I don't need someone with a hot body. He can be fat or overweight and have a belly. It's very much about style and substance and humor, interest, curiosity and really being smart.
Kate Walsh
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I'm not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick smart colleagues.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
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Nootropics came about in the early 1970’s, by Dr Guirgea. Formed from the latin words nous and trepein, Dr Giurgea put these two words together to form what we now know as Nootropic. The former latin word means mind, whilst the latter actually means ‘to bend’. Essentially, these words translate to bending the mind, thereby describing accurately the usefulness of this solution to expand and strengthen the brain function.
The main way that nootropics work so successfully, is because they act as an additive to neurochemicals that are already present in the brain. Using enzymes, neurotransmitters and hormones, different brands and types of nootropics contain various elements and quantities to increase the productivity and efficiency of the brain function.
A lot of variations of nootropics, also increase the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain. Most smart drug tablets such as Addtabz or even AdderRX have little to no side effects, although caution should still be advised and professional consultation is still recommended.
Studies have been conducted for well over a decade now, in order to study the effects that smart drugs have on individuals. What constitutes a “Good” Nootropic, and how is This Different From Other Nootropics? Back in the 70’s, the Romanian doctor who created the term nootropic, also put together a list that a smart drug must adhere to, to properly fall into the classification of nootropic.
This set of criteria meant that manufacturers of nootropics would have to adhere to more strict guidelines in order to classify their products as nootropics- thereby helping consumers.
Guidelines That a Nootropic Must Meet:
- It strictly has to first protect the brain to prevent it from creating complications or deficiencies
- A nootropic must enhance the cognitive abilities of the brain and prevent these abilities from being disrupted by certain health conditions.
- Next, you should find an considerable increase in memory function, cognitive ability and focus too.
- A nootropic must not be toxic and must have very few potential side effects, if any.
- Cortical and also subcortical component function should also be improved upon using.
Curious How They Work?
Understanding how nootropics work is not as difficult as you think it would be. Although they may appear to seem technical, you don’t have to be a chemist in order to have a grasp of the basics. Like anything you put into your body, it’s always prudent to do a little bit of investigation to learn what it’s potentially doing to you, so you always stay ahead of your health.
You should never consume something if you don’t know what the consequences are going to wind up being.
A Basic Version of Brain Boosting
As all people can respond to different supplements differently, nootropics are certainly not immune to react with individuals differently, from person to person. The first thing you should know is that smart drugs typically increase the rate of neurotransmitters that the brain contains.
When the number of neurotransmitters in the brain increases, the brain’s neuroplasticity increases as well. You will also find other vital chemicals inside the brain also increase as the neurotransmitters increase.
Once this chemical enhancement sharpens the brain, most users tend to find a much better memory, focus and level of intelligence.
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Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who'll argue with you."
John Wooden
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