revcrence · 8 years
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revcrence · 8 years
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“No, now I want to know how it got messed up.”
Without any shred of shame, she rested her head in her palms, elbows on her knees, a wide smile radiating wonder. It was exciting. He hardly seemed a man then, more a shadow come to bring order and save them. And now he was just so cool. A hero with a thousand stories, each leading to a new tale of daring feats and selfless courage. Everything her mother told her about, everything her father was. It was nice knowing there were still heroes out there.
Jack snorted at the question. He didn’t even know where all this curiosity came from, but he guessed he’d left more of an impression on the kid than he thought. “Part my own voice, part the mask,” he said, shrugging. “My throat got fu–messed up a few years back.” 
“Now, was that really the last question?” he teased.
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revcrence · 8 years
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Cosplayer- lady-ava-cosplay Videographer- Rescue the Princess! See the whole video on Youtube!
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revcrence · 8 years
Could she? It seemed so daunting, the thought of grasping light, to hold sunshine in one’s hand. Yet there was also a warmth to it, beckoning her to try. Doubt and desire clashed within, a battle of emotions whirling for control. Of the course the worst that could happen was that she wasn’t so gifted, but the idea of not being worthy wasn’t really ideal. And she did want to have the talent Symmetra did. Alejandra held her hands together, fingers rolling over each other. A nervous habit. But her mind was made up, so let fate bring what it may.
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“May I?”
Creating flowers was one of the first decorations Satya learned long ago.   Her bedroom, full of bouquets once she dominated the technique, flowers on her hair, flowers on her desk. Satya enjoyed the sight of flowers and how they would accommodate to modern creations with such ease, adding another one to the aesthetic of the area wouldn’t be much of a problem.
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“It takes time and effort to manipulate it”, her left hand closed, the light returning to the generator in the palm of her hand. “Once the hard light is produced, you need to simply grab it. It’s a string many can see, but not all can grasp it. Would you like to try?”
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revcrence · 8 years
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“Mama did.” 
Mama, who would no doubt freak out if she knew there was a convict hiding in her daughter’s room. Alejandra really hadn’t thought this through, but she’d figure something out later. She took her seat at the desk, hands folded in her lap, legs crossed. Watching. Was there really a person behind the mask? Was he some maddening shape that would drive her to insanity if she saw? Try as she might, she couldn’t help but look back at him every few moments and see.
Such a young face- blessed by innocence and unchanged by fearsome appearance. The kindness in her heart baffles him. He’s confused- tilting his head towards her. Once tense shoulders now lowering in his relaxation, lips pursed into a thin line behind the mask. If only he could be so innocent– never. “Who… made this?”
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revcrence · 8 years
@jibushin liked for a starter
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“How old is ‘old’ anyway?” Was a ninja the most qualified person to go to with questions about her Girl Scouts activities? No, probably not. But he was the only one here right now, and she needed this badge to finish the next row on her sash,” I have to help a senior citizen. Does Reinhardt count?”
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revcrence · 8 years
@chronal-anomaly liked for a starter
What must it be like to go flying? To see the world from the eye of heaven? To feel such complete freedom and lightness? Was it empowering? Was it liberating? Did you feel less like a person and more like an angel, walking on clouds, untouchable? 
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“I’ve never flown before, but maybe someday I’d like it.”
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revcrence · 8 years
@pcrdner liked for a starter
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“What’s with the outfit?” He looked about 200 years behind the times, strutting around in spurs that jangled and a serape too heavy for this heat. It was cool looking, she wouldn’t deny, but it seemed an odd choice. Maybe it was an American thing?
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revcrence · 8 years
@iamnotamiracleworker liked for a starter
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“So you can fix anyone? No matter what?” It seemed impossible to her, there were so many diseases and injuries one could sustain. Yet the proof was right here: The neighbor’s dog healed, the limp in it’s gait vanished. Alejandra marveled, the twinkle in her eye betraying the wonder she felt.
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revcrence · 8 years
I want to be unafraid. I want to be full of light and love and kindness. I want to go on adventures and rejoice in the beauty of living.
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revcrence · 8 years
@traceroutoftime liked for a starter
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“But you’re used to it. You never see the sun in England.” A dreary day in Dorado, rare. Everyone welcomed the rain, but one couldn’t deny seeing the colorful streets washed out in gray had a way of dampening spirits as much as rooftops. So she sat, bored and empty, watching raindrops race down one of the cafe windows as the smell of tea filled the air,” It’s so gloomy.”
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revcrence · 8 years
@violentnonretirement liked for a starter
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“My father was in Overwatch. I don’t remember much about him, he died before it fell apart.” So why did it hurt so much to talk about it? This aching, empty feeling in her chest, a chunk of her soul stolen away. Her mother was always talking about him, making sure she passed on the values he couldn’t from beyond the grave: Dignity, integrity, selflessness, kindness. Maybe that’s why she told the rogue so willingly: He reminded her of him,” He was a hero too.”
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revcrence · 8 years
@peilot liked for a starter
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“But what if you want to go swimming? Is it waterproof or do you just stay dry all the time? Or showering, how does that work?” Could one really blame her for being curious? It was a device that allowed one to control their movement through time, of course she wanted to know more about it. 
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revcrence · 8 years
@deathbrcught cont.
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“You were hurt.” Kind though she was, Alejandra hesitated. This thing terrified her. He was not really a man, yet she couldn’t see him as a monster either. But she saw him in need. It was the right thing to do, something that came to her as easily as breathing. And though he insisted he didn’t do things like sleep or eat, the goodness in her compelled her to be gracious regardless.
“It’s chili con queso. It’s leftover from last night, but still good.”
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revcrence · 8 years
@saltygrumpdad liked for a starter
How long had she thought of him? How much had she changed since that night. When she met him, she was just a girl. Now Alejandra was a young lady, a Girl Scout, junior detective, trying to make a difference like he did to her, following in her father’s footsteps. Part of her wondered if it was just her mind playing tricks. How could she have changed so much yet 76 still look the same?
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“It’s really you,” she gasped, her gun slowly lowering, the chase ended. Her voice was soft, low, yet in the silence of the night it rang true,” It’s you, isn’t it?”
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revcrence · 8 years
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Strike-commander Morrison SFM model was released today ◕ ‿ ◕ And of course I had to dl it and try some emotions ୧( ॑ധ ॑)୨
Love him!
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revcrence · 8 years
“shit me and my meme ass best friends say part 2”
                          part one is here !!!  //  nsfw, cannibalism & daddy kink warning !!!
’ what ass do you want ’ ’ fuck my nut ’ ’ im in bees ’ ’ _____’s ass is a good shield ’ ’ i hear people cumming ’ ’ good job daddy ’ ’ i forgot i had frozen cum still ’ ’ now for anal sex ’ ’ two girls one ass ’ ’ holy my shit ’ ’ im the ass ’ ’ if i could cut people up and eat them i would ’ ’ once i had a warrant for my arrest ’ ’ im best friends with a hardened criminal ’ ’ dong give a fuck ’ ’ double team your own asshole ’ ’ i want 76 dicks in my mouth ’ ’ i hard vored jesus christ ’ ’ i need full concentration to take a shit ’ ’ egg vibrators are the spice of life _____ can fit 20 ’ ’ i wanna fuck _____’s voice. i love it ’ ’ did you finish cactus fucking ? ’ ’ he loves to nut ’ ’ i live in the laundry room y'all ’ ’ i hope i die tonight, like i just die in my sleep ’ ’ i lost 80 years to my life reading that, im dead now thanks ’ ’ i just called my dog _____ by accident ’ ’ i want those sweet robo balls ’ ’ no your dick can’t go in there ’ ’ dicks out for _____ ’ ’ anyways, shoobie doobie doobie ’ ’ please, before daddies crops die ’ ’ im gonna shit on my neighbors ’ ’ a skeleton can’t grow crops ’ ’ i will remind u of that when i slay u ’ ’ dont bless me that might clense me of my sin, i need my sin ’
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