reysibltzr-blog · 4 years
From the moment the 2nd semester started, I already knew that it was going to be another challenging time for us students.  Another subjects to learn and new teachers to impress. I was aware that it’s not going to be easy, until I encountered this particular subject named Media and Information Literacy, or simply COM01. At first, I was so clueless what this subject is all about. Fortunately, Sir Angelo Desierto made it more bearable and easier to understand. COM01 mainly involves media, information, and communication. It also helped you to be a better literate person.
In this blog, I will tackle some of our activities and what I have learned in these projects.
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Creating an infographic about the Evolution of Media was our first performance task in Media and Information Literacy, it was a by group activity. This PT was required to be submitted on the same day we made it. We successfully passed it within the day and I could say that we made a pretty good team as we accomplished a marvelous job. Through this activity, I have realized how the media advanced and improved over the past years. I was truly amazed and grateful for it made everything for us easier and more accessible.
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For our second performance task, we made an infomercial regarding to our innovative product and being an actor was my role for this activity. We invented a product called “Nachococoa”, it is a combination of milk tea and nachos in a unique packaging (plastic cup with an embedded paper plate). It also has multiple sustainable advantages, the most significant of which is the appeal and trendiness of its products. Having a good communication and disseminating legit information to the audience were the things I have learned from this activity. This also taught me that, in order to gain people’s full attention and interest, you should unite informative information and good acting skills.
*** I couldn’t believe that 2nd semester has already ended. Throughout these wonderful learnings, I really widened my knowledge and deepened my understanding about the importance of media and information. I can proudly say that, after the lessons, I became a good media and information literate. And I will never forget and take it for granted.
“Information is good but legit one is much better”
Stop spreading fake news. Information spreads like a wildfire, you wouldn’t know if it is real or just a hoax so you must think critically. Good and genuine information will start from you. Use the ability of technology sensibly. According to Christian Lous Lange “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master”, be wise and always think before you click.
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