requiemforadreammm · 5 years
My hobbies are doin drugs n thinkin bout my death
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requiemforadreammm · 5 years
The world is quiet and still, and everyone is sleeping. Nows the time I find my peace in drugs in the early, early hours of the morning. Nobody can bother me now.
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requiemforadreammm · 5 years
Hi, I’m a professional recreational hard drug user. Date me.
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requiemforadreammm · 5 years
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requiemforadreammm · 5 years
I literally found the best connect. Texts me back within minutes. Delivers, and shows up immediately. Is this a dream?
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requiemforadreammm · 5 years
Aching for the angels to grace me with Novocain.
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requiemforadreammm · 5 years
Do I still have followers? Am I talking to nothingness? Back on my bullshit. There is no end in sight.
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requiemforadreammm · 6 years
I’ve been on suboxone for over a year and I want the fuck off of it. Howwwww
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requiemforadreammm · 7 years
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requiemforadreammm · 7 years
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requiemforadreammm · 7 years
I’m almost never serious, and I’m always too serious. Too deep, too shallow. Too sensitive, too cold hearted. I’m like a collection of paradoxes.
Ferdinand de Saussure (via fyp-philosophy)
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requiemforadreammm · 7 years
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My paradise is lost.
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requiemforadreammm · 7 years
I feel like I have dragged myself out of the bottomless pit called hell that I was living in.
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requiemforadreammm · 7 years
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requiemforadreammm · 7 years
What's your favorite color?
Black; the absence of colour is similar to my absence of hope
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requiemforadreammm · 7 years
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requiemforadreammm · 7 years
“It was your fault, you were the problem. But your words were knives in my brain, twisting and distorting my thoughts. You had so much power over me that you somehow made me feel as though it was my fault, you damaged me beyond repair.”
-Excerpt from a book I’ll never write (excerptsfromstories)
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