Flashback | PSYCHOBREAK 7
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Rei, Koga, Adonis, Kaoru
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Time: Later that day, in the dead of night.
After taking the sleeping pills again, Rei and Kaoru find themselves back in the dream world.
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Rei: (Hm.) (It seems we hath safely entered the dream once more.)
From offscreen, past Rei is heard cheerfully humming.
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Rei: (And lo, there goes my past self, sauntering down the street as though he holds sovereignty of it, exuding the confidence that defined my yesteryears. How spirited thou art.) (Yet, 'tis merely an attempt to cast off thy sorrow by donning a boisterous mask, is it not? What a pitiful creature.) (Let's see, this place is… It appears thou art wandering about overseas, just as I once did in the real course of history.) (Wearied by the tribulations and woes of thy homeland, thou departed in pursuit of joy.) (But no matter how diligent thy search, the bluebird of happiness shall not appear before thee, o' young one.) (In any event, according to the AIIE experiment manual, if one strongly concentrates on preset keywords, one may exert a certain degree of influence over the dream—) (Or more precisely, over oneself within the dream.) (It does now bestow upon thee the level of control which one might exert over a character in a videogame, yet 'tis still a hundredfold better than being forced to stand idle witness as history repeats itself.) (I am no longer a mere reader, passively watching as the story unfolds.) (I am alive.)
Scene change
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Koga: ♪~♪~♪ ~......♪
Rei: Heeey! I'm hooome~! Sakuma Rei-chan has returned~
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Koga: Sakuma-senpai- W, Wo- Wh-Whuh- Woa-
Rei: Wh-what's wrong? Yer whole body's shakin', ya sick or somethin'…? Haha. What a weird kid y' are, Puppy.
Koga: Sh, shut up… Don't talk to me right now. I'm desperately fightin' down the urge to hug ya and start yellin' "WOOHOO! SAKUMA-SENPAI! WOOOO!" okay?!
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Rei: It's totally fine if ya don't fight that down, though. There theeee~re…♪
Koga: ……n!?
Rei: Okay, there there, good boy… You must've been lonely while I was gone. Sorry, Puppy. Haha. When we were younger, I used to give my lil' bro hugs like this all the time whenever he was feelin' lonely.
Koga: ……! ……! ……!
Koga: P-please cut it out… Sakuma-senpai, you're the object a' everyone's admiration, shinin' from afar. Ya shouldn't go outta yer way t' be nice ta someone like me. I'll tarnish ya.
Rei: What're ya saying, stu~upid? Am I¹ not even allowed ta give someone a hug? That'd be pretty damn sad, wouldn't it?
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Koga: ……?
Rei: More importantly, some kinda sixth sense started actin' up — or rather, there was this strange sensation urgin' me on from within, so I hurried on home, but… How's the situation right now? Were ya able t' exterminate those "vampires" that were runnin' wild? Well, it doesn't really matter to me either way, though.
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Koga: Nah, the situation hasn't really changed much… They quieted down for a bit, but after ya went abroad, they started actin' up again. Now they're buzzin' around all over the damned place. It's so freakin' annoyin'. But don't worry. Hasumi-senpai's supposedly revitalizin' the student council right now, workin' on improvin' the environment and creatin' rules to prevent students from goin' astray n' becomin' delinquents. Or, well, that's what he said, but t' be honest, I don't really understand that kinda complex stuff, n' if you ask me it doesn't reaaaally seem to be havin' any effect.
Rei: That sounds about right. Just declarin' yourself the student council doesn't mean anythin' if ya don't have any authority. It's like a little birdie chirpin' away in the background. People 're just gonna ignore it.
Koga: Basically, it doesn't matter how powerful yer magic cards are if the field prevents ya from activatin' its effects, huh.
Rei: Uh, what're ya goin' on about?
Koga: Um, uh… I… I like card games. That's what I was going on about.²
Rei: Ohh… Are card games fun? Teach me how to play next time you're free ♪ I'm always bored outta my damn mind, 'specially lately.
Koga: This ain't the time fer idle chitchat… Please do somethin', Sakuma-senpai. That four-eyes seriously ain't cut out for this.³
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Rei: "Overqualified for the role³," huh? Haha, it'd be great if that were the case. Please grow big, bouzu. To the point where people consider ya overqualified, so ya can be my playmate again.
Koga: ……?
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Koga drops the -sama from his personal pronoun as well as the delinquent speech in this line. The kid is embarrassed beyond belief.
The word used here is 役不足. This word tends to be enormously misused by the general public. Much like the English phrase "could care less" is often used to mean the opposite of what the phrase implies, 役不足 means to be massively overqualified for your job, but is colloquially used to mean you're not up to the task. There really wasn't a clean way to translate this, as Koga uses it to mean the latter, while Rei means the former.
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Flashback | PSYCHOBREAK 6
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Rei, Koga, Adonis, Kaoru
Rei: If indeed these are seeds sown by my own hands, I must now pluck them ere they deepen their roots. To ensure I never repeat this folly, and to ensure I do not lose anyone ever again.
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Time: That night. In a practice room inside the ES building.
Rei: Look here, Puppy ♪ What's this I have? A cute little ball~? You desire it, do you not? Go get it~! ☆
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Koga II: [Wooooof! ★]
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Adonis II: [...... (He's fidgeting like he wants to play too.)]
Rei: Kukuku. Despite their perfect resemblance to Koga and Adonis, these two are truthfully but newborn babes. How precious ♪
Kaoru: It's nice that the fakes are surprisingly easy to get along with, but, like… Are you really sure this is okay, Rei-kun?
Rei: Come now, 'tis Adonis-kun's turn next ♪ Wouldst thou not pull upon the other end of this rope I'm holding? It shall give thy muscles a workout, and, moreover, 'twould be a most enjoyable pastime. Delightful, is it not?
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Adonis II: [……♪]
Kaoru: The fact you're besties now is cool and all, but are you, like, even listening? You wanna try not ignoring me?
Rei: But of course I am not ignoring you. Never again shall I avert my gaze from the beloved children who yearn for me.
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Kaoru: Who the heck is yearning for you?
Rei: …I find myself pondering a few things.
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Kaoru: Hm?
Rei: Naturally, even if others wish it of me, I am not an omniscient, omnipotent god; such a feat would be beyond me even if I, too, wished it so. My inability to predict this peculiar predicament attests to that truth. Nevertheless, I stand a tad older than the rest of you, and 'tis not as though I ventured overseas simply to seize a rare opportunity to engage in indolence. In comparison to you all, I am akin to an older brother with just a tad bit more life's experience.
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Kaoru: So like, what's your point? Are you trying to brag about being older? Pushing people around cause they're younger than you is, like, seriously hateable y'know? It's, like, power harassment or whatever, okay?
Rei: Kukuku. How uncharacteristically agitated you are, Kaoru-kun. Well, 'tis inevitable in these circumstances. Keep thy heart calm as the surface of a still lake. Should the elder ones begin to sink, the younger ones shall be beset with unease.
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Kaoru: I know, I know. Acting like a proper senpai is tough, huh? So? What was it you were thinking about?
Rei: Yes, well. Though I have no concrete evidence at this point, I have a general idea about what sequence of events which led to these peculiar circumstances. I have also gained a rough understanding of our current predicament. In other words, I suspect I've grasped the truth behind this mysterious situation we've found ourselves in.
Kaoru: Oooh, as expected! Amazing, guess the case is closed¹ ♪
Rei: 'Tis not so remarkable. Given enough time, you most probably could have pieced it together as well. You are the son of a wise scholar, after all. However, you are a pragmatic child. This case must present a bit of a challenge for you, given the unrealistic elements involved.
Kaoru: By unrealistic elements, you mean… Ahhh, so it really is like that after all, huh?
Rei: Indeed. The question now is, how may we extricate ourselves from this situation? You will surely understand this metaphor: we find ourselves in a locked room. There exists only one exit, and to open it, a special key is required. Yet this key lies hidden amongst countless objects strewn about the confines of the room.
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Kaoru: It's like a high-difficulty escape room.
Rei: Aye, one with no hints provided. More unfortunate still, there is not time enough to scrutinize each object one by one in search of the key. Yet, somehow, we must escape before the reality we live in becomes distorted and collapses in on itself.
Kaoru: Well, since it's you we're talking about here, you've probably already come up with some way to get us out. That's totally just wishful thinking, though ♪
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Rei: If someone makes a wish, then as Superstar Sakuma Rei-senpai, it is my job to fulfill it.
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Rei: …There is one method I wish to try. However, it involves a rather risky gamble. I bear some concern about the great burden it might place upon the body, specifically the brain.
Kaoru: "That's why I, alone, shall do it." You weren't about to say some stand-offish thing like that, right? UNDEAD's problems are everyone's problems, so let's share the burden.
Rei: Kukuku. My, now there are words you never would have spoken in the past. Having so recently been reminded of our former selves, those words resonate with the weight of profound emotion. I am deeply touched.
Kaoru: Don't make fun of me. So? What is it you want to try? How are we going to get ourselves out of this crazy situation?
Rei: We dream. During my investigation of the AIIE Experimental Facility the other day, I thoroughly inspected the equipment we were connected to, the drugs we were prescribed, as well as the manuals on how to handle it all. As one might expect, 'twas so full of technical terms as to be quite difficult to parse, but with the help of someone in my clan who is good with such things, I was able to roughly understand its contents. Thus, should we desire it, we may once more return to the dream of those days long gone— To the memories of that time when DEADMANZ faded away, and we, UNDEAD, awoke. The answer most likely awaits us therein.
Kaoru: Back into that dream again, huh? It's, like, seriously embarrassing having to watch my past self act out like that, but if there's no other way then I guess that's that.
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Rei: Your youthful aura in those days still bore an aspect of endearing charm. Meanwhile, I was naught but a bundle of shame.
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Rei: Yet even the person I am now, who is ashamed of who he was in days past, may well be regarded as shameful by the person I become a decade hence. Thus, let us exert our efforts in the present to forestall any future regrets. Wouldst thou assist me in this endeavor, Kaoru-kun?
Kaoru: That goes without saying, doesn't it? I'll tell you this as many times as I have to: this isn't just your problem, it's ours too.
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Rei: I wonder if that is truly the case… 'Tis still mere speculation, but I suspect I am to blame for this incident.
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Rei: Seeds left unwatered in days past have sprouted malevolently in spite, afflicting us with their curse. If indeed these are seeds sown by my own hands, I must now pluck them ere they deepen their roots. To ensure I never repeat this folly, and to ensure I do not lose anyone ever again.
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Literal tl for this line is "amazing, [you're a] great detective." But in JP, the series Detective Conan is "Great Detective Conan, and the phrase "great detective" is practically synonymous with it. I've thrown the reference in using the American title of the show instead, since there is absolutely no way to make "detective" an obvious reference to Conan.
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Flashback | PSYCHOBREAK 5
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Adonis, Koga, Rei, Kaoru
Koga: Just remember. If ya try n' pull any funny business, I'll crush ya mercilessly. This feels like somethin' Adonis would say, but… I'll protect UNDEAD.
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
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Adonis: Through the "subsidiary" HELLSING, we've been able to expand the scope of our activities. Thanks to that, I believe we will be able to provide adequate service to all our fans, satisfying everyone. Though it does feel a bit lonely to be separated from our real senpai.
Koga: Not like that's anythin' new. After all, we were separated for a bit right after those two graduated from Yumenosaki, too. Things've just gone back to bein' the way they were.
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Adonis: That does not make it less lonely. But it can't be helped, this seems to be the best solution at the moment. We will maintain the status quo and continue with our idol activities while investigating the mastermind behind the "AIIE" experiment. By uncovering the truth, we can find a fundamental solution to the problem. As for what comes afterwards, we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it.
Koga: It ain't our job to think too hard. All we can do is to keep tirelessly dealin' with each problem as it comes, like children pilin' stones on the banks of the Sanzu River.¹ Just hopin' that maybe this time, it won't all fall apart.
Adonis: It's a precarious tightrope to walk. All we can do is try our best not to fall.
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Koga: Yeah. So somehow or other, we'll find out who's behind this incident n' destroy 'em before anythin' goes wrong.
Adonis: …But what if I really am the culprit?
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Koga: The hell? How the fuck could it be you? I'd believe it was almost a~anyone else over you! Ya can't even bring yerself to kill bugs, can ya?
Adonis: Do you remember the dream we saw during the experiment? In that dream, we witnessed memories of the past which seemed to differ slightly from the actual events which occurred in reality, and there was one particular incident which stood out. Delinquents calling themselves "vampires" ran around causing trouble, weakening the town's security. The leader of those "vampires" was said to be me, Otogari Adonis.
Koga: The only one claimin' that was the past Sakuma-senpai. Even in that shitty dream, there wasn't any real proof, n' you were released in the end due to inconclusive evidence.
Adonis: Yes. But because of that, the atrocities being committed by the "vampires" did not stop. In real life, Hasumi-senpai — wielding the student council's authority — lead DEADMANZ to suppress the delinquents. But in the dream, the "vampires" continued to run wild. Even the past Sakuma-senpai could not convince them to stop. Though they were originally supposed to be his devotees, they had become completely dedicated to their new boss, only listening to his orders.
Koga: And that new boss was you? So what, you tryin' to say yer on the same level as Sakuma-senpai?
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Adonis: Of course not, I don't have that kind of charisma. But there are no other suspects, and even though those memories were distorted, I cannot help but to feel that Sakuma-senpai would never make a mistake. If he says I'm the culprit, I'm sure it must be true.
Koga: God is always just, huh? C'mon, just what do you take that guy for? Curious as I am about that, though, it's not really relevant. All that stuff was just a dream. The problem is this absolute chaotic mess we're dealin' with in reality.
Adonis: …Is this truly reality? Or is it just another dream? Strangely, it doesn't feel real. Everything's kind of floaty.
Koga: Well, it is a seriously unrealistic turn of events. But no matter what, this is the world we live in, and this is where our souls reside... So we have no choice but to keep doing our best to survive.
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Rei II: […Done talkin' yet?]
Koga: ……
Rei II: [Cause we're good to go over here~ Don't worry, we followed yer instructions properly when dealin' with Hasumi-bou.] [It's seriously tough recreatin' that old man talk though, so he might be a bit suspicious.] [Buuut, even someone like him'll have a hard time guessin' this kinda science fiction-y turn a' events.]
Adonis: We thought so too. Dealing with Hasumi-senpai's interrogation must've been tough. Thank you for your hard work Sakuma-senpai, Hakaze-senpai.
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Kaoru II: [……]
Koga: Hey, Adonis, ya don't gotta bother showin' any respect to these assholes. But, weeell, you're the kinda guy who even speaks kindly ta yer harmonica, so I guess it can't be helped, huh? The fake Sakuma-senpai's at least tolerable, but the fake Hakaze-senpai's especially bad. He won't even talk to us, let alone make eye contact. There ain't any need t' be polite ta someone who's so rude.
Kaoru II: [Hey, so like~?] [Could you please stop trying to get me involved and stuff? I'm like, so not into the idea of investing time and effort into guys, y'know~? ♪] [That's why I haven't been talking. I'm doing my job properly, so it's not a problem, right?]
Koga: O, oh, 'kay… Man, there's somethin' kinda nostalgic about this Hakaze-senpai... Right, these guys're copies of us from a while ago. Guess that means the fake Hakaze-senpai's still actin' like a dumb playboy. Well then, since people might get suspicious if I go around callin' ya fakes in public, from here on out I'll call ya Playboy and Vampire Bastard ².
Rei II: [Do as ya like.] [By the way, Hasumi didn't come by just to interrogate us. He was apparently actin' as a messenger for someone in the upper echelons a' RhythLin.] [Seems like our recent achievements have been acknowledged, n' we're gettin' a tour soon.] [We'll be travelin' nationwide, singin' for the sake a' the fans who love our "radical n' immoral" selves.] [Rock, Rock, Rock n' Roll ♪] [Ain't it great? It's like a dream come true, right, Puppy?]
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Koga: …The ones I wanted to sing with weren't you two, though~ Well, whatever, it can't be helped. Until the mastermind's been defeated, I'll just obediently follow the path fate's laid out for me.
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Koga: Just remember. If ya try n' pull any funny business, I'll crush ya mercilessly. This feels like somethin' Adonis would say, but… I'll protect UNDEAD.
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tl;dr: A saying meaning to repeatedly perform a difficult task for no recognition/reward. The Sanzu River is the river said to be at the border to the underworld, which the dead must pass over to reach the afterlife. The weight of a person's accumulated sins, offset by their merits, is said to determine how difficult the crossing will be, as well as whether the person will go to heaven or hell. Children who die before their parents are said to be too young to have accumulated any merit, while also being weighed down by the sin of being unfilial to their parents. Due to their young age, instead of being condemned to hell, these children are instead told to demonstrate filial piety by piling up stones to build a pagoda honoring their parents, which will allow them to accumulate enough merit to safely cross the river. However, whenever a child gets close to finishing their work, a demon will come by and topple the stones, forcing the child to start over again.
For those unfamiliar with UNDEAD's ! era stories, these were Koga's old nicknames for Kaoru and Rei. He switched to using their names after Repayment Fes, with the implication that it was because he wholeheartedly felt them worthy of his respect from that point on.
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Flashback | PSYCHOBREAK 4
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Adonis, Koga
Koga: There was a time when he was pretty much all I thought about, after all. I thought about him soooo much, I ended up with a~ll sorts a' delusions about him which had absolutely no basis in reality.
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Time: The following afternoon.
Location: Inside the TV station's studio, in the dressing room for HELLSING, formerly UNDEAD
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Adonis: I wonder what Sakuma-senpai is thinking. Is this meant to be some kind of penalty or punishment for me? No, I shouldn't doubt him… Since it's Sakuma-senpai, there must be some deeper meaning behind this.
Koga: Aahn? You're givin' that dumb old man waaay too much credit. Believe it or not, he rarely actually thinks things through. He just goes n' does whatever he wants, n' after the fact, he comes up with some long-winded explanation so he can be all, "Just as planned." ¹ It's ridiculous.
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Adonis: As expected, you understand him very well.
Koga: There was a time when he was pretty much all I thought about, after all. I thought about him soooo much, I ended up with a~ll sorts a' delusions about him which had absolutely no basis in reality.
Adonis: ……
Koga: That aside, hey. What're we gonna do about this shit?
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Adonis: Even if you ask me, I don't know either. In fact, I was planning to ask you about it. Yesterday, we encountered our imposters — HELLSING — at the AIIE Experimental Facility. Then, after we investigated the premises, Sakuma-senpai made a suggestion. He said, "They say one ought to turn even misfortune into good fortune², so let us use this situation to our advantage."
Koga: Hmm~ Well, I think it'd be better to just get rid a' those fakes. But ugh, they seriously look just like people, and it seems like they've got some level of self-awareness too. It wouldn't really sit right with me if we just went and killed 'em off.
Adonis: Yes, that is another of the dilemmas involved in the use of AI. Should AI, or robots in general, receive "human rights"? If they are not recognized as people and are simply regarded as useful tools, is that equivalent to a new form of slavery?
Koga: Yeaaah, no, it ain't my job to figure out that kinda complex crap. It's just... Those HELLSING guys are surprisin'ly cooperative, or maybe it'd be more accurate to call 'em obedient, with the way they follow instructions. No matter how foul their mouths or bad their attitudes, it's like we're holdin' their remote controls. It really reminds you they're still just machines. The question is whether it's really okay to toss those pitiful bastards out like yesterday's garbage, just for the sake of our own convenience. I mean, they're still alive— Or well, no, technically I guess they're not, since they're machines n' all.
Adonis: I wonder whether machines have souls too.
Koga: I dunno, but… Sakuma-senpai seems to think there's somethin' there, since he decided not to scrap 'em. Well, not like there was ever any chance a' that guy gettin' rid of 'em just cause their existence gets in our way.
Adonis: Sakuma-senpai is kind, after all.
Koga: More like he's a coward. He's sick a' fuckin' up the course a' other people's lives. Even though those AIs ain't human, he still can't bring himself to do it. Honestly, if it were me, I'd be perfectly satisfied with bein' destroyed by the person I love.
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Adonis: …Anyway, to summarize, HELLSING began their activities while we were isolated from the outside world due to the experiment. And, as a "radical and immoral" unit, they received tremendous support, especially from the long-time fans who longed to see that side of us. It seems Sakuma-senpai wants to take advantage of that. Specifically, by leaving the conventional radical, immoral, rock band-like activities to HELLSING… While UNDEAD continues to focus on a variety of casual content, like we have been since ES's establishment. It is important to please old fans, but it is equally important to cultivate new ones. Sakuma-senpai is trying to make the most of both audiences, without pushing aside either. I suppose this is how he plans for us to recover from our recent decline.
Koga: We were teeterin' on the edge between the dark side and the light side, so we're just gonna go ahead and actually split into two, huh. Normally, if ya tried to pull that kinda thing off, the colors'll just get all muddy n' go to waste, but now we've got handy-dandy robots to serve as our proxies. Like Copy Robots³. Hmph.
Adonis: Copy Robots? I don't understand that analogy, but I think HELLSING proved its usefulness in today's live.
Koga: Guess that's true. But I had no idea how the hell to react when Hasumi-senpa— that shitty four-eyes suddenly came crashin' in. And just as expected, there's no way he can understand us right now.
Adonis: I don't think he meant it as an attack. Hasumi-senpai was just worried about us.
Koga: Tch, he's always been like that. He's the meddlesome type a' guy who wouldn't be able to leave an abandoned dog on the side a' the road.
Adonis: I don't think anyone would be able to.
Koga: But, well, for better or worse, that shitty four-eyes is only human. There's no way he'd guess somethin' as insane as the fact a bunch a' human-like robots are workin' for us behind the scenes. Until the existence of "artificial idols" becomes widely known, nobody — not even that shitty four-eyes — will be able to figure us out.
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Adonis: Yes. If we reveal the truth to him right now, it might seem like we're talking nonsense, and damage our credibility. That's why we've kept it secret for the moment.
Koga: Yeah. It'd probably be best to tell 'im the truth as soon as possible. That ain't our problem right now, though. First, we've gotta deal with HELLSING. We don't know shit about those AIs of ours, so lettin' 'em do whatever they want is way too risky. Cause a' that, you n' I are in charge a' keepin' an eye on 'em.
Adonis: Yes. That is why we, alongside the fake Sakuma-senpai and Hakaze-senpai, are engaging in "radical and immoral" activities as HELLSING. Meanwhile, the real Sakuma-senpai and Hakaze-senpai are performing in a variety show with the fake Oogami and I as UNDEAD.
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Koga: Seems like they've got a pretty good reputation, so there's no need to worry about our fakes reflectin' poorly on us. They appeared on a live broadcast without issue, n' handled bein' in a variety show skillfully.
Adonis: That's right. It's still uncertain whether this decision will turn out to be for better or worse, but— At the moment, things are going almost terrifyingly well for us.
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A Death Note reference. My urge to write "all according to keikaku" and have the TL note simply read "keikaku means plan" was strong, as this is, in fact, that exact line of dialogue.
A quote from Records of the Grand Historian, also known as the Shiji. Specifically, this is a quote from the biography of Warring States-era strategist Su Qin. It should be noted that some historians believe the biographies on Su Qin in the Shiji to be forgeries, and so the use of this specific quote may have been a deliberate choice to keep in line with the real vs fake theme.
A reference to Doraemon. As a side note, Rei also jokingly compares himself to Doraemon, the titular wish-granting robot cat, in Crossroads.
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resurrection-of-soul · 2 months
Flashback | PSYCHOBREAK 3
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Rei, Koga, Kaoru, Adonis
Kaoru: Um? Fake Rei-kun, could you please shut up? We're having an important conversation right now, 'kay? Rei II: [Haha, aw, don't be so cold! If you're feelin' irritated cause ya haven't been gettin' enough sleep, I can take ya to bed, Kaoru-cha~n ♩]
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
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Rei: I thought so too. Yet when I attempted to look into the matter, the higher-up at Rhythm Link who supposedly asked us to participate in the experiment did not actually exist.
Koga: Huh? Wh-what the hell does that mean?!
Rei: To be precise, the one who contacted us appears to have been yet another mechanical counterfeit. When I spoke with the person in question directly, he adamantly disavowed any knowledge of such an experiment. I conducted myself with an unusual degree of seriousness, but even when confronted with such gravitas, he persisted in proclaiming utter ignorance… He would need to be quite brazen indeed, to persist in falsehood under such circumstances.
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Kaoru: Yeah, turns out the higher-ups were actually panicking cause they thought we'd, like, totally lost it.
Adonis: Mhm. We are receiving a flood of inquiries asking what HELLSING is and what our intentions are.
Koga: Th-this is startin' to feel kinda creepy… I know I'm just cryin' over spilt milk at this point, but we really were too hasty, agreein' to participate in such a shady experiment n' all.
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Rei: Quite right… We were desperate to recover lost ground as quickly as possible and were ultimately taken advantage of as a result. Frankly speaking, I was also far too spineless; I must reflect on the error of my ways.
Kaoru: Reflecting's all well and good, but make sure you deal with the problem first, okay?
Rei II: [Oh? What problem, exactly?] [This development's actually pretty convenient for ya, ain't it?]
Kaoru: Um? Fake Rei-kun, could you please shut up? We're having an important conversation right now, 'kay?
Rei II: [Haha, aw, don't be so cold! If you're feelin' irritated cause ya haven't been gettin' enough sleep, I can take ya to bed, Kaoru-cha~n ♪]
Kaoru: Wow, no way, ew… This would be annoying or, like, just super creepy even in a normal situation! Adonis-kun, let's switch.
Adonis: Even if you tag me in, I do not know how to react either. …They look exactly the same, but in the end the fake Sakuma-senpai really is quite different from the real one. Given the current track record, my fake probably has a distinct personality from me as well.
Adonis II: [……]
Rei II: [We're still far from bein' perfect reproductions, after all. But, y'know, even as we speak, we're collectin' data from ya…] [Soon enough, we'll really become the "same people," to the point where even your parents wouldn't be able to tell us apart from ya.]
Adonis: So that's your goal?
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Rei II: [Be more polite, kouhai. We might be newborns, but y'should still respect our character setting, yeah?]
Rei: I, for one, actually feel a bit lonely when people speak with me too formally.
Rei II: [What a weaklin' you are, my real self.] [Well, whatever. Becomin' "real" ain't our goal, it's just instinct~] [We've got no sense a' purpose at a~ll, y'see.] [Like I said, we machines are just puppets, dolls to be manipulated. We do as our programmin' tells us, with a~bsolutely no minds a' our own.] [Emotions, thoughts, desires—] [Havin' dreams is a troublesome defect unique to you humans, ain't it?]
Rei: That "defect" is precisely what renders humans so remarkable. Well, let us set that aside. It appears fruitless to continue interrogating thee further. We shall instead turn our focus towards exploring the facility. Though it is quite likely most of the evidence has already been destroyed or tampered with, we may still be able to find some clues or stray documents. From there, we can launch an investigation on the circumstances surrounding this incident. Incidentally, I have already reported the basics of the situation to ES and Rhythm Link's upper management. We are fully authorized to investigate this facility.
Adonis: You're as efficient as ever when it comes to making those kinds of arrangements, Sakuma-senpai.
Rei: 'Tis my specialty, after all. That said, we are no expert investigators, and I rather doubt we will find anything significant. But there is no harm in making the attempt. There is little else we can do at the moment.
Rei II: [Well then, in the meantime, we'll go ahead n' do all the idol stuff in your place.]
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Koga: Hah? Can't'cha just butt out, ya damn fakes? The fans've been thrown into turmoil cause a' you. There ain't no place here for shitty copies like you, who only look the same as us.
Rei II: [Turmoil, you say? From where I was standin', it seemed like they were delighted, though?] [S'all a grand joke when ya know the truth, ain't it?] [I mean, when they saw what HELLSING was doin', well… Some fans were practically cryin' tears a' joy, sayin' things like, "The real UNDEAD's finally back!"] [D'ya even have the luxury a' takin' the time to investigate the facility?] [While you're busy fussin' over this kinda to~tally irrelevant nonsense, we might just replace ya for real ♪]
Koga: ……
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resurrection-of-soul · 2 months
Flashback | PSYCHOBREAK 2
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Rei, Kaoru, Adonis, Koga
Kaoru: Ugh, could you please stop caressing my chin? It's, like, totally gross actually! And like, the amount of disgust I feel seeing someone who looks just like Rei-kun going around doing stuff he'd never do is seriously unreal!
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Time: A few hours later
Location: In front of the AIIE Experimental Facility
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Rei II: [Welcome, members of UNDEAD.] [So I finally get to meet the "real" me. I've been waitin' for this.]
Rei: Oh dear…
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Rei: 'Twould seem our ill omen proved true.
Kaoru: Th-the fake showed up just like that, huh. I thought he'd, like, hide or something.
Rei II: [Hey Kaoru, shut up for a second. Can't ya see me n' Mr. Original over there're in the middle of a conversation?]
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Kaoru: Ugh, could you please stop caressing my chin? It's, like, totally gross actually! And like, the amount of disgust I feel seeing someone who looks just like Rei-kun going around doing stuff he'd never do is seriously unreal!
Adonis: This is what is known as the uncanny valley. I came across the term while I was researching AI. It seems we feel an instinctive unease when faced with things that resemble us, but aren't quite the same. It's probably because our brains get confused when our internal memories and perceptions don't match up with reality.
Rei II: [I keep tellin' you~] [I'm tryin' to talk to the "real" me, so could you small fry quit prattlin' on about useless stuff?]
Kaoru: …The fake Rei-kun is like, weirdly mean. Is that an intentional part of the design, or?
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Rei: This is oddly unsettling… I do apologize; my counterfeit has quite a poor attitude…
Kaoru: Hey, that's still better than complete silence, right? I mean, look — there are fake versions of the rest of us over there, but they totally haven't said a word?
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Kaoru II: […]
Adonis II: […]
Koga II: [Hah? You wanna fuckin' go, punk? I'll kick your stupid taco-lookin' ass!]
Koga: Why's my fake the only one with a weirdly low IQ?!
Koga II: [Hah? You're makin' fun a' me, aren'tcha? You wanna get bitten to death, asshole?!]
Kaoru: Ohh, haven't heard that one in a while. You really used to say that kinda stuff a lot~
Rei: Hmm… Judging from the fact mine own counterfeit is one of those so-called "ore-sama" characters, 'twould seem these imposters are meant to mimic the past selves whom we were so recently faced with.
Rei II: [Ahaha. With only a week's worth of experimental data, it's pretty hard to get deep into your consciousness. All we could do was pick up on some fragments of the past.] [Replicatin' your current behavior's still beyond our reach.]
Kaoru: That's good, isn't it? It makes it easy to tell us apart.
Rei: Verily. Though I am equally abashed to be so relentlessly confronted with my youthful follies now as I was during our shared dream. Now then, let us cut to the chase. Pray tell, what exactly art thou intended to be?
Rei II: [You've already figured it out, haven't you? You and I are both the same super smart and clever Sakuma Rei-kun, after all ♪] [We're HELLSING, the imposters who have been pretendin' to be you.] [We're artificial idols, born from the AIIE experiment.] [To be more specific, we are entities with mechanical bodies who have had the data collected from you durin' the experiment installed into us.]
Kaoru: Actually, I've been wondering about that. If you were made from the AIIE experiment, doesn't the timeline not match up?
Rei: Aye. According to the records, HELLSING made their debut shortly after we began the experiment — within a day of our seclusion from the world, in fact.
Kaoru: Yeah, that's a bit too quick. I can't help but think they already had our fakes prepared before the experiment started.
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Adonis: That's true. Perhaps data was pre-installed via the internet or the like, but the timing still confuses me. Why have the imposters begin their activities before the experiment's conclusion?
Koga: We might not know the details yet, but the whole thing already smells rotten.
Rei II: [That one's a mystery to us too. We machines are slaves to our human masters, y'know~ We can only move accordin' to the orders we've been programmed to follow.] [You could say we're just followin' our instincts.]
Kaoru: So basically, if we want to know the details, we'll have to go and ask the person who manufactured and programmed HELLSING directly.
Rei: Indeed. Though this may sound harsh, these four are ultimately nothing more than puppets dancing at another's whim.
Koga: But how're we s'posed to figure out who made 'em? Durin' the AIIE experiment, that plain-faced guy's robo-lookalike was the one handlin' all our meals n' stuff. We never saw another livin' person even once. They said it was to avoid muddlin' the data, but now that I think about it, ain't that kinda off?
Rei: By the "plain-faced guy," dost thou perchance refer to Mashiro Tomoya-kun? That aside, thou art correct in that there has been an unnerving absence of any contact with living humans throughout this ordeal. We were entreated to partake in this most peculiar experiment through HoldHands, and having assented, we were guided through the whole process by machines. There must be someone profiting off of this manipulation from behind the scenes, yet at present, we lack the information to so much as speculate on their identity.
Kaoru: AIIE is supposed to be some kinda top secret project managed by ES, so it might be one of the bigwigs at ES behind all this, y'know?
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resurrection-of-soul · 2 months
Flashback | PSYCHOBREAK 1
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Rei, Adonis, Kaoru, Koga
Koga: Huh? Heh, hehe, it's animal instinct! I'm a noble wolf, after all~♪ Kaoru: It's, like, kinda adorable when Koga-kun fails to realize he's being teased.
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Time: 10 days after the start of the AIIE Experiment.
Location: ES Building, Rhythm Link Office.
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Rei: We find ourselves in circumstances most dire.
Adonis: That line gives me the strangest sense of deja vu.
Rei: Indeed. We shared a similar exchange ere consenting to participate in the experiment. However, the circumstances now are far graver than they were then.
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Kaoru: My head hurts. Figuratively and literally.
Koga: Ugggh… Dunno whether it's cause of the sleepin' pills or cause we had to keep goin' right back to sleep as soon as we woke up, but my mind's a mess. Everythin' feels kinda unreal now, or—
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Kaoru: Haha, want me to give you a pinch to check if it's real?
Koga: Shut up, don't go touchin' me all willy-nilly! I've got a headache, damn it!
Adonis: I feel the same way, Oogami. Maybe it's because I spent at least half of every day asleep over the course of that week-long experiment, but… There's this strange sensation hanging over me, as if the line between dreams and reality has become blurred.
Rei: Alas, if only this were but a dream. Let us cut to the chase. While we were isolated from the outside world, something unfathomable has occurred. We spent our time at the AIIE Experimental Facility merely going between sleeping and waking, occasionally playing cards in between, unable to engage in any idol activities… Yet inexplicably, here in the outside world UNDEAD saw a meteoric rise in popularity, and was widely praised for achieving a breakthrough with the unit's new direction.
Kaoru: Seriously, what's going on? I know I've already said this before, but it really feels like I've fallen under a kitsune's spell.
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Koga: Isn't he just sayin' some fakes showed up? That's what I took it to mean, at least. Some assholes took the opportunity while we were gone to pretend to be us n' ran wild, right?
Rei: Indeed, that interpretation is more or less correct. Whilst thou may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, thy ability to intuitively grasp the situation is as impressive as ever, Koga ♪
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Koga: Huh? Heh, hehe, it's animal instinct! I'm a noble wolf, after all~♪
Kaoru: It's, like, kinda adorable when Koga-kun fails to realize he's being teased.
Adonis: Agreed. …But, back on topic, who are these fakes?
Rei: 'Tis unclear at the moment. They go by the name HELLSING and seem to be actively engaging with the radical and immoral image which we once pursued. To be precise, they avoid appearing in lighthearted variety shows and, as a matter of fact, refrain entirely from gaining exposure through TV programs, focusing solely on performing on stage.
Kaoru: That gives off a totally nostalgic vibe, huh?
Adonis: That kind of thing was common in Yumenosaki, after all.
Rei: Indeed. They emulate our melodies flawlessly whilst infusing them with their own flair, bestowing a more potent rock essence. Ever more radical, ever more immoral— In a sense, you might say they embody the ideal which the world once envisioned for UNDEAD.
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Rei: One could quite logically regard HELLSING as the final evolution of the original UNDEAD, which we ourselves were unable to attain.
Koga: Tch, even though they're the fakes, they seem realer than the real deal. We also shoulda gone all in like that, instead a' changin' course.
Adonis: It's easy to say that now. This might just sound like an excuse, but I firmly believe that choosing to expand the scope of our activities was the "correct answer" when ES was established.
Rei: Let us not repeat this old song and dance. What we ought to discuss now is how to handle the imposters who have surfaced in our midst—HELLSING.
Koga: Aahn? Ain't it enough to just sue 'em and be done with it? Those guys, HELLSING or whatever, are usin' our songs without permission, yeah?
Adonis: I see, if we approach it from the copyright infringement angle, we should be able to win.
Kaoru: Didn't we have a conversation like this before? About AI art, or something— Wait, I just had a totally wild thought…
Rei: I suspect that thought is one we share. Speak thy thoughts without reserve, Kaoru-kun.
Kaoru: Well, we've been participating in a strange experiment lately, right? And that experiment's goal is to realize some sci-fi sounding dream about creating artificial idols. To make that dream a reality, they were collecting our brain data and stuff—
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Adonis: Wait a moment. I think I understand what you're trying to say, but… Is that even possible?
Kaoru: If it isn't, they wouldn't bother with an "experiment," y'know? ES poured a bunch of funds into it because there was a chance of making it happen, right?
Koga: Hey, hold on, the hell're you guys goin' on about…? What I'm thinkin's impossible, so—
Rei: I doth fear thy "impossible" thought is exactly right. Though this be mere speculation… 'Tis quite likely that these imposters of ours, HELLSING, are artificial idols born from the AIIE experiment.
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resurrection-of-soul · 2 months
Flashback | BIOHAZARD 12
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Keito, Tomoya
Keito: An important announcement? Are they going to disband or something? Tomoya: No, despite everything, UNDEAD is pretty popular, so I don't think they're just going to disband all of a sudden?
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Time: The next day.
Location: Inside the ES building, in the RhythLin office's lounge.
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Keito: (Just what are you thinking, Sakuma?!) ("I'll be away for a while, so if anything happens at the office while I'm gone, I'm counting on you to take care of it." Seriously? To ask such a thing of me so casually!)
(…Ever since that performance of "Vampire Shogun¹," he's begun acting oddly familiar with me.) (Does he truly think that all our past transgressions up until now have been forgiven? That by working together, we've strengthened our bonds and once more returned to being "close childhood friends"?) (It's intolerable if he's entertaining such naïve thoughts. I feel like I'm being underestimated.) (…Well, even if he doesn't go out of his way to request it of me, I would still handle things at the office if it's necessary.) (Lately, UNDEAD seems to be in quite a sorry state, while Ra*bits are apparently caught up in a feud with some big shot²—) (So among the new talents at RhythLin, we, Akatsuki, probably have the most momentum.) (We have our own problems as well, but at least on the surface…) (That's why we must take the lead and secure a place for the younger generation within this well-established agency.) (For the sake of that goal, we go out of our way to show up at the office and greet the higher-ups!) (We take even odd jobs seriously, handling small tasks in place of our senpai!) (Currently, there's a deep rift between the big shots and the younger talents at RhythLin. We'll bridge that gap, even if just a little, and overcome this new era as a united front.)
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Tomoya: Zzz, zzz... ♪
Keito: ...?! Mashiro? Bastard, why are you sleeping on the sofa in the lounge?
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Keito: That's dangerous... I nearly sat down without noticing you. You could have been crushed.
Tomoya: Mnn… H-huh? Where am I?
Keito: Did I wake you…? Good morning, Mashiro.
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Tomoya: Wuh?! Oh, g-g-good morning, Hasumi-senpai!
Keito: Good. A proper greeting is worthy of praise. That aside, why are you sleeping in a place like this?
Tomoya: Oh, uh, sorry… You probably already know about this, but things have been a bit hectic for us lately. Work's been kind of scarce, so we've been contacting a bunch of places to try and resolve the situation… I've been running back and forth dealing with that, so I got tired out and ended up falling asleep — something like that, more or less?
Keito: What are you, a stray cat? If you're going to sleep, do it properly in your own room back at Starmony Dorms. You need to rest in a bed, or you'll end up hurting your body.
Tomoya: Okay… But this is a crucial moment for us, so we have to give it our all.
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Keito: Is there anything I can do to help?
Tomoya: Oh, actually, yes. There's something I wanted to ask. We wanted to try something using SSVRS, but UNDEAD is currently using the equipment. We need quite a few sets, so I was wondering if there'll be enough available for us.
Keito: Huh? UNDEAD is using it right now?
Tomoya: Yeah. That's what I heard from the person in charge when I submitted the equipment usage request.
Keito: They're supposed to be away right now, as part of some secret plan they claim to be participating in. Or could it be that they're using SSVRS as part of that plan?
Tomoya: Huh? I don't know anything about a plan or whatever, but UNDEAD being away right now is impossible, right? I mean, they're supposed to be making a live appearance in some kind of special program today.
Keito: A special program? Is that their secret plan? You're as well-informed about other units as ever, aren't you?
Tomoya: Haha, I guess you could say that staying in the loop is one of my strengths, or maybe it's just that I excel at what I like. Though, well, lately my idol otaku attribute is kinda being taken over by that Shiratori guy. Oh, look, it seems to be airing right now. An emergency special program, "Important Announcement from UNDEAD"— it says.
Keito: An important announcement? Are they going to disband or something?
Tomoya: No, despite everything, UNDEAD is pretty popular, so I don't think they're just going to disband all of a sudden? Hm? But something about what they're saying sounds kinda strange?
Keito: What do you mean? Let me see too.
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Tomoya: Could you please watch it on your own phone~…?
Keito: Mm. …Hmm? What's this? Those guys are wearing unfamiliar outfits, aren't they? And the song they're singing— Is this their debut song? No, it's subtly different. If I recall correctly, this is one of the proposed songs for UNDEAD's debut live. However, due to various reasons, it was never actually performed…
Tomoya: You're pretty knowledgeable about this stuff, Hasumi-senpai. Are you also one of UNDEAD's fans?
Keito: Hmph. We've had various entanglements since their formation— No, since even before that. But why are they bringing out such an old, forgotten song from their early days? What are they up to? Are they planning to return to their roots? They've certainly seemed to be a bit lost lately, so a return to form may not be a bad idea? Hm, "HELLSING" is it? They didn't name themselves after the famous vampire hunter Van Helsing, right? The spelling would be different for that. With this spelling, the meaning becomes something like "song of hell." How ominous. What on earth are they up to this time…?
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A reference to Learning from the Past.
A reference to Parallel World.
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resurrection-of-soul · 2 months
Flashback | BIOHAZARD 11
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Koga, Adonis, Rei, Kaoru
Kaoru: (Well, you guys were just doing normal idol stuff, y'know? Compared to those wannabe gangsters, you seemed totally harmless.)
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Koga: (The hell's he sayin'…?) (Since when was Adonis one a' those "vampire" guys? And why the boss, at that?!)
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Adonis: (I-I have no answers for you. I don't remember being one of them either.) (But, I do recall this incident.) (I'm sure you would never forget it either, Oogami. The details may differ, but this is our history.) (No. What I mean to say is, this is our origin story.)
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Koga: (Yeah... 'S not like I forgot or anything.) (This stuff really did happen. But there wasn't any a' this weird shit about "vampires" or whatever.) (It's true that a buncha folks callin' themselves Sakuma-senpai's successors went on a rampage in the downtown area, but he'd gone overseas at the time n' there was no way to get in touch…) (If Sakuma-senpai had actually come down to deliver judgement like this, those believers a' his might've a~ctually gotten the fear of God put in 'em n' calmed down.) (But cause he wasn't here, those of us who were had to try n' figure somethin' out on our own.)
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Rei: (Aye, indeed, 'tis quite strange. I should not be in Japan at this juncture.) (I have no recollection of sneaking back, either… The fact that "I" am here to witness this incident directly contradicts mine own memories.)
Kaoru: (Right? I totally wasn't on the front lines like this either. I mean, forget about being the point of contact, I wasn't even, like, involved until pretty late in the game.)
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Adonis: (It was the same for me. If I recall correctly, Hasumi-senpai was the one who went and started taking action on his own after he noticed that some unscrupulous people were causing havoc downtown.)
Koga: (Haah. He was the vice prez n' all, so he went around punishin' the local delinquents to score brownie points.) (Thanks to that, the adults' opinions of the student council went way up drastically after this incident.) (The student council's authority shot up and the scope of its activities increased, until that shitty four-eyes became so busy that he completely cut ties with us.) (But… Before things got to that point, he was the one who asked me n' Adonis to work with him as part of DEADMANZ.) (He said that we, DEADMANZ, were Sakuma-senpai's real successors. So we went to silence those assholes who were claimin' to be his sucessors without permission.) (We put on a buncha flashy performances at this underground live house, got more n' more famous, n' eventually the local businesses started supportin' us too.)
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Kaoru: (Well, you guys were just doing normal idol stuff, y'know? Compared to those wannabe gangsters, you seemed totally harmless.) (For us locals, it was like, way more convenient to have DEADMANZ become Rei-kun's successors.) (But because we had such a nice working relationship, people got it into their heads that I was a member of DEADMANZ too. I was, like, so fed up with it!) (And then, as if it was a given, Hasumi-kun just went and put my name on the documents, making me a member for real without even asking first!)
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Kaoru: (Did he think that he could like, get me to stop slacking off that way?)
Rei: (In the interest of defending Hasumi-kun's honor, I must confess: 'twas I who ordered thy inclusion.) (In fact, 'twas the condition which I imposed in exchange for fulfilling his request that I return to the country and deliver judgement upon those who were wreaking havoc.) (Thus did I declare, "My only successors, my only allies, are the members of DEADMANZ." With the word of God¹ against them, those troublemakers were finally silenced.)
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Kaoru: (Well, to your devotees, your word really can be considered equivalent to a god's. If the real deal comes to express his anger himself, there's no way anyone can argue against him.)
Koga: (Yeah, exactly. So they all got depressed after that n' vanished.)
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Rei: (Indeed. Thus did the disturbances come to an end, and everyone lived happily ever after ♪)
Koga: (It took a pretty long time to get to that point, though. Or at least, I remember havin' to deal with it for a long while. You didn't really come home all that often back then, Sakuma-senpai.)
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Rei: ('Twas simply because my past self harbored an indiscriminate hatred for all things. Speaking frankly, I was a pain in the ass.) (But thanks to those hectic days, in the end, the prototype of what would become the UNDEAD we know today was established. One can thus say those efforts were not in vain, no?) (Though Hasumi-kun departed midway, the others who assembled during those tumultuous events would later become the main members of UNDEAD.) (Then, ere I knew it, Koga had changed the name of the unit to UNDEAD—) (And so, these dead men were reborn as undying immortals.)
Kaoru: (Which brings us to the present.)
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Adonis: (Mm. What I don't understand is, the events we are witnessing right now clearly contradict these "historical facts." Maybe it's just because this is a dream, so events are unfolding using incomprehensible dream logic, but… If it isn't just a coincidence, then what's the meaning behind all these changes?)
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The phrase used in Japanese here is literally "the single crane's voice," shortened from "the voice of a thousand sparrows; the voice of a single crane." Essentially this means the words of many normal people don't hold as much weight as the word of a single important person. This could be translated as something along the lines of "a proclamation from a voice of authority," but it should be noted that cranes are often regarded as mystical and holy creatures. Given the abundance of imagery likening Rei to the divine in this conversation alone (let alone in Rei's story as a whole), that felt relevant, so I chose to prioritize keeping the double meaning.
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resurrection-of-soul · 3 months
Flashback | BIOHAZARD 10
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Rei, Kaoru, Koga, Keito, Adonis
Koga: (Now that you mention it, Ricchi can be pretty rude too. I mean, sometimes he'll just go "move it" n' literally kick me outta the way.)
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
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Kaoru: So basically, it's totally your fault, Sakuma-san.
Rei: Ehhh~? Okay, sure, go ahead n' just blame it aaaaaaall on lil' ol' me¹~ ♪
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Rei: (Why does past me have such a rotten attitude!?)
Koga: (People get fooled by yer old man gimmick, but even nowadays you can give people some serious attitude.) (At the very least, y'ain't real polite, goin' around puttin' your feet up on tables n' stuff like some kinda delinquent.)
Rei: (Ritsu also tends to put his feet up on the furniture, you see. ♪ When siblings share the same habits, you find yourself thinking, "they must be close ♪" That sort of thing serves well as a conversation starter, does it not?)
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Koga: (Now that you mention it, Ricchi can be pretty rude too. I mean, sometimes he'll just go "move it" n' literally kick me outta the way.)
Rei: (The two of us hold such high-ranking positions within our clan that none dared to scold us even when we exhibited such disrespectful behavior.)
Koga: (Haaah. On top a' that you're way too soft on Ricchi, so there's no way ya ever managed to scold 'im the way an older brother should, huh.)
Adonis: (Quiet. Our past selves seem to be talking about something important.)
Kaoru: After the "Dead Man's Live" the other day, Sakuma-san ran off and went overseas without a word—
Rei: I had work to do, okay? I'm focused on overseas activities. It's my literal job.
Kaoru: Mhm. But, like, because of that, the followers you left behind here in Japan started imitating your worst behaviors and causing all sorts of trouble?
Keito: Sakuma-san's…followers?
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Koga: Th-the hell're you lookin' at me for?
Kaoru: Ahaha. You remember how Sakuma-san called on all the delinquents who were hanging around to act as his allies during the "Dead Man's Live," right?
Rei: Oh, if we're talkin' about that, it was just for the competition. So what?
Kaoru: So everyone, like, totally misunderstood? They're like, "we're friends with Sakuma Rei, a world-class superstar."
Rei: Ughhh…
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Kaoru: And because of that, they've gotten totally carried away, going around calling themselves "vampires" and causing all kinds of havoc by running wild, eating and drinking excessively without paying for a thing. "We're underlings of the Sakuma Rei, so hold your heads high! Don't hold back!" or whatever. Just checking here but you're not, like, the one telling them to act this way, right? Cause those "vampires," they're going around all like, "If you've got any complaints, go tell 'em to our boss, Sakuma Rei!" and stuff, y'know?
Rei: Are ya stupid? What would I get outta tellin' people to do such a shitty imitation of me? It's just a buncha morons who misunderstood and went wild on their own. Borrowin' the tiger's terror²… Man, they're even dumber than I thought.
Kaoru: Yeah, I figured it was something like that? Still, those guys really are like "vampires." They take in other delinquents and add them to their ranks, quickly multiplying their numbers. In terms of size and general vibe, they're almost like one of those color gangs³ from a while back. When they eat and run, or start fights in front of stores, it disrupts business. This area's already in the middle of a recession, so, like, even small stuff like that ends up being a huge blow. You get what I'm saying? You've gotta clean up after yourself. These people showed up because of you, Sakuma-san, so you should take care of it somehow. The local businesses even pooled their resources and put together some reward money. Oh yeah, on that topic, I'm acting as the point of contact since we go to the same school, but I want you to think of this as a request from everyone in the neighborhood. Of course, if push comes to shove, I'll totally call the cops. But, y'know, most Yumenosaki students come from influential families, so… Who knows whether the police will actually do their jobs properly. Things would go way more smoothly if you guys could just deal with it, y'know? That's why I'm like, totally counting on you to slay the "vampires" ♪
Rei: Ahaha. Funny coincidence, never thought I'd end up imitatin' Van Helsing.
Keito: You're usually more of a Count Dracula, after all.
Rei: …Well, I understand the situation. I mean, I'd already more or less figured it out, so I went ahead n' took the initiative. Here, look. He seems kinda pitiful given the way we've just been ignorin' 'im the whole time, but I already caught the culprit.
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Adonis: ……..
Keito: I don't understand. What do you mean, Otogari is the culprit?
Rei: I mean this guy here's the vampires' boss. To go back to the Dracula analogy, the best way to kill him is by drivin' a stake through his heart to stop him from movin' and then decisively cuttin' off the head. And this, right here, is the vampire's head. In short, if we get rid of this guy, the incident'll be resolved. Simple, ain't it? ♪
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Adonis: ......
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ore-sama-chan. This man is so annoying (complimentary).
Taken from the title of the Chinese fable "The Fox Borrows the Tiger's Terror," this is an idiom meaning to bully or frighten people using someone else's authority.
A type of Japanese street gang which aims to imitate the look and feel of American street gangs, though it should be noted that color gangs tend to be more of a "rebellious youth" thing than an actual crime thing. Some of them do get up to actual serious crimes, of course, but the majority of color gangs exist to unnerve adults, disrupt the peace, and give rowdy teens an excuse to punch other rowdy teens. Picture a bunch of weirdly color-coordinated delinquents committing petty crimes, rather than violent street gangs engaging in serious illegal activity.
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resurrection-of-soul · 3 months
Flashback | BIOHAZARD 9
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Koga, Rei, Kaoru, Adonis, Keito
Keito: That's... Otogari, was it? And what's this about "vampires"? What are you going on about? Rei: (Genuinely, what am I going on about?)
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
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Koga: (Nn~…?)
Rei: (? Whatever is the matter, Koga? Is there something bothering you?)
Koga: (Sorta. I'm just wonderin' how Adonis is holdin' up. I mean, we barely had anythin' to do with him around this time, right?)
Rei: (I was acquainted with him prior to this. If memory serves, after I facilitated his introduction to thee, the two of you began to take lessons together, yes?)
Koga: (Yea. But it was only from time to time, we didn't really make a habit of it or anythin' 'til way later… Not 'til he officially joined us.) (In other words, we only started hangin' out regularly after DEADMANZ was reborn as UNDEAD.) (What the heck was he actin' so reserved for back then? He wouldn't even show up to lessons unless I kept botherin' him about it.)
Rei: (That child can be surprisingly shy for such a tough-looking boy. 'Twas especially so back then.) (That said, once he opens his heart to someone, he becomes sweetly, wholeheartedly devoted to them. That part of him is quite reminiscent of thee, is it not? Both Kaoru-kun, as well as Puppy¹ ♪)
Koga: (Hah? Who the hell're you callin' a dog when you're the one who can't stop waggin' your tail at us right now?) ²
Kaoru: (Ahaha. To be honest, I'm kinda curious about Adonis-kun's whereabouts too. In a situation as incomprehensible as this, I'd like it if we could stick together, y'know?)
Koga: (Ngh~ Hnnnngh~! Damn, it's no good. Seems like we really can't separate from our past selves, huh? It's gonna be hard to search for Adonis like thi—)
Adonis: (There is no need to search.) (I am right here.)
Kaoru: (Is that you, Adonis-kun?!) (That gave me quite a scare… You've gotta, like, properly let us know if you're there, okay?)
Adonis: (I'm sorry. I was confused by the situation and did not understand what was going on until I heard your conversation.)
Rei: ('Tis completely understandable. After all, though we can hear one another's voices, our eyes perceive naught.) (Even when in close proximity to one another, 'tis impossible to discern another's presence until words are spoken.)
Adonis: (Yes. I'm not a very talkative person, so I'm at a bit of a disadvantage and having a hard time dealing with the situation.)
Koga: (Speakin' of which. We're just standin' around chattin' like it's normal, but why are you even here, Adonis?)
Adonis: (Do you mean that philosophically?)
Koga: (That ain't it! I just mean there's that whole thing where we can only exist here if we stick close to our past selves 'n— Ah damn it, now I'm lost too!)
Kaoru: (Feels like I'm gonna lose my mind at this rate… But um, basically, if Adonis-kun is here, the past Adonis-kun should also be nearby, or something like that?) (That's like, totally weird, right? I mean, we didn't hang out at all back then?)
Adonis: (I also thought it was weird. For some reason, Sakuma-senpai attacked me earlier.)
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Rei: (Huh? Have I erred again, somehow?)
Adonis: (It wasn't the "wagahai" Sakuma-senpai, but rather the "ore-sama" Sakuma-senpai.)
Rei: (Thank you for the easy-to-follow explanation. However, thinking back on it, I do not believe I ever truly referred to myself using "ore-sama.") (Just where has that misconception come from? I, for one, would lay the blame solidly at Koga's feet. As he has modeled himself after my former self, everyone is simply swept up under the mistaken assumption that I once spoke as he— )
Koga: (The hell? You tryin' to say Adonis gettin' attacked was my fault?)
Rei: (Nay, 'twas not my intention… I meant only to say this situation is truly bizarre.) (All four members of UNDEAD, whose paths rarely crossed back in this era, have now gathered together here. Yet I have no recollection of any such event. Just what is the cause of the discrepancy between this scene and our memories? And, more pressingly, what meaning does that discrepancy hold?)
Adonis: (If you cannot figure it out, then there is no way we can.)
Rei: (Yet I am also not an omniscient and omnipotent god… Ah, quiet a moment. It seems something important is occuring between our past selves.)
Rei: Haha. Sorry ya had to go through the trouble of comin' all the way out here, but the case has already been solved. The culprit behind the "vampire attacks" is this guy.
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Adonis: …
Keito: That's… Otogari, was it? And what's this about "vampires"? What are you going on about?
Rei: (Genuinely, what am I going on about?)
Adonis: (Even if you ask me, I do not know either.) (I do remember an incident occurring around this time. But I do not remember anything about vampires.) (Actually, wasn't that incident the reason we became UNDEAD?)
Rei: (Ahh, now that thou dost mention it… I do indeed recall something of the like. What fond memories.) ('Twas both DEADMANZ's final case, as well as UNDEAD's first.)
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Rei doesn't actually call Koga "wanko" here, however…
This line translates literally to "Who's the one wagging his tail at who?" In JP, to "wag your tail" is a saying meaning to flatter/suck up to someone. So, following on from Rei's speech about how sweet they all are, the implication is very much a combination of "man, you're being embarrassingly mushy right now" and "okay now who's the dog here?" but the latter would be a nonsensical statement to just suddenly insert into this convo in ENG, and I didn't want to ditch the dog pun completely (Koga makes so many dog puns).
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resurrection-of-soul · 3 months
ENGRAVE LIVES | Koga Solo Translation
Fear of the lonely road is a weakness which can't just be discarded It's fine to keep holding¹ onto that snarling expression², let your true self show Rather than giving up, you chose to fight Even your silence can't erase the echoes of your sighs I'll turn the feelings I wished to grasp into fangs And sink my teeth into the throat of the dream I longed for Come straight at me, 'cause those raw emotions will convey The proof of our souls reflected in one another's glaring eyes Don't misunderstand what it means to resolve³ yourself to living alone It's about moving forward while listening to the beat of your own heart I can't become stronger just by blindly wishing for it That admiration so strong it frightens me; I'll surpass it!
I'll sharpen the feeling of wanting to grasp that wish into claws And use them to leave our mark Come on, me! Step up onto the stage so you can be proud of yourself! Illuminated by the solitary spotlight, I become a beast I'll make Your Soul tremble with my voice I'll turn the feelings I swore to grasp into fangs And sink my teeth into the throat of the dream I longed for Whether it's excitement or fear that makes me tremble as I stand there desperately, it's fine either way Let's carve it into the world, into this era The proof that, together, we'll live on
¹抱え can indeed simply mean to physically hold onto something, but it can also mean to "carry" a problem/burden.
²Lit. 吠え面, "howling/barking face," this is a metaphor most often used to refer to a crying face, but it can also be used to mean expressing any kind of intense emotion. I chose to use "snarling expression" to keep the dog pun (thanks Koga) and maintain the aggressive tone expressed in the rest of the song, but this line could just as easily be interpreted along the lines of "It's okay to show a tearful expression [due to that burden]"
³覚悟 can mean to be determined/prepared to do something, or to be resigned to doing it
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resurrection-of-soul · 3 months
Flashback | BIOHAZARD 8
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Keito, Kaoru, Koga, Rei
Rei: (Ughhh… No way~ My former self is so embarrassing~) (What're you acting so cocky for? Be more honest!)
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Time: Minutes later.
Location: Inside the underground live house's karaoke room.
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Keito: What is this place?
Kaoru: What do you mean, what? It's karaoke, y'know? Karaoke. Mr. Honor Student, are you seriously so "all work, no play" that you've never been to a place like this?
Keito: No, even I know what karaoke is. What I'm asking is, why is there a place like this in the back room of a live music house?
Kaoru: My household's pretty strict in various ways, y'know? So I was like, let's give expanding the business a go~ I had soundproof practice rooms with full-scale professional equipment installed back here, but it totally flopped with the customers.
Koga: Hmph. 'Course it ended up like that. Yumenosaki students should be way more interested in a facility like that than anyone else, but none a' those assholes have any interest in makin' music at all.
Kaoru: Yup. That's why I decided to repurpose this practice room as a karaoke room, making it more accessible to the general public. It's a new feature at our store~
Koga: (Oh yeah, I remember this.)
Kaoru: (I totally put my blood, sweat, and tears into managing that business, y'know? I worked real hard to learn aaall sorts of things...) (But towards the end, we became like an emergency shelter for those who couldn't fit in at Yumenosaki, and those kids actually made use of the practice rooms for their intended purpose.) (So even though I went through all the trouble of renovating this room into a karaoke room, it wasn't long before I ended up having to put it back the way it was. We didn't have enough practice rooms, y'know?)
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Kaoru: (Ahh, this is so nostalgic... I really did give it my all, huh.)
Koga: (You shoulda spared some a' that energy for your studies n' idol activities. I pretty much never saw you at school back then.)
Kaoru: (Well, y'know~ I was like, totally not into that kinda stuff at the time ♪)
Kaoru: Hmm~? This is like, super weird?
Keito: What is it? Did you find something suspicious?
Kaoru: Nah, more like the opposite. Sakuma-san was supposed to be waiting for us here, but I can't find him.
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Keito: …Sakuma-san came personally? Just what does he want from me after all this time?
Koga: Oh, oh! I'm gonna get to see Sakuma-senpai! Woohoo, I've been waitin' for this! ☆
Koga: (…God, I was such a die-hard fanboy back then, it's seriously embarrassin'.)
Kaoru: (You can still be pretty embarrassing about him nowadays, y'know~?)
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Rei: Heeey. Kept you waitin', huh. My bad… I got caught by a scary guy, y'see~ I had to explain all sortsa stuff to get 'im off my back, but it ate up a lotta time. Man, it sure is rough bein' popular.
Keito: …...
Rei: Wow, you actually came, bouzu¹. What a law-abidin' citizen you are.
Keito: Bastard, you're the one who called me out here.
Rei: That's true, but… You've sure got some guts, showin' up in front of me again just like that. Aren't you embarassed? The other day, I thrashed you so soundly you'll never recover~ ♪
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Keito: …...
Rei: (Ughhh… No way~ My former self is so embarrassing~)
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Rei: (What're you acting so cocky for? Be more honest!)
Koga: (…Is that you, Sakuma-senpai?)
Kaoru: (Ah, just as I thought. Our real selves are totally following our past selves around, huh?)
Rei: (Indeed. 'Twould seem you two have already grasped the situation. At the moment, we are as like spirits, watching over our former selves.) (Alas, being forced to witness my past self's mortifying behavior from up close and personal is akin to being thrust into my own personal hell. What manner of sin have I committed to warrant such punishment?)
Koga: (Hah, this's your own fault. I ain't ashamed a' the way I live my life, so I've got no problem watchin' my past self behavin' like thi—)
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Koga: (......)
Rei: (What remarkable mental fortitude you possess, Koga… Seeing this, can you still claim to feel no shame?)
Koga: (IapologizeI'membarrassing)
Kaoru: (Woah, how rare, Koga-kun's speaking formally. I'm better off than you two at least, but I'd still rather not be reminded how immature I used to be.) (Why's all this happening? It's probably related to the AIIE experiment somehow, right?)
Rei: (Mm… Tis difficult to speculate much further than that.) (Were I to hazard a guess, perhaps our dreams have become intertwined due to our brains all being connected to the same device.)
Koga: (Does it really work like that? Ain't dreams meant to be more— more personal, or whatever?)
Rei: (Who can say? Tis new, untried technology.)
Kaoru: (It's way too late to say this, but I'm, like, totally going to regret agreeing to participate in such a shady experiment, aren't I?)
Rei: (What is done cannot be undone, for there is no way to turn back time. We should focus our attentions on adapting and responding to the current situation as quickly as possible.)
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A term used to refer to buddhist monks, but also a somewhat old-fashioned, diminutive way of saying "boy" or "young man," kinda like calling someone "laddie."
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resurrection-of-soul · 3 months
Tsumi no Soko | Lyrics Translation
Depths of Sin
Rei Kaoru Adonis Koga All
How deeply shall we continue diving into sin like this? It's too late to turn back, but we didn't want to anyway, right? Deeper and deeper, to a place no one can reach — it feels good, doesn't it? You are a dark mermaid The more I chase after you, the more you avoid me with a smile The stained past, as well as the unchanging future Embrace it, I'll embrace it all Come closer, come here It's something you've¹ never shown anyone But if we're together, there's nothing to fear I want to see the real you The moonlight we looked up at Reflects off the water's surface to illuminate us...
The water dripping from your wet hair beckons me into the night Irresistible, isn't it? Makes you want to break it, doesn't it? After waking from a long, deep sleep, your skin is glowing² You are my mermaid I say it again and again, as if to confirm it Yesterday's lies, as well as tomorrow's regrets Embrace it, I'll embrace it all
Come closer, come here It's something you've never shown anyone But if we're together, there's nothing to fear I want to see the real you The distorted, waning moon Reflects off the water's surface to illuminate us... The stained past, as well as the unchanging future Embrace it, I'll embrace it all
Come closer, come here It's something you've never shown anyone But if we're together, there's nothing to fear I want to see the real you The moonlight we looked up at Reflects off the water's surface to envelop us for eternity...
¹JP is a language which often drops the subject from sentences. Though I've gone with "you" for consistency, the subject here could just as easily be "I"
²This line is secretly unbelievably horny. The second half TL'd literally is "your awakened skin is beautiful," but while 肌 certainly means skin, it can also refer to the body specifically when used in the context of sex. Hell, it's used in the phrase 肌を許す, meaning to "give your body up [to a man]." Combined with the previous line, it's pretty clearly an innuendo. Thanks, UNDEAD.
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resurrection-of-soul · 3 months
Flashback | BIOHAZARD 7
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Kaoru, Koga, Keito
Kaoru: (There we go. You look like a dummy with no thoughts in that head of yours, but you catch on quick, don't you?) Koga: (Yeah, cause I'm always hangin' around with a certain someone who makes no fuckin' sense. My brain's gotten a bit a' trainin'.)
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Time: One hour later.
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Location: At the underground live house located in the downtown area near Yumenosaki.
Kaoru: Welcome~♪
Koga: ......
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Kaoru: Oh? You're like, totally one of our regulars. You came back again, huh? I know I probably shouldn't be saying this since I'm the one in charge of sales and all, but if you keep coming to shady places like this, your parents are gonna worry about you, y'know~? Well, I don't really care one way or the other. I mean, your actions are your own responsibility, so don't sue the store if anything goes wrong, 'kay?
Koga: Shut up, quit talkin' to me like we're friends. You're just some guy who works here.
Keito: Are you acquainted with Hakaze, Oogami?
Koga: Hakaze? Nope, I didn't even know his name. You friends with him or somethin', Hasumi-senpai?
Keito: We aren't friends, but we are in the same class. This guy's infamous for skipping school, so every time I see him, I end up preaching at him to come to school.
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Kaoru: Ack, Glasses-kun is here too!
Keito: You ought to at least know my name by now.
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Kaoru: Sorry~ I'm not interested in men's names, so I don't bother remembering them~♪ More importantly, I totally get it now… I was like, this is a really weird pair to be hanging out together, but you two were part of that group that performed the other day, right? Which means you're Sakuma-san's friends. So, he must be the one who called you two out here today.
Keito: …We aren't really friends or anything like that.
Koga: Ehh~? We're friends on paper at least, aren't we? Cause we're DEADMANZ~♪
Koga: (GAAAAAAAH! THIS IS SO ANNOYING~! I wanna retort so bad, but I can't open my mouth of my own volition! This is so damn stressful!)
Kaoru: (H-Heeey~! Koga-kun? Guess you can't hear me after all, huh?)
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Koga: (Woah? Is that you, Hakaze-senpai? Where are ya?)
Kaoru: (What do you mean, where? I'm like, right here y'know… Wait, that was you just now, right, Koga-kun?)
Koga: (Duh, who else?)
Kaoru: Haha. There's a lot of people here, so why don't we go talk in the back? The client this time around is me, or rather, this underground live house I run. I've got a liiittle problem that I need you, DEADMANZ, to solve for me—
Koga: (Hey! Can ya not hear me after all? Why the hell are ya ignorin' me to go on about that shit?!)
Kaoru: (...Ohhh~ So that's how it is.) (Koga-kun, Koga-kun, calm down. I think I've more or less figured out what's going on.)
Koga: (Hah?)
Kaoru: (We're like, totally ghosts right now.)
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Koga: (Ghosts? I don't remember dyin,' but— Oh wait, I get it.)
Kaoru: (There we go. You look like a dummy with no thoughts in that head of yours, but you catch on quick, don't you?)
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Koga: (Yeah, cause I'm always hangin' around with a certain someone who makes no fuckin' sense. My brain's gotten a bit a' trainin'.)
Kaoru: (I see, that makes sense ♪)
Koga: (Long story short, we're all dreamin' cause a' that somethin'-or-other experiment, yeah?) (And inside that dream, we're relivin' the past. But for some reason, we're still conscious.)
Kaoru: (It's like lucid dreaming, I guess. And for some reason, we can communicate with each other too.) (It seems like we can't interfere with the dream — or rather, our memories — but we can still chat while watching from the sidelines.) (That's why I described us as "ghosts.")
Koga: (Hmph, I s'pose it's a good way to put it.) (Ghosts— the dead can't interfere with reality, after all.) (We've really become dead men. What kinda shitty irony is that?)
Kaoru: (Well, I'm actually starting to enjoy myself a bit now that I'm thinking of it as a rare opportunity to experience something unusual.)
Koga: (Just how positive can ya get, ya happy-go-lucky asshole.)
Kaoru: (You only live once, so it'd be a waste not to enjoy it, right? ♪) (Though, well, who knows whether this'll be enjoyable or not...) (Hey hey, Koga-kun, am I misremembering how this happened?) (At the time, I wasn't really all that interested in the stuff happening around me, so I kinda took a back seat to everything. Is that why my memory of these events is off?)
Koga: (Hah? Whaddya mean?)
Kaoru: (Well, we're supposed to be reminiscing about the past… But I don't remember experiencing anything like this. I mean like, the general outline is more or less correct, but some of the details don't match up.)
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Koga: (Hm? But I really did go to the underground live house with Hasumi-senpai and—) (Wait, yeah, I don't think we met up with ya directly when we came here. It wasn't until later that I found out you were the one runnin' the place.)
Kaoru: (Yup. It's a bunch of small stuff like that, but when you add it all up, it changes a lot, y'know.) (So like, just what is it that we're being shown right now…?)
[ ☆ ]
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resurrection-of-soul · 3 months
Fiery Scream | Rei Solo Translation
Before I knew it, I'd already grown accustomed to being thirsty While walking down this road with no hope for change I don't look back on the memories I left behind in distant days My heart is frozen, living each day devoid of any stimulation The screams calling for me gave me passion And revived my soul With that passionate¹ voice, sear into me A fire that will never go out again Please share it with me, light it in my heart It grows with my thirst, a craving² Which touches the back of my throat³, an unquenchable impulse Even pain turns into a sweet aphrodisiac⁴ ...which I'll return to you
Staring at the wedge driven into the meaning of life I spent yesterday decaying into apathy The feelings I'm now capable of were given shape by you Carrying both sins and freedom, living each day seeking stimulation I've been awakened by those screams which make my wounds ache And remind me of my soul All you have to do is listen and tremble with pleasure So much so that it drives you mad with desire I'll show you all my selfishness You'll accept it with your whole body, won't you? Whenever I drink from the unbridled passion deep within you It gives me joy...which I'll return to you "I'm buried in boredom, I don't mind even if it ends" If you can no longer bear to think that way Then it's best to turn those feelings into screams Call for me, with that passionate voice of yours Transform my life, let it be reborn I'll show you all my selfishness You'll accept it with your whole body, won't you? For the craving which kindled my passion I'll repay you with a singing voice sweeter than any aphrodisiac
¹ 熱い (atsui) is both "passionate" and, quite literally, "hot." So, y'know. Fire puns! ² The word used here is 欲望 which is like…so, so sexually charged. It's pretty much identical to the word "lust" in that 90% of the time, people are using it to mean sexual desire, but it can also just mean a passionate desire for anything in general. I'm going with craving here to keep in line with the whole "thirst" theme present throughout the song
³ 喉元 is "throat," but 喉 alone can be throat or "singing voice," so this + the previous line together sounds very much like "It grows with my thirst, a desire to sing which becomes an unquenchable impulse." Given the context of the song, this wordplay seems intentional.
⁴媚薬 can be either "aphrodisiac" or "love potion," so... Pick your poison. I went with aphrodisiac here since the rest of the song is so dang sexually charged
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resurrection-of-soul · 3 months
Flashback | BIOHAZARD 6
Writer: Akira (日日日)
Characters: Koga, Keito
Keito: Oogami! The least you could do is respond! What are you doing on the roof of the bicycle parking lot? I don't know if you're copying Sakuma-san or what, but don't do such strange things! Koga: Hmph. Even though there's a noisy, beaten dog barkin' at me at the moment, this is usually a nice, quiet spot with a lotta sunlight, so it's a nice place to get some sleep! (Wha? My mouth just moved on its own! The hell is with this? So gross!)
NOTE: From here on out, the story sporadically dips between the real world and a dream world being shared by all the members of UNDEAD. To visually separate the two in text, I will be using italics to indicate speech from real characters inside the dream world.
[ For the best viewing experience, please read directly on my blog! ♪ ]
Time: Later that night.
Location: Inside UNDEAD's shared dreamscape.
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Koga: (…...) (…Nn? Huh?) (No way, mornin' already?) (The sun's so damn bright... Guess the pills they made us take for the experiment made me fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.) (I just closed my eyes n' the whooole night's already gone just like that, huh? Feels like I barely got any sleep.) (Wait, hold on? Even if it's mornin', ain't the sun way too bri— Huh!?)
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Koga: (The hell!?) (Where the fuck is this? Didn't I fall asleep in that ryokan-like room...?) (Why the hell am I suddenly outside? This makes no sense!) (And, wait, huh? I can't move a muscle!?) (Is this sleep paralysis or somethin'? I don't understand a fuckin' thing!)
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Keito: ...Oogami!
Koga: (Ah, this voice is…!?)
Keito: You there? Get down here, we need to talk!
Koga: (It's Hasumi-senpai— I mean, that shitty four-eyes, ain't it? Damn, you're still wastin' that nice, clear voice of yours on spoutin' bullshit like always, huh!?)
Keito: Oogami! The least you could do is respond! What are you doing on the roof of the bicycle parking lot? I don't know if you're copying Sakuma-san or what, but don't do such strange things!
Koga: Hmph. Even though there's a noisy, beaten dog barkin' at me at the moment, this is usually a nice, quiet spot with a lotta sunlight, so it's a nice place to get some sleep! (Wha? My mouth just moved on its own! The hell is with this? So gross!)
Keito: Who are you calling a beaten dog? Bastard, learn how to speak to your upperclassmen properly. Though, I suppose it's better than being weirdly hung up on formalities. And…hup.
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Koga: Woah, you just casually got up on the roof like it's normal. Even though you're a monk who's always actin' like an honor student, you're surprisin'ly rowdy, huh?
Keito: Heh. I might seem straitlaced now, but I used to be a problem child who would climb up into the rafters in the main hall and kick the Buddha statue without permission, and every time, my father or older brother had to give me a smack before I'd stop.
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Koga: That ain't the kinda thing ya oughta be actin' proud of, y'know.
Keito: Exactly so. …Imitating Sakuma-san's wild behavior will not benefit you in any way, as you'll simply be shunned and blamed by those around you.
Koga: Wh-who's imitatin' that guy?! This just so happens to be the perfect place to catch some sleep!
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Keito: Is it difficult for you to sleep at home? Do you have a bad relationship with your family?
Koga: I-it ain't like that! It's just that they're always scoldin' me for hangin' out at underground live houses.
Keito: Those kinds of places are hotspots for delinquents. I can understand how your parents feel. They aren't scolding you, they're just worried.
Koga: G-geez, I ain't some lil' kid who needs my parents fussin' over me.
Keito: No matter how much time passes, in a parent's eyes, their children will always be children.
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Keito: That aside, I see… The view from up here is surprisingly good. Look, Oogami. What's that, moving on the horizon? A ship?
Koga: Shut uuup, hell if I know. I mean, seriously, what's the matter with you… Hasumi-senpai, did'ja actually need me¹ for somethin'?
Keito: "ore-sama"?
Koga: Wh-what, you got a problem with the way I talk?
Keito: Not at all, I just hope you don't feel embarrassed of yourself when you look back on this behavior in the future.
Koga: Says the guy who goes around usin' "kisama,²" seriously.
Keito: Details. … Anyway, I did have actual business with you. For reasons unknown, Sakuma-san has called for us, the members of DEADMANZ, to gather as soon as possible. He wants us to go to the underground live house after school.
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Koga: Hah? DEADMANZ? Wasn't that a "temporary unit" meant to be used just for that performance³ the other day?
Keito: I believed so as well. However, due to the circumstances it was necessary to establish it as an official unit, and we have yet to go through the proper procedures to dissolve it. To summarize, you and I are both still members of DEADMANZ. However, the others who helped us during that abominable "Dead Man's Live," such as Kiryu, were treated as guests and are not officially counted as unit members.
Koga: Oh yeah, that kinda scary lookin' guy… Hold on, does this mean I'll get to stand on stage with Sakuma-senpai again?
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Koga: Woohoo! Ya shoulda said that right away, you guy with the stupid-lookin' glasses!
Keito: Don't speak ill of glasses. I'll get angry, since it reminds me of the way Sakuma-san and Eichi teased me relentlessly when I first started wearing glasses as a child. Anyway, to be perfectly honest, I don't really want to do this... Now's the time to switch up my thoughts and strategies in order to embark on the reform of Yumenosaki. There's a lot to take into consideration, and a mountain of things that need doing. I'm very busy. Getting called out by Sakuma-san at a time like this is definitely not going to lead to anything good... If I could, I would just pretend I didn't hear him and head on home, but... That's not an option. I'm the one who came up with the rule saying that the members of a unit should do their best to follow their leader's instructions, after all.
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ore-sama, of course. A combination of the informal, masculine first-person pronoun ore and the honorific -sama, which is typically used to show great respect (ie, you'd use this honorific when addressing, say, the emperor). Ore-sama is therefore one of the most obnoxiously self-important ways a man can address himself. Please note this is the first time Koga actually uses a first-person pronoun in the JP script during this convo. That's relevant because Keito is about to comment on it.
Japanese pronouns are a whole thing. The short explanation is that, first off, it's already considered a little rude to directly address someone as "you" rather than using their name/title/whatever. Then, there's a whole hierarchy of pronouns you're meant to use depending on gender and a person's familiarity with/social status relative to yours. The immediately relevant bit here is the fact that Keito's preferred second-person pronoun, kisama, is rude as all hell. It used to be formal and respectful (hence the -sama honorific), but gradually came to come across as sarcastic in an insulting sort of way. People do not use this in real life unless a fistfight is imminent. (Well. People don't use it in real life regardless because it's fairly archaic and pretty much only shows up these days in works of fiction as a character quirk, but. You get the point.) Keito's tone is difficult to properly convey into English in general, because he uses a lot of big, fancy words and quotes a lot of proverbs, but he also conjugates sentences in a really direct and informal way, which makes him sound like a delinquent. Imagine someone who talks like a posh scholarly type, only to casually drop "fuck" into half his sentences.
A reference to Crossroad. I won't be marking every reference to Crossroad made in this story, as there are many. If you haven't already read it, I highly recommend doing so before returning to Flashback as, in many ways, Flashback can be considered a sequel to Crossroad.
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