rethinkinglife · 8 years
currently learning korean and this looks like a good way to start xD
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The literal translation, “It is the small pepper that is hot,” is used as a warning to others not to underestimate someone based on their size.
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rethinkinglife · 8 years
NO ONE has the right to demean anyone
unless they don’t have any flaw nor have they made any mistake.
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rethinkinglife · 8 years
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Zodiac Cancer Facts | See much more at TheZodiacCity.com
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rethinkinglife · 8 years
Music feels good in general, it's like a healing method.
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rethinkinglife · 8 years
If there's a super power I would want to have, it'd be time control. Why? There's always those moments when u just wanna stop time and enjoy the moment or change something. There's been a few times when I wanted to go back in time and redo one or few events, but every time I think about those times, it reminds me of why we make mistakes. Mistakes make up who we are. We learn from them (or we should've) and it becomes a lesson we carry throughout our lives.
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rethinkinglife · 8 years
The more I have to do something, the less I'd want do it
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rethinkinglife · 8 years
I fail in life
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rethinkinglife · 8 years
loooking for motivation
every college student
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rethinkinglife · 8 years
What am I doing with my life?
just about everyone
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rethinkinglife · 8 years
Dream. Believe. Do. Repeat
who knows?
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rethinkinglife · 8 years
I thought I should do a lil intro for this blog...
I'm restarting anew, so I'd like to warn my nonexistent followers about some things. First: This blog will be more of a documentation of random thoughts that I get, so this blog doesn't have much of a theme (sorry bout that). Second: I WILL have some posts with horrible grammar since English is my second language. Third: Since this is gonna be more of a personal blog, there will be posts about...well, me. If I gain followers, I'm extremely grateful for those people, if not, that's fine since I'm not expecting anything anyway. I hope you can all enjoy the life that is given to you.
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