revenblue · 1 month
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revenblue · 1 month
#they also said they wanted to have THE platypus character#and I think they succeeded
They absolutely did.
And yeah, I'm glad they made him a platypus. Very good choice on their part.
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revenblue · 1 month
And I suspect another part of the reason is to avoid the dalmatian effect, or whatever it's called. (When a piece of media popularises a specific animal or breed, kids beg their parents for one, but then it turns out they were not equipped for the actual care of one and often take it to a shelter. Whatever that's called. Happened with 101 Dalmatians for one.)
Primal Perry was late enough in the show that they'd had time to actually research platypus behaviour instead of just winging it all the time XD (Or realised they had to do actual research to make a platypus-themed episode work.)
And one of the fun parts for me is coming up with headcanons/theories for why/how all their winging it makes sense in-universe after all :P
(Obligatory gesture towards doylist vs watsonian explanations/analysis.)
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revenblue · 1 month
I don't think "eat entire apple" is something platypuses have instincts for XD
So, horsne it is.
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revenblue · 1 month
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revenblue · 1 month
hello 2 dicey dungeons fans i come bearing gifts (mostly robot)
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revenblue · 1 month
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*slaps inventor's head* this bad cube can fit so much hubris in her!
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revenblue · 1 month
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prom?????? idk. this has been your quarter yearly homestuck post
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revenblue · 1 month
I think that what's brilliant about The Far Side is how it can imply an entire narrative with only a single panel. It's sequential art without the sequence. Like this one
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There's the obvious implication of what's going to happen in the future (there's going to be a hunt), but it also stretches into the past: what circumstances in the anthropology of this group of cavemen must have happened to establish a tradition of dancing with Woolly Mammoths? Why does it, in spite of it's obvious absurdity, feel kind of right that there should be a dance before the cavemen and the mammoths engage in mortal combat? The reluctant fearful expression on the caveman at the bottom; is this his first hunt? Are those his elders trying to reassure him? Does the one mammoth actually seem to fancy him? What about the one looking fearfully back at his friends? How does he feel that the others aren't there to reassure him? One of the mammoths in the upper right looks just as fearful as the cavemen; why? etc.
And all of this is purely evoked. There's only simple line-drawing and two sentences of text, but you see it and it reminds you of other sorts of narratives you've seen or experienced, and your brain constructs a whole temporal sequence; and any possible answer you could get to above the questions would never be as satisfying as what your brain fills in.
I could write an entire essay about this.
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revenblue · 1 month
So one time, one of my guy friends said, “I’m pretty sure I’m straight but I’ve never slept with a man so how do I know for sure if I’m not bisexual or gay” and so he actually went and picked up a guy, had sex with him and after ward he said, “Well that was fun but I appear to be straight.” and just went on with his life without making a big deal about his dip into homosexuality and really, I think everybody should be this relaxed about sexualities
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revenblue · 1 month
Do you have any guiding principles when organizing an outfit?
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strive to look like a player avatar from a 2000s web based mmorpg (e.g. gaia online)
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revenblue · 1 month
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revenblue · 1 month
The best thing I’ve learned this week is that some alcohol has a pear inside the bottle
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How did it get in there? Like this of course
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Bottles are slid over young fruits and tied to the trunk for stability. This makes them very difficult to care for and frankly the goofiest looking pear tree I’ve ever seen but am I going to buy a bottle of this just to stare at it? Probably.
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revenblue · 1 month
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do you think they know how much they contributed to online literacy? to the spirit of curiousity? to the idea of doing research yourself instead of always having it laid out in front of you?
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revenblue · 1 month
“Why did you follow this person ? uwu”
I’ve been here for fourteen years, do you think I remember? I don’t know who any of these people are anymore. I don’t know why they’re on my dash. I allow them to stay because they haven’t pissed me off enough to unfollow them yet. “Why did you follow this person?” I’m not sure I ever did. They’re just part of my ecosystem now.
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revenblue · 1 month
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revenblue · 1 month
Concept: Aang takes the gaang into the spirit world to help him deal with A Thing. Except he’s never brought multiple people into the spirit realm before and so he mucks it up on the return trip - and everyone ends up swapping bending abilities
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