rfilaili · 3 years
Got so many mixed feelings during and after watching Homecha ep. 15. This drama is really beyond my expectations, although some may look cliché but most of it isn't as I expected. It was way too good. The plot, characters, lines are just perfect not mentioning the visuals given. But then this drama left me with so many questions I give to myself which the biggest one is "What is happiness?" and "How we can achieve happiness?"
I think I need a contemplation with myself.
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rfilaili · 3 years
Mulai berkontemplasi lagi kenapa milih program ini. HAHA
*nangis di pojokan
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rfilaili · 3 years
Being alone doesn't mean lonely. Being lonely doesn't have to be alone. It's scary when you feel lonely even you're with someone.
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rfilaili · 3 years
Usually people tend to be focused and overthink on what comes next rather than enjoying the present. This, from my point of view, can lead us to be less grateful about the things we already have. Therefore, planning about the future is important, yet living current life to the fullest is a must.
That's why we called present is a gift.
PS : Another note to myself after realizing I feel more sad knowing Hospital Playlist end in season 2 instead of enjoying the almost 3 hours finale episode tonight. So, enough with the feeling, let's appreciate the great work! 😆
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rfilaili · 3 years
Appreciation post :
I am forever grateful to Allah for giving me you as my bestie. Thanks for always be there when needed. We may not see or talk to each other everyday, but you always in my prayer.
Every little affection and attention you show during my ups and downs, even when I don't say it, is Allah's blessing. I shouldn't take it for granted.
I hope you nothing but happiness in life. May Allah grants every du'a you said in your prayer.
Be happy always, the se-yoon to my han-sol !
Hope we can meet asap !
Lots of love.
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rfilaili · 3 years
Dikelilingi kelurga, teman dan lingkungan yang baik merupakan rezeki yang kadang lebih berharga dari sekedar uang.
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rfilaili · 3 years
In particular condition, you'll be happier when you are grateful for the things you have in present. Asking for more would likely to ruin the feeling.
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rfilaili · 3 years
Hearing bad thing from strangers is a one thing, but, hearing bad thing from your loved one is indescribable.
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rfilaili · 3 years
I have just watched a live session of a Korean actress and found something interesting. In the session, she shared her favorite passage from a book which is written by Chang Kang Myoung.
"The life that I embraced tightly, in fact, most of the decisions are made by accidental and indiscreet choices."
Chang Kang Myoung
The passage lead her think that she is here now because of every small decision she made and accidental encounters. Therefore, when she felt like regretting something, she will stop blaming herself because those are here choices and then she will feel comforted.
This is a good sentence to be pondered. Just like a 1 cent makes a million, every small decision creates what I am now in life. As an overthinking person, I tend to ponder in some problems too long, yet took an action in a blink of eyes. There were many choices I made indiscreetly which I tried not to regret it. Therefore, in the future, I will do my best to make every decision wisely and be grateful for whatever happened. Moreover, I am glad that she shared this beautiful passage and made me feel comforted, too.
PS : I write this as a reminder for my future self. Just in case I forget and blame myself for the things that don't go as planned. Hopefully this writing can ease you as well.
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rfilaili · 3 years
Be Happy
Sometimes I got confused what to write or say to a person in order to congratulate them. Then, there comes a phrase "Be Happy" which commonly used in several drama I have watched. Someday, I discussed it with my random-ing partner. I said that the phrase "Be Happy" was a powerful prayer we could say to a person and she agreed. She said that happiness is different due to the person itself. We usually prayed for an individual to have a longlife when they celebrate their birthday, yet they might not want it. Hence, wishing a person a joyful life could be an alternative, whatever the things that makes them happy.
So, I hope you always be happy folks!
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rfilaili · 3 years
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A simple word to say, yet harder to be done. To appreciate what I have in present time took me sequences of challenges and obstacles which most of them breaking my heart.
It's funny because of drama I watched recently, I realize that I have been wasting my time resenting things in life. I hate if situation didn't run as planned and wish that other things were different. Yet, the truth is I resent myself the most. I loathe myself when I thought I can control things but reality hits different.
I need to understand (and stop overthink) that there are so many things in life which cannot be controlled. It has its own controller, The Higher Power. All we (especially me) need to do is just following His rules and to be grateful. Take care of things that can be controlled and let go of things which cannot be controlled.
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rfilaili · 3 years
The thing is, I dislike something to happen is not because I hate it. It just resembles me so much that I just want another thing happens.
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rfilaili · 3 years
Proses menaikkan imun beserta berat badannya 😅 Alhamdulillah. Mangats yo! 💪
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rfilaili · 3 years
There are some people you don't see right away, but some people just sneak up on you.
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rfilaili · 4 years
Memutuskan pilihan itu sesuatu yang besar karena jalan hidup kita ditentukan dari pilihan tersebut. Namun, bertahan pada satu pilihan dan tidak menyesalinya ternyata membutuhkan usaha yang lebih besar.
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rfilaili · 4 years
The annoying noises that will be missed in the middle of lengthy silence.
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rfilaili · 4 years
Sometimes it is not always the substance which is important. Yet, the one who deliver it makes it different and easy to remember.
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