🏺 — “Obviously. What I’m asking is what that means for you?  What could be on eperson’s second chance at revenge can be another’s second chance at love.”
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Henrik paused for a moment before watching the other male. “I don’t know... I mean I don’t really see revenge as a option... since my killer was already dead... What about you... your second chance?”
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🏺 — “Secret one – what do you want?  Personally, I want to cast my ex-fiance to a realm so far away, so disconnected from this world that we know, that I will never have to hear her name spoken again.” He paused to smile. “Can’t you tell I’m a man of simple pleasures?”
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Henrik laughed a little at the males words before pondering on the question for himself. “Hmm, I guess I’m after a second chance at life right now... since I was killed so young..” he admitted. “I am beginning to see that.” he confessed.
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🏺 — “That sounds like you’re trading other people’s secrets for mine,” he mused with a click of his tongue. “I don’t know how I feel about that.” As if he had made any plans on sharing actual secrets. The things Silas would consider his real secrets were far more damning than a thousand-year-old ghost could comprehend. “Rebekah… The vampire sister, right?  I didn’t know there even was a witch sister until I arrived here.”
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“Well perhaps I will share personal secrets with you.” He teased. Listening to the male, he nodded a little. “Yeah, Rebekah is an original... Freya was a mystery to most of us until some years ago... I have to admit i did not see it coming.” He was being frank he thought it was just the six of us.” He commented.
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🏺 — Silas paused, debating whether he should even humor the request. “What more would you like to know?” he began. “And, what information do you plan to trade?” He’d liked the answer on the attraction question. It amused him and also stroked his ego a bit. To be intriguing wasn’t something to scoff at. Nursing on his own, he watched the other like one would examine a specimen. “Has the Mikaelson reunion happened yet?”
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“Well I am sure you have a lot of information you can tell me..” he teased. “I have some information - being watching on the other side for over a thousand years has its perks you know.” he pointed out. “Not really... I have seen a few of my brother’s but Rebekah is still a mystery..” Henrik admitted before taking a sip of his drink. “So why don’t you tell me all about Stefan?” he questioned still remembering the name he was given.
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🏺 — “I’m sure there’s a lecture on it at that Salvatore School,” he offered instead, passing the responsibility off to someone – or something – else. “Besides, I only really know my part in all of it. The rest is hearsay.” Information was cheap when he had the ability to disguise himself as a person’s loved one. An ability he wouldn’t deny missing. His brow cocked skeptically at the witch. “Are you attracted to me?” he asked, flat and to the point – lacking anything that resembled mocking or malice. He hardly left room for the other to reply before beckoning the bartender over. “A drink for Henrik here. Please and thank you.”
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“They probably do have a class on it, but I would much rather hear your take on the whole thing” he stated. As he heard the others question, he pouted his lips and squinted his eyes coyly for a moment. “ attracted to you? Possibly... intrigued by you...definitely.” he admitted. There was no denying that the male was easy on the eyes, but his demeanour and attitude was for more appealing to the youngest Mikaelson Hearing the drink for hinself be ordered, he smiled “thanks.” He stated
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🏺 — “Incorrect. It was your mother’s magic, sure. But she used Amara’s doppelganger as the key component to creating your family… essentially piggybacking on Qetsiyah’s perfect spell.” The disdain that Silas had for that story was immense. Oh, how he shared in the Original Witch’s desire to wipe the family off the earth. “A few,” he thought back on those glory days, where nothing and everything mattered. “A few hearts, too.”
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Henrik listened to the male. After a moment he frowned. “Really? Well perhaps you can explain the full story to me then?” He offered. If he was wrong to think of some things, he would be only too happy to learn the truth. “Well play yoir cards right and there may be another one on the bed post..” he laughed. The male sat next to him. “So you get me a drink and I will entertain your notion of blood swapping.” He winked.
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🏺 — “Quite the combo,” he mused. “With near limitless possibilities. It took the blood of just a doppelganger to create the first vampires… I can only imagine what you could do with mine.” Silas had no moral compass, no attachment to nature and its concept of balance. Whatever chaos this witch intended to create was none of his business. He gave a thoughtful nod in agreement. “It’s my charm that gets me in the most trouble.”
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Henrik laughed nodding his head. “Yes, I suppose so... and don’t forget it was my blood...or our family blood which created the original vampires...after yourself obviously.” He admitted. As the male nodded, Henrik responded after a small lick over his lips makong thwm glisten slightly. “Well I would have thought that charm would have gotten you more than trouble... like into someones bed.” He mused.
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🏺 — “I was a perfect immortal. Psychic, powerful, unkillable… and I was cured. Both of those magics now run through my veins.” It wasn’t really a secret – at least around town. Henrik would find out his story eventually. “You kinda like it though, don’t you?” He didn’t know what exactly he was picking up on from the other, but there was a dancing with the devil vibe to it.
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Listening to what the male had to say, he paused for a second thinking about it. “ Well that is very handy...especially to know.. I suppose in time I could find something to combined the magic in your veins and the magic of expression which seems to be my particular choice of magic..” he admitted. With  a knowing raise of his both eyebrows, the male smirked. “I can’t say I dislike it... you do have a certain charm about you.” He stated.
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🏺 — “None at the moment,” he admitted just as openly. “But to have the untainted blood of a Mikaelson wouldn’t hurt, now would it?” The smile he offered was subtle – behind cold, hazel eyes. “That was my thought process, anyhow.”
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Henrik watched the male. If he had that thought, it came to Henrik that he would have his blood too. “And what of your blood... what sort of situation would it come in handy?” He questioned. His own hues landed on the males. “I find it rather bold that you make such a bold suggestion on the first date.” He laughed teasing the male.
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🏺 — “Drinks pair well with blood magic. Or did you not know that?” His brow rose at the mention of a weapon other than a knife. “To slice our hands.. obviously. We call it a trade-for-trade back home: a cup of yours for a cup of mine.”
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His lips pouted together for a moment before leaning towards the male, who so openly spoke of blood magic. “ I have to admit, i have only heard small things to do with blood magic, and its not something I am overly familiar with” Henrik stated.  “What is your ibtentions with it?”
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And @jerbeargilbert and @braedenparkcr
Force my Muse to Spill their Secrets
🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret
🙃- For a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret
🌟- For a secret wish or desire of theirs
🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist
🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist
❤️- For a secret crush
📲- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about
💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others
🏹- For a talent they wish they had
👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
☢️- For a controversy or scandal they have been able to keep mostly under wraps
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
📔- For a secret sketchbook they keep (Bonus: Share a sketch or doodle within it!)
🖤- For something they secretly wish they could do with your muse
❓- Free Space! Ask them about a specific secret!
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🏺 — “It’s a hospitable little town, aside from the blood thirsty vampires,” he added the bit with a knowing nod. “Which reminds me, I have a favor to ask.” It may have been the night’s one true motive, but the devil was in the details. “You wouldn’t happen to have a knife on you, would you?”
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Eyebrows raising at the question, the Mikaelson paused for a moment. “So this was the motive for tonight... you didn’t seem to be the one to just go for a drink..” he paused. “A knife? Why would I have a knife on me? I have my own weapon...besides why do you need a knife? “ Henrik questioned.
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🏺 — “Excellent,” the witch chimed like a broken bell, twisting in his stool to turn toward the other. “You look better. Less dirt-caked.” Among other things. “Found the place okay?”
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As the male turned, Henrik smiled a little before smoothing out his pants. “Thats...I feel  better too... less disorientated and such.” He admitted. At the males questioning, Henrik shrugged his shoulders slightly. “I guess...after i got some directions anyway..” he stated with a small chuckle
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Henrik had thought he was running late for his meeting with the witch he met when he came back. After a few minutes he managed to get directions from a local before heading into the bar. Finally seeing the male, Henrik headed over tomale. “Hi again...I think I am on time.” He stated. He smiled softly.
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It’s a cellphone and all Hope can do is raise a brow as she reaches out and grabs it from him. ❝You must be really really old if you do not know how to work a cell phone.❞ She quickly finds the on button on it and turns it on. She reaches back and grabs her drink before nodding to go ‘talk; somewhere else and all she really is going to allow is for them to find one of the tables in the boarding house bar and take a seat. ❝This thing needs to be charged soon as the power you have now is nothing and this might be the lamest excuse to talk to a pretty good witch that I’ve ever heard.❞ She hates doing favors for people but he did seem just a tad lost when it came to this new thing to him? Or maybe she is reading too much into the excuse and giving him the benefit of the doubt. Setting the phone down as she flips through settings. Her drink, she takes a sip of it.  ❝What is it you wanted to talk about?❞
Henrik listened to the female and nodded his head a lottle. “Yeah, I guess I am...preety old I mean.” He stated. He followed to female to a table and sat opposite her as he watched her trying to set up the phone. “Charge?” He questioned before asking about her thought on him using an excuse. “Excuse... I’m... no its nothing like that... I am a witch... I can handle that... my... actually... my sister is a witch too...” he clarified. He sighed a little before nodding “thing is... I am Henrik...”he paused “mikaelson... I know it must be a lot...with people bwing brought back to life... especially someone who died... well at the start of all this..” he clarified.
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She is slowly starving herself. Her daddy would have a fit if he knew what she was doing but dear god she wanted to be good for a week and not take a point (Or ten) away from herself by feeding on a human. She is learning control, how to be better but maybe if she had her mama she would be better. She isn’t so sure that she can control the animals within her when they fight. Wolves were made to hunt down vampires and be their weakness and that was her base really. She felt more in tune with the wolf most days than the vampire side of things. She gets a drink from the bartender that was in the boarding house’s bar and flashes a sweet smile, they all know her age but they say nothing because she works there (Being Caroline’s little helper bee has perks) and everyone knows she can be mean, scare people to get what she wants and sassy. She could play with the devil really. Looking up when her name is called, she raised a brow.
❝Somethig I can help you with?❞ She really hopes that it isn’t something related to magic. She gets it, she is powerful but she would much rather someone go bother her aunt or some other witch than her. She has had a few people need her for things and as she got better at getting what she wanted, she would say yes. ❝i don’t know you.❞ She says as if that would stop her from doing something for him. It was just a reminder that whatever she does it is because she wants to do it and not because she knows him.
Henrik listened to what his niece was saying before he smiled softly to himself. He had seen her before, but it was like his niece was even more beautiful in person that when he looked on to her. “Uh yeah...actually...there is a few things, can we talk somewhere? Henrik questioned. He knew she was used to things like this happening, but he didn’t want to overwhelm her, or come on to strong to her.  “There is something, i wanted to talk to you about... and I was wondering if you could help me with the stupid thing..” he admitted motioning the phone in front of him.
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Kol could barely believe his eyes, and it was easier for him to look away from the man and give himself a moment. “How are you here?” He was back from the dead, just like Klaus, he shouldn’t have been surprised, especially given the number of times he’d gone through the same process. “And why are you naked?”
Henrik listened to what his brother was saying before ahrugging his shoulders a little. “I do not know...” he paused. He wasn’t exactly sure why he was naked himself... he assumed it was related to how he died, seeing as his wounds seemed to be visable on his body as if they were fresh.
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