11 tips on how to approach a girl in the gym and win her over
You constantly go to the gym, but in the middle of your exercise routine, you find yourself attracted to a woman.
You definitely want to ask her out, but you find it very difficult to do so since you don’t know how to approach her.
Do not worry!
In this article, we will show you how to achieve it.
1. Invest and dress in attractive clothes to get their attention
As expected, everyone in the gym is sweating and smelling bad.
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If you want to approach her, you should try to perform this action just as you arrive at the gym, while impeccably dressed and still smelling of cologne, because women repel men who stink.
Invest in a branded uniform, or at the very least make sure the one you wear is neat.
2. Learn to do the exercises or pretend you don’t know how to work with a team
Stand next to the girl you’re attracted to and ask her how the machine closest to her works.
Try to make it sound natural and this way you will start a funny conversation in which she will try to appear as your savior.
Surely she will be aware that you are doing your routine properly.
3. Ask for an opinion
Once she’s helped you with the exercise equipment, you can ask her a question that’s sure to make her laugh, but often happens in gyms; Make up a story like the following:
“You know, I think I have a problem with this uniform, do you think it looks good on me?”
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She will ask you the reason for your question and that is when you will explain to her that, as soon as you arrived, you noticed that there was a boy flirting with you and that you are not gay.
You can also ask her to be so kind as not to stray too far from you, as you don’t want a misunderstanding to occur.
From that moment you will get their friendship and full attention.
4. Help those who are most desperate
It is also common for new girls to enter the gym and have no idea how to work out with a piece of equipment.
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Lend your assistance to the one who seems the most disoriented and give them some tips to get the most out of their training routine; with this, you will be like a real gallant.
5. Behave like a gentleman
Being attentive and polite always makes a good impression, regardless of where you are.
Don’t forget to open the gym door for a girl to come in, pick up your towel from the floor, clean the machine you worked out on, take a shower after training, apply deodorant, and mouthwash.
Even if you think that she didn’t even see you do these things, the truth is that women are attentive to everything that happens around them and fall in love with detail and gentlemen.
6. Short conversations
While you manage to gain their trust, it is preferable that you proceed slowly; for this reason, avoid interrupting her in the middle of her training.
Say hello to her, and if she’s been absent from the gym, let her know that you’ve missed her lately.
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The best time to talk is precisely at the exit, where you can show off your good treatment by carrying her bag and accompanying her to her car or bus stop.
7. Make eye contact without harassing her.
Eye contact is essential before starting a pleasant conversation.
Observe her surreptitiously, without being intrusive, otherwise, you will intimidate her and may chase her away from the training area altogether.
8. Do not try to impress her
It is a mistake to try to get a girl’s attention by overdoing your training routine.
Continue doing the exercises that you normally do, without any intention of bragging or pretending to lift more weight than you are capable of.
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If you do, you’ll not only make a fool of yourself in front of her, but you’ll incur additional physical problems like muscle strains and tears, hernias, and unnecessary post-workout pain.
Being consistent in your visits to the gym is enough to impress a woman.
9. Don’t harass her
Don’t become the gym stalker, who shows up everywhere until she gets upset.
 This is not the right way to be flashy to someone else! Do not offer her help unless she asks for it and, after helping her, say goodbye with: “I’m there if you need me!”
Give her space and she’ll probably assume you’re not one of those bullies waiting for an opportunity to touch her under the guise of “helping” her.
10. Avoid wearing headphones
Yes, that’s right, it’s very comfortable and it’s also nice to train while listening to your favorite music, but this way it will seem that you don’t want any distractions from your surroundings.
That includes the girls who in their desperation require the intervention of a gentle gentleman to guide them during training.
If she sees a couple of guys and needs to ask them for help, without hesitation she will go to the one who can hear her more quickly and not to the one who will have to signal her to remove her headphones and finally be able to attend to her.
11. Concentrate on doing your exercises and ignore her a bit
Remember that in the gym the most graceful girls are exposed to the gaze of all.
Most of them are used to having the looks of the men who are training, so some become frivolous and simply play along.
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Don’t be one of the crowd, since they don’t pay attention to those who literally “drool over them”, but precisely to those who are far from their reach.
If you are interested in one, in particular, make her understand that you like women, but keep your distance and ignore her a bit; that is to say, do not show yourself so accessible and she will be the one who comes to you.
In conclusion
Some women are quite receptive in the gym, others hate interruptions and tend to reject even the most gracious man in the room.
Whatever the situation, always keep your good humor and kindness, let them know the best of you and your intentions; the rest will be a matter of fate or the situation.
We would like to know how you did in the gym approaching a girl after reading this article. So feel free to write us in the comment section.
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9 Secret Characteristics of a healthy relationship
We’ve learned a lot about pathological relationships, but how do we know if we’re in a healthy one? In these circumstances, there are a variety of indicators that a relationship is in good health.
We are well-versed in the concept of an unhealthy relationship. But how can we tell if we’re in a good relationship? There are a variety of indicators that a relationship is in excellent health in these situations.
It appears self-evident that if I am not in a difficult relationship, I am in a healthy relationship. What occurs occasionally is that we get out of problematic relationships and “settle” for what we have now as a result of the contrast. Phrases like “at least he wants to meet me” and “at least he values me” frequently imply that we value what we have by comparing it to the above rather than judging ourselves using our own criteria. So, how can we tell if our relationships are in good shape?
What makes a relationship healthy?
When two people are in a healthy relationship, they feel connected to each other. Even in relationships where the couple’s compatibility was excellent, there are more and more separations, despite the fact that we all seem to recognize love partnerships.
Many indicators, such as commitment and trust in the other person, can help you determine if you are in a healthy relationship.
Despite the fact that these signals are well-known, some people who are caught in a bad relationship are unable to recognize them. As a result, it’s critical to determine whether or not your relationship is truly healthy.
As a result, the first step in having a healthy relationship is to listen to our own criteria, what do I need in a relationship, and determine whether what the partner provides is sufficient.
What are the characteristics of healthy relationships?
As previously mentioned, there are a number of indicators that you are in a good relationship. If you ask yourself, “What characteristics indicate a healthy relationship?” you’ll get a lot of different answers. The following are the main points that psychologists emphasize.
Each coupling member is accountable for their own happiness and does not place it in the couple’s hands. You must first love and esteem yourself in order to have a healthy relationship.
If you undervalue, blame, or rely on your partner, the relationship cannot be balanced; one of the couple’s members will bear the brunt of the partnership’s weight, resulting in a pathological relationship.
When a couple has good self-esteem and self-confidence, their love is balanced in this way. A good, stable relationship is characterized by partners who are self-sufficient and do not feel reliant on one another.
2. Effective communication
The importance of good communication and balance cannot be overstated. Even if we disagree, it is critical to grasp the other’s point of view, as well as to try to understand why they act the way they do.
It’s critical to be flexible and tolerant at this point, and to seek out agreements to be on “the same side.”
In many circumstances, a love relationship can be ended due to a lack of communication between the couple. As a result, learning how to communicate is critical.
Some people, rather than speaking what they believe, prefer to keep their opinions to themselves in order to avoid having relationship troubles, which is a bad attitude to have if you want to keep a healthy relationship.
For a good relationship, active listening and empathy are essential characteristics.
3. Sincerity and assertiveness
There’s a common misconception in relationships that if the other person understands you, they’ll know what you’re thinking.
One of the most common blunders in relationships is to do so. Nobody can know exactly what you’re thinking or how you feel about things. If anything upsets you, express yourself rather than waiting for the other to figure it out.
This way of thinking frequently leads to major debates and dynamics. Of course, you must attempt to defend your own viewpoints and standards without insulting or disparaging the other person. It is possible to be sincere without causing pain.
Instead of trying to figure out how to make your spouse react, attempt to figure out the best way to communicate something about them that irritates or hurts you.
Sincerity and empathy are essential in a romantic connection if love is to be sustained throughout time.
4. Trust is a necessary component.
If you don’t trust your partner, it’s impossible to maintain a healthy relationship. It’s critical to have faith in the other, to accept him/her as he/she is, and to lean on him/her when you need it.
When he’s/she’s lame, you’ll have to be his/her crutch as well. One of the best markers of a healthy relationship is giving him your vote of confidence and believing in him.
Obviously, the topic of jealousy is present here. It’s natural to feel envious, but in order to have a strong relationship, you have to believe that the other person won’t betray you; that is if you aren’t selling the bear’s fur before killing it.
When one partner distrusts the other, romantic relationships are doomed to fail. When negative feelings about a couple should be discussed before it escalates. For a love relationship to succeed, it is critical to establish good communication and trust.
5. Focus on the now rather than the past.
It’s pointless to dwell on previous mistakes. A healthy relationship does not have to be devoid of disagreements or severe issues.
For example, you can maintain a healthy relationship even if there has been adultery; yes, it is critical to have recovered trust in the other and be forgiven.
In a good relationship, there are no regrets from the past, and you don’t live in constant fear of the other person failing me again. They have faith in one another and live in the moment together.
When people can’t stop thinking about their ex-problems, partner’s it’s a sign that their relationship isn’t healthy. People make mistakes in healthy couples’ relationships, but problems are aired and handled. Keeping enmity alive implies that the pair lacks respect.
6. Have realistic expectations of your mate.
If your partner is a mistake, do not expect him to remember exactly what you do remember. Try to get a sense of the other person’s personality and adapt to what they have to offer.
We’re not going to ask the elm for pears. It’s crucial to determine whether or not what you’re asking of him in the relationship is something he can deliver.
The goal isn’t to create a “tailor-made” partner out of what you’ve learned along the way, but to accept your partner as he is and ask for what you need as long as it doesn’t put too much pressure on him.
I’ll use an analogy: if you purchase a sofa and don’t like it, you can upholster it or add some cushions, but if you saw it and construct a sofa out of it, then upholster it and add a chaise longue, you’ve changed the structure so much that it no longer resembles the original.
It’s nearly better if you just go out and purchase an armchair. That is exactly what many people experience when they strive to modify their relationship so much that they lose their essence. It’s one thing to accommodate others; it’s quite another to change who you are.
Accepting each other is the first step in any romantic relationship.
7. Individuality
This is a really crucial point. Giving oneself totally or expecting the other to provide everything for you is not a smart idea. Instead of waiting for your companion to solve the ballot for you, learn how to do it yourself.
As a result, in addition to taking care of the relationship, it’s also vital to look after your social ties, family, and personal interests… in other words, everything that gives you a sense of independence.
It is encouraged in some relationships for one partner to be unable to do tasks without the other. This is a blunder that we must avoid.
Healthy relationships respect your personal space and uniqueness. That is, you do separate things and are self-sufficient in relation to the partnership.
It’s critical for each relationship member to believe that they can be happy without the other.
8. There is mutual admiration.
Both parties respect the relationship and want to be a part of it because they want to, rather than because they have to. You’re not with the other because you have to, but because you want to.
To put it another way, the other does not supply what you require. Your relationship with your spouse does not make you a complete person, but it does bring you an extra bit of satisfaction.
It is critical to appreciate your mate in order to feel fulfilled in a relationship. A good relationship is one in which the two persons are grateful to one other and value each other.
A healthy relationship is one that is free of codependency.
9. They are adaptable.
Because changes in relationships are inevitable, healthy partnerships are defined by their adaptability and resilience. When love is sustained throughout time, whether in married partnerships or other types of love relationships, individuals change, and we must be willing to develop together.
Over time, failing to change or strive to improve a relationship can lead to the loss of love inside a relationship. As a result, learning to live with changes both inside and outside of a relationship is critical.
Now it’s time to think about where your relationship intersects and where it doesn’t. If there are some that refuse to comply, start to work on promoting a healthy relationship. Consult a psychologist if there are multiple points or if you are unsure how to resolve one of your relationship issues. A romantic relationship should be worked on all of the time.
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