requismsa-blog · 5 years
new blog! this one has been archived!
same url. requisms. follow! Still a huge work in progress pls give me time thank you! 
edit: i’m a fool. i made a side blog without realizing the consequences. but i don’t want to get rid of it. so i will still be following/messaging through this account, but all interactions will be made on my new blog. thank you and apologies! 
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
I don’t even know who is following me at this point but I’m trying to Revive this that is all more coming soon maybe
How tf do you use this fucking site sdfsg
I don’t even know who is following me at this point but I’m trying to Revive this that is all more coming soon maybe
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
I don’t even know who is following me at this point but I’m trying to Revive this that is all more coming soon maybe
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
I’m gonna start over with this blog after tech!
0 notes
requismsa-blog · 5 years
Send a symbol for your muse to gently touch mine by: 
❥ :  tucking stray hair behind their ear
✿ : trailing soft kisses down their arm
☁ : cuddling with them under a blanket
★ : pressing a kiss to the back of their hand
▲ : leaning your head against their shoulder
♪ : singing them a lullaby and brushing their hair
◆ : wrapping your arms around them from behind
✤ : lacing your fingers into theirs and holding their hands
♣ : slowly pulling them into your lap to curl up and cuddle
▨ : rubbing their back to calm them down when they’re upset
▰ : embracing them and holding them firmly against your chest
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
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Of course, she could not help but beam and gloat just a little. “If there was not, I would be quite shocked. He is kind, loving. Oh, Natasha, if you could only hear him speak about his plans for the future! He is the best of men!”
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Natasha let out a gasp,   eager to hear more.   Of course,   to her,   Prince Andrei was the best of men,   but she also supported her new friend and her romantic pursuits.   ‘   What’s your favorite thing about him ?   Is he handsome,   too ?   ’
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
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“You know, I was definitely about to argue that, but I think you’re probably right, Zoe probably is the cool one in that relationship, but you ever tell her I said that I will deny it.”
Zoe actually was pretty cool, actually, but in the not trying to be cool and not realizing she actually was cool kind of way. He was almost about to bring up something along those lines with Natalie, but honestly it would just end with her pointing out that he really was very much a dork. And it was true. He’d accept the title.
“Well sure you would. You’re more of a loner than me, because while I’d rather no friends than to make myself into one of those marching band people I’d at least want and try to make friends with similar interests. You just like to practice piano and mock people for their intellectual inferiority for not liking Mozart.”
Was that too much? It probably was. “For the record, that was a complete joke. We both already know you’re the smart one in the relationship, though, but I’m pretty sure my liking Miles Davis over Beethoven isn’t part of that.”
God he loved listening to her talk about music though. He smiled and nodded. “All very true and excellent points, my argument is retracted. Though really that’s just another thing wrong with our society that we’re so limited in our acceptance of anything different like why does somebody that’s just a bit different automatically have to be scary and hated, worst part of human society by far. Leads to like everything bad.”
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‘  Yes,   because Zoe and I hang out together so often,   ’   she said sarcastically.   Natalie and Zoe were acquaintances through Henry at best,   which was admittedly Natalie’s fault for never reaching out.
She didn’t like to see herself as a loner,   more as someone who was too busy doing her own thing to notice other people.   But,   maybe that’s some version of being a loner.   She didn’t know.   His comment didn’t offend her,   though,   because she knew he meant it lightly.   Plus,   it’s kinda true.   But at one point will her independent nature become unhealthy ?
‘   Hey,   no offense taken.   ’   Though she might’ve taken offense if he caught her in a bad mood.   ‘   But for the record,   I don’t mock people for not liking Mozart.   I mock you because I like teasing you,   but I couldn’t care less about what the rest of the world did.   So don’t you worry,   I’m spending all my mocking energy on you.   ’
Really,   if anyone else came up to her in the practice room and started talking about Miles Davis or whatever,   Natalie would’ve probably shrugged at them until they left,   or if they didn’t leave,   she would tell them off until they eventually gave up.   Henry never gave up.   And so she argued with him so she could keep talking to him.
She loved talking to him about music,   she loved that despite all the banter they did they also actually listened to each other’s points,   and cared about what the other had to say.   She loved that they both had passions for music and expressed them in different ways.   ‘   And this is why the world will end,   ’   she said dramatically.   ‘   There are always gonna be people who will freak out over different music genres and tell their grandkids that it’s evil and we’ll just have to wait until they die so we can argue amongst ourselves in peace without actually causing society any harm.   ’
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
The title rang a bell. “Southland…” She took the book, flipped it over, looked at the back, flipped it back around to open it and look inside the front cover. As she did, she started to nod. “Yeah, this is definitely sounding familiar. I don’t think I’ve read it, but it sounds interesting and definitely very Los Angeles. I might have to put it on my list, then.”
Amanita handed the book back to Zoe, cautious not to accidentally walk off with a book that technically didn’t even belong to either of them.
“Oh, nothing too out of the usual. I work not to far from here, selling books actually so of course I had to figure out what you were reading. A friend of mine has this new dance performance piece he’s working on, I’m probably going to be working the charity box getting donations for that, should be a lot of fun. Trying to get the aforementioned girlfriend to come to the beach with me soon because I think it’d be great, nothing better than some time at the beach in the summer.”
Sadly none of that involved writing because she was a bit blocked at the moment, but there was no need to mention that. Everything else was going pretty great.
Zoe took the book,   shoving it in her backpack before wrapping her fingers around her tea mug once more.   She nodded,   a little timid,   but with a smile.   Zoe,   who was always known to be more of an outgoing type,   was feeling a bit shy around Amanita.   It was an unusual feeling for her,   but Zoe already looked up to her a lot. 
‘   It’s really cool that you get to read and learn about a lot of different things in college.   It’s just so much better than any high school readings,   ’   she said with a chuckle. 
Her eyes lit up a bit,   wondering if she’s actually been to the place where Amanita works before.   She probably has,   since Zoe does spend a lot of time in this area.   It’s a lot different from her campus- she feels more integrated with the people who actually live here.   Hearing about Amanita’s girlfriend made her happy,   partly because as much as she could try to deny it,   Zoe is a sappy person at times,   and partly because it gave her hope that maybe she could also have a girlfriend without it being a problem. 
‘   Dance performance ?   Is it like,   modern dance ?   ’   Zoe asked.   ‘   I’ve been with friends a lot.   I’m also a camp counselor at this day camp for elementary schoolers,   which has been so much fun.   And I don’t have to work on weekends.   ’   Zoe didn’t actually know that she liked kids before this. 
‘   How did you and your girlfriend meet ?   ’   she asked,   not knowing why she was once again feeling shy about it. 
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
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“yes! loneliness! i know everyone gets lonely sometimes, and i’ve even heard that it’s good to be alone sometimes, so your brian can, like, reset and start working again. but i guess it turns into bad loneliness if you’re always lonely and you don’t want to be.”
mattea squeezed zoe’s hand as gently as possible, still trying to advance slowly. of course, squeezing too hard or too fast could make zoe sad, and she didn’t want to do that either. seeing zoe’s smile resurface, however, gave her enough reassurance to continue holding her hand.
“and i suppose i don’t want to go to the parties if the people don’t want me there anyway. my mum and dad did tell me, before i came, that i was here to study and not to party. and i wasn’t planning on doing the bad type of partying, with drinking and stuff because i know it’s illegal here! i just wanted parties where everyone eats ice cream and has lots of fun. but i would like to hang out with you! i love making american friends! you all have the most wonderful accents i’ve ever heard!”
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‘   that’s true.   i think i’m kinda bad at being alone,   sometimes.   i get bored or something.   ’   zoe always preferred to be surrounded by people who she cared about,   and who cared about her too.   being alone can be draining,   and if it happens too often she’ll feel isolated. 
the hand squeezing made her feel a lot better,   surprisingly.   she felt warm,   comforted.   it was always nice having someone to talk to,   especially when it involved making a new friend.   zoe felt grateful that she had met mattea,   even if she was feeling especially down today.   but maybe,   that’s okay.   to lean on people for support.
 ‘   i’ve never been to a typical high school party,   if that makes you feel any better.   but if you really wanted to go,   you can for sure study hard,   and party hard too,   ’   she chuckled.   ‘   the parties where everyone eats ice cream sound so much better,   honestly,   we should throw one.   ’   she was only somewhat joking- it’s true that zoe would prefer small friend gatherings where they did fun activities and talked about stuff.   ‘   wait- you really think american accents are wonderful ?   but they’re so bland !   ’
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
My Opinion on;
Character in general: i have so many mixed feelings about connor bc,   like.   although he is a teenage boy who clearly needs help and isn’t getting it,   he also brings harm to his family   (   especially zoe   )   on a regular basis so i’m like :/ about him,   i also feel like he can easily be romanticized by the fandom which sucks.   but as a character i like him a lot,   there’s a lot to explore there.How they play them: my g o d your portrayal of connor is perfect and i love interacting with him always !   i like that you play him as a problematic human whilst also showing his most vulnerable and caring sides.   i just.   ugh.   i love.   i support. The Mun: you guys !!!   bella is so sweet !!!   like seriously,   every time you message me it makes my entire day.   i love talking about these two idiot siblings with you. 
Do I:
RP with them: hellllllll yea Want to RP with them: always
What is my;
Overall Opinion: 11/10 amazing person,   great blog,   i love interacting with you in any capacity.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
        “Right?  Maybe just LOOKING at the sun–”  Although not the real sun, because that would certainly hurt! “–would help wonders.  I’d be surprised if they didn’t at least feel a little warmer!  —-How many should we get?”
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‘   Let me think.   One each for mama and papa,   one for my sister,   my two brothers,   oh !   And my dearest cousin Sonya.   Those are my closest of relatives.   Unless I should bring some for my friends ?   No,   that’s too much.   ’   She laughs with joy.   ‘   Thank you for helping me !   If I come back here I will bring you something from Russia !   ’
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
The lord giveth and the lord taketh it back now y’all. Two hops this time.
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
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“nothin’ is perfect, but that’s how life is supposed to be isn’t it? that why we don’t live in a utopia…i don’t think anything like that could actually exist.” she shrugs her shoulders. she’s experienced how shitty life can be, so she didn’t expect much for her own life. “nah, you’ve got nothin’ to apologize for. what exactly have you been hearin’?” she can’t deny her own curiosity. 
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‘   perfect is overrated,   you know ?   ’   she says with a chuckle.   ‘   the idea of a utopia sounds creepy anyways.   ’   natalie wished she had kept her parents out of this,   though it’s always easier to just blame her lack of conversational skills on them.   ‘   oh,   the usual parenting things with a hint of existential angst.   i think they’re both going through their midlife crisis or something ?   ’   okay,   maybe it’s more than a midlife crisis,   but that’s a good enough excuse,   right ?
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
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“though, i think if anyone could get the other boys to say that aloud, i think it’d be you.” he chuckles lightly. while katherine was certainly a force to be reckoned with, he knew it was more about the fact that the other boys respected her that she could have such a hold over them. they didn’t have many positive female figures among them. so even if they didn’t express it, they all loved having her around. and to be where they were now, it was all thanks to her. “no, we certainly don’t.” he chuckles once more. giving a small grin and nod of his head. “yeah, we make a pretty awesome team, don’t we?’
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‘   yeah ?   maybe.   i think i’ve been able to get on most of your good sides thus far.   ’   katherine was good at coming off a little strong,   at having that sort of presence to her.   she had to,   or else no one would take her seriously.   but these boys trusted her,   even relied on her,   at times when she was feeling less confident.   when she had her own doubts,   because really,   she’s still so new at this.   it’s just a hard thing to admit to people.   ‘   all of you- you let me join your movement,   and you didn’t even know who i was.   though i didn’t give you much of a choice-   ’   she laughs.   ‘   i still appreciate it.   ’   katherine nods.   ‘   we definitely do.   ’
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
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Jack nodded his head. “Yes, a DOG. You know the fluffy animals that are cute, and you just want to protect?” He smirked softly. He smiled. “I will have the time. I have PLENTY of free time to take care of a dog.” The boy put a pout on his lips. “Come on, ACE, Katherine a dog would be nice.”
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‘   I know what a dog is,   ’   she said defensively,   but she couldn’t help but laugh at that description.   ‘   I also want to protect our home,   which will be torn apart if we don’t train it.   ’   Katherine sighed.   It would be nice to have a dog.   Of course it would.   ‘   What if we went to look at some dogs first,   and then we can decide ?   ’
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requismsa-blog · 5 years
i’m full of love but i’m not soft anymore
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