reincarnight · 1 month
sometimes i like thinking about how soma rejects and breaks the cycle of sorrow and conflict that has bound dracs and the belmonts for centuries... and at the same time, julius does the same by not killing soma when he could have during aria. very thematic and powerful.
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reincarnight · 1 month
hi i'm alive! i've just been focusing on other stuff than being here asdfhjfkh
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reincarnight · 2 months
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my friend’s birthday~~XDDDDD~~
(refer to dance pose~~
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reincarnight · 2 months
f.ire emblem au thoughts because i was talking about this to a friend earlier:
it still has soma as dracula's reincarnation. honestly, dracula coming back due to humanity's malice and greed fits right in (do i think he would be a dragon like medeus or loptous? no).
honestly, soma would have a unique class from the start — one that grants him access to swords as well as dark and anima magic. his canon ability to rule over monsters and absorb their souls would translate into how certain characters in the series can control or even create the corrupted/risen/etc. — just with more variety (thinking about echoes and sacstones specifically).
the concepts of past lives bleeding through and being the vessel to the power you don't necessarily want still hold true :thumbsup:
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reincarnight · 2 months
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RUINED BY FURY ► you are angry. you are angry and everyone knows it. the fire within you will not die, cannot die. for if it dies, you wont have a reason to burn. your rage simmers close to your chest, it boils near something you wont touch. you are angry because it is easier than anything else. you are angry because you choose it over pain. you are ruined because you cannot feel anything but your own ire.
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tagged by: i stole it tagging: steal it
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reincarnight · 3 months
hiii i'm letting you all know that i will be a bit busy for the next week or two (exams are coming up). so if i'm quiet, that's why! anyways... 1) i still have julius thoughts. and 2) i still hope to see a dracula writer one day. for reasons lol.
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reincarnight · 3 months
anyway, time to get the ball rolling here. give this a ♥ for a starter! i'm still getting used to soma's voice so they won't be too long.
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reincarnight · 3 months
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probably won't finish this
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reincarnight · 3 months
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Curious Sentences, Vol. 2
(Sentences from various sources for muses that are curious about each other. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Do you believe in God?"
"How can you possibly know that?"
"So, do you ever do anything for fun?"
"Do you miss it? Out there?"
"Why did you come back?"
"Do you have any enemies?"
"What's got you so excited?"
"Are you wearing makeup?"
"You really get that from just this?"
"Tell me something: do you ever have any fun?"
"Are you sleeping with her?"
"Why are you so nice to me?"
"I want to know what goes on inside that incredible mind of yours."
"So, there's no one special in your life right now?"
"Is there not just one tiny part of you that wonders if I'm right?"
"What exactly are you looking for?"
"Who are you really?"
"Tell me something - were you ever young?"
"What do you want out of life?"
"Why are you doing this?"
"Isn't it your birthday around now?"
"Why do you try so hard to get my attention?"
"Why do you care if I'm happy?"
"Why did you kiss me?"
"How good-looking am I?"
"Why are you dressed like that?"
"What do you do with your time off?"
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reincarnight · 3 months
update: i've updated the pages on the actual blog. the rules have been shortened (and more or less match the doc now). soma's history/biography has been moved to its separate page it got too long as i was updating it sgjhdgjd
alright, i have a google doc up! it contains: rules, about, timeline of the canon events (dawn of sorrow section is currently WIP) and verses. + while the old mobile-friendly pages are still available on my blog, they are no longer linked in the pinned ^^
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reincarnight · 3 months
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"that's not very poggers of you." arms cross, and the pale set of eyes keep looking at the other with such judgement in them. one might almost think that some grave sin has been committed!
but wait, isn't there something off about the way soma is saying this? even just a little bit?
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reincarnight · 3 months
alright, i have a google doc up! it contains: rules, about, timeline of the canon events (dawn of sorrow section is currently WIP) and verses. + while the old mobile-friendly pages are still available on my blog, they are no longer linked in the pinned ^^
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reincarnight · 3 months
a random thought of the day: dark lord soma levitates because he doesn't have his past life's ungodly tall factor for those intimidation rolls.
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reincarnight · 3 months
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alright, now that i'm taking a short break from my assignments: i have officially added soma's height to his about page (both desktop & mobile versions). he's 172 centimeters tall 🎉 sorry, i don't understand the imperial system AT ALL. + since i am labeling this as a headcanon, check under read more for the in-depth reasoning.
this is mostly based on alucard's height. he's apparently 185 cm — at least according to one source (order of ecclesia strategy guide, page 72) i found after a lot of digging. & assuming alucard's height remains the same as arikado, the height difference can be seen here:
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with these things in mind, i proceeded to play around with a height comparison tool, and what do you know, 172 cm seems close enough?
disclaimer: any alucard rpers out there can have him as short / tall as they want him to be, but soma's height will stay at 172 cm in any case. ^^
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reincarnight · 3 months
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soma's contact with his parents has been pretty limited after they moved back overseas. sure, his mom sometimes calls to check up on him. & while soma has their relevant contact details, he doesn't really reach out to them all that often —— his parents have always been busy people. as much as he does love them, soma thinks this is for the best since nothing that decides to target him (thanks dracula) can easily hold them hostage / use them against him / etc.
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reincarnight · 3 months
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"i'm fine," comes the short response, waving the stranger's concerns away with his hand. seeing that she seems to be alright, soma doesn't expect the conversation to continue any longer. the most people usually move on after checking that the other person is okay. body shifts,  &  a step is taken, ready to head past the woman... if not for the inquiry that follows.
have you also come to bask in the serene glory of this sacred shrine?
"uhh... not exactly?" he's come here many times, both as a child and at the cusp of adulthood. after his family moved back to japan, the games of play-pretend with mina turned into the matter of hanging out when they weren't busy with homework or studying for exams.
(of course, there's that time they were going to watch the solar eclipse together...)
but undoubtedly, it's calm here.
"i was just here to see a friend... her family owns this shrine." soma looks over his shoulder. for a second or two, it seems as though he's looking for someone...  &  despite the distance, he catches the miko's eyes. the youth's expression softens as one hand raises to wave.
he turns back. "that's her— mina. and well, i'm soma, for that matter."
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As yet another annum wends its way to a close, the academic sojourn embarks upon its customary pilgrimage to commemorate the festive yuletide spirit. Air, minty and laden with winter's chill, vibrates with profound laughter and exultant exclamations of jubilation as young intellectuals exchange dialogues rich in delight and speculation about the enigmatic allure that shrouds their destination. They find themselves cocooned in the tranquil embrace of a shrine, its serene atmosphere unequaled, nestled amidst the snow's pristine blanket—a spectacle of purity and unmolested magnificence, mirroring the unadulterated essence of the locale itself. Pupils, with hearts open and spirits buoyed by the festive cheer, become acutely attuned to the profound peace and mirth that the winter season bestows.
A young woman's auburn tresses cascade in voluminous waves down the graceful contours of her slender silhouette, presenting a harsh yet mesmerizing juxtaposition against the winter's monochrome palette. Inoue, so thoroughly captivated by the architectural grandeur and the natural aesthetic encircling her, remains blissfully unaware of her impending collision with another soul. A soft exclamation. "O-Oh." Slips from her lips as she automatically retreats a step, her gaze lifting to meet that of the stranger before her. For a fleeting moment, caramel eyes lock with his, embarking on a silent inquiry. This figure, shrouded in an aura that seems to weave harmoniously with the winter's embrace, possesses a complexion of alabaster and hair that echoes the hue of fresh snowfall, prompting her to ponder if perhaps she stands in the presence of a deity borne of winter itself.
"I'm alright." Responds, her voice a delicate murmur, as a spring-like smile blooms across her visage, accentuating the soft tilt of her head. "My mind, too, was adrift in the beauty that surrounds us. But tell me, are you faring well after our unexpected encounter?" Her inquiry is gentle, imbued with a genuine concern, as she adds, "Have you also come to bask in the serene glory of this sacred shrine?"
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reincarnight · 3 months
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THEN LET ME BE EVIL ► you never wanted to hurt anyone, but the world never gave you a choice. you did the best you could with what you had, but every innocent mistake you made was held against you when it counted, every crossroads led you down the wrong path no matter which way you went. no matter what you did, the odds were stacked against you. it wasn't fair, and you are sick and tired of being told what a monster you are for things out of your control. well, fine. they want a monster? YOU'LL GIVE THEM A MONSTER!
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