revenantress-blog · 5 years
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“It has been near impossible to get any sort of performance work lately, like everything has dried up.” She’s complaining, that much is clear. Even the notes from her viola, plucked out with her hands, have an angry edge. 
“Absolute nonsense. People don’t appreciate the spellwork anymore.” 
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
“ No, No, No! Don’t do this! Help! Help! Crazy person with the shovel!”
Studio Ghibli Sentence Meme
Requiem, somewhat distracted by her use of the shovel as an improvised weapon, doesn’t turn her head immediately. Nevertheless, it turns in her hand easily, and she fixes the shouting stranger with an unamused expression.
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“I thought the threat a kinder fate than a true hit to the head with something as brutish as this.” Frowning, the shovel bites into the earth, left at rest for a few moments. “I prefer the bite of a sword to something so barbaric, so, worry not.” 
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
Studio Ghibli Sentence Meme
“Now I have something I want to protect. It’s you.”
“I’m not afraid to die!”
“You cannot change fate. However, you can rise to meet it, if you so choose.”
“They say that the best blaze brightest when circumstances are at their worst.”
“Fear and anger only make it grow faster.”
“I think I can handle it.”
“Here’s another curse for you - may all your bacon burn.”
“Don’t worry! Stay right where you are, I’m coming to get you! You’re gonna be fine, I won’t let him hurt you.”
“I need something of yours. How ‘bout your eyes?”
“We gotta get out of here! We’re gonna get in trouble!”
“You, you sabotaged me! Look! Look at what you’ve done to my hair! Look!”
“No more killing. It has to stop!”
“You sound ghastly, like some 90-year-old woman.”
“Guys, don’t take that food! We’re gonna get in trouble!”
“Fight ‘em! C’mon!”
“Smile so we can make a good impression.”
“We each need to find our own inspiration. Sometimes it’s not easy”
“I finally get a bouquet and it’s a goodbye present. That’s depressing.”
“Life is suffering. It is hard. The world is cursed. But still, you find reasons to keep living.”
“Sorry, it looks like you’re involved.”
“Oh, my baby! Are you all right? Are you emotionally traumatized?”
“Now I’m trying to look inside myself and find out how I did it.”
“Leave before it gets dark.”
“Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can’t remember.”
“Cut off a wolf’s head and it still has the power to bite.”
“It’s all so familiar yet I know I’ve never been here before. I feel so at home.”
“Now I’m trying to look inside myself and find out how I did it.”
“I suggest you surrender. There is no ship coming to rescue you.”
“I had no idea that my rage could drive me to kill.”
“These days, there are angry ghosts all around us - dead from wars, sickness, starvation - and nobody cares.” 
“A heart’s a heavy burden.”
“Please! You must stop!”
“Well, well, well… hello kitty.” “You can’t be busy - you’re five!”
“So you say you’re under a curse? So what? So’s the whole damn world.”
“ I have really had enough of your incredible stupidity.”
“Lamebrain! They made an escape! Now step on it!”
“I didn’t want them to kill you.”
“It’s fun to move to a new place. It’s an adventure.”
“Welcome the rich man, he’s hard for you to miss. His butt keeps getting bigger, so there’s plenty there to kiss!”
“You shouldn’t be here! Get out!”
“He said Mom was ugly, now go get him!”
“Kill him and you’ll be famous.”
“I’ve seen him do this once before when a girl dumped him.”
“S/He’s alive. There goes that dream.”
“That was the night I died.”
“I’d rather be a pig than a fascist.”
“You don’t remember your name?”
“Don’t be afraid, I just want to help you.”
“Poor kids. I’ll really miss them.”
“I don’t fight for honor. I fight for a paycheck.”
“ No, No, No! Don’t do this! Help! Help! Crazy lady with the shovel!”
“She was once quite beautiful, so I decided to pursue her, then I realized she wasn’t, so then, as usual, I ran away.”
“You’re in love. Don’t deny it, you’ve been sighing all day”
“She never woke up again.”
“You blubber heads! I’m not runnin’ a luxury cruise! Now get to work!”
“Why does everything that’s good for you have to taste so bad?”
“Whatever you don’t want me to clean, better hide it now!”
“This is our little secret. You tell anyone and I’ll rip your mouth off.”
“I give up. I see no point in living if I can’t be beautiful.”
“If I lose my magic, that means I’ve lost absolutely everything.”
“ It’s… you’re scaring me. I have this weird feeling you’re going to leave. ”
“There’s a demon inside you.”
“Don’t get alarmed but I’m being followed. Act normal.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got four-wheel drive.”
“This is what hatred looks like! This is what it does when it catches hold of you! It’s eating me alive, and very soon it will kill me!”
“Smooth. Very smooth. You definitely know how to make a good first impression.”
“Everyone fears their own mortality.”
“Play with me or I’ll break your arm!”
“I gotta get out of this place. Someday I’m getting on that train.”
“Wait give us a minute! This is clearly harassment.”
“Why do fireflies have to die so soon?”
“There you are, sweetheart. Sorry I’m late. I was looking everywhere for you.” 
“When you’re going to kill a god, let someone else do your dirty work.”
“Why did you stop me from killing her?”
“When I saw you, I just wanted to find a way to protect you.” 
“One thing you can always count on is that hearts change.”
“Tell me while you’re still alive!”
“This is a tomb for the both of us.”
“If nobody comes in, I’m gonna have to eat pancakes forever and be fat, fat, fat! And what am I supposed to do about that?”
“Even if you were a woman, you’d still be an idiot!”
“What do you say we give 'em a little demonstration of how fast we can run, huh?”
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
“I’m a Pacifist when it makes sense.“ You retort, a smile upon your face that is either naive or full of hidden venom but one might guess it’s full of some secret chaos behind it. 
“I will gladly face any cleric of Tiamat. Let them prove the power of their patron in combat.” You added with unusual glee in your voice. This is a rare sight coming from the generally happy go lucky monk most people know. If only they knew. If only they really knew. 
“However I’m sure these knights are not under the banner of her. Anyways. Intimidation is only a temporary solution, beings act better towards the good rather than fear. Pride or not, I find it better to not take any casualties. However I understand that if you or I face danger, I’ve been known to punch through suits of armor before.” 
You tightened the bandages around your hands and turned to face Req. Your eyes meeting hers as you let out a small breath. 
“I’m curious though. How would you go to uh….Intimidate them.”
“Aye, but we never know who might be listening.” Myrkhul’s voice has not abandoned her, no, but there is a particular absence that she is not fond of, one that makes it all too apparent that she’s been disconnected from her plane of reality. “Clerics are a particular sort. I should know.” 
There’s suggestion there, a small warning for Redbean, should he realize the offered hint, and take advantage of its underlying meaning. “Though, I do tend to agree. It seems like a godless band, at least by first impressions.” Requiem’s voice is dry, seemingly bored with the situation at hand. She’s never been the sort to invest her enthusiasm in quiet things, preferring to maintain a particular regality and aloofness. 
Redbean’s expression makes her laugh, though the sound could be considered wicked by some. “Well,” her voice isn’t rough, no, but it holds a weight to it now, as if she is truly intends to make use of her ability. “It’s all in the tone and the word choice, I suppose. My threats aren’t as, colorful as you might hear from a warlord, but the wording is concise, and a certain fear comes to those who are held in the grasp of a necromancer.” 
Requiem smiles then, casting Redbean a wicked sort of look. “My reputation proceeds itself, in some instances.”
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
“I trust ya,” Harley said firmly; even before this mess, Requiem looked great. She remembered when they first met and how she was completely and hopelessly charmed by her (she couldn’t help it, flatter her and she’s all yours) and even then she thought she had a great sense of fashion– she was totally fine with leaving that decision in her capable hands. 
“Aw, fine. I’ll be patient, only fer you though,” As fun as it would be to get a demonstration right now, she didn’t push the issue anymore. Instead she focused her attention on her next answer. She didn’t have to be a psychologist to tell Requiem wasn’t feeling herself– Harley thought she knew her at least somewhat well enough to be able to tell. And as she spoke, she really couldn’t blame her for feeling the way she did. “This whole thing’s kinda a mess, huh?” She sighed, her smile fading just a little more. “Y’know, I’m right there with ya. At first it was cool… it was fun but… when ya think about it, it’s a real big change and I get it… not all vamps are cool, I seen enough movies ta know.” She stopped walking for a moment; she had enjoyed being a stereotypical pain in the ass to literally everyone she encountered but really, that was just her way of dealing with what was a drastic change. “It’ll be okay,” She continued, “We’ll deal with it together, Req. Promise.”
“It is appreciated,” she chimes back, polite as ever, even with the oddities that the elven woman seems to carry on her at nearly all times. Careful fingers squeeze Harley’s upper arm, a quiet display of affection from a normally noisier woman. Subtlety is one of those things that Requiem does well, practice from decades of being seen and not heard for whatever variety of events. 
The other’s compassion catches her by surprise after a moment, and Requiem seems to startle in a way, expression unreadable. But, it turns out well enough, a smile returning to her face, Requiem nudges Harley with her hip. “That’s a darling thing for you to do. I’m quite appreciative. And ah, it is rather chaotic to experience so rapidly.” Briefly, she thinks back, and the memory of spiders and horrors one ought not see. “The condition reminds me a great deal of things I’d prefer not to revisit.” 
In a fit of impulse, cold fingers skim Harley’s cheek, before Requiem leaves a rouge mark in its place, delicate and pink. “I have faith in your comforts, Harley. I’m sure this will be managable, despite the stress.” 
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
His glowing eyes were a dead giveaway to his position during his night time espionage, but worked well in his intimidation factor. He did not necessarily enjoy the night, but it suited his form better.
He had just wiped his blade clean of blood and sheathed it as someone called out to him. He had his side to them, so they might not have seen his sword being replaced. The kill tonight was not particularly good money, but it would place him in good standing with those who opposed the Thieves Guild. Pesky clan of wannabe Assassains, he always thought.
“No. I would look elsewhere for tieflings.”
His dimly glowing but intense orange eyes glance in her direction. “You’re looking at what they call a demon. Why? Are you looking for something?”
The show and tell prompts her to chuckle into a gloved hand, fangs hidden behind her smile. “Of infernal origins either way, though, I admit I would not have caught that. You look more a devil than demon.” A difference where she was from, stark and separate from one another. Requiem doesn’t offer more information on that matter however, leaving the mystery intact.
Seeing blood makes her throat ache a bit, eyes on the knife for perhaps a moment longer than what is necessary. It’s a compulsion that comes with the supernatural change, she figures, nothing that she would reasonably do in a normal part of reality. 
“It piqued my interest, and there’s no harm in that, hm?” Voice lighter than air, Requiem’s head turns jsut slightly, focusing down the street, where people can be seen milling by every so often. “I mean you nothing foul.” 
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
You think about the amassing knights. The tension is taut and patience is short. Arms crossed as your turned towards your companion and thinking about duo described. A girl and a dragon, while the idea of it isn’t surprising you were still taken aback from it when you first heard. Then you read the request, prejudice runs rampant in this world and in most worlds. Aaaand let’s be honest. You’re a sucker for romance. 
Hey people gotta love and I gotta support that. 
“I have yes. Mainly of the chromatic ilk though. My allegiance do run with the metallic kind but my instinct tell me that dragons here do not fall under the jurisdiction of Bahamut or…” Before you say the next name you spit on the ground and scowl. “Or Tiamat. Though I prefer a more pacifistic way of doing this.”
“Hey,” Requiem’s voice sharpens, and the expression she gives Redbean could freeze most weaker men up. “Might I remind you that it may not be wise to act disrespectfully towards deities of any form. We may not know if they listen, or if their clerics remain nearby.” A cleric of an evil deity herself, she’s sensitive to these things still, offering a sound scolding for what she believes to be something unfair. Nevertheless, she’s able to focus back soon enough, on the nature of romance and dragons. 
“I spoke with a green dragon once some great long time ago, and my grandfather knew a silver dragon that he introduced to me one day. Though, my memories of that much are, fleeting.” They’re difficult to pull up, if she’s honest. She had been no more than a decade or two old when that had happened, leaving fuzzy pieces behind where the memories were not quite full. 
Requiem shrugs. “Suit yourself. I’ve always favored intimidation, when it comes to clearing such rabble out.” 
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
QUEST - I Don’t Care What You Say, It’s True Love
“Isn’t it a shame? I still cannot comprehend how things could get this chaotic. And that no one thought to have a mediator step in earlier. It might have avoided all of this disaster.” Requiem clicks her tongue, a hand on her hip as she observes the terms of the work. It’s nothing she hasn’t seen before, dragons and humans with silly sorts of ways. Really, she can’t help but find it a bit amusing, if things were not so different. 
It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. There were easier paths than slaughtering the knights. Be clever and find a work around, scare the fools off and find a way to ensure that they wouldn’t be back. A simple plan, a simple execution.
“However, before I go into this full-tilt, I suppose it is prudent to hear your ideas on the matter. Have you dealt with dragons before, Redbean?” 
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
“I like yer cloak, it’s very you.” Harley complimented, linking her arm with Requiem’s as they walked. Yeah, stick to her like glue and you’ll be fine, she’d told herself. She hummed a little to herself, considering her suggestion. Making the effort to find a specialised cape would be fun, she could really play the part of Dracula then… but why wait and even pay when she could just steal one? She wasn’t sure if Requiem would be on board with a little robbery so she just nodded. “Sure, gotta find the best cape-maker ever.” 
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But wait, Requiem managed the bat thing?! She stared at her, eyes wide with astonishment as she practically begged her to tell her how she did it. “Do ya gotta concentrate super hard and it works?! Oh man, that would be so cool, B-man eat yer heart out, haha!” She was going to do it by the end of this, just you wait and see! Then she would be way cooler than Batman because guess what, she’d be an actual bat. 
Finally, when she looks at Requiem again she catches she doesn’t seem like her usual self. Harley’s bright smile faded slightly as she asked, “Hey, are you okay?”
“Ah, well, I’ve had it for sixty years, sweetling, I would hope it fits my facade by now. I’ve had time to grow into it.” Her voice has a small laugh in it, fingers curling against Harley’s arm in an effort to ground the both of them. Requiem is anxious, beneath her attempts to breathe deeply and settle herself. The world is difficult right now, and the change has left her tired and uncomfortable. “We’ll find something. I have an eye for these sorts of things.” 
Squeezing Harley’s arm, she offers an indulgent smile. “I’ll show you when we’re somewhere just a bit more private, hm? I’d rather not shed all of my clothing in a public square, as much as I enjoy putting on a good show.” 
Thinking to her own mood, she gives the other a glance, this smile a bit quieter. “Nothing that is your fault, Harley. Merely, difficulty with adjusting to this. I’m, a bit in shock, if I’m honest. I spent a lot of my time among vampires who were, less than savory to my traveling group.” 
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
It’s difficult, adjusting to a major change in ones self, especially if it wasn’t something that was desired or asked for. For someone who has lived the lifetime of several humans, Requiem is still a bit frazzled by what she has become. Having hidden out of the light for quite some time, it’s the dimming of the skies that draws her out to the streets, the hood of her cloak drawn over her head. 
Vampires are difficult souls to reach, she has found. While she is likely new enough to be an exception, she had never known many. It leaves her with a lot on her mind, and terribly unsure of her position. Viola tucked under her arm, she seeks out an area with something, or anyone, for that matter. 
Another oddly appearing fellow draws her attention first, however, and Requiem calls out.
“Excuse me, are you a tiefling?” 
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
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// Little baby starter call for this event! Capping at two, but if you come see me to plot/or have some ideas, you can go over!
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
As cool as this transformation was, Harley was secretly glad that she wasn’t alone in this. Thankfully, she’d found Requiem pretty quickly within the walls of their new kingdom and had immediately decided to stick with her for the duration of… whatever the hell was going on– a war? Whatever, she didn’t care.
It was quite the sight, actually; Requiem, always elegant and poised, definitely looked the part but Harley… she enjoyed playing into the well-known vampiric stereotypes.
Except the garlic part… she hated that. 
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“Hey, where d’ya think I can get a cape? Dracula had a cape. I kinda want one…” She gasped. “D’ya think I’ll turn into a bat? Vampires turn into bats, right?!”
Requiem probably had no idea what she was talking about…
“And here I thought cloaks still might count as commonplace fashion.” Her own is a member of her usual wardrobe, a black silken number, lined with the pristine white fur of a wild creature known only to her sort of world. Really, Requiem hardly looks, or acts different. Enough time spent around vampires was enough to learn how to mimic their behavior, or to see how to disguise ones self as a member of the living. 
“But, if you were to ask me about a cape, I would suggest finding a proper shop. I’m sure if we made an effort, we could find someone specializing in the sort of thing you want. If not, it’s just the matter of the right amount of coin.” Wealth was a beautiful thing, in Requiem’s opinion. It was a fast pass to making life easier. “And the matter of bats, I’d call it possible. It’s something I’ve already managed, but I dislike the feeling. So, I’d prefer not to.” 
Her tone is patient, but has a touch of warning. Requiem is tired, by the look in her eye, and she has none of the energy necessary to over indulge like she usually might.
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
Event Information - Fantasia War Pt. 1
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Name: The Lady Requiem of House Axom Age: 218 Years Race: Unholy (Vampire) Appearance: Retaining an alabaster appearance, this time, she seems to look a bit more sinister, sporting a red ring to her eyes and sharpened features. At times, you may be able to spot a pair of lengthened canines, sharpened to a point. 
Affiliation: Yela Alora  Where to find her: Frequently out at night, you can find her on strolls and indulging in later operating businesses. Otherwise, alleyways are a good place to spot her taking shelter, usually in the act of people watching or causing a bit of mayhem. Occupation: Performer. Socialite. Abilities (canon): Cure Wounds Attributes (race): Hypnotic gaze. Bat transformation. Requires blood in order to thrive.  Spells (event): Heal. Paralyze. Charm. Sleep. Invisibility. Other: She’s very similar to herself! Requiem is Requiem: fancy, flirty, and mysterious.
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
“I can’t help but encourage your indulgence, then. Perhaps my sin lies in vanity?” She hummed with some thought. Servants, huh? That was a rather lavish lifestyle, judging by what she’s said. “Maybe you could try the blow drying deal then? Modern styling tools do save you time. I hear it’s great to maintain volume too.”
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“No names to my ability to which I’m born with, I’m afraid. Someone asked me similar questions before, but it’s no spell.” She gave a gesture that indicated the other had free reign to assess the change performed. 
“To embrace one’s sin is a great first step into acceptance of the mild to moderate problems.” Requiem laughs then, obviously amused with the way their conversation is going. “I make use of combs and pins, some potions, and the occasional flick of fire if I really need to make something happen.” The smile Requiem gives is somewhere near a boast. She’s proud of herself, and it’s obvious. 
“But vanity, when appreciated by the right sort, has a way of keeping my weekends rather busy. I can hardly complain. Beauty is a weapon, dearest.” At least, when you were chasing fey and pulling armies along under your command. “Do you find interested parties accosting you, then?” 
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
“I’ve always wondered what it’s like to be charmed.” She’s most definitely making small talk over the idles of grocery shopping, eyes focused on a selection of berries that she seems to be intently going through. “Those I know who have experienced it have described it as such a significant feeling, I’m almost jealous for my immunity.”
Such was the way of elves, it seemed. Perhaps it came from a similar branch of fey ancestry as the one that didn’t sleep. “Enchantment is such the interesting school, but I just could never muster the attitude to get myself involved in it.” 
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
Requiem makes no business in potions, not usually. They’re concoctions fit more for wizards or rogues than someone of her status. The most Requiem can recall keeping on her person has been healing potions, or the occasional flask of alchemist’s fire. Only those with shaky spells or devious positions played with elixers in this way. However, boredom can do anything to anyone, and in this moment, she is a prime example of that fact. 
“Careful now,” she calls, fixing her gaze on one that’s rather unfamiliar. Nevertheless, Requiem waves a hand, and encourages the other to either step back, or move to the side. “I don’t intend for this to be volatile, but well, the lacking magic could make this thing do nothing at all, or something exciting.” 
Exciting meaning noxious gas, coupled with a small explosion. 
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revenantress-blog · 5 years
“Oh! It’s you again.” The words aren’t annoyed, or much of anything. Requiem’s tone could best be described as neutral, if not bordering a bit on amused. “The fellow so enamored by, certain activities.” That neutrality floods into a grin, and her ruse appears to have been broken, interrupting her earlier activity of plucking at her viola strings, obviously in the act of trying to tune the troublesome instrument up. 
“What a sight you are again, my dear. And if you don’t mind, could I borrow your ear? If you’re any good with pitch, that is. If not, I’m sure I can find another use for you.” 
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