resurrectionofdawn · 1 year
It looks amazing! I love it!
Just a quick question. Do you have any tattooed Hawkeye art? The ones I've seen of Tony and Thor are stunning.
Hi ^^
Thank you very much for your ask and for enjoying my tattooed Tony and Thor artworks. 🥰
Just a quick question. Do you have any tattooed Hawkeye art?
It's your lucky day! I was about to say "No, I'm sorry, I don't have something like this" then I remembered that about a year or so ago, I started a tattooed Hawkeye art. It still needed some work here and there so I worked on it last night and it's now done:
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It's a "problem" that I have sometimes: I start an artwork but I stop it when it's 90% done, I have no idea why. 🙃
Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this artwork. Nothing original when it comes to the tattoo but I think Clint looks badass like this. Thanks again and have a great day 💗
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resurrectionofdawn · 1 year
I need help
Despite being on this site for about five years I am still very new to it. I use it mostly as a conversation record to be honest.
But a couple days ago, my message colors changed without my wanting it to and I don't like it. I have enough vision issues, the black background makes it harder to focus and my vision keeps splitting words. I changed my color pallet but that did not change my message colors.
If anyone can help, that would be great.
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resurrectionofdawn · 2 years
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resurrectionofdawn · 2 years
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resurrectionofdawn · 2 years
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resurrectionofdawn · 2 years
Two/Too/To -- Two is a number.  
                        Too is an adverb. It means in addition or excessively.   
                        To is a preposition with several meanings including ‘toward’ and ‘until’.
Breath/Breathe -- One of my most hated errors. Drives me absolutely nuts when people confuse this one.  Breath is the noun.  It’s a thing or action.  Harry took a Breath of fresh air.   Breathe is the verb.  It was difficult to breathe.
Cloths/Clothes -- Cloth is a piece of fabric.  Clothes are what you wear.
tricky words I always see misspelled in fics: a guide
Viscous/vicious – Viscous is generally used to describe the consistency of blood or other thick liquids. Vicious is used to describe something or someone who is violent. 
Piqued/Peaked/Peeked – To pique someone’s interest is to catch or tease their attention. When something peaks, it reaches its total height or intensity. To peek (at) something is to look briefly, or glance. 
Discrete/Discreet – this is a tough one. Discrete means to be separate, or distinct, i.e., two discrete theories. Conversely, when someone is discreet, they are being secretive or cautious to avoid attention. 
Segue/Segway – one is a transition between things, the other is a thing you can ride at the park and definitely fall off of.
Conscious/Conscience/Conscientious – to be conscious is to be awake, i.e., not unconscious, or to be aware of something. Your conscience is the little voice in your head telling you not to eat the entire pint of ice cream. Finally, to be conscientious is to be good, to do things thoroughly, to be ruled by an inner moral code. 
Hope this helped! Please add more if you think of them!
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resurrectionofdawn · 3 years
The last movie I watched was the Bourne Identity, does that mean I’m an amnesiac assassin?  
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resurrectionofdawn · 3 years
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resurrectionofdawn · 3 years
I don't care how much people love pumpkin spice. It does Not belong in Spam!
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resurrectionofdawn · 4 years
I’m from Washington State, and if you want to get hissed at, just ask if we’re from DC.   DC haters unite!
Do non-americans realize that the United States is literally just a bunch of countries in a trench coat that agreed to be semi-nice to each other in order to sneak into the Big Boy Club? Because let’s be honest that’s just what the USA is
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resurrectionofdawn · 4 years
Is not being 2d the reason why the new Animainiacs looks kinda wrong?
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Please I’m begging you, please watch Klaus on Netflix, just for the sole animation and the tens of facial expressions per second that are all hand drawn
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resurrectionofdawn · 5 years
Omg could you and tiku stop killing me with all the Renner porn!?!?!?!
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resurrectionofdawn · 5 years
@galahadsgurl @caitriona-3
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@ryverpenrad @magellan-88 @dustycelt @wildestdreamsrps
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resurrectionofdawn · 5 years
Yes on all accounts
Reblog if you are ace, support aces or were knee deep in that Dragonology: The Complete Book Of Dragons book as a kid.
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resurrectionofdawn · 5 years
The ghost/ghosts are at work again. This time the heater was turned up past 80 degrees. Neither of us turned it on. My house could imitate a sauna right now.
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resurrectionofdawn · 5 years
Vision just watches all this go on and questions Wanda about needing sleep and why people are so weird.
Steve Rogers snores really loud. Pass it on.
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resurrectionofdawn · 5 years
My House!!
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The Cahill Project - The Pack’s Ravenclaws - Sam Winchester, Alexis Castle, Spike Scarlatti
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