rey-poe · 1 year
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Under the Moonlight 🌙
Little note frm me♥️:
Yayy im back after like 2 years or smth... i havent rlly drawn much fanart over those yrs bcs ive been super busy :') it has been getting better ofc! also i js rewatched the sequel trilogy n my obsession of fictional characters has finally come back !!! n now im obsessed w Damerey. so hope you guys enjoy and lmk what ud like to see frm me !! super open to suggestions:) (n recommend good damerey fics pls)
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rey-poe · 3 years
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Happy DamereyCreations Week!
What a fantastic week of content that was!
I only managed to finish this a day late! lol!
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rey-poe · 3 years
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— and I’d choose you.
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rey-poe · 3 years
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A Disturbance in the Force
Chapter 10 - Now on the Archive!
Those thoughts stayed with her long after Poe and Finn found their own beds, after she’d checked on Little Poe for the seventh time, after she’d examined that pesky crack above her bed to distraction. With a sigh, she admitted the obvious: she wouldn’t be sleeping that night.
And if she was secretly thrilled as she pulled on a thin wrap - the temperature had finally dipped, a little preview of fall - and headed out toward the courtyard, well now wasn’t the time to parse those feelings, now was it?
She’d been so preoccupied - with the strange feelings the evening had brought up, with her own hurry to get out to the tree - that she hadn’t noticed the steady drumming of rain until she was already outside, stopping herself under the overhang just short of getting drenched.
No, no, no, she thought as the rain came down in sheets, the inky darkness of the night sky obscured by clouds. She needed to see the sky and stars, sit under the tree, maybe with some company…
“Fuck,” she whispered to nobody in particular, the word feeling sharp and daring on her tongue. That was twice in one day. If she wasn’t careful, it would become a habit.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
The voice came from her right, deep and familiar even in the dark. But that familiarity didn’t stop her from jumping at the surprise, the “Fuck!” out of her mouth before she had a chance to think better of it. See, a habit.
She looked down in time to see Poe’s little smile at her reaction.
Or click here to start from the beginning.
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rey-poe · 3 years
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A Disturbance in the Force
Chapter 9 - Now on the Archive!
He should have said no.
It had been on the tip of tongue, just two letters to save him a whole hell of a lot of hassle. N. O. But if there was one thing he’d decided since realizing that he only had until the end of a month with his son, it’s that he would take every opportunity, every invitation to spend more time with him he was granted. And so, he said yes, against his better judgement.
Probably didn’t hurt that Rey was looking at him with those wide hazel eyes, almost green in the afternoon sun, a look of expectant hope on her face so tentative that he found he couldn’t disappoint her.
But hours later, long after those beseeching eyes were no longer in front of him, he was having second thoughts.
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rey-poe · 3 years
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A Disturbance in the Force
Chapter 8 - Now on the Archive after an unscheduled hiatus!
“Drink up. Then we’re going to discuss this like civilized human beings.”
She wasn’t one to drink in the middle of the day, but as Rey stood surveying two of the most important men in her life (the third was still in class), both pigheaded as can be, she found she needed the fortification. At least they had the good sense to do as she said, Finn picking up the decanter and putting a couple fingers of spotchka in each glass before passing them around.
“To old friends?” offered Poe, earning another glare from Finn.
“How about: to acting like adults.” She turned her gaze on Finn. At least he had the good sense to look a bit sheepish.
Without much cheer, they clinked glasses and downed the liquor, Rey savoring the slight burn as it slid toward her stomach. She set down the glass, taking a deep breath before turning toward the men.
“Now, are we ready to have a conversation?” she asked, using the tone she reserved for when Little Poe was throwing a tantrum. And here, she’d thought she made it through the toddler years.
Or click here to start from the beginning.
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rey-poe · 3 years
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Happy Valentine’s day! My small art for all damerey fans ;)
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rey-poe · 3 years
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– There is a word created for such men as you are, Poe. Would you like to hear me declare it?  – What is it? Expressions piquant would I learn.  – You’re most difficult, as though you were a door with many locks but none of keys. –  And you are… Oh, it is beyond my art of speach to speak the words. I candidly confess my feelings are even now of the most singular, mysterious word – incomprehensible, perplexing, too!
(Ian Doescher, William Shakespeare’s The Merry Rise of Skywalker)
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rey-poe · 3 years
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I love them ^^
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rey-poe · 3 years
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S U P E R    S U N D A Y !
Just a bit of Damerey fluff I had planned for LAST evening, however this got back-burnered until today in favor of celebrating the home team win. Go Bucs!
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rey-poe · 3 years
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Rey, Poe and green color
• Green is Rey’s favorite color, it’s a color of live for her  • Poe’s from Yavin 4 – one of the greenest places • Poe’s mother’s call was Green-3, she was in Green Squadron • Poe is special affected by green eyes, and Rey’s are brown-green
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rey-poe · 3 years
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‘Love: a single word, a wispy thing, a word no bigger or longer than an edge. That’s what it is: an edge; a razor. It draws up through the center of your life, cutting everything in two. Before and after. The rest of the world falls away on either side.’ - Delirium, Lauren Oliver
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rey-poe · 3 years
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After the second fall of the Jedi, Leia turns to others who’s lives have been ravaged by the Empire. The Jedi and the Mandalorians have a difficult history, but an alliance might be necessary to defeat the rising threat taking over the galaxy. One that requires old grudges to be forgotten and old rules to be ignored. A marriage between one of the strongest Jedi left and the Duke and Duchess’ heir is the only way to solidify the pact.
Chapter 4 is now up!  Read it here.
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rey-poe · 3 years
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Don’t give up. He still might show up. Whoever it is you’re waiting for.
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rey-poe · 3 years
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After the second fall of the Jedi, Leia turns to others who's lives have been ravaged by the Empire. The Jedi and the Mandalorians have a difficult history, but an alliance might be necessary to defeat the rising threat taking over the galaxy. One that requires old grudges to be forgotten and old rules to be ignored. A marriage between one of the strongest Jedi left and the Duke and Duchess' heir is the only way to solidify the pact.
Chapter 3 is now up!
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rey-poe · 3 years
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Happy Birthday @brightboisterousbananas!
Summary: Poe finds himself in a hairy situation after Rey convinces him to dress up as Loki for Halloween.
Read on AO3
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rey-poe · 3 years
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After the second fall of the Jedi, Leia turns to others who’s lives have been ravaged by the Empire. The Jedi and the Mandalorians have a difficult history, but an alliance might be necessary to defeat the rising threat taking over the galaxy. One that requires old grudges to be forgotten and old rules to be ignored. A marriage between one of the strongest Jedi left and the Duke and Duchess’ heir is the only way to solidify the pact.
Chapter 2 is now up!
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