republic-korlan · 2 months
Wanted: Takina Faletau
Confirmation has just come in that Takina Faletau, the former Rangamarsolo of the New Republic of Korlan is alive. International bodies have unanimously agreed that any major Ilfiatists that are presumed or confirmed alive must be taken alive to an international court to face trial over the actions of the New Republic and the Allied Effective.
Takina, commonly referred to as the Tuplean Tulip, has been dubbed "The Last Ilfiatist". International volunteer police have discovered that she has been hiding in destroyed buildings and experimenting on hostages, her wife and brother have also been reportedly seen collecting individuals still loyal to the Rangamarsolo in the wastelands of the Korlanic Isles.
Anyone with information on the location of Takina Faletau or any of her known associates are urged to contact their local governments. The international community believes this could be one of the final steps in completely weeding out Ilfiatism from the post-war world.
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republic-korlan · 2 months
Ailou has never been the most stable continent on Ulina, however, with the collapse of several nations across the archipelagoes, including Korlan, Vau'sena, and Janasi, as well as the war that ravaged every other nation on the continent, Ailou is by far the least stable continent in the world. With 3 of the former most powerful nations of the area gone, and the rest recovering from the war, the future of Ailou is completely uncertain, with several groups unsure whether other nations can survive in their current state much longer.
During the collapse of Korlan and Janasi following the war, thousands sailed from the Korlanic Isles, to the peninsula on Janasi called Paolele, in order to avoid the affects of the nuclear attacks against Korlan.
These people established a new government, far removed from the Ilfiatist government they have known for the past few years. They formed an establishment they referred to by it's native name, Paolele. The peninsula is almost entirely uninhabited, apart from a few small fishing villages off the coast of the Great Paole Reef, the biggest coral reef in Ulina. These villages are small in comparison to the amount of refugee's entering the area, but welcomed the Korlanic people in, agreeing to work with them on reforming civilization in the area.
This nation has no real power on the global scale, and isn't even known outside of itself yet. However, the people of Paolele hope to work with other civilizations popping up in the collapsed states of Korlan and Janasi, as well as with other Ailouan nations going through the same struggles.
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republic-korlan · 3 months
The Tuplean Tulip
The door swings open, the sun is low in the sky, casting warm colours into the room, and dark shadows wherever it cannot touch. Three men enter the room looking around frantically, they appear to be in a rush.
"This place is so fucking dirty, we can't possibly be in the right place." The first man said as he picked up an old glass, he blows the dust off it before continuing. "Who gave you the tip that she was here?"
"I've got a contact in Morima who knows their stuff."
"Now, where the fuck is Morima, that doesn't sound Korlanic at all." the first man replies, continuing to look around the room. "It's a town, city? in Kantouba." the second man continues "They claim to have an insider in her group."
"An insider? How reputable is this individual?"
"I'm not sure, but it's the best tip we've got in a while." The second man replied.
The trio continued to look through the house, not finding a lot, until the third man notices footprints on the dusty floor of the basement, along with a large area free of dust, in the shape of a swung open door. However, as he continued to look around he couldn't find a door anywhere.
"Hey guys, I think i've got something. Theres a lot of unsettled dust here, looks like theres some sort of secret door." The other men come bounding down the stairs, they all begin searching for some sort of button to open the door, before one of them finds a loose brick that appeared cleaner than the others. When he pressed it the door opened.
"The sun's died for the night, we need to grab our flashlights." The second man said before the others continued down the stairs.
Their lights flickered on as they continued down the spiral staircase deep underground. As the reached the bottom, they saw the most horrific sight of their lives.
"What the fuck happened here." The first man uttered as he stepped into a room with about 6 dead bodies. All identified as former members of Agilosi’ni, the secret military police of the Storinka regime. "Someone got to them before us."
"No, look at the wall." The third men said as he gestured to the word 'Kaikaiwaiū', which translated to traitors.
"Three of them are missing, likely the ones that killed the six individuals in front of us."
"Siaosi, Taimani and... Takina."
The men sit on the stairs for a moment. "What do we tell them?"
"We tell them she got away for now."
"Takina is one of the last Ilfiatists left in this area, as far as we're aware if we kill her theres no one to claim Storinka's place if this country ever comes back."
"Do you think they could get in contact with any organization around the world?" the second man stood up as he said this and began looking around the room for more clues on Takina's whereabouts.
"What organizations, the war left no unity left in this world."
"I don't know, reaching out to anybody would help, we need it. We need the outside world to stop seeing these islands as a curse and help us."
"Maybe the boss can reach someone in Kanita or Ripiero, I doubt they'd come though, they're either dealing with the last Ilfiatists in their own continent or the nuclear wasteland in Vau'sena. We're everyones last priority."
"If we tell them she's alive. The one who orchestrated the genocide. And that she's trying to get support, maybe they'd come?"
"We can try."
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republic-korlan · 3 months
Unknown Location, Kantouba
A man wanders through the jungle in Kantouba, he is unaware of where he is. He is looking for any sign of civilization, any answers to where he's ended up, he wants to know if he's still in Korlan.
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"What have I gotten myself into..."
"I need to find something soon."
"It's still pretty dark but, hopefully someone lives out here."
His headache starts to come back as he gets further into the jungle, and further away from the coast he woke up on. He doesn't know it, but the influence of the Atuae is beginning to wear off. They cannot influence anything the further he gets from their domain, their support isn't nearly as strong in Kantouba.
As he got further away from the domain of the Atuae, he begins to hallucinate, first seeing a town in the distance, before it disappeared as he approached, second seeing a group of people, who again, disappeared when he got closer.
Then he began to see an old foe of his, this hallucination didn't disappear as he got closer.
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He curled up into a ball and began to hide from this hallucination.
"You're not real."
"I'm sure you believe that Kauri."
"You're not. i-i'm hallucinating."
"Then why am I still here Kauri."
"You're going to die out here, I know that for certain."
"You're already dead. You don't know anything."
"I have friends out here Kauri, friends who disagree with your way of living."
"There aren't any Ilfiatist's left in the south of Berusia. You've lost here, and everywhere else."
"Berusia.. you thin-"
The hallucination fades away. Leaving Kauri in silence again. He continues walking deeper into the jungle hoping to encounter someone.
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republic-korlan · 4 months
Somewhere in Tersun, Korlanic Isles
Two men are wandering around the coastal town of Tersun on the Korlanic Isles. While Tersun wasn't deemed important enough to strike, nor was it close to anywhere important enough to strike, the fallout of the nuclear attacks, and the collapse of central government has left Tersun extremely desolate, very few people still leave here.
"I never visited this side of Berusia before the war"
"It was quite nice, lots of tourists but, it was nice."
"I knew when I heard about the bombs, I couldn't stay in Kanita, I had to come back home to Korlan."
"Do you think the isles could ever reunite again?"
"I'm surprised they did in the first place, I doubt it'll happen again."
"So you think it's the end of a united Korlanic Isles?"
"Maybe not, but I will never grow to the size it was. If Ikaroa was one thing he was charismatic, no one could've united Ailou like he did."
"Ironic that the most evil man in Ailou was the one to almost bring it together."
"They said that about me before, being the most evil man in Ailou"
"They were wrong."
"I think they see that now, but it's too late. They certainly wont help me reunite the isles, but it's not like the people here can be reunited."
The two men continued to walk in silence for a bit, before ending up on a dock near an old fairground. They sat and watched the sunset for a bit, in silence.
"Do you feel that?"
"Fuck, I think theres an earthquake."
"But we're not anywhere near a faultline?"
"That doesn't matter, we have to get out of here."
The dock collapsed. Waves begin shoving the two men around, they can barely swim.
"Kauri??? Kauri, where are you??? I'm made it to shore, everythings destroyed."
"I'm over here-"
The waves pull him under. He gets slammed into the rocks by the shore and passes out.
Hours later he wakes up on the shore with a piercing headache, expecting to find his friend, or find a familiar location.
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But he's just stepped foot in Kantouba. A completely unfamiliar land, Kauri has never been to Kantouba, even during his presidency, he rarely even thought of the nation. Now he'll need to find his way in more unfriendly territory.
Kanotuba still holds the values of the Allied Effective, being run by Doufuya, a close ally of Storinka's.
He begins to hear a melody before falling asleep again on the beach, he awakens to the sunrise, feeling completely fine.
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republic-korlan · 6 months
The Travelling Song
The city of Tupleana wasn't the target of a nuclear attack, but it's close proximity to Akalotu and Kerikil has caused it to suffer just the same. It's survivors have formed a small community spanning a few blocks, this community has been affectionately referred to as Harikoa, meaning Happiness. However, this community is going through severe internal turmoil. It is running out of food quickly. It's people have been relying on fish for weeks, however, several of it's inhabitants have been overcome by radiation sickness, leading to less fishing.
Arguments have become commonplace among the people of Tupleana. It's situation is looking bleak, especially with outside pressure mounting from gangs forming around the province.
The first fight broke out. Two men got into an argument over a pack of cigarettes. The first man knocked over a lamp causing a fire that lit up a small apartment. Six people died. Tensions are higher than ever.
The people are trying to rebuild their beloved "Harikoa". It's difficult, especially after the found a seventh dead they didn't realize before. More fights have broken out, none quite like the first. People have been getting more sick, the ashes from the building didn't help.
A small group of people from Tupleana were sitting around a campfire they have set up on the street one night when they hear singing, quickly followed by the sounds of various instruments and a wagon. People have begun to come out of their homes to see for themselves what was entering town, some began to prepare for a fight.
And then as the music gets louder, they realize, this isn't a threat. They'd heard rumours of a caravan, calling themselves the Travelling Song.
Military vehicles begin to drive into the city, atop of them not guns, but guitars, drums and singers. The trucks painted vibrant colours and it's drivers in makeup and goofy outfits.
Despite the pain around them, they're happy. And they gift their happiness to the people that once made up Korlan. Because even though life is difficult, the horrors of the wasteland cannot compare to what these people had been through under Storinka.
The people begin to sing and dance, the Tuplean people start to join in as they sing Tapuangan folk songs.
The city which was in turmoil, was being united again, with faith and with music. A couple on the docks of Tupleana listen to the music, and see a whale jump out of the water, and for a moment, in the moonlight, she appears to be made of gold.
The people of Tupleana realised tonight that through the apocalypse that has fallen upon their country, that they are merely just surviving, not living. But tonight they are living.
A bigger man steps forward with a ukulele. He sings of the once white beaches of Korlan. He begins to walk towards the ocean. Everyone follows him until he walks into the sea. He doesn't stop. The members of The Travelling Song claim to not know the man, nor do the people of Tupleana.
Wiwo'ole. The Atua of Music.
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republic-korlan · 6 months
The Aftermath
The population of the Korlanic Isles is sparse.
The Farlands, Kunin and Abantu are now independent nations, looking for help in this new Ailou.
The people of Korlan pray for safety.
No leadership, no government.
The Korlanic Isles are alone, anyone could take control of these once powerful islands.
Prayers have remained unanswered.
Perhaps Tapuangan Pantheon died with it's people?
Perhaps they have abandoned the Korlanic people?
Militias have begun to fight for power across the entire isles. Now small groups, struggling to survive, these aggressive groups are growing in power. The survivors in Korlan now not only have to deal with nuclear fallout, but with those fighting over the isles.
Alone in this world, the once devoted followers of the Tapuangan Atuae begin to lose faith.
They begin to lose hope.
The sun rises above the wasteland of Akalotu, the survivors who have been looting the city are still asleep.
They awake to music.
Maybe the Atuae haven't left just yet.
The Atua of Music, son of Māero and Hoatu, plays his songs.
Wiwo'ole has come home to Korlan.
Hope has returned to the Korlanic Isles, even just for a moment.
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republic-korlan · 7 months
The Ilfiatist War Convention
As the leaders of the world gather together to discuss the future of the largest Ailouan nation in history, and perhaps the largest threat to Ulina as a whole, there's a weird feeling in the air. Ikaroa Storinka hasn't shown to the convention yet and the leaders begin to get reckless.
Former leader of the People's Republic of Korlan, Kauri Ngata shows up to the convention with hopes of re-establishing some semblance of his now non-existent nation. The leaders seem uncomfortable around Ngata, however, treat him kindly.
The Golden River
Ikaroa Storinka sits alone by the Kōura River, awaiting a phone call. It begins to ring.
"Hello? Is it time?"
"Yes, it is sir. Are you ready?"
"As ready as I could be I suppose. This may be the last we speak."
"It may. But for a cause as worthy as this? I would be honoured to die."
"Perhaps after us Tuipulotu, the world can finally see true peace, together we will be martyrs for the next generation of Ilfiatists."
"Perhaps it will."
"I do wish I could have told Donny about this plan."
"I'm sure he'll understand sir."
"Oh stop with the sir, we're friends Alefosio. Call me Ikaroa."
"Alright Ikaroa... are you ready?"
"I am."
"May Kapuano be with you."
"And Mārena."
Tiffany, Vau'sena
Sirens blare.
Planes fly overhead, bombs begin to fall.
The first nuclear bomb drops on the city. Vapourising it's citizens instantly.
The entire nation is in chaos. The first bombs dropped mere minutes ago in Tiffany, with more certainly on the way.
With the royal family and the president on their way to the summit. The top officials struggle to decide what to do, however, one decides that retaliation must be swift.
The remaining government of Vau'sena, without being able to reach Lucerne and Ataahua, who are presumed to already be out of the country, launch the entire might of the Vau'senaan nuclear arsenal back at Korlan.
The rest of the bombs begin to fall on Vau'sena.
First on Asdas. Then Pikoto. Then Metamoria. One after the other, all major cities in Vau'sena begin to be erased off the map.
The people of Vau'sena are vapourised. Nothing left of their lives. Everything and everyone they have ever known is gone.
"Well Ikaroa. This is it."
"I suppose it is"
"Goodbye my friend"
The nukes begin to fall on every island in Korlan. The guilty soldiers of Ikaroa's army. The innocent civilians. The bombs are unbiased. They're all gone within an instant.
The Ilfiatist War is finally over. Ikaroa sits alone as the phone connection is cut, Akalotu, the capital of Korlan, is gone.
Ikaroa jumps into the golden river. Dying alone, his skeleton coated with gold.
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republic-korlan · 7 months
Ikaroa Storinka visits the Kōura River days before he is expected to meet world leaders for trial in Vau'sena.
Korlanic President Ikaroa Storinka has visited the famous river of gold, the Kōura River, only 4 days before he is supposed to be on trial in Vau'sena for his crimes committed during the Ilfiatist War.
The river is believed to have magical properties by the locals, however, the Korlanic government has repeatedly warned citizens and tourists alike to avoid getting close to the river.
Many believe Storinka's visits to the Farlands and now ke'Akua to simply be sightseeing trips before the trial, which many believe will lead to him being put to death.
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republic-korlan · 8 months
President Ikaroa Storinka has been spotted in the Farlands following his meeting with Queen Lucerne I
Former Korlanic Rangatira, now president Ikaroa Storinka was seen today in Pasteralna, the capital city of the Farlands a day after he signed a peace treaty with Lucerne. He was escorted by several soldiers.
An attempt to question Storinka about his choice to end the war ended in one civilian death. He has yet to officially comment on the matter.
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republic-korlan · 8 months
Peace Negotiations.
War has waged across Ulina since in May 6th, 2053, when the State Union and the State of Hrozava declared war on the New Republic of Korlan.
The war has been called many names, most notably The Ilfiatist War, which is now recognized as the largest and deadliest war in Ulina's history.
On June 18th, 2053, The Ilfiatist War was officially recognized as Ulina's first world war when Korlanic Rangatira Ikaroa Storinka declared that The Allied Effective had entered a war against the Southern Alliance, following several attacks against Vau'sena and Etola by Korlan.
Today, July 18th, 2057, the fourth anniversary of the Ailouan front opening, Korlanic Rangatira Ikaroa Storinka and Vau'senaan Queen Lucerne I met one on one in Kuwhara to discuss peace between the two nations and their alliances.
Between the two great powers, almost 12 million died during the 4 year conflict. With around 8 million more injured.
The government of Vau'sena pushed for heavy reparations from Korlan, as well as for the break up of the state into several smaller ones, to be determined by an international court. Ikaroa Storinka will be able to continue to rule the entire island of Burisia from Akalotu, however, other landmasses are not guaranteed to Storinka.
The New Republic of Korlan will be occupied by Vau'senaan forces for the forceable future to ensure a safe transfer of power to the new states forced following the international courts decision.
The title of Rangatira will be retired and not used by any future leader of the New Republic of Korlan or any new states made from it.
Korlan will be forced to end the Allied Effective and cease all contact with the Ilfiatist states in Kanita and Zapita that it helped create.
The International Courts members will be determined by Queen Lucerne I herself and will meet on August 16, 2057 to determine the future of the New Republic of Korlan.
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republic-korlan · 1 year
Tuanano, Korlan
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"This place is a dump."
"That what we're here to fix."
"Do they even know if this guy is real, I heard he's just a boogeyman."
"Well, we're going to find out soon."
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"What the fuck was-"
45 Minutes Later
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"Where am I…?"
"Who... holy shit."
"You're Setsuko."
"You're the man who's been terrorizing Arepa."
"You're mistaken."
"I'm only here to free my people from Storinka..."
"And prevent any others from ruling us again."
"And I am no man."
"What do you mean free your people... who are you?"
"You're in no position to ask questions here."
"Now tell me, how can I get in contact with Lucerne."
"How would I know that?"
"I mean, surely there's some way. I can't get anyone into Kuwhara from here without them being shot down by either Korlan or Vau'sena."
"There might be a way."
"But so many people have tried it that it'll be heavily monitored."
"Go on..."
"If you can somehow get to Sonder, getting to Ponder won't be too hard."
"Crossing the Kuata Strait is impossible, that's the only way I'm afraid."
"You didn't take a lot of convincing to help me..."
"Well, there are a lot of guys in the military who know what Storinka has been doing."
"It's awful."
"But there's no fighting it, he's got so much power here."
"The propaganda he spreads, everyone loves him."
"You can join us."
"I can't. My family would be at risk."
"I'm sorry about that. But thank you."
"I'll have my friends let you free soon."
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republic-korlan · 1 year
The Cry Heard Around Ailou
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All across Ailou a deafening cry was heard, echoing through the islands that make up the continent. Those closest to the cry reported temporary ringing in the ears.
The cry came out from High Priest Cillian Luchóg, signalling the beginning of a free Farlands. The High Priest made the call from the church of Ard-atim, the place where his plan was hatched. His followers have begun to surround Cogadh Base, a Korlanic military outpost on the Farlands. They plan to pressure the soldiers into joining the church of Ard-atim, or into leaving the island.
The followers of the high priest began to bleat and cry outside the base, forcing the occupants to come out to meet them. At first, the Korlanic soldiers tried to negotiate with the Farlandic, however, they were quickly shut up by their loud voices and calls.
Then gunshots rang out, soldiers from the Korlanic base began to fire down on the Farlandic people, a few were struck fatally. The Adharcaon began to flee, most of them were fast enough to outrun the military and their bullets. About half an hour later, the dust around the base began to settle, there were a few dead, on both sides. The Korlanic military continue to defend the base on high alert, in case the Farlandic people made a return.
Then the high priest appeared from over the nearest hill. Walking slowly, but intently towards the base. The Korlanic military began to aim their guns, and ordered the high priest to stop. Cillian continued to walk towards them, unfazed. The first shot against the high priest went off. It missed. Cillian took one more step before raising his head to the sky. He began to let out several loud bleats and cries. The soldiers at Cogadh Base began to cover their ears, failing to realize that the sun had disappeared from the sky, covered with clouds of pure black. Dirt began to rain from the sky, again the soldiers failed to realize the odd circumstances they were in. Cillian turned and began to walk back home. He was no longer making out calls, yet the soldiers continued to hear them.
The military base of 120 Korlanic soldiers was now made up of 120 Adharcaon.
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republic-korlan · 1 year
Under Fort Tataromoa
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"Finally, the power is back."
"Now, send people up, we need to see what's happened."
"We've sent several soldiers up, sir, and we've also activated a drone to survey the area from the sky."
"Can we see the footage live?"
"Yes sir, take a look."
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"Holy shit..."
"Who could have caused this..."
"I'm not sure, sir."
"Akalotu confirmed that we haven't been invaded by anyone, nor has anyone flown over Tataromoa."
"So does that mean..."
"Yes, sir, this is something internal."
"Either a traitor or someone completely new."
"Who could possibly have done this, I thought we were getting rid of all our opposition."
"No idea sir."
"Find out."
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republic-korlan · 1 year
20 Miles from Fort Tataromoa
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"What's that?"
"I hear something..."
"Where is it coming from?"
20 minutes later
"It's getting a bit dark, but I think I see something..."
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"Taone Nui..."
"I'm home..."
"I need to find someplace where I can make a call."
"Maybe there is someone still loyal to me here..."
"I certainly hope so."
"Maybe Aata is still around."
"I'll head to his office."
2 hours later
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"This place is a shithole..."
"I guess Storinka's guys got to him..."
"Maybe I can still find a phone."
"Oh fuck..."
"They just... left the bodies here..."
"They're unrecognizable."
"They didn't even give them a proper cremation."
"They just left the bodies."
"Atuae, I hope there are no Ngaro around..."
"Oh, finally, a phone."
"Hopefully Oliver uses the same number..."
"Hello, this is Oliver Cronkite..."
"Sorry, I cannot reach the phone right now, leave a message after the beep."
"Oliver, hello."
"This is Kauri, I know you're probably confused."
"You might've thought I was dead."
"But I just escaped Fort Tataromoa."
"It was just attacked, Korlan is at its most vulnerable right now, and you need to contact someone."
"I need you to call Lucerne, call the Continental Concord, call the Tokarokan Alliance, call the UKC."
"I need you to tell them this is the time to strike Korlan."
"This is when you need to join in and fight Korlan."
"You need to join the war, fight against the Allied Effective."
"You need to put a stop to them."
"They're powerful, they really do have a chance at winning."
"You have a change here, Oliver."
"To be the good guy."
"To put an end to a global conflict."
"To end a genocide."
"You need to join this war."
"You need to help me take my country back."
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republic-korlan · 1 year
A church in Pasteralna, Farlands
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"Good afternoon, everyone, welcome to the High Church of Ard-atim."
"I have gathered you all here today to propose something..."
"As you all know, Ailou has been the victim of violence and genocide for generations now."
"And as you all also know, the followers of Ard-atim appose war and genocide."
"So I propose that we, the people of Farlands become independent."
"We must expel the Korlanic peoples using our islands for war."
"And we must become mediators, we must help the world find peace."
"After all, we are all the same flesh, the same bone."
"War and death, none of it makes any difference when we're being buried."
"The same worms that eat me, will eat you, they will eat Storinka, and Koran and Queen Lucerne."
"They will eat the communists, the fascists, the monarchists."
"So why fight? When in the end, we'll all face the same fate."
"The Farlands will finally be known for something less sinister."
"We will become the global mediators."
"We will settle scores and fights"
"So why don't we all march down to that Korlanic base."
"And force them to march with us or vacate our islands!"
Loud cheering erupts
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republic-korlan · 1 year
8 Miles away from Fort Tataromoa
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"Kapuano, I think I'm lost."
"I might die out here..."
"I might not be able to stop Ikaroa after all..."
"I'm starting to get really hungry..."
"At least I haven't run into anything deadly here."
"Or worse, Ikaroa's lackeys."
Two hours later - 9 miles away from Fort Tataromoa
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"A tank...?"
"What's a tank doing so deep in the jungle?"
"My symbols on it..."
"This is from the civil war."
"Maybe I'm not so far from civilization as I thought..."
"It's getting dark though, so I should probably rest here."
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