reporterkara · 4 years
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Lena: Just a little bit. It's fine, though. I find it incredibly hard to believe those boring men survive those meetings with strictly pure thoughts. Not that I care, unless they're using me as the leering object.
Lena: Unless you'll dislike someone calling me mom or wanting to cut off my face to wear it on THEIR face, no.
Lena: The post was the easy part, my love. The harassing phone calls, not so much. I know it would perhaps be biased if you were to cover the story, but would anyone at CatCo want to do an exclusive? I have about seven voicemails from Clark Kent at the Daily Planet. I didn't really see them wanting to cover celebrity gossip, so color me surprised.
Kara: ....Do I need to have a talk with them? We'll have a chat it's okay.
Kara: Oh yes the mom thing! I still don't understand but I am hoping to one day be called Dad and it means they've accepted me.
Kara: Oh boy...uh, that is a little surprising but I mean Clark has been a mentor to me for a long time so I think that would make sense but of course I'd hate to give the exclusive to another publication, in fact I know Miss Grant would scold me herself if I encouraged you to give it to them...I'll do some digging, we do have a lot of wonderful writers here
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reporterkara · 4 years
KDanvers: Hey Clark! I um...I kind of have something to ask you about. Would you mind if I asked you some stuff?
CKent: Your reporter skills are just shining through Kar, but go ahead.
KDanvers: It's kind of um...personal stuff...
CKent: And you picked the Catco computers instead of just texting?
KDanvers: Theres more firewalls here! And less chance of it being seen by someone!
CKent: I'm sure Winn would say differently but go ahead Cous ask your personal questions. :^D
KDanvers: The noses on the smilies..its creepy just so you know. But um...Okay so..yep...Um. so okay. You know how sometimes when you really like someone you uh...do mature things with them?
CKent: Hold on is this going to be sexual questions? Because you coulda started with that. But sure yes, I'm with you so far.
KDanvers: So um...In doing those mature things have you ever felt...I don't know like something takes over you? And there's no explanation or reason to it but its aggressive and just seems to appear like that.
CKent: Kara, did you hurt someone?
KDanvers: No! I just...can you answer the question please.
CKent: Well. My first couple of mature experiences as we'll call them were awkward to say the least but they were nice and stuff over all. But my first time with Lois was something out of this world. And, yes. The time with Lois (first and other times after) I have felt what you are describing. It's almost...animalistic in a sense? That you just want to dominate and lay a claim on them? Is that a way to describe it that makes sense?
KDanvers: Yes that...Describes it perfectly. Like you feel protective over them and all this affection and...love but its not tender? Is it...A Kryptonian thing? And how come you think you only felt it with Lois?
CKent: I'm not sure. I did briefly ask Kelex once about it but research was kind of slim. Perhaps I felt it with Lois and not the other times because I've loved her from the moment I saw her. So it was a much more intense and meaningful experience.
KDanvers: Oh...I...Yeah that would make more sense. So it...doesn't happen every time?
CKent: Not every time no. At least not for me but sometimes it does try to take over. Just make sure you are talking to them Kar, especially in those types of situations.
KDanvers: I know...and they made sure I was okay and everything but I...They don’t know I'm an alien I don’t think I could just casually bring it up in that situation.
CKent:...So it's not James? Colour me surprised.
KDanvers: No James and I didn't really work out but we never...you know
CKent: Thank goodness, for my own sanity. But if what my thought process has come up with, whoever they are must be incredibly important to you if you are having that reaction already. But Kara if you can't be honest about who you are, do you want to be letting someone into your heart like that?
KDanvers: Its just...complicated. I don't want to keep lying but I can't be completely honest yet. There's some stuff going on in National City and I can't risk putting them in danger by revealing myself. But they...like me for me, not for the super side and that's a lot already to adjust to. I just hope I can reel in this rough side...especially since I could really hurt them. They are...a human and I've never had these types of situations come up and when I realize I could move my head the wrong way in a kiss and break their nose its...terrifying. But then I think of you and Lois and you guys make it work and I just want what you have Clark, I want to be happy and in love like that. But I'm also so scared.
CKent: I'm no expert Kar, but I say follow your heart. You know whats best for you and if keeping yourself secret is what would be the safest then you'd know. Besides if they already adore you then I don't think they'll react badly to the truth but when you do tell them just make sure its right and that they deserve your heart and will take care of it in return.
KDanvers: I will, thanks Clark. Sorry about the awkward question but you did really help.
CKent: It's what I'm here for! Now be sure to delete your chat history!
KDanvers: Way ahead of you!
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reporterkara · 4 years
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Lena: LCorp is going swimmingly, though i cant say the same for my infuriating boardmeetings.
Lena: I found myself drifting away from the boardroom in my thoughts, back to having you in my penthouse, actually.
Lena: Oh har har! You should really take a look at some of my direct messages.
Kara: I...Oh boy. I can understand how those thoughts would be..ahem, distracting ♥
Kara: Do I want to? Would they make me jealous?
Kara: I think what you posted is beautiful, I can't wait to hug you and hold your hand and tell you how proud of I am of you in person, I know it couldn't have been easy to do that
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reporterkara · 4 years
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reporterkara · 4 years
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Lena: Hope your day is going well at CatCo, darling ♥
Lena: Speaking of the media, how long do you think we can enjoy privacy and peace before the tabloids start to get involved. Forgive me, but I tend to be a little eager to get ahead of the news.
Kara: It's been hectic but the good kind of hectic! Makes the day go by faster, how's LCorp treating you?
Kara: Well, we did agree you could have the first Instagram post. I'm all for staying hidden until you are ready though, I know it's more to deal with on your end of things.
Kara: Who woulda thought my girlfriend would be a celebrity in her own right? :D
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reporterkara · 4 years
Lena couldn’t help but let out the most uncharacteristic, breathy chuckle at her girlfriends’ antics. Though she had somewhat on an idea what she was going into their third date expecting, Kara certainly threw her through a loop on that. She knew this was going to be a lot sweeter and romantic than what she was used to in terms of relations with another person, because Kara was… Kara. And she was incredibly special to her. 
What she hadn’t expected was the stamina and energy of a literal zoo animal. So much so, that Lena was absolutely exhausted and sore in all of the best ways. She assumed, being the more experienced of the two, that she was going to be more of the initiator, and it to be more of a ‘monkey see, monkey do’ situation.. But she had never been more wrong about anything in her life.
“Kara Danvers…. Are you perfectly sure you are human?” Lena chuckled, still in an effort to catch her breath that she was absolutely sure she had lost at least an hour beforehand and never caught up with. 
“How are you so… Perfect?”
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The question that left Lena’s lips had Kara chuckling awkwardly, hiding her blushing face against Lena’s stomach. “I...I mean I told you I’ve never done this before, who knew I’d be a champion at it,” she pointed out, tilting her head up to grin over at Lena.
Carefully crawling out from between Lena’s legs she plopped down next to her on the bed, adjusting her glasses and taking a few deep breaths. “It’s probably because I had a great teacher,” she added in, giving Lena a bright smile as she rolled on to her side to face her.
“Besides, you thought I was joking when I’d tell you that you’re the most beautiful woman ever, but now I’ll just have to spend even more hours showing you that you are! This is great!” Giggling a little Kara leaned over to gently brush her nose against Lena’s. 
“Thank you, for...tonight. For all of this, and for not laughing at my dorky questions,”
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Third Date →
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reporterkara · 4 years
Though she was fully stuck in her aroused haze, Lena couldn’t stop herself from smiling adoring up at Kara as she watched the look of concentration cross her face as she pushed up her glasses. She was so determined and curious, Lena’s heart was totally and utterly stolen for good.
Her staring was short lived, however, when Kara slowly eased into her. It was with far too much care than Lena needed, but she wasn’t going to complain about the respect that was just oozing out of Kara. The slow intrusion hit her in all the right spots, and Lena let out a filthy moan, eyes rolling as they shut.
She accepted the slow kiss happily, sighing into Kara’s parted lips when she started to pick up a rhythm. The growing confidence was evident as Kara upped her speed, adding another fingers and pulling another loud borderline pornographic sound from Lena’s lips.
“You feel so good,” Lena replied, heart leaping at the tender use of a nickname that seemed to be reserved for Kara and Kara alone. Lena liked that.
Her hips started to roll up to meet Kara’s hand, jerking ever so slightly when those long fingers seemed to hit her sweet spot wonderfully and repeatedly. 
“Faster, Kara.. Please,” Lena urged, her manicured nails digging into and scratching lightly down that toned back.
Though she had knowledge of how sex worked on Earth and even based back to Krypton, Kara obviously didn’t have any experience, hardly even with herself. So she had to admit, being able to feel Lena’s muscles tensing up around her fingers and how wet she was, it was truly an experience and the moans her girlfriend were letting out had shivers running through Kara’s own body, tingling in her spine and down to her toes.
As Lena’s hips moved against her hand Kara watched her curiously, being able to watch the pleasure change on Lena’s face as she’d curl her fingers or thrust them quicker. Lifting her gaze back to Lena’s face at the words she smirked a little, reminding herself to still stay calm as she quickened her fingers, thrusting them faster as she brought her thumb to Lena’s clit, while she tilted her head with a small growl to attach her lips to Lena’s neck and shoulder, nipping at the skin, possibly a bit harder than she intended to.
The night had definitely taken a turn from when she had been looking up what to bring to a sex date, to having delicious pizza, to losing her virginity to the most beautiful woman, to feeling a whirlwind of emotions a lot of which she couldn’t explain and a few times couldn’t get a grasp on but thankfully she had managed to keep control of herself so she didn’t hurt Lena at all but once she embraced what she was feeling and always made sure to check in on Lena, Kara definitely didn’t feel nervous anymore. While she planned to look into the Kryptonian effects of what might have happened, that was a thought for another day because currently Kara was having the time of her life, nestled between Lena’s legs, having her girlfriend’s thighs clamping tightly around her head for the third time in a row.
Feeling Lena slump underneath her Kara grinned as she gently crawled her way up, plopping her chin on to Lena’s torso she gave her an innocent smile. “I think I found my new favorite hobby,” she hummed, her innocent smile turning into a dopey grin as she leaned down to pepper a few kisses to Lena’s skin.
“Are you okay? I’m sorry if I got carried away...or If I’ve asked that too much....and also um...for biting you...the few times...” she murmured, blushing as she nuzzled her nose above Lena’s navel before pressing a kiss there.
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Third Date →
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reporterkara · 6 years
Sometimes I feel like I can’t run, I can’t crawl And sometimes I feel like I ain’t nothing at all Life is a journey where you stumble and fall But I’m okay when I lie down in your arms
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reporterkara · 7 years
Though she was fully stuck in her aroused haze, Lena couldn’t stop herself from smiling adoring up at Kara as she watched the look of concentration cross her face as she pushed up her glasses. She was so determined and curious, Lena’s heart was totally and utterly stolen for good.
Her staring was short lived, however, when Kara slowly eased into her. It was with far too much care than Lena needed, but she wasn’t going to complain about the respect that was just oozing out of Kara. The slow intrusion hit her in all the right spots, and Lena let out a filthy moan, eyes rolling as they shut.
She accepted the slow kiss happily, sighing into Kara’s parted lips when she started to pick up a rhythm. The growing confidence was evident as Kara upped her speed, adding another fingers and pulling another loud borderline pornographic sound from Lena’s lips.
“You feel so good,” Lena replied, heart leaping at the tender use of a nickname that seemed to be reserved for Kara and Kara alone. Lena liked that.
Her hips started to roll up to meet Kara’s hand, jerking ever so slightly when those long fingers seemed to hit her sweet spot wonderfully and repeatedly. 
“Faster, Kara.. Please,” Lena urged, her manicured nails digging into and scratching lightly down that toned back.
Though she had knowledge of how sex worked on Earth and even based back to Krypton, Kara obviously didn’t have any experience, hardly even with herself. So she had to admit, being able to feel Lena’s muscles tensing up around her fingers and how wet she was, it was truly an experience and the moans her girlfriend were letting out had shivers running through Kara’s own body, tingling in her spine and down to her toes.
As Lena’s hips moved against her hand Kara watched her curiously, being able to watch the pleasure change on Lena’s face as she’d curl her fingers or thrust them quicker. Lifting her gaze back to Lena’s face at the words she smirked a little, reminding herself to still stay calm as she quickened her fingers, thrusting them faster as she brought her thumb to Lena’s clit, while she tilted her head with a small growl to attach her lips to Lena’s neck and shoulder, nipping at the skin, possibly a bit harder than she intended to.
Third Date →
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reporterkara · 7 years
Lena’s body as already thrumming with pleasure, she couldn’t imagine what it could be like to have Kara all around her, and inside her. But when the offer was presented on a silver platter, Lena let out a low moan, her hips jerking against Kara’s hand as she nodded.
“Please,” Lena gave the permission she knew Kara, ever the gentlewoman, was asking. She turned her head to capture Kara’s lips in a slow, deep kiss. It was barely comprehensible, that she could get a woman as wonderful as Kara, or that this was Kara’s first time. 
“Do you feel how wet I am?” Lena encouraged, keeping their slightly damp forehead together. “That’s all because of you. For you, baby. Feel what you do to me?”
A little surprised by the jerk of Lena’s hips, Kara couldn’t deny the way the motion seemed to set a new fire inside of her as she lifted her gaze back to look at Lena’s face. Smiling softly she leaned into the kiss, continuing to brush her fingers in slow circles against Lena’s clit. 
Smiling softly as their foreheads pressed together she nodded ever so slightly at Lena’s words, that spark in her chest seeming to ignite once more but Kara knew whatever instinct inside of her that again, was just telling her to take Lena. She had to keep in mind, that she didn’t want to give into that, especially since she didn’t know what would happen if she did.
Shifting to sit up a little, she used her free hand to push her glasses back up before she focused solely on Lena.  Making sure to watch what she was doing, and because she couldn’t deny being a little curious. Keeping her touch gentle she brushed her fingers through Lena’s folds, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth as she took in how wet Lena actually was, her girlfriend’s words settling in her mind again, causing her to feel pretty good about herself she’d admit .
She’d started with her middle finger, easing it in and being unable to hold her soft groan in at the fact of how easily her actually slipped into Lena. Leaning down she brought their lips together once more, starting a small pace of moving her finger to get comfortable before she found her groove and gently eased her ring finger in as well, pressing her forehead against Lena’s as she steadily thrusted her fingers.
“You...are just amazing Lee,” she sighed, tilting her head to kiss the corner of Lena’s lips.
Third Date →
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reporterkara · 7 years
Lena wasn’t sure how to when it happened, much less why, but something inside Kara seemed to have snapped and she found herself underneath the beautiful blonde. It was Kara’s first time, and Lena honestly had no idea she had it in her to be this.. Forward. But she wouldn’t ever complain, if the drop in her stomach and wetness coating her thighs had anything to say about it.
Lena let out a soft, needy moan when she looked down to see her girlfriend smirking up at her from the hem of her underwear. Just like that, any nerves about being completely nude and exposed for Kara went completely out of the window. She wanted to give the girl all of her, and be ravished completely.
When Kara finally touched her, Lena’s hand quickly tangled in the baby hairs at the base of her neck. She’d been touched before, but it had never felt quite like this. Her body trembled at the touch of Kara’s fingers putting pressure in just the right place.
Her head fell back against the pillow, dark hair cascading around her head like a dark halo as she started up at her lover, eyes clouded with lust and emotion. Not being able to hold herself back, Lena started slowly rocking her hips up against Kara’s hand, urging her to keep going.
Moaning the moment Lena’s fingers tangled in her hair Kara smiled a little as she applied more pressure to Lena’s clit, watching her curiously she’d admit she got a little transfixed in watching Lena, but the moment she felt her hips start moving, Kara snapped back in on the situation. 
Smirking she circled her fingers against Lena’s clit, rubbing small circles she tilted her head to kiss Lena’s neck and slowly up to her ear, tugging the lobe between her lips before nuzzling her nose just under Lena’s ear.
“Y-You feel so good,” she breathed. “Can...Can I be inside you?” she whispered, even though this surprising new confidence she felt was telling her to just take Lena, Kara knew that she at least wanted to be sure, especially since she had never done such a thing before and she wanted to make sure she was asking.
Third Date →
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reporterkara · 7 years
With Kara’s display of dominant strength as she was pulled into her lap, Lena let out a choked gasp. It wasn’t something she would admit to finding incredibly attractive, but Kara was… Kara. Lena could feel the effects of it low in her abdomen. 
“You can touch me wherever you want, however you want, darling,” Lena sighed, her head moving to the side to create room for Kara’s wonderful lips. 
Ever so slowly at first, Lena started to roll her hips into Kara, pressing into the soft but deliciously firm stomach. Though her body had screamed at her to start it to relieve the tension she could feel building in her body and swirling between her parted thighs, it was definitely an urge to push Kara in the right direction.
It felt like Lena’s first time all over again.
“Touch me, Kara. Fuck me,” 
Smirking a little at Lena’s response Kara continued to lightly nip at her neck before being quick to sooth the spots with her tongue and to softly kiss them after.
Groaning a little as Lena’s hips started moving against her, Kara’s hands tightened against her ass for a moment. Telling herself to stay calm, that she had this, she didn’t need to get nervous, any nerves she was feeling seemed to instantly leave the moment Lena’s next words reached her ears. The nerves were quickly replaced with something else as a small almost growl sounded in her throat as Kara shifted to grab Lena’s hips, switching them around and pinning Lena to the bed. 
Ghosting her hands along Lena’s ribs as she peppered kisses against her breasts and slowly down her stomach she paused as she ended up at Lena’s underwear hem, glancing up at her and giving her a tiny smirk, that she didn’t even know where it was coming from, along with this new sexual confidence. Kara was quick to hook her fingers into the hem of Lena’s underwear, carefully but quickly tugging them off her legs and tossing them aside somewhere.
Happily plopping herself between Lena’s thighs she tilted her head to nuzzle her nose against Lena’s throat before pressing a few open mouthed kisses against it. 
She honestly wasn’t sure what was going on with her, but her senses were completely overwhelmed and all she wanted was Lena. Her touch, her scent, her lips, it was all so intoxicating and without hesitating Kara sat up to bring their lips together again, her fingers settling between Lena’s thighs to curiously trail along her slit before pressing her fingers against Lena’s clit, tilting her head back ever so slightly to be able to watch her.
Third Date →
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reporterkara · 7 years
Lena couldn’t help but smile against Kara’s nipple when she felt the other woman fumbling around at her back. She watched, eyes fixated on Kara, as her eyes rolled shut and she moaned, hips pushing up into Lena’s thigh. She let Kara’s nipple fall from her mouth, dragging her lip between her teeth.
“I’m already wet, Kara.. I don’t have to teach you how to make me feel that,” Lena admitted, straddling Kara’s thigh as she sat up a little, looking down at the beautiful blonde that was spread out on the bed, body flushed with heat.
She let her hands find the space between the cups on her bra, smirking down at Kara as she found the little latch and popped it, freeing her breasts and pulling the garment away.
“Sorry for making it harder on you.. But the reveal is worth it,” She grinned, subconsciously pushing out her chest for Kara’s viewing before lowering her body back on top of her girlfriends and searching out for her lips. Pulling her into a deep kiss, Lena let out a unashamed moan at the feel of their breasts finally pressing against one another without any barriers, legs laying to slip against one another, thigh pushing up between Kara’s.
“Is this okay?” She asked, a little breathless as her lips slipped across Kara’s cheek to find the column of her neck, slowly rocking her hips against Kara’s, feeling the much needed friction against her own core.
Even though Kara felt a little cocky about Lena’s admittance, she also noted the way her entire face seemed heat up even more. Thankfully she wasn’t like Bizarro because chances are if she had fire breath she could probably easily burst into flame as well, and half the time she already felt like she was about to around Lena.
As Lena sat up Kara couldn’t help reaching up to hang on to her hips, absently squeezing them and rubbing her palms against them. Though watching Lena’s little bra trick Kara wanted to pout but admittedly was far too distracted, delighted and overly turned on to even think about pouting. Tugging her bottom lip sharply between her teeth Kara finally managed to get her mind to connect with her hands as she went to not to subtly reach for Lena’s breasts, only to whine a little as Lena was quick to move in that exact same moment. 
“I...hey” she huffed a little only to gasp the moment they finally had full skin on skin contact. Shifting her hand to settle against Lena’s back she leaned into the kiss, her back arching yet again as Lena’s thigh pressing back against her caused another gasped moan to leave her lips.
Nodding quickly in response Kara bit into her lip once more, tilting her head to expose more of her neck to Lena’s lips. “I..Y-Yeah...It’s more than okay,” she breathed, her dull nails digging into Lena’s back for a moment before telling herself to pay attention to what she was doing. 
With a slight surge of confidence Kara shifted her hands to Lena’s ass, squeezing gently before she shifted to sit up and to pull Lena on to her lap, keeping their bodies flush against each other. “I want to...touch you first...Is...Is that...cool?” she breathed, her hands tightening a little against Lena’s ass as she tilted her head to ghost her lips over Lena’s collarbone before softly kissing and nipping at her neck.
Third Date →
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reporterkara · 7 years
Lena’s eyes flickered across Kara’s torso, as though the sudden reveal of her chest was a snap out of the haze she was experiencing. It was suddenly very real that this was happening, right here, right now.. With Kara Danvers. Lena had wanted it for such a long time, and if she wasn’t so sure that she was awake, she would be pinching herself.
“You’re gorgeous,” Lena breathed, her hands finding Kara’s shoulders to apply just enough pressure to roll them over to leave herself on top.
“I’ll teach you anything you want to know,” She whispered into Kara’s ear, their cheeks brushing as she leg her thigh slip slowly and deliberately between Kara’s. Lena could feel the heat between her legs, and couldn’t help but breathe out a shuddering moan into Kara’s ear.
Her lips moved from Kara’s ear, to the crook of her neck to dust across her chest. As though moving on an automated path, Lena nipped and kissed over the softer flesh of her breast, finding a nipple and taking it gently between her lips.
Kara could feel those nerves settling in her chest once more the moment she caught Lena looking at her, but truthfully though she was nervous and slightly self conscious she knew she didn’t need to worry, it was obvious Lena liked her and considering how attached her girlfriend was to her abs, Kara wasn’t too worried about Lena not liking the rest of her. 
Her blush deepened almost instantly at the words, her own getting cut off by a small squeak as Lena so easily rolled them over. She had to admit she was rather impressed. Comfortably settling against the mattress under her Kara’s hands shifted, one tangling in Lena’s hair while the other settled against the small of her back, nails instantly grazing her skin the moment Lena’s thigh connected with her center, her body tensing for a brief moment, Lena’s moan doing nothing to stop Kara from letting out a shuddering breath as she told herself to chill out, even if she could hear how loudly her heart was pounding in her ears and she was sure Lena could hear it too.
“I...Teach me...How to make you feel...Like you make me feel,” she breathed, pushing herself up just enough to watch Lena, instantly tugging her bottom lip between her teeth as Lena’s lips moved lower and lower Kara would have been embarrassed by the groan that settled in her throat the moment Lena bit and kissed her skin, but all of her nerves instantly flew out the window the moment those beautiful lips wrapped around her nipple.
With her stomach instantly knotting up Kara lightly grazed her dull nails through Lena’s hair. “Y-You too,” she breathed, even if it came out as an exhaled breath while her fingers attempted to undo Lena’s bra, with no luck at all. Whining a little Kara huffed as she slumped back against the bed. “Do you have like...Kara proof locks on this thing,” she huffed, peeking down at Lena with a tiny grin, even if meeting Lena’s now dark gaze had a jolt shooting straight between her thighs and she couldn’t help the way her hips rocked forward against Lena’s thigh, squeezing her eyes shut as she groaned softly. 
Third Date →
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reporterkara · 7 years
Lena felt as though her body was vibrating as Kara rested above her, slotting against her as though she was some kind of missing piece that should have always fit there. This wasn’t anything like it had been with her ex.. It felt comfortable and so much better. Lena was utterly cherished by Kara.
“Eventually, probably,” Lena hummed, her finger nails embedding slightly into the flesh of Kara’s strong shoulders. “I am a lady that likes to get what she wants.. and I do want you. Very much,”
Lena practically keened under Kara when the woman rocked her hips. She was already past the point of being turned on, Kara moving against her just making her all the more aware of the slick arousal that was coating between her parted thighs. 
“I wouldn’t have imagined you as a top,” Lena chuckled through a moan, her fingers travelling over the expanse of Kara’s toed back to find the clasp of her bra and easily snapping it open. “But I like it,”
“Maybe if there was alcohol?” she asked teasingly only to squeak a little at Lena’s next words. “O-Oh...well that works too,” she murmured, tilting her head to hide against Lena’s shoulder for a moment before softly kissing the freckle she found there, another one to add to the already growing list of ones she loved.
“Because I joked about being a bottom?” she asked, her face deepening another shade and her body tensed up slightly as Lena’s fingers moved and soon undid her bra. Taking a tiny deep breath she leaned down to bring their lips together once more before slowly shifting to sit up a bit, tugging the fabric away and shyly tossing it aside she glanced back down at Lena, lightly biting the corner of her lip. 
“I...I’ve got the jist down but I might need some guidance, will you teach me?” 
Third Date →
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reporterkara · 7 years
Lena watched, tongue wetting her lips, and Kara shed her shirt. Of course, she knew that she was very fit. Hell, she had been all her her abs before, but that didn’t stop the way her stomach dropped to her hips and heart shudder behind her ribs. 
The sight of her half naked girlfriend under her didn’t fail to drown out the little chuckle that Lena had at Kara hiding away in her neck after being adorably awkward.
Lena had seen those muscles, so she shouldn’t have been as surprise as it was that Kara could lift her clean off the ground with ease. Her giggle quickly morphed into a low groan as those lips found a spot on her neck that was incredibly sensitive.She was so swept away by Kara’s attention, she didn’t prepare herself to be gently thrown down on the bed.
With a playful squeal, Lena smiled as she let herself melt down into the soft mattress, letting her eye roam over her girlfriends body. She watched, heart beating out of her chest with excitement as Kara slid off her jeans. Part of her couldn’t believe that this was finally happening, and another part of her was inwardly yelling at herself to be cool. This wasn’t her first rodeo, and she wasn’t a teenager anymore.
“Nothing about this view is disappointing,” Lena smirked, letting her arms wrap around Kara’s strong shoulders as she moved to kiss her. She didn’t waste another moment before she deepened the kiss even further, pulling Kara down completely on top of her, legs parting like water and hooking around her hips.
“You feel so good,” Lena admitted, dragging her lips from Kara’s mouth to the curve of her neck, only being tuned on even further at the feel of skin on skin. “I’ve been wanting this for so long,” 
Kara’s blush just seemed to deep even more at Lena’s words, leaning down into Lena’s arms she smiled into the kiss only to squeak a little as she was pulled on to the bed. Settling her arms on either side of Lena’s head Kara initially held herself up before gently lowering herself to settle between Lena’s legs and to bring their bodies together, the initial contact shooting sparks through her body, like little pin pricks and lovely tingles. 
Lena’s legs wrapped back around her was definitely a welcome position and Kara decided then and there that she would happily stay in this position for the rest of her days if she had the choice. 
“I...” Slowly inhaling as Lena’s lips moved to her neck, she tilted her head to the side before smiling a little, shifting her arm Kara gently brushed her fingers through Lena’s hair. “Do...Do you think if we hadn’t played Monopoly you would have told me you wanted...This?” she asked softly, tilting her head to nuzzle her nose just under Lena’s ear, pressing a soft kiss there as she experimentally rocked her hips forward just slightly but still enough to have a small surprised moan leaving her lips.
Third Date →
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reporterkara · 7 years
All the air seemed to leave Lena’s lungs the instant that Kara brought their lips together. Kissing someone had never really felt like this, to Lena. Perhaps it was how she had been brought up without many ounces of affection.. Or perhaps she had been ruined with her previous relationship. Whatever it was, Lena couldn’t put a price on what she had with Kara. She had awoken her to something she never even thought was possible for someone like her.
So focused in the gentle yet passionate brush of their lips with one another, Lena was taken by surprise when the reporter hook around her thighs and pulled her closer. She let out a noise that fell between a moan and a squeak, her fingers digging into the woman’s strong shoulders.
Not wanting to be nothing but putty against the other girl, Lena’s chest swelled with that boardroom ego as teeth dug into Kara’s lip. She pulled it back towards her, releasing the soft flesh with a small pop before pulling Kara back. She deepened the kiss, tongue swiping momentarily against Kara’s lips before intruding to seek out it’s partner.
Starting small at first, Lena’s hips rolled slowly against Kara’s stomach, thighs clenching as she pulled back, only to rut forwards more purposefully. Her hands shot down, clouded with lust and want as she tugged at the hem of Kara’s shirt.
“I want you to take this off.. And I think we should take this to the bed..”
The noise she got in response just had Kara’s smile growing, her heart racing even more. And as confident as she had felt a moment ago she was a complete mess under Lena’s motions, the attention to her lip having her fingers tightening against Lena’s thighs, a mess of whimpers, sighs and moans escaping her lips. Naturally Kara was too much of a mess to even initially react to Lena’s tongue teasing her bottom lip now, but she managed to focus and actually get her mind to work again as she returned the kiss, tingles instantly shooting through her entire body the moment Lena’s tongue touched her own, truly she didn’t think she’d ever be used to that.
Of course as Lena moved Kara’s hands moved with her and it was only with slight hesitation did Kara shift to settle her hands against Lena’s ass once more, of course the same moment Lena’s moved to her own shirt which did make her think maybe she shouldn’t have for a moment but soon she realized she needed to calm the heck down.
“I...Yes Ma’am...I mean...cool..No I don’t mean that either....” groaning a little Kara hid her warm face against Lena’s neck for a moment, taking a few slow deep breaths. Reluctantly pulling away Kara moved her hands to undo the buttons on her shirt, leaning forward to shrug it off her shoulders she shyly glanced up at Lena for a moment before tilting her head to peck the girl’s cheek.
Wasting little time in settling her hands back where they had been on her girlfriend, she used the hold to her advantage, pulling Lena closer as she scooted to the edge of the couch, slowly standing up and bringing Lena with her she tilted her head to press a few slow kisses against the freckle on Lena’s neck. 
“I don’t...understand how you can be so...incredibly sexy but yet so beautiful and make me all fluttery at the same time,”
Managing to move into the bedroom Kara moved to the edge of the bed, playfully tossing Lena on to it and giving her a grin before she glanced down at herself. 
Patting herself on the back for actually going out and buying nice underwear for this occasion. With just a slight nervous shuffle on her feet Kara undid her jeans, tugging them off and kicking them aside. “I hope my lack of...space underwear doesn’t disappoint,” she teased leaning down to bring their lips together.
Third Date →
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