reverseopossum · 2 days
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bro this is latin. someone actually thought latinos speak latin in latin america
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reverseopossum · 14 days
this is actually incredibly plausible worldbuilding
Story idea that I still think would be funny:
A world where like 1% of the population is randomly born with some sort of superhuman or supernatural powers, but every culture forms their own, wholly different ideas about the concept. Americans have their superhero thing with costumes and code names, and are genuinely shocked that nobody else does that. The japanese language already has a whole classification system for different 'types' of superpowers, and also a specific term for an individual whose power cannot be fit into any specific class. This information is written onto on one's passport.
The french have no set vocabulary for any of this, and the same expressions are used for saying that someone is delightful company to be around, or talented in an art form or musical instrument, and to describe a person who can control electricity with their mind or turn any metal into a liquid. It depends on context clues and the tone of one's voice.
And somewhere in rural Georgia there is a guy who could just pick up a truck and throw it on the opposite side of a lake. The locals of his home region know that they can always come to Nikoloz if there's a cow or a piece of farm equipment stuck somewhere that cannot be moved by human strength alone. He'll help, and then go back home to feed his chickens. He could do a lot more with this power, but he doesn't want to, and if you suggest this to him, he will yeet you as well.
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reverseopossum · 19 days
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I feel confident enough to post these now. A collection of all the existing posters after some edits from the other post that got 13k notes! These are full size/quality. Go nuts.
You may use them for wallpapers, tabletop campaigns, whatever. Consider tipping me or buying a print or sticker on ko-fi here! If you do use them, let me know what for, or send pictures!
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reverseopossum · 19 days
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reverseopossum · 19 days
anyone wanna come do this with me
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reverseopossum · 21 days
Three of the four elements are represented in types of hockey; Air hockey (air), field hockey (earth), ice hockey (water). Fire hockey needs to be a thing.
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reverseopossum · 23 days
The noble Bus is a mode of transportation befitting the descendants of hunter-gatherers. Bus is a sort of urban beast that must be tracked, pursued, and taken, by force if necessary. It brooks no cowardice; by its own fortitude it engenders nobility in its hunters. Driving is faster, granted— but cold, solipsistic, enervating of body and spirit. The car is an apparatus of regression; the driver cocooned in womb-like solitude meets no hardship, no test of his mettle, and reacts to all discomfiture with the dyspeptic grumbling of an opium-eater prodded from his stupor. To travel and arrive by Bus requires resourcefulness, grit, alacrity, patience, and guile. The Bus-rider laughs at adversity and looks upon his fellow-passengers as brothers. What though the road construction waylay him? What though the rain wet his shoes? Shoes— pah! What cares he for such baubles? Not for him the base ignominy of "road-rage" hang on my stop's coming up I gotta finish this post
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reverseopossum · 25 days
Love this explanation! In PT school we had a very, very brief intro to differences in motor development in autistic kids, and I always wondered if it was directly connected to sensory issues. I've also had the thought that a lot of the kiddos I've seen for balance, coordination, gait abnormalities, etc are ~on a wavelength~ with me as an ADHD therapist. I've always felt like when learning new physical skills, I have to understand why it works and exactly why I'm doing it that way in order to actually replicate what I'm being taught, it actually totally tracks with me having a little bit of hyposensitivity in other areas. I wonder if altered interoception is a factor in comorbidities like POTS and GI issues? And if the toe-walking thing could be a way to get more proprioceptive input? Also the simple definitions of proprioception, interoception, and vestibular sense are 100% something I would show to my patients!
The 8 Senses
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The Autistic Teacher
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reverseopossum · 25 days
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reverseopossum · 28 days
Comparing the rotations of objects in the Solar System. Just look at them lol.✨🪐
To everyone that's confused, the planet Venus rotates very very slowly, with a single revolution taking about 243 Earth days, and Mercury rotates slowly, but not as slow as Venus.
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reverseopossum · 28 days
pirating movies by seeing them in tumblr gifs and basing my own story around them
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reverseopossum · 29 days
Marriage is so funny. You're like, "this is my emotional support human, I'd like them to be my emotional support human forever please." And the government is like, "cool, sign a form and pay us like $30" and God is like, "I guess now it's cool if you want to have sex or whatever," and your family is like, "you should throw a financially irresponsible party and also get pregnant immediately pls" and then you have someone who pays half your rent and knows your taco bell order and has to listen to your weird and dramatic tangents but also knows Every embarrassing story about you
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reverseopossum · 1 month
My theory is that a creature's potential emotional range is fitted to its range of possible experiences. Like my dog doesn't have the cognitive capacity to understand existential dread or reading a really good poem, but proportionately she feels that much more strongly about 'Stranger At The Door' and 'Tasty New Snack.' So maybe a fish's life feels as complicated to them as our lives feel to us, the highs just as high and the lows just as low.
sometimes i think a simple life is okay. like fish in the ocean know only swim and eat plant and they're happy. or i guess i don't know if they're happy maybe they're just pissed the fuck off all the time. maybe fish want a complex life. do you think a fish would like iphone
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reverseopossum · 2 months
There's a lot of very, very stupid applications of AI, but it's legitimately exciting that we're starting to use it to write documentation in healthcare. For the most part, we don't have separate time in our schedule for documentation. We're either staying late, multitasking, or spending less time talking to our patients to get it done. But now I have an AI program that records my new patient evals, sifts out relevant information, and organizes it into a mostly logical note that's mostly in the right format.
Like, the one I'm trying out now obviously makes mistakes and needs many edits, but point of care documentation from a little robot friend is still more accurate than me trying to remember things hours later. And because I'm not stopping to write things down as I go, I actually get to have a normal human conversation, and even cover more things that I want to ask about/test during my evaluation.
Not to mention, there's been this decades-long, seemingly irreversible trend of increasing administrative burden on healthcare providers (at least in the US, where I live). When I was a naive little PT student and asked a mentor who had been practicing for 30 years what had changed the most over time, she said, "we used to be able to just do our jobs." Insurances have deliberately confusing requirements, and healthcare systems want more and more boxes checked on every piece of documentation to make sure they actually get paid. Over the course of two years at my last job, our documentation time pretty much doubled because they kept adding things we had to click, copy over, and double check. Short of massive healthcare reform that's probably not going to happen, shifting some of the burden to AI is probably going to be the only thing that will get us back to just doing our jobs again.
Doing the boring, stupid parts of our jobs so we can focus on other human beings is exactly what AI should be doing.
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reverseopossum · 2 months
So, I get not only overstimulated, but also hangry. My ADHD meds make me kind of not feel when I get hungry, but I still get hangry, just without the physical feeling giving me insight as to why.
So I've developed what I call the Bitch Index, which is a simple count of how many times I mentally swear at other drivers on my commute home from work. If it's above four, I very deliberately eat a snack before I talk to my husband
one of the most challenging skills i've had to learn as an adult is the art of figuring out whether i'm proportionally annoyed with someone or just tired and overstimulated and looking for reasons to be pissed off
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reverseopossum · 2 months
Things physical therapists are good at:
Getting you up and walking after a major injury or surgery when you're not sure how to do it and lowkey scared to move
Translating what the hell your surgeon was talking about, because we actually have time to explain their vague and jargon-filled instructions
Actually having a helpful response to "my doctor told me to lose weight, but also told me not to do what I usually do to exercise"
Massage, but only if it's actually the most productive way to spend your appointment
Googling things (or reviewing our notes from grad school) really quickly and sneakily
Using a combination of information from your doctor, information from you, and an in-depth physical exam to develop an individualized plan of care that will usually make a big difference within a few months with consistent time and effort from both of us
Getting really behind on documentation and complaining about it
Things physical therapists are bad at:
Not staring at strangers walking by for a socially unacceptable amount of time analyzing what's wrong with them
(at a family gathering or random social event) "Hey my knee hurts, can you fix it for me real quick?"
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reverseopossum · 2 months
Aww, and I love that they used it to teach kids about media literacy and not believing everything you see online. It's such a chill, low-stakes introduction to a concept that adults have a lot of intense emotions about right now
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we did it tumblr
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