resting-in-peace · 4 years
Journal entry #5: zzzzzz
5th Jan
whats up boyos, im back again lol. lets get straight to the point before i lose motivation and attention XD
so today was started out pretty much the same as ytd. move up at 6.50/7am, DIDNT shower again :000 ate some shit and went to school, and ofc, it being tuesday i really didnt wanna go to sch today. in fact, i said it out loud that i despised/dreaded going to school today when i woke up lol. but anyways, despite all that, i managed to get through it so that was a relief.
when i reached the bus stop it was already pretty late so i half kinda planned to go str8 to chloe’s house to meet her but i was leaning towards going home, putting my bag down first and then going. BUTTTT i fell asleep on the bus and missed my stop home so i went str8 to her house instead XDD
we went to the airport to eat 4fingers and it was pretty good. we went to jewel too and walked around for a bit before heading back. we were both tired so as soon as we got back (which was at 5.30 or so) we went to nap til 8. then i chilled for a bit and then went to cook FRIED RICEEEEE since there wasnt any wifi.
i asked mom to help but dad instead did. i thinkkkkk he was kinda clueless/lost too lol but he did his best. we ran into some problems like how to make it taste?, the wet-ish rice and stuff but we pulled through (mostly with the help of mom who came later and) with the help of basically the whole family HAHAHA. (imagine having 5 people try to cook a serving or 2 of fried rice XDD)
oh then me and my sisters cooked some of the chicken too.
then i ate with my sisters for a bit while watching twomad and then went back to my room and chilled (eventhough i said i would shower to chloe :P) and played epic7 and now were here :) its 1am and i have class only at 3pm later so i have some time. gonna chill and then go to bed later, aighto thats all i got for today, byebye.
p.s. ppl need to learn to put their phone away AND STOP BEING SO RUDE UNINTENTIONALLY. oh the fried rice tasted very nice and native :)
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resting-in-peace · 4 years
Journal entry #4: D;
4th Jan
yo guyz its me again but unfortunately, the future me :( i was a bit busy and had to sleep early yesterday so i didnt have time to write it BUTTT here we are, to make up for it. so lets see what happened yesterday...
i woke up at like 6.50/7am or so really tired and decided to NOT SHOWER before going to school, kinda disgusting tbh but i just really didnt feel like showering and going through the hassle of drying my hair and whatnot.
anyways, school went as per normal too nothing crazy really. boring class as usual, i tried doing things but ultimately, didnt accomplish anything really XD went home and went on call and died and woke up at 3.
we chilled for a bit and  then out of nowhere, gone wild moments occurred and we talked about shit on instagram. after that she went for dinner and i was chilling and my mom came into my room and asked for me to go out, it was dad’s bday lol. i was like oh okok and immediately went out.
the celebration was pretty good compared to what weve had so far previously cus the whole family was there for awhile before going their separate ways again. i was eating the cake, dad was chilling, brother was playing valorant anf the rest were busy ordering mcdonalds lol. honestly felt pretty nice :”)
then i went back and played genshin with chloe for a bit til we prepped for bed. and yeah i think that was how the day went. id say it was an above average day too :) not bad
and with that i shall say sayonara, until we meet again later lol cyaaaaa
p.s. kk was also feeling a bit depressed about/with his gf and i talked/helped? him too. i think that was pretty eventful enough to write about lol since not many people open to me about serious stuff anyways. kinda felt good knowing he trusts me enough to talk about these type of things with me :)
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resting-in-peace · 4 years
Journal entry #3: yeet
3rd Jan
yoyo i am back. i know, im just as surprised as you are lol. but anyways lets get str8 to the point cus chloe’s already back from prepping.
but today was pretty normal and average. woke up at like 11 played the usual grind and then chloe woke up at around 2 and i played genshin with her for abit before we went to prep for our walk.
(refer to file name mhm.txt in main gdrive for info on what happened lol)
at home i chilled with the brother for a bit where we did some exercises and then played a round of valorant and ate. was pretty fun ngl. then i went in my room to chill and drew for abit until when i started writing this lol.
aighto need to get to bed now cus its almost 2 and i need to reach school at 8 okok good night.
p.s. kinda ate a lot today especially which epok-epok and snacks and shit :(
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resting-in-peace · 4 years
ngl idk who is or would be reading any of these posts and it kinda feels weird thinking about it lol but whoever you are, hope you have a nice day/night :D
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resting-in-peace · 4 years
Journal entry frfr #2: !!!!!!!!
2nd Jan
i fucking told yall ill be back fuckers. anyways what happened today, lets see, hmmm.
i woke up at 12? and played epic7 and genshin, the usual yknow. oh yeah also some osu and got some scores including a 4* blue zenith FC which im pretty happy about ngl XD (took me wayyyy too long lol). uhhh and i got ready and went out with the fam at fucking 5 like holy, talk about being late and unorganized yo.
butttt before i went out there was knocking at the door and we were asking each other who it could be. so i looked through the door and saw a person holding a package and i thought of one thing, MY TABLET. i opened it and accepted and YEEEEEEEEEET put it on my bed and left lol.
anyways, we went to city square and ate at streats for that nice but spicy af noodles. then we went to moostuffa to get dad’s birthday present (a fitness watch lol) and also got some sprays and yeah.
got back and unboxed the tablet with the gang. hais, ngl it was really fun having all of them in the room just being noisy and acting like the crackheads they are. i love them so much :”) i tried it out and man, i feel like a fucking artist XD i really cant wait to see how far (or touchwood, little :|) ill get with this drawing hobby. i drew a driftloon which looked not too bad if i do say so myself XD
apart from that i continued watching some aot OVAs from earlier and at 1+, chlow came back and joined the call. apparently they went to night safari? (even thought she said shes going out for dinner but ill let that slide. idw to ruin my kinda good mood and im too lazy to deal with it lol) and leads me to where i am right now, writing an entry for my journal lol.
overally, today was pretty ok id say if anything, definitely above average id say. i really really want more days like this. hais, buttttt until next time boyos, gonna prep for bed then talk to chloe for abit and head to bed. ja ne.
p.s. chloe woke up at like 1+, 2, i think, pretty late, and she talked about some uhhh things and i must say it was pretty interesting and fun lol
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resting-in-peace · 4 years
Journal entry frfr #1
1st Jan
im back again lol after a long ass hiatus. not even sure why, probably cus i just got lazy :PPP but anyways today was pretty uneventful (for a new years day).
spent the whole day on call with chloe again. really didnt do much. woke up at around 11? played epic7 and farmed the genshin event til im done lol. then talked to chloe for abit and then napped and watched Split (2016) together. then just chilled and now im here :)
seems like every other day tbh. maybe something will happen tmrw when i go out :D oooooh i wanna cook fried rice too XD
aight imma head out and talk to her for a bit then go to bed. I WILL BE BACK TMRW. if not uhhh consider me dead HAHAHA
p.s. oh yeah i was supposed to go for a run since its friday but didnt cus chloe was still here :( so maybeeee not the best start to the year breaking a habit i wanted to inculcate hmmmm.but im not too bothered by it? maybe cus i was tired at the time idk but okok am out for realzies bye
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resting-in-peace · 4 years
Dear Diary (entry #1.5)
ahhhhhhhh i totally forgot to update this before i went to sleep :(( but here it isssss. so before i slept i talked with her for a bit and DAMN does it feel  g o o d. yesterday ended on a pretty nice note i think. i just kinda hope shes feeling better cus the way shes acting makes me feel like i did/am doing something wrong lol speaking about feeling like im doing wrong, what am i supposed to be doing here? should i be the one initiating conversations? should i be comforting her? spam her? i really dont know but im just gonna act/do what i would normally do.
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resting-in-peace · 4 years
Dear Diary (entry #1!)
woke up at 2. nothing notable today really except that ive been spending the whole day in call with the boys instead of her. that, and she only messaged me once only today. she also isnt online. it feels like i did something horribly wrong and that shes avoiding me. idk but one thing i do know is that i do NOT like this at all. but the night is still young (kinda), so well see how it goes. hopefully well though :P
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resting-in-peace · 4 years
first/test post
hi im new. its almost 4am and im not too sure what im doing here.
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