solo-rpg-rambling · 8 months
Character Creation Challenge #13: Lem (Underhills)
Underhills is a 24XX game. Four pages with a full cover, standardized rules, and setting, plot, and character oracles.
You are the staff of a hotel in a world not unlike our own, in a 1950s where magic returned to the world half a century ago... Unfortunately, this is a hotel in a noir setting and a magical neighborhood, so there’s never a dull night. Someone may have a dead body in their room, or worse, the dead body may have gotten back up. Maybe something valuable’s gone missing from the safe, or the local mob wants more protection money. It’s your job to solve these problems, preferably discreetly and without disturbing the guests.
Lem (any pronouns), wererat, overnight front desk clerk for The Atlantean Hotel in Los Angeles, 43 days since last involuntary transformation.
customer service smile
nose for trouble
keys to the safe
guest register
aconite pills
copy of master key
Short character but I'm a day behind.
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reimalebario · 9 months
Character Creation Challenge 2024 - Day 3
Gamma World (1e)
MS 9, IN 11, DX 16, CH 6, CO 10
HP=30 AC 5 (6 for Carapace, -1 for Shield)
Regeneration, Partial Carapace, Heightened Strength
Poor Dual Brain (D), Radar/Sonar, Molecular Understanding,Heightened Brain Talent
Shield, Longsword (1d8/1d12+4d6)
Roona is a young mutant who'd look fairly normal if not for the chitinous shell covering her back and head. She's usually fairly sensible and cautious except when her Poor Dual Brain takes over which has no access to her regular brain's mental mutations and is terrified of all living creatures bigger than a housecat.
It's presently in control and terrified of the strange young human who's suddenly appeared wearing a hat with a huge feather and carrying a long, slender blade.
Speedy, continued
After calming Roona down and her normal brain gets back in charge, Speedy has a number of adventures with her after which his stats look like this:
Speedy Maledict
After adventuring in 17th Century France for a while, Speedy's stats now look like this:
Muscle 25, Speed 35, Stamina 18, Mental 34, Luck 9, Total 121
Damage 2, Init 4, Heal 2, Power 4, Luck Roll 6, Force 13
Physical 27 (13x2)
Life Points 20
Skills: Pilot-1, Mechanic-1, Street Criminal-3, Unarmed-1, Rapier-1, Theatrical-1, Wilderness-2, Gamma Raygun-1
Powers: Magneto-1
Rapier, Gamma Raygun, Backpack, Mechanic’s tools, 6 pistoles cash, 3 power cells
Let's hope he won't need that Gamma Raygun when the ancient derelict spaceship he's exploring suddenly powers up and takes off – into space!
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grey-characters · 9 months
The bike repair man
You own the basement shop on Saint Peter's street. It's a small space full of bicycle parts, some of them assembled into the recognizable shape of a bike, but most not. There's also a back room that is bigger than it looks and pretty much sound proof. Authorised personnel only.
For a fee, you can make someone disappear, and then appear somewhere else--or not, depends on the customer's wishes. Payment in cash, up front, or in the form of sizeable favours owed.
You live above, in a small apartment, every wall of which you've defaced with occult drawings.
Gender: man Age: 45
Good at:
repairing bikes
making people disappear, voluntarily or not
avoiding the police
you don't deal well with being told what to do
the old gods want what's theirs
Where did you learn this stuff?
When and what was your last sacrifice?
What is the one thing you fear could take you out of business?
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arsene-inc · 2 years
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For the RPG CharacterCreationChallenge 
A character for Heart the city beneath : Daermon, the Vermissian Knight Drow.
A Horror exploration RPG.  The class are so imaginative and fit into the setting. I really should try to find players or a gm. Can you play this game solo? i shoul look into this.
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Character Creation Advice
I’ve asked around quite a bit as to where people get their inspiration, and I’ve found that Music is a well known and amazing source of inspiration for a bunch of people out there. A few tips that I have when creating a music OC is to not jump right into your character. It might sound like a good idea to jump in there and get a rough draft in first, but especially if you want to write about this character, maybe write a few notes first. Find a few songs that you like and have the general aura of the character you want to create and make a playlist. Listen to it and try to get as much information as you can out of these songs, and before you know it you could even have a full fledged story! 
Once youre done listening and writing; once you’ve squeezed every ounce of information out of those songs, youll want to find a character format online. I for one find it very hard to come up with my own formats and they end up sounding very bland and dont go very in depth with the character. You should find a few good templates online.
Once you have your template and your notes, play the music in the background while creating your character. It will give you a good sense of what you’re aiming for and the general attitude of this character.
And there you go! You’re all set to create your amazing musical OCs! I hope this helps some of you out there with your character creating, and if not, reblog and find someone who might need this advice!
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acdind · 4 years
Character Creation Challenge
A bit late to this but, my bro recently shared with me a post he found about a tabletop role-playing game (RPG) challenge for the month of January!
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The original blog post has a little Q&A and a few tips on how the original poster plans on going about the challenge; personally, I’m just going to wing it.
I have a handful of different game systems I’ll be working with; a few that I have zero experience with but have been taking up shelf space for quite a while; some that I’ve never played before but, have wanted; and a couple that I have a lot of experience with and am always excited to work on.
I'm also thinking of making the same or a similar character using multiple systems just to see how each system handles the characteristics differently.
Today, since I'm busy, I plan on starting with something simple; OpenD6.
Here is a list of just a few other systems on plan on messing around with through this challenge.
Chaosium’s Basic Role-Playing
White Wolf’s TriStat System (originally from Guardians of Order)
Pinnacle’s Savage Worlds
Dream Pod 9′s Silhouette System
If you're interested, be sure to like and reblog to get the challenge going and share a link to your own post in the comments!
Don’t forget to tag  #CharacterCreationChallenge
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tapferart · 7 years
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The Moon
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solo-rpg-rambling · 9 months
Character Creation Challenge #10: "Rod" Roddenberry (Entity RPG)
Entity is set in a galaxy where generations of androids have survived longer than humans. "Rod" Roddenberry has been marooned on an alien world with abundant technology they can't use or understand. The game has a nice loop of random-table challenges and discoveries while managing a resource budget. Think "Lost in Space" or "The Martian." Structures provide benefits that carry on to the next solo character playthrough.
In the spirit of survival cinema, going to draw cards for backstory and character between missions.
Technology: 5
Robotics: 2
Info Tech: 1
Engineering: 3
Analytics: 3
Physics: 2
Biology: 3
Navigation: 2
Adaptivity: 4
Survival: 3
Communication: 1
Navigation: 2
Spacesuit upgrades (after one session):
Multitool: Reroll a bad die.
Energy Shield: Prevent harm.
Resource Converter: Trade resources for data or energy.
Diagnostic Algorithms: Advantage on infotech rolls.
Fusion Power Plant: +1 max energy.
Session 1: Chewed on by local fauna, roasted in a heat vortex, biologically poisoned and infected multiple times, hit by a computer virus, and lost in fog.
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solo-rpg-rambling · 9 months
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DALL-E Render, Free to Use
Character Creation Challenge #8: Weedy (Mythic RPG)
Dusting off an 2-decades old MMORPG for use with Mythic (Freform creation). Kind of a reboot character for a completely different game system.
1998: An experimental crop treatment creates an environmental disaster in a small town. Only a handful of infants survive, under experimental care.
2011: A young multi-sport prodigy is barred from gymnastics competition after testing positive as a metahuman. Further investigation fails to reveal any background before 2010.
2012: The Farm Family, a "mid-level threat response" superhero team announces the addition of Miss Maize as a teen member.
2016: Miss Maize gets into a public fight with team leader Old MacDonald. MassGrow foods announces suspension of the Miss Maize brand. The teenager wearing the costume simply disappears.
2024: Jennifer Ann Jabek studies environmental law at Central City University. A new figure quietly emerges to fill a void left by the retirement of one of Central City's heroes.
Strength: Exceptional
Agility: Awesome
Reflex: Awesome
IQ: Above Average
Intuition: Average
Willpower: High
Toughness: Superhuman
Street combat: Incredible
Acrobatics: Superhuman
Law: High
Investigation: High
Tough: Weedy's body can brush off or quickly recover from physical damage. +1 Toughness when dealing with any form of physical damage.
Allergic: Weedy is sensitive to a lot of things that most humans can take for granted. -2 random attribute after being exposed to a chemical attack or eating processed food.
Daily Medication: Weedy needs a variety of daily medications to keep her powers from becoming toxic. -1 random attribute per day on most checks when separated from her autodoc.
Hero Background: Growing up as a teen sidekick, you hear things. +1 in learning about anything involving superheros or supervillains.
Watson: Weedy has a housemate who is also her handler with a government bureau. +2 on applicable checks to maintain or establish a fake public identity.
(Side note: Getting DALL-E to not give a character with a cowboy hat a gun or a fantasy character pointed ears is a challenge.)
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solo-rpg-rambling · 9 months
2024 Character Creation Challenge: #1, Anora
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(GPT4 render based on character-development dialog. Personal use only.)
Anora (they/them)
Working with Ironsworn: Starforged, and using Ryder-Waite Tarot for oracles.
Character concept: Fool, four of pentacles reversed, three of cup reversed. A carefree soul wanting to experience the galaxy. They're leaving material security and support of friends behind on their quest. The fool dancing on the edge of the cliff with a little dog brings some assets to mind.
Stat distribution:
Edge: 2
Heart: 3
Iron: 1
Shadow: 1
Wits: 2
Ship: Eclipse Visionary: Queen of pentacles, five of swords, The Hanged Man. An odd combination of features. Luxury, conflict, and unconventional elements. I drew nine of cups reversed to clarify how Anora obtained the ship. A gift, but not the one Anora wanted.
The ship might have some secrets, I think.
Iron Vow (Epic): 10 pentacles, ace pentacles, The Star reversed. Taking the current opportunity (a ship) to start a lasting community and legacy.
Since the cards suggest that the Eclipse is very important, I might as well make it a secondary character with the overseer module.
I'm going to put Anora in the same Starforged setting I worked out a few days ago. The people of The Forge (the home cluster) are on the verge of a renaissance but struggling with deep inequities.
(Disclaimer: Not a tarot expert. GPT 4 used for interpretation and brainstorming.)
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solo-rpg-rambling · 8 months
Worldbuilding: Advanced Medical Transports
Had this idea to wrap up the Character Creation Challenge with a crew inspired by Star Trek and Wayfarers. I'll probably play this as a Traveler/Mythic RPG mashup.
Advanced Medical Transports (AMTs) are fast scout and courier ships retrofitted to bring medical and scientific support to colonies facing urgent medical needs. If fully funded, we plan to be able to reach colonies in the dispatch zone within 1-4 weeks. AMT crews will be the first teams on-planet, giving the Colonial Health Service a critical head start in assessing emergent infectious or environmental disease.
Mission Objectives
Transport medical personnel, supplies, and print templates to remote crisis situations.
Provide advanced diagnostic and research assistance for emerging epidemics.
Transport urgent biological samples and patients to advanced research facilities. On-site analysis and care are strongly preferred.
Assist emergency ship-rescue operations.
Serve as a mobile hospital in extreme situations.
Configuration can be modified at the discretion of the captain. Configurations can be mixed to some degree and changed in orbit given space.
Personnel Transport:
Up to 40 persons with average body mass of 75 kg with minimal space. This is determined by rated air and water recycling capacity.
Mobile Hospital Transport:
Up to 15 passengers with minimal space and one standard pre-packed mobile hospital.
Medical Transport:
Two intensive care beds with isolation.
Eight standard beds with routine diagnostic monitoring.
Full capacity will require flexible crew roles.
Lab Facility:
Advanced bio lab focused on infectious disease control.
One advanced diagnostic body scanner.
Supply Transport:
Up to four standard units of cargo. Most commonly this will include medical supply fabrication units that can use local resources to produce medicines or devices.
Shuttle Configurations
Medical Evac: Four beds and four crew.
Personnel: Two crew and 14 passengers.
Cargo: one or two standard cargo units with two crew.
In emergencies, the shuttle can be remotely operated by the transport's shipmind given available bandwidth.
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solo-rpg-rambling · 8 months
Character Creation Challenge #24: Dr. Hazel Brookwood (Thirsty Sword Lesbians)
"It is an unfortunate sign of our times that dryadism now exceeds hysteria and inversion among institutionalized women. It is only through the new science of phrenology that we can assess the risks of this disease." -- Dr. Carlyle, Yearly Report to the Ministry of Health
Dr. Hazel Brookwood, The Beast
Dr. Brookwood has been Assistant Curator of the Frisian University botanical gardens for 15 years. She's well aware of her "condition," not that it's any of your business how she sleeps, or her private sunbathing habit, or how she covers up unfashionably late into the spring. Nor is she involved in any of those books and pamphlets that are passed person-to-person in the more accepting salons.
Character created for a Dangerous Violets (steampunk) campaign. Other members of the crew include Carolina, Goggles, Milly, and Clementine.
Grim demeanor Academic clothes (in human form) Sword: gnarled ironwood cane Poetry style: Haiku and Free Verse
Daring: +2
Grace: +1
Heart: -1
Wit: +2
Spirit +0
Tenacious Purpose
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solo-rpg-rambling · 8 months
Character Creation Challenge #18: Gregor (Pathfinder 2e)
Gregor the Gregorian....(couldn't resist) Champion of Liberation.
An experiment in rolling stats and taking what I got. Well, not quite because the first two were also STR/CHR rolls. Ended up giving up with a 2d6+6 (heroic) rolled character. (Yes, I did, in fact, roll four straight sevens.)
STR: 16 DEX: 13 CON: 13 INT: 13 WIS: 13 CHR: 15
Human, took the performing arts background just for giggles. And unusual weapon: flintlock pistol for more giggles. I really don't know how to Pathfinder so I didn't get much further. A character for marking time on a calendar.
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solo-rpg-rambling · 8 months
Character Creation Challenge #14: Obliviously Onward (Homebrew Starforge?)
One of those character ideas that sends you seeking a system to fit, before you say, "eff it, why not go homebrew?"
Obliviously Onward is a sentient exploration vessel in the same genre as ART, The Ship Who Sang, The Culture, EDI, The Nightflier, Mother from Alien, Lovelace....(*)
Obliviously Onward seeks new data and discoveries on the fringes of known space. Bouncing from a bad relationship, they embrace the uncharted void with a new crew. What could go wrong? Key character themes are recklessness, starting new, and drive.
Shuttle: For sending crew on planetside adventures.
Remote Drone: Sometimes you just have to stop and run a mass spectrometer on the flowers.
Planetary Sensor Array: Even better than the satellites in spy movies.
Advanced Engines: Obi can outrun or outlast most known spaceships to get away from trouble.
If I have the bandwidth, might whip something together for the Ironsworn/Starforged Societies jam ending this month.
(*) Martha Wells, Anne McCaffrey, Ian Banks, Mass Effect, G.R.R. Martin, Ridley Scott, Becky Chambers.
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solo-rpg-rambling · 9 months
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Character Creation Challenge #6-7: Tema and Temi (Pathfinder 2e)
Trying something different in using Hero Forge to visualize characters. DALL-E has proven remarkably finicky, giving everyone elf ears by default. Create-a-Sim style character creation seems to work better.
Anyway, dipped into some of the Pathfinder 2E free materials and found Shadowvar Fetchlings as an Ancestry. The story of humans who took refuge in the Shadow Plane and came back changed have long been one of my favorite parts of Dungeons and Dragons lore, and I was happy to see how they translated into Pathfinder.
So Tema (she/her), gunslinger and her sibling Temi (they/them), witch.
Tema (she/her)
Class: Gunsliger Ancestry: Fetchling Profession: Mechanic STR: +2 CON: +1 WIS: +0 DEX: +4 INT: +2 CHA: +0
Feats: Hard to Fool, Sword and Pistol, Reloading Strike, Darkvision, Into the Fray
Temi (they/them)
Class: Witch Ancestry: Fetchling Profession: Herbalist STR: +0 CON: +2 WIS: +1 DEX: +2 INT: +3 CHA: +1
Patron: Spinner of Threads
Feats: Fetchling Lore, Witch Spellcasting, Darkvision, Familiar of Balanced Luck
With a tenuous foothold in both the Material Plane and the Shadow Plane, the Fetchling community is vigilant in policing their own roads and doors between the two. The siblings train to face those threats, and maybe make a little coin in the process.
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solo-rpg-rambling · 9 months
2024 Character Creation Challenge: #2, Cole Kain
System: Starforged
Cole Kain (he/him): Troubled warrior seeking to restore peace and justice to his home colony.
Bannersworn (Astria Colony)
Sidekick (doc)
Edge: 1
Heart: 2
Iron: 3
Shadow: 2
Wits: 1
Ship: The pathfinder: A serviceable light military transport from a few generations ago.
Iron Vow (Epic): Restore order to home system.
Not my favorite character of the week.
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