What about you? K’s armor hid a wry expression. Quark, Tenmyouji and Clover have just… passed away, and your concern is turning this into a race? To complete puzzles? 
“A relief to see that you are well.” His tone was flat. “I was afraid that Zero may have penalized you for speaking about your child.” An act of compassion upon Zero’s part, surely…
He walked slowly to the end of the hallway, and paused before the first door. “You said that you would explain, so please – by all means.”
God damn it. Lef- or well, shall we say “Dio”, really didn’t have time for this sort of bullshit. Sure, he didn’t really care if he died, but this was not the way he’d intended to do it. If he were to go during this mission, he needed it to be in a flash of fire and atomic dissonance, taking every last soul on this planet with him. Well, it’s not really a planet, now is it? Either way, he needed K to hurry the fuck up and get in the door.
❝ Hurry up for fucks sake! I’m literally dyin’ here! ❞ he yelled, clenching his fists and peering quickly out the doorway. Thankfully, K was making his way over to him, but at a pace too slow for his liking, ❝ Get a fucking move on! ❞
Just as the announcer signified the closing of the doors, the armor-clad man (presumably) slipped through the frame. A breath Dio didn’t know he’d been holding finally escaped, and he wiped the sweat off his forehead. A brief silence followed before K breathed out his name, or well, the name he claimed was his.
❝ What about me? Let’s get goin’. There’s definitely some sort of fuckin’ puzzle in there we gotta solve, and I’d rather get out before those dumbasses. ❞ His words were casual, as if nothing he’d said was even vaguely offensive, though he did admit holding a particular grudge against Sigma and Phi at the moment. Their tugging on K’s heartstrings did nearly cause him to die after all. His reasoning for wanting to get out first though, he was sure K wouldn’t have a problem deducing it. Who else would be the one to ensure the Ambidex Gates were opened before they needed to be?
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“K… what are you… doing?” The croak of an old voice rose, wavering, from the floor.
K looked down to Sigma and Phi, a heap of crumpled bodies and tangled limbs, and felt a pang of sympathy. It was regrettable, but necessary. They had not been afforded the luxury of time.
“I confess that I am not entirely sure. I will think about it during the ten seconds that remain. Goodbye.” K turned and bounded across the warehouse floor, a flash of steel and fabric. He heard his own voice hold firm in his mind. Dio and I cannot be the only survivors.
…Dio. His bit of creative fiction about some conveniently imperiled child came as little surprise. However, his behavior shortly beforehand…
“Come on! Use your fuckin’ head for once!” The man’s voice was, as one would expect, both desperate and hostile. Perhaps more importantly, though, it was uninquisitive.
Dio’s objection was to Phi and Sigma’s unwillingness to go through the doors, not their ability to do so. He had not questioned Luna’s whereabouts, nor the whereabouts of her bracelet – the conditions that would enable their passage through the doors. Which suggested, naturally, that he already knew that her bracelet was in their possession. How?
It may be that he is Luna’s killer. K envisioned her lifeless frame collapsing and recoiling under hundreds of fruitless chest compressions. He felt a bile rise in his stomach. If I had responded to her scream immediately, then…
“…two. One. Zero. Chromatic doors closing.” K twisted sideways, and slid his ample frame through the door with an agility that belied his size. He turned to the man awaiting him and released a slow breath.
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Do you know L?
“L? There is no “L”. Isolates A through J expired in vitro,evidently. I was born from the eleventh isolate, K – it seems reasonable to assume thatmy name refers to such.”
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“If I had a younger brother, though, I suppose that he would be L.”
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[ instigxtor: Kyle was being a jerk unconvinced by the existence of sapient AI and I didn’t want to scare away any new faces by appearing unwelcoming.
theonlysaviorleft Awesome! I’ll pop into your inbox in a bit and we can start working on thread ideas.
And if anyone else is down to thread, let me know too!]
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1980dollarskirt replied to your post:A Quick PSA
Haha I would’ve definitely picked a different character had I known so many people had plans for Luna. c’: Anyway, looking forward to RPing with you! RPing on tumblr is so different from what I’ve used to, though, so I hope I won’t mess up. :’D
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[Oh, I don’t think you should feel bad about that. People should roleplay characters they enjoy and find personally meaningful, right? It’s not like there can only be so many of one character.]
[And I’m looking forward to RPing with you as well! There’s nothing to worry about messing up – at the end of the day, we’re all just nerds having fun in our little ZE sandbox.]
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theonlysaviorleft replied to your
A Quick PSA
[ but he’d be on chummy terms with dio of course, right??? ahaha!!! righ t??? ;DDD ]
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[Oh, naturally! They could have friendly discussions about, like, ‘the entire foundation of my personal identity is completely at odds with the philosophy you’ve ended the world to enact’ and fun stuff like that. I’m sure Dio’s larynx would remain entirely intact and functional in at least some timelines.]
[…actually, that’d be a pretty cool conversation to have? In any event, I just didn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea. I appreciate our resident Cutie Cinnamon Rolls, even if Kyle does not.]
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A Quick PSA
[An abundance of Lunas! The rhizome is alive with the sound of bluebirds.]
[By my understanding, there are two or three new Luna RPers, at least a few of whom are new to RP in general. I wanted to let you all know that Kyle will probably be a bit frosty towards Luna under day-to-day circumstances, but please don’t interpret his dismissiveness as my unwillingness to RP with you. It may just take some planning or AU shenanigans to get the two of them to interact. So if any of you would like to plot something out, let me know.]
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[Welcome to the community!]
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Your approximation of etiquette is not the issue at hand.
“I believe that I instructed you to only approach me when medically necessary.” More than once, in fact.
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“I assure you, I am healthy and uninjured. Now, if you please...”
“No, nothing… I was just checking that you were doing well. I’m sorry. If you’d like me to be less polite in the future I can probably comply.”
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“...I have been fine, 016, thank you. Did you require something of me?”
“I have, and have you?”
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“Good evening. It has been quite some time - I trust you have all been well?”
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Is Potassium your favorite element?
“An oddly specific question. I don’t believe I have apreferred element.”
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“I suppose if I had to choose… perhaps antihydrogen? It isn’tstrictly within my field of study, but Ms. Kurashiki has spoken at some lengthabout annihilation reactions. Once harnessed, annihilation energy can be usedto achieve otherwise unprecedented technological feats. Consider the use of particleannihilation engines in spacecraft, for example.”
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*follows you, continuing to repeatedly hit your helmet at the same rate* (I am now the Ginosagi OOO: )
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“…I may have previously been unclear. I cannot allow you to continue to harass me while I am working. I will not warn you again.”
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*repeatedly hits your helmet with a metal spoon*
A grumble, followed by the sound of stirring metal. 
“W-what?” Did I fall asleep here? Oh, dear.
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“I do hope this is urgent. I can’t imagine what would necessitate such a rude… ah! My column! Please excuse me…”
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Did you hare about FNAF 3? :3
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'"I believe there were several installments before the serieswas discontinued. A bit of research yielded this list..."
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"By my understanding, they were quite popular. A pity that I will be unable to enjoy them..."
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What is your favorite colour?
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Color? I suppose I’m partial to red, though that may be a matter of association. I’ve worn it daily since I was a child, after all.
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[Kyle's mun here! I was finally able to pick up a new laptop. I should be considerably more active now that I have reliable internet access, so if you'd like to start a thread or send in some prompts, hit me up! ]
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Is there anyone you like romantically? ...Or, romantically?
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“I… don’t believe so? If I do have a significant other, I hope that they will forgive me for forgetting about them. In any event, this hardly strikes me as the appropriate venue for romance.”
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"…not that every other player seems to feel similarly.” Aren’t those women a bit young for a man of yourage to express an interest in, Sigma? Though I suppose it would be rude to sayso…
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