retroincarnated · 23 days
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--I'm a bigger deal in reality than you are.
ind. priv. sel. BILLY KAPLAN of Marvel comics.
cred: @theircurse
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retroincarnated · 2 months
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--I'm a bigger deal in reality than you are.
ind. priv. sel. BILLY KAPLAN of Marvel comics.
cred: @theircurse
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retroincarnated · 2 months
" brother oh, brother of mine. " tommy does not have the same swaggering confidence that defined him as a kid. now it's clear how fake that had been. he is shivering with rage. " did you eat my snacks? "
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❛ ...nooo .. ❜ yes, all of them. though Tommy didn't need to know that- it's the sibling tax. ❛ just like you didn't drink all my soda, right? ❜
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retroincarnated · 2 months
hey. how are you feeling?
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--- how was he feeling? so much, he's feeling so much, all the time, keeping most things contained within, keeping emotions stable as to not cause an outburst-- not get upset, not upset others- he hates that feeling. failure. ❛ I'm fine... tired. but...fine..❜ he tries to stay stoic, tries to hide everything, it never really works, bubbles beneath the surface, he is tired, but mostly, he feels upset and angry at the consequences of actions that were not his own, how else was he supposed to feel? glad? happy? ❛ are you sure you care? ❜
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retroincarnated · 2 months
winter soldier (2018 - 2019) taken from the comics.
in the meantime, how are you handling this?
i told you, i’m not hungry. so you can stop asking.
but you’ll need to stay here at least a few days, until you get your strength back.
helping someone and “saving” them are two different things. 
hey. how are you feeling?
you’re a liar.
i’m sorry if you thought i was promising a perfect life.
you’ve been through quite a lot. it’s okay and totally normal to be sick of talking.
fight me! fight me!
i don’t know what to do. where to go. i don’t – i don’t know.
still feels like getting hit by a big truck.
you got heart, buddy.
it’s probably nothing. but it’s always better to be safe.
don’t follow me. don’t look for me.
i’m not great at all this emotion stuff.
you’re not alone. or at least you don’t have to be.
growing boys can’t live on coffee alone.
and you’re welcome to stay as long as you want.
for now, the best thing you can do is be patient.
i’m a big fan.
but you need to know, if we do this, there’s no going back.
would you mind sitting up, please? we’ve talked about this.
your “hero” can’t be trusted.
i know what it’s like. to be turned into something you’re not. to have your life stolen from you.
so do you want to talk about it? or continue to brood in silence?
hey, you know, sometimes adults get held up. i’m sure it’s nothing to worry about, though.
there are a lot of things that people tell us we’re “supposed” to do. but that doesn’t mean we have to.
i don’t want to talk to you. i don’t want to see you.
do you think there’s any chance of a late-night pizza?
hey, hey, it’s okay. we’ve all done things we’re not proud of.
i’ve been down that path. once you’re in that place, you just hate yourself so much that, you can’t imagine how anyone else could ever not hate you.
i trust you. and the more i can show you that, hopefully the more you’ll start to trust me.
you want me to “trust” you? then tell me the truth.
i was made into a weapon.
they were going to hurt you. bad.
all i’m saying is, this is a transition period and it’s okay that it’s uncomfortable.
why are you really doing all this? what do you get out of it?
i’m sick of talking.
you’ve got three seconds to come out! or i come and drag you out!
i don’t know who you think you are, kid, but no one else dies here.
we all build narratives. we tell ourselves stories about who we are. and who – one day – we’re going to be.
i’m doing what you said. finding time to clear my head. letting whatever comes back come back.
more like “embracing the power nap”.
looks like my eyes were bigger than my stomach. you hungry?
it won’t be forever. eventually, things will get better.
most of the time, things don’t work out that way. sometimes they go really wrong.
but that’s what this is about, right? some perfect noble life you’re trying to create, like something from a movie. where you get to be the savior.
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retroincarnated · 2 months
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soooo... it's been a while since i've been here... how has everyone still active been? sorry for being gone for so long!! i missed y'all!!
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retroincarnated · 2 months
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"make it at least 4." four shots are poured-- 90% alc/vol time, he needs this, really, things have been a little wild lately and really- he doesn't exactly get out much. he slams down the first, a smile, man, it's been a while. "we might need a little more than this."
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" ah yes, here he is. " tommy gestures to the bar tender. " two shots of whatever will get us drunk fastest! "
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retroincarnated · 2 months
all my icons are on my apple account OTL
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retroincarnated · 2 months
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--"because I'M the older twin, duh."
" why does it matter who's the older one. we're twins? "
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retroincarnated · 2 months
Time to relearn tumblr
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retroincarnated · 3 years
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retroincarnated · 3 years
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retroincarnated · 3 years
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retroincarnated · 3 years
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“The boys groupchat is NOT weird!”
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retroincarnated · 3 years
Hey like this for a starter during my icon making time tomorrow xoxo
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retroincarnated · 3 years
Sorry I haven’t been active family death lol
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retroincarnated · 3 years
Sorry I haven’t been active family death lol
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