Hey, Rotomblr?
Is there someone on Ula'Ula Island in Alola that can speak with Pokemon?
Malie City is too crowded for the other three, and humans keep throwing weird round things at me.. they bounce off if they hit me, though, and that confuses the people who throw them. Dunno why.
But without Abi, we can't really communicate with humans, and they don't come this deep into the gardens all that much. (Abi knows Psychic.)
Any help would be appreciated!
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What was your team like before you got eebied?
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"Enki the Corviknight, a loyal friend and soldier to the end.
Ávra the Lucario, sensitive, kind, firm, and efficient.
Xip the Ceruledge, closed off and scary, but sweet as a berry when you earn their trust.
Benni the Ironshell Goodra, quiet, but hurt her friends and you're getting a hot date with the ground.
Ame the Lapras, Hardy, a little bit of a goof, and half as reckless as I was-
And, best for last...Reikka. My first friend. My BEST friend. Smart, Cautious, Attentive, Playful...My better half."
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"Y-You...Still Remember them? All?"
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"I could never forget them. Not after all they did."
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Reblog if you’re a part of Rotomblr and want some asks!
If you reblog, send an ask to the person you reblogged from so everyone gets some interaction!
If you can’t think of anything to ask, just ask for a random story about their Pokémon!
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Reblog if you are okay with people pestering your characters about literally anything
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Hey, Rotomblr?
Is there someone on Ula'Ula Island in Alola that can speak with Pokemon?
Malie City is too crowded for the other three, and humans keep throwing weird round things at me.. they bounce off if they hit me, though, and that confuses the people who throw them. Dunno why.
But without Abi, we can't really communicate with humans, and they don't come this deep into the gardens all that much. (Abi knows Psychic.)
Any help would be appreciated!
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i think my #1 piece of advice to people joining the pokemon irl community would be to have some ideas of things your character would post about when you're not getting asks. despite what it might look like based on some of the bigger bloggers, this community doesn't run on asks--it's a text post-and-reblog-based community with occasional asks thrown in. i see a lot of blogs die off because they make an intro post and reblog a couple ask games and then just...never post anything else, so they're not enough of a presence in the dashboard and tags for people to interact with.
so. please don't get discouraged if you're not getting asks! most people don't get all that many, and the people that do are outliers and typically people who have been consistently active for a long time. stick with it, keep posting about your character's life, and reach out to others with reblogs or in-character asks when you feel brave enough (i know social anxiety can suck), and you'll find people to interact with.
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You've probably seen the number signs at the entrances to Routes, telling you what Route number it is. If you look a bit closer, you might also notice a few symbols underneath the number. The type symbols are easy enough to understand, they're the Pokemon types you're likely to encounter on the Route. But what about the other symbols?
Well, a crossed-out pokeball means that it's a protected area, so no catching is allowed there. Conversely, if there's a pokeball with a silhouette of a specific Pokemon next to it, that means that catching of that species is highly encouraged. Reasons for this can include overpopulation and invasive species.
A single footprint means that the Route is relatively short, two footprints means it's of about average length, and three footprints means it's relatively long.
An ocean wave means that, in order to traverse the Route, you need to swim or use Surf or another way of crossing water.
A flashlight symbol means that the Route can get very dark, and that you should bring a light source with you.
That's the most common symbols, but there's lots more.
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Nothing really happens much in Alola, huh? Anyone know how four wild Pokemon can get to another region?
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Reblog this post if you want an ask from the lonely Ninetales!
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Assuming you're not someone people know, staying quiet and having food with you tends to give people a hint that you do not wish to be bothered.
..Oh, and Chika says a gentle whap with a vine, or in this case a tail, will deter someone who gets too close for your liking. Preferably not an Iron Tail.
Do any of you have any suggestions for how to endure crowds?
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(@askthelonelyninetales) "Greetings, Preserver of Time," Ninetales says.
"What drives you to continue in your task? Why do you fight to preserve such a future? Would it not be easier to simply lie down, and let it all fade away?"
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To do any less would be to accept ceasing to exist entirely.
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So I continue to persevere, despite what must be done.
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Are you at all inclined to understand?
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I'm sure you've all heard of me, have you not? The Great Detective of Engine City!
...but I suppose the multiverse is a thing, and many of you have not heard of my world, let alone me. So I suppose I shall introduce myself.
I am Vinarch, a great detective who lives in Engine City of the Summer Continent. My homeworld is Obleta, the world of steam. I am a Servine, and am father to a young Snivy.
I have recently been given this device by Great Inventor Volcanion, so I can advertise my services across the multiverse!
Rent isn't cheap, so my services aren't free! They vary in price, but they start at 1000 poke as a baseline.
Pelipper Mail, while inferior to airship transport, is enabled!
Hello! Bench here with another Pokemon IRL blog. This is my seventh active one. I think this is getting out of hand.
Vinarch is heavily inspired by Herlock Sholmes from Great Ace Attorney, and Obleta is an original PMD setting I came up with that's steampunk themed. If you want to make a character for Obleta, feel free to let me know!
No NSFW stuff whatsoever, and magic anons are disabled. Pelipper Mail and all its variants (Unmail, Malice, Musharna Mail, Musharna Malice) are all enabled, though. And sapient Pokemon interactions are welcome and encouraged!
I hope you all enjoy this blog!
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This is a Grovyle Explorers RP/ blog now, I suppose.
Can I send in asks and interact?: I would enjoy that very much. Keep it appropriate, though, children follow this. It should be noted that I likely won’t respond to romantic asks.
I’ll try and add image descriptions when I can. They’ll be in the alt ID when my computer allows me, or in the text when it doesn’t.
Please let me know if I reblog anything from someone problematic.
Prosh*ppers and bigots are NOT welcome here.
This is a trans friendly space.
Enjoy your stay.
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To care about something is give yourself something to fight for. I wouldn't be here without my team and the care we have for each other.
Sure, we may fade away tomorrow, but what we do today matters as well.
And when you choose not to care, you get Gengar.
I do not understand.
How do any of you manage to care about anything, when it could all be swept away in an instant?
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So, I probably could stand to tell people a little about myself.
My name's Cosmo, and I'm really lost.
I was a Blaziken, a really strong one. I was doing the Gym circuit with my trainer, and we were headed off to Sootopolis... And from there, my memory is a blank.
Next thing I remembered was being tiny and falling out of the sky.
I have to find a way back home... somehow.
[OOC: IC blog for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Shores of Longing! This is an Alola-inspired custom PMD setting with some close friends of mine. Currently we are not accepting new members, and this is unlikely to change for the forseeable future. As such this blog is 'dubiously canon' and runs a bit behind the actual timeline of events happening. Things that happen here will not be carrying over unless agreed upon with the other members of the setting. Run by @altitudesnapdragon]
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(@goldenrodchef) Um, hi.
Do you ever miss home?
Yeah. All four of us miss Pokemon Square and our home base. Especially Chika. But.. it's in good hands. The other rescue teams, and heck, even our reserve members, can handle things.
I think we're needed here, somehow. Thanks for checking in, Gen.
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Reblog this post to (most likely) receive an ask from one of my currently active blogs! (wingsofachampion, goldenrodchef, zoruascanbetrainerstoo, interregionalgyminspections, tacklrnews).
I may not get to all of them, and I do not feel comfortable interacting with certain types of blogs, particularly self-insert fallers and brandeds, among others.
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