Wilderness-2, Gamma Raygun-2, Futuristic-3, Magical-5, Stage Magician-1, Laser-2
Powers: Magneto-2, Wizard-1
Rapier, Gamma Raygun, Backpack, Mechanic’s tools, Lockpicking tools, 4 power cells, Ballistic Cloth Bodysuit, Laser Pistol, Keytar
Speedy has gained some magical ability and can now cast a spell to control animals. He’s come to enjoy adventuring with Fela and Xelad and is thus sorely disappointed when accidentally casting his animal control whilst standing inside a faerie ring causes him to be transported to a city in the year 2024.
I built up a scene with Speedy, Xelad and Fela in The RPG Engine because why not?
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reimalebario · 9 months
Character Creation Challenge 2024 - Day 7
Tales from the Floating Vagabond (2e)
Blackpool – The Merc with a Simply Divine Singing Voice
Human Blackpool came from a world where dressing up in tight-fitting full-body suits was a perfectly normal thing to do. Now he’s here, his main ambition is to enter (and win) the Astrovision Song Contest.
STR 4, NIMB 5, AIM 1, SMRT 2, COOL 5, CS 1, LUCK 1, CHS 1 Oops! Points: 15 Damage Bonus: +1 Speed: 7
Skills: Sing +4 (9), Swing Nasty Pointy Thing (Sword) +4 (9), Dirty Fighting +2 (5), Make Wiseass Remark +1 (6), Acrobatics +1 (6), Belching for Effect +1 (5)
Cheese: Fast Healing (Hideous Appearance)
Schtick: The Rogers & Hammerstein Effect
Speedy, continued
Speedy was in the middle of Something Quite Serious when he got zapped to this place and he’s Just Not Feeling It. After what feels like countless adventures with Blackpool, he’s grown increasingly resentful of all the times he’s involuntarily joined in on his incessant song and dance-acts. This is what his stats look like now:
Speedy Maledict
Master of Space
Muscle 51, Speed 88, Stamina 49, Mental 74, Luck 16, Total 278 Damage 6, Init 9, Heal 5, Power 8, Luck Roll 7, Force 28
Physical 63 (16x3) Life Points 62
Skills: Pilot-5, Mechanic-1, Street Criminal-3, Unarmed-1, Rapier-3, Theatrical-2, Wilderness-2, Gamma Raygun-2, Futuristic-3, Magical-3, Stage Magician-1, Laser-2
Powers: Magneto-2
Rapier, Gamma Raygun, Backpack, Mechanic’s tools, Lockpicking tools, 4 power cells, Ballistic Cloth Bodysuit, Laser Pistol, Keytar
Speedy has learned to use a Laser now. During the chorus of Wellington in the Astrovision final, he suddenly finds himself transported back to the Perilous Lands where he encounters Fela again along with her new adventuring companion but something seems changed … as if the GM has switched the campaign over to a different rules system!
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reimalebario · 9 months
Character Creation Challenge 2024 - Day 6
Amazing Engine – Bughunters
Sam worked as a clerk in Permissions & Licences, a secure and safe job, but dreamed of adventure and derring-do and spent nearly all of his free time at the gym or the dojo. He remembers signing up as a genetic donor with UTRPF and going through the procedure and then waking up, as if after the best, most restful sleep of his life, feeling fresher, better and fitter than ever only to realise that he was the clone, not the original. Now that he’s a heavy weapons expert constantly being sent into situations far too dangerous to risk real human soldiers, his dream is to get back to Earth and have the life that used to be his. This is surely what he’s thinking of in this weird, alien complex deep within some godforsaken planet, nearly out of ammo as the sole survivor of his squad when another human apparently dressed in medieval garb appears.
Private Two Sam Villegran
Physique (6d) Fitness: 60 Reflexes: 53 Intellect (5d) Learning: 50 Intuition: 52 Spirit (5d) Psyche: 58 Willpower: 57 Influence (4d) Charm: 49 Position: 40
Stamina: 37 Body Points: 20
Donor Background: Office clerk (H)
MSO: Heavy Weapons Expert
First Aid (Int) Small Arms (Ref) Unarmed Combat (Ref) • Shorinji Kempo Bureaucracy (Int) Luck (Psy) Athletics (Ref) Heavy Weapons (Ref) Autofire (Fit) Armed Combat (Ref) Low-G Maneuver (Ref)
Speedy, continued
Speedy aids Sam Villegran in getting out alive and then assists him in organising a group of mutineer clones who fight back against UTRPF. As a group of them have made their way back to Earth, Speedy’s stats now look like this:
Speedy Maledict
Master of Space
Muscle 47, Speed 75, Stamina 43, Mental 64, Luck 16, Total 245
Damage 5, Init 8, Heal 5, Power 7, Luck Roll 7, Force 25
Physical 55 (19x2)
Life Points 56
Skills: Pilot-5, Mechanic-1, Street Criminal-3, Unarmed-1, Rapier-3, Theatrical-1, Wilderness-2, Gamma Raygun-2, Futuristic-3, Magical-3, Stage Magician-1
Powers: Magneto-2
Rapier, Gamma Raygun, Backpack, Mechanic’s tools, Lockpicking tools, 4 power cells, Ballistic Cloth Bodysuit
Speedy can fly spaceships now and he’s getting very familiar with futuristic equipment. As he accompanies the Clones on their quest for justice, he hears a strange sound from inside a broom closet. He opens the door and finds himself in … the strangest bar he’s ever seen?
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reimalebario · 9 months
Character Creation Challenge 2024 - Day 5
Up until now I’ve been doing fairly simple characters for fairly simple systems because, although I do want to do this, I haven’t had a lot of time or energy because this month is frankly horrific. So I also haven’t really talked much about the games or the character creation process within them.
But tonight I have a bit of time to myself and I’m going in.
So, read along as I create a character for … (duhn duhn DUHN!) … Powers & Perils! Not a recent game but also not one very many people would describe as “a classic” so much as “a relic best forgotten”. But I do own the core set, the setting box “The Perilous Lands” (which, to be fair, is very good and I used it as the setting for a long Rolemaster campaign) and the module The Tower of the Dead. But I have never dared try to convince my group to actually play P&P.
Well, let’s get started!
The first thing I have to do is roll 2d10 for each of my ten Characteristics to determine my “Native Ability in each. Well, the actual first thing is to open Excel because there’ll be a lot of shit to keep track of here, but the second thing, then, is to roll Characteristics. OK, I actually first need to choose Race and Sex before I roll as this game gives you characteristic mods for both. Which isn’t great but there it is. I’m going for a human woman. Human to keep this from getting too complicated (the other choices are Elf, Faerry and Dwarf). Woman because, all in all, women get slightly better modifiers than men. Anyway, I get 7, 15, 15, 16, 13, 13, 6, 10, 7 and 13 for Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence, Will, Eloquence, Empathy, Constitution and Appearance respectively. 
You may be wondering what “Native Ability” means about which the rulebook has this to say: “Native Ability represents the phenotypic potential of
the Character.” I think this makes it very clear. Thank you.
Constitution and Appearance are special. For these, I need to roll on a tablel to determine a multiplier to determine my Current and Maximum Ability as, for some reason, these values can’t change. I get multipliers of 5 and 2 so my Current and Maximum Ability in them are 35 for Constitution and 26 for Appearance. For all of the others, I simply roll 2d6+14 for a number of Multipliers that I must assign to the other eight Characteristics in blocks of 0.5 to get the numbers by which I must multiply the Native Ability to find the Maximum Ability. I get 19 which isn’t great. I assign them in a way that mainly focuses on my character’s physical stats as I see her being, perhaps, a thiefy sort.
Next I need to roll a d100 twice to determine Age and Station. She’s 18 years of age and Station 1 which translates to Free man, Common soldier or servant. I now roll for Initial Increases on 2d10 plus Station plus double Age. I roll 17 on the dive for a total of 54. These must be assigned to the four categories Characteristic Points, (Combat) Experience Points, Expertise Points (for Skills) and Wealth. At least 5 points must be assigned to each category and I start by putting that minimum into Wealth because with the lowly status I enjoy, I’ll get virtually nothing for them anyway. I’ll put 7 into Experience to be Combat Experience Level 1 but i imagine being less of a fighter than a runner awayer, so I’ll split the bulk of the points not quite evenly between Characteristics and Expertise giving me 76 Characteristic Points and 340 Expertise Points for use in buying Skills later. I’ll spend the 70 Characteristice Points to boost my Characteristics closer to their lofty potentials.
I can optionally roll for Special Events where I roll once on a table for every full ten years of my character’s life so far (so: once). I will totally do this. I get a 41 meaning my character (whom I will now name Fela) has been imprisoned in the nation where the adventure is starting until she escaped 1d6 (4) days ago and is a wanted criminal. Oh, there’s a table to determine the severity of the crime that Fela committed. I roll a 31 – Felonious Theft. There’s a reward of 1d10 (10!) Gold Coins for her return. She could turn herself in and be rich! The reward is dead or alive, so Fela better watch her back.
OK, I need to determine a lot of boring ficured characteristics based on her stats. I’ll spare you the detail and just do it in Excel and get back to you.
There, done.
I need to get some skills now. I didn’t say, but earlier I need to choose to be either Barbarian or Civilized and just quietly chose Civilized without mentioning it but this affects my starting Skills. As a Civilized character of Station 1, Fela gets the following for free: either maximum possible EL (Expertise Level) in City Survival and EL 0 in Rhetoric or maximum EL in Survival in a different native terrain and EL 0 in Tracking. I see Fela as more of an urban type so I opt for the former. She also gets to choose between Husbandry, Forester or Miner or any two skills with a cost to learn of 15 (Exp points) or less. I’ll just take Miner. No wonder a life of doing crimes seemed more alluring.
Okay, now I finally get to spend my 340 points. There’s a confusing skill list where some of the skills are actually bundles of other skills. One such skill is “Thief” which is also the first skill I want to get for Fela. Its cost to learn is 100 for freelance thieves but only 75 for Guild thieves. But to become a Guild thief, Fela must roll equal to or less than her maximum possible EL as a thief (on a d100) to be accepted! This number is 48 and I roll a 60. She’ll have to go freelance and pay full price. It was probably the guild that shopped her to The Man! She pays 100 for a Starting Level which, due to a peculiarity of how Starting EL’s are determined and her Characteristic values is 51 – greater than her Maximum of 48. I’ll just give her the 48. I’ll also get her the Dancer skill to give her something to fall back on when crime isn’t paying enough. I’ll pay 76 Exp Pts for Dancer at her maximum EL (6). Why not let her learn to Read & write? I’ll spend 45 points on a starting EL, so she can read and write very poorly. Finally, I should probably get her some Combat Skills. I’ll get her Dagger – Fight and Dagger – Throw at EL 2 and 3 respectively and Scimitar at EL0 because why not? (That leaves Fela with 2 Exp pts unspent which I’ll just say are put into Scimitar to help her pay for her next EL in it.
I suppose I should buy her some equipment for her 10 Copper Coins and it’s late and I want to go to bed. 
Here’s a screengrab of as much of her character sheet as I could be arsed to fill out:
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To be completely fair to P&P, this is actually a pretty compelling character, I think. Maybe I should give running it a go?
Speedy, continued
Speedy helps Fela get away from the countless people pursuing her for the rich bounty on her head and they go on many hilarious (mis)adventures together in The Perilous Lands after which Speedy’s stats increase to this:
Speedy Maledict
Muscle 44, Speed 59, Stamina 31, Mental 54, Luck 16, Total 204
Damage 5, Init 6, Heal 4, Power 6, Luck Roll 7, Force 20
Physical 45 (19x2)
Life Points 38
Skills: Pilot-1, Mechanic-1, Street Criminal-3, Unarmed-1, Rapier-3, Theatrical-1, Wilderness-2, Gamma Raygun-1, Futuristic-3, Magical-3, Stage Magician-1
Powers: Magneto-1
Rapier, Gamma Raygun, Backpack, Mechanic’s tools, 4 Gold Coins cash, Lockpicking tools
He’s starting to pick up some arcane abilities. Perhaps these will come in handy in the strange alien site he finds himself transported after foolishly picking up a strange beetle-shaped artefact in a dungeon? Perhaps, but almost certainly not.
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reimalebario · 9 months
Character Creation Challenge 2024 - Day 4
Tiny Frontiers – Revised
Thooli Gremm
Family Trade: Starship Stewards
Proficient with Light Ranged
Mastery with Blaster Pistol
Cybernetic Savant, Built-in Hard-drive, Cloaking Field, Hacker, Perceptive
Thooli is an Ilvian – a largely human-looking alien with light-blue skin and milky-white eyes. He wears what looks like a beanie hat but is in actuality the traditional head-garb of the Great Order of Stewards. His ship crashed through a rift stranding him on post-apocalyptic Earth where he placed himself into stasis while the ship’s nanobots ran a self-repair program. As he blasts back off into space he’s surprised to learn he has a blind passenger. But a passenger’s a passenger, so he’s still obliged to offer him a beverage and a pack of roasted peanuts, of course.
Speedy, continued
After calming Roona down and her normal brain gets back in charge, Speedy has a number of adventures with her after which his stats look like this:
Speedy Maledict
After adventuring in SPACE for a while, Speedy's stats now look like this:
Muscle 37, Speed 49, Stamina 23, Mental 44, Luck 10, Total 163
Damage 4, Init 5, Heal 3, Power 5, Luck Roll 6, Force 16
Physical 37 (16x2)
Life Points 30
Skills: Pilot-1, Mechanic-1, Street Criminal-3, Unarmed-1, Rapier-1, Theatrical-1, Wilderness-2, Gamma Raygun-1, Futuristic-3
Powers: Magneto-1
Rapier, Gamma Raygun, Backpack, Mechanic’s tools, 12 Galacticredits cash, 3 power cells
Wow, he’s sure picked up some techy future skills – hopefully the portal he accidentally steps through in a weird, alien temple won’t lead to some quasi-medieval realm!
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reimalebario · 9 months
Character Creation Challenge 2024 - Day 3
Gamma World (1e)
MS 9, IN 11, DX 16, CH 6, CO 10
HP=30 AC 5 (6 for Carapace, -1 for Shield)
Regeneration, Partial Carapace, Heightened Strength
Poor Dual Brain (D), Radar/Sonar, Molecular Understanding,Heightened Brain Talent
Shield, Longsword (1d8/1d12+4d6)
Roona is a young mutant who'd look fairly normal if not for the chitinous shell covering her back and head. She's usually fairly sensible and cautious except when her Poor Dual Brain takes over which has no access to her regular brain's mental mutations and is terrified of all living creatures bigger than a housecat.
It's presently in control and terrified of the strange young human who's suddenly appeared wearing a hat with a huge feather and carrying a long, slender blade.
Speedy, continued
After calming Roona down and her normal brain gets back in charge, Speedy has a number of adventures with her after which his stats look like this:
Speedy Maledict
After adventuring in 17th Century France for a while, Speedy's stats now look like this:
Muscle 25, Speed 35, Stamina 18, Mental 34, Luck 9, Total 121
Damage 2, Init 4, Heal 2, Power 4, Luck Roll 6, Force 13
Physical 27 (13x2)
Life Points 20
Skills: Pilot-1, Mechanic-1, Street Criminal-3, Unarmed-1, Rapier-1, Theatrical-1, Wilderness-2, Gamma Raygun-1
Powers: Magneto-1
Rapier, Gamma Raygun, Backpack, Mechanic’s tools, 6 pistoles cash, 3 power cells
Let's hope he won't need that Gamma Raygun when the ancient derelict spaceship he's exploring suddenly powers up and takes off – into space!
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reimalebario · 9 months
Character Creation Challenge 2024 – Day 2
Today's Character is Hercule – a swashbuckling Kings Musketeer (for Flashing Blades)
Soldier (King's Musketeer)
Tall, Average Build
Str 13, Dex 11, End 14, Wit 9, Cha 11, Luc 11
HP: 13, Carry: 12
Horsemanship, Strategy, Stealth, Acrobatics, Gambling, Espionage
French Style 10 (Rapier 12), Firearms 10, Brawling 10
Gentleman's Lackey, Duelist
Hercule was dueling with a group of the Cardinal's Men when a strangely garbed young man riding a noisy, smelly two-wheeled contraption suddenly appeared on the scene.
Speedy Maledict
After adventuring in 17th Century France for a while, Speedy's stats now look like this:
Muscle 15, Speed 24, Stamina 14, Mental 23, Luck 6, Total 82
Damage 1, Init 2, Heal 1, Power 2, Luck Roll 6, Force 5
Physical 18
Life Points 16
Pilot-1, Mechanic-1, Street Criminal-3, Unarmed-1, Rapier-1, Theatrical-1,
Rapier, Backpack, Mechanic’s tools, 6 pistoles cash
As he's on his way to receive a medal from the King for some feat of derring-do or another, Speedy spots a strange creature in an alley. As he follows it, he suddenly finds himself transported to s strange land …
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reimalebario · 9 months
Character Creation Challenge 2024 Day 1: Lords of Creation
Speedy gets into trouble not because he’s clumsy or stupid or incompetent - he’s just … unfortunate. And now he’s accidentally ridden his moped through a portal to, I don’t know, 17th Century France?
Speedy Maledict
Muscle 9, Speed 16, Stamina 9, Mental 14, Luck 3, Total 51
Damage 1, Init 2, Heal 1, Power 2, Luck Roll 6, Force 5
Physical 12
Life Points 11
Pilot-1, Mechanic-1, Street Criminal-2, Unarmed-1
Moped*, Mechanic’s tools, 30$ cash
* Not on the equipment list but I felt like it was fair to let him have one for half the price of a motorcycle
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