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Saw this on Pinterest and didn’t want to risk it especially now that’s my grandpa’s in the hospital
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Seizure/Panic Warning!
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there’s a post going around of some girl linking to a “picture of her prom dress” when the link leads to a picture of a gif’d mutilated face and screaming. i imagine that this could be very harmful to both people with epilepsy or those with anxiety problems and the like. it happened to alarm me a lot.
please boost so no one gets hurt! we don’t want any seizures or panic attacks!
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Today, I learned my mother finally has a headstone. I don’t suppose there is anyone in Wrocław, Poland who could send me a photo? My grandparents don’t do technology.
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Don't wish you were someone else, because you could be everything you hate in a person now
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So I downloaded a game called Life Simulator I lost
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Get in loser we're going pokemon hunting
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Once I was getting my hair cut from long to short and the lady was like "So what made you want to cut your hair so short?" Well maybe it's just because I want short hair what was she expecting "Oh well Satan told me to cut my hair so I have to do it if I want to live."
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100 posts and I'm still not acknowledged on Tumblr
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When you send a pic but it won't let you send a text with it so u tryna text fast before anyone says something
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Me as a magician
"Now you see me, aaaaaand now you STILL see me even though you probably don't want to because I'm an ugly worthless piece of trash who wishes he was a magician so he can just disappear and be forgotten forever and the only reason anybody came to this magic show was to see me disappear in hopes that nobody will ever have to see my useless self ever again."
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Once I was playing minecraft and I was looking for a place to start a home, when I come upon this large meadow. In the meadow, there was a single cow. I walk up to it. I look at it, it looks back. I nod a little farewell, and if I remember correctly, it nodded back. No, I did not build a home in that meadow. I wanted to let the meadow be left alone. Any animals I find in the meadow I will never kill them. The meadow doesn't look breathtaking at first, but it's truly a wonderful thing. I don't know why I'm here to tell you all about a virtual meadow, but WHY NOT.
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I dont care if I get any hate for this it's just my opinion. I don't understand why people hate Miley Cyrus. Is it because she wears revealing clothes? Honestly, almost every girl I've seen wears revealing clothing tbh. Is it because she admitted to drug use? A lot of teenagers and adults do drugs. I'm not saying it's good to do drugs, I'm just saying the hate on Miley us unreal. Hate if you want. I probably won't reply anyways.
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So my sister walked into my room and I just look at her and the convo went like this: Her: *her phone dings* What? Jealous I got a message and you didnt? Me: *my phone dings right after she said that*
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Well fuck.
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https://www.change.org/p/stop-the-yulin-dog-meat-eating-festival?recruiter=558413939&utm_source=petitions_share&utm_medium=copylink Please sign this petition and put a stop to the yearly slaughter of dogs! Please reblog this!
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Dank memes have taken over my life
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@danisnotonfire @amazingphil Whenever someone says they hate Dan and Phil
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