rheearchives · 4 months
i am NOT abandoning my lauv louis but the louis fanbase on tumblr is very small so if i just ramp up the likes with pjo maybe that shall be a good idea 💥
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rheearchives · 4 months
word count -> 661
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you and louis are staring at the stars on your back, a nightly ritual by now. the trees’ leaves are dancing in the breeze as the nocturnal animals sing to the imaginative beat.
“don’t you love nature, star?” louis tenderly speaks up. “it’s so beautiful. it reminds me of you.”
laying on your back, you look at the night sky as your mind wanders. yes, of course nature is beautiful. even with all its imperfections.
the moon isn’t a smooth, glowing figure; it’s marred by craters.
roots are what grounds our beautiful plants, yet they grow wild and messy.
the green mountains, lush and free, aren’t perfect; their peaks are uneven.
the ocean isn’t always peaceful and calm, it expresses its rage through rough waves.
the rain brings refreshments as the clouds cry, but it soaks you wet.
the sun lights up the cold days, but it can burn.
yet all these imperfections through nature do not fail to make louis smile. what’s stopping him from admiring your imperfections too?
nothing, because he did.
in those unrealistic movies, laughs would sound so smooth and light. so- perfect. but this was real life, and he loved how weird your laugh would sound.
they reminded him of the numerous animals singing during the night.
beauty standards these days. they never are sensible. glass skin? no, you didn’t have that. you had slightly visible veins in your face and acne scars, yet louis’ eyes never strayed from your face.
your veins reminded him of nature’s growing roots and the craters in the glowing moon.
your hair wasn’t always even. they had split ends and uneven lengths. but louis didn’t mind looking at your messy hair. sure, you had messy hair, but at least he slept next to you.
your uneven hair reminded him of the uneven peaks of mountains.
your attitude wasn’t always “lady-like” or calm. most of the time, when you’re mad, you aren’t afraid to express how you feel. but louis liked how you really showed how you felt. not like those dolls that fake their happiness.
your emotions reminded him of the expressive waves of the ocean.
your cries of anguish and pain would’ve gotten irritating to others. louis would hold you close to him as you cry, your tears soaking his new shirt as you bury your head into his neck. but louis didn’t care.
your tears reminded him of the rain’s refreshment.
your relationship with him was fairly happy. louis was always so excited and lit up when you guys hung out. but there were times where the relationship was rocky. it burned both of your hearts sometimes. yet louis was okay with that.
you reminded him of the sun’s shines, but also its burns.
“you’re my only star, y’know that?” louis whispers to you.
there you lie, smiling to yourself as you think you’re louis’ star in the vast night sky.
or so you thought.
over the months, you’ve realized that louis’ eyes don’t shine when you’re around anymore. the spark between you two has died down significantly.
because he’s found another girl.
another beautiful, shining girl.
maybe he’s admiring her laugh.
maybe he’s admiring her veins and acne scars.
maybe he’s admiring her hair or brushing his fingers through her hair.
maybe he’s admiring her tears or consoling her.
maybe he’s admiring someone else.
you can’t help but reminisce about the old times. the times where louis loved you endlessly. the times where he loved your imperfections and perfections.
now here you are, sitting on your single bed, taking off your promise ring. no, you won’t be putting it back on like you would after a shower. that ring won’t ever be placed on your shaky fingers again.
forever etched into your soul will be the words “you’re my only star,” even if they aren’t true.
a crack has formed in a star.
maybe there are other stars in the sky after all.
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rheearchives · 4 months
guys i think i lost my writing abilities 😓💥 i NEED whatever was in me when i wrote let the light in cause what the flip.
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rheearchives · 4 months
im On my way! zoe is tewww fineness 😈😈💥
twin @p1stach1os wanted me to post :3 (i’m probably going to delete this though)
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rheearchives · 4 months
hey cutie hmu !!!! 😘😘💢🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
On my way! bbg 😈😈💥😛
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rheearchives · 4 months
hello! I would like to ask, is fear the walking dead included in twd in your masterlist or not? if so, can I ask imagine with Nick clark?
haihai !! sorry no im not open to fear the walking dead reqs but anything else is fine, IM SOSO SORRY 🤍
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rheearchives · 4 months
FOREVER GRATEFUL FOR YOU. ⋆。°✩ carl grimes x reader .ᐟ WORD COUNT .ᐟ ⭑ 3.7K (JESUS.) ꩜ .ᐟ WARNINGS ⭑ angst + comfort (mostly angst), retelling of the walking dead 8x8 (so slight spoilers), use of y/n, reader death, blood, your regular zombie apocalypse warnings, cursing, kissing, mostly just sad stuff!! .ᐟ A/N .ᐟ i am SO SORRY for how INSANELY LONG this is. it took me like 3-4 hours to write oh my god. hope you guys enjoy anyhow though<3
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carl told you he was going on a run to find the man the two of you had spotted at the gas station. you begged to go, and eventually, he caved. the two of you had known each other since the start, being neighbors and all. you were in his house while you waited for lori to get ready to take the two of you to school, and thats when everything went down. with all of the things he saw you do, he knew you could take care of yourself.
...or he thought you could.
the two of you were lucky enough to find the man from the gas station and you found out his name was siddiq.
"i'm gonna ask you a few questions. i need you to answer honestly, okay?" carl told siddiq.
"..okay." siddiq nodded.
"how many walkers have you killed?" siddiq looks around, thinking. "i know it's hard to keep track-"
"really?" you raised an eyebrow, impressed, but skeptical.
"give or take a couple." siddiq shrugged.
carl nodded in response before continuing. "how many people have you killed?"
"one." the man averted his gaze to the ground.
"the dead tried to kill him, but... they didn't." he explained, looking back up at the two of you.
"you've been making walker traps? is that how you've been killing all of them?" you asked, crossing your arms as you looked at the scenery of traps and the deceased walkers behind him.
"it's only part of it. my mom thought- or hoped- that killing them would free their souls. you know?" he clarified, seemingly upset but proud talking about his mother.
"doing that, doesn't that just make things harder for you while you're trying to survive?" carl inquired, furrowing his brows.
"i don't know.. i.. but you.. you gotta honor your parents, right?"
the three of you had been walking for a little while before you guys came across a couple walkers in the distance, crouching down near a tree.
"okay. for your mom." carl smiles and siddiq before facing you, signaling for you to join.
you grabbed your knife that was holstered across your waist, stepping forward alongside siddiq and carl. but shortly after, there was too many. at first it only seemed like a couple, enough for just the three of you to take care of quickly. but they began coming in from other sides of the forest, and you were cornered. you were stepping back to try and get more distance, but you twisted your ankle on a tree root, causing you to topple on top of the tree laying on the ground. the walkers began limping towards you as you looked frantically around for where your knife had went. but you were too late. two of the walkers were down on the ground, one on top of you and the other on your side. you tried your best to push the one over you with one of your hands while searching the ground for your knife with the other one.
a pain rushed through your side, but you didn't think much of at that point due to feeling the handle of your knife, quickly picking it up and jamming it through the skull of the walker on your side, then into the one in front of you, pushing it off of you.
right as you did so, you were met with carl staring at you wide-eyed.
"oh my god, you're covered in blood." he ran over to you, crouching down next to you and grabbing your hand. "are- are you bit?"
he helped you up and you stared at the ground, then at your bloodied clothes. "...no. i'm okay."
you weren't okay. you knew what had happened to you, but.. you couldn't tell him. not now. you were lucky enough that your shirt had fallen over the bite when you stood up.
"are you sure? you don't feel anything at all?" he repeated his question, his hands on top of your shoulders while he looked at you with concern.
"i'm sure." you nodded, wiping your hands on your legs. "we should.. we should head back now."
carl sighs. "...okay."
you felt like shit.
the entire walk back, carl was extremely cautious of any walkers, hoping there wouldn't be another close call on the way.
"...i love you, carl. don't ever forget that." you said, you voice low and slightly shaken.
"i love you, too. are you okay?" he was surprised at your sudden comment, which proved to have made him a bit anxious.
"yeah, yeah. i just wanted to say i love you." you smiled quickly at him before looking back down at your feet as you continued walking. you could feel your ankle that you twisted earlier was pulsating, and you could feel the bite beginning to eat away at your body, but you tried your best to keep your composure. you wanted your final day with carl to be normal.
you guys got arrived at alexandria and you walked into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind you. you stared at yourself in the mirror, taking in everything that had just happened. you removed your jacket and lifted up your shirt to reveal the bite, which was still leaking with blood. you couldn't take your eyes off of it. you shook your head while tears began falling from your eyes, processing this whole situation.
"fuck." you let out a breathy laugh before taking your shirt completely off.
you grabbed some of the medical supplies from behind the mirror and put it over the bite so it wouldn't bleed through new clothes. you grabbed a clean shirt from the laundry basket behind you and put it on.
you wiped the tears from your eyes, cleaning up your appearance a bit more before exiting the bathroom.
"there you are. how're you doing?" carl sat up from the couch and walked over to you.
"oh, i'm doing fine." you smiled up at him, interlocking his hands with yours. "hey, do you know where that camera is?"
"camera?" his eyebrow raised as he tilted his head with curiosity.
"yeah, remember? the camera? i used to always use it to take photos of you and judith." you reminded him with a laugh.
"oh, the camera!" he joined the laugh. "it's in my room, i'll go get it." he began walking in the direction of his room swiftly, coming back with the camera in hand shortly after.
"thank you." you took the camera from his hands, quickly pointing it up and taking a photo of him.
"ah, hey!" he chuckled, covering part of his face.
you grabbed the photo from the camera before pulling him into a tight hug.
"hey.. wheres judith?" you inquired, your head buried in his neck.
"she's up in her room, why?"
"we should hangout with her." you broke from the hug with a smile, putting the camera into your bag before heading into the direction of her room, carl following shortly behind you.
you walked into her room and picked her up from her crib. "hey, jude." you spoke in a soft voice, holding her gently in your arms. carl smiled at your actions. he's always had a soft spot for you and judith.
you began walking outside with judith in your arms and carl following by your side. you sit down on the steps of the porch, setting judith down in between you and carl. you dig into your bag and pull the camera out again, holding it up and taking a picture of the three of you.
you take the photo from the camera, moving it down to judith so she can see. as carl looked down at the photo that was forming, he notices how shaky your hands are.
"hey, your hands are shaking.." he points out, putting his hand over yours.
"oh, hah.. i'm okay. i don't know why i'm shaking so bad." you shrugged it off nervously, setting the photo in your bag along with the camera.
"..okay." carl nervously responded, nodding his head slowly.
"hey, carl?"
"do you remember before all of this when you came over to help decorate my room and my mom let us dip our hands in paint and put it above my bed?" you reminisced on the moment.
"oh, yeah, i remember!" carls nervous expression turned into a smile. "i remember asking my mom when i got home if she would let me do that. we never got the chance to."
"...why don't we do it now?" you asked, smiling back at him.
"do we have paint?"
you looked around and spotted some blue paint on the side of the porch. "there!" you pointed to it before grabbing it, setting it right next to you. "we could put the handprints right here on the porch."
you dipped the palm of your hand in the paint, setting it down on the porch. carl did the same after, except on the opposite hand of yours.
"hey, isn't blue your favorite color?" you asked carl, noticing him getting more excited about the paint after you found the blue paint.
he nodded, lifting his now blue paint-stained hand off of the porch.
the two of you faced judith, then each other. you carefully grabbed both of judiths hands and dipped her palms in the paint, setting them to the side of yours and carls prints.
the three of you giggled happily, smiling at each other.
"now this porch is ours." you proudly stated, glancing at the handprints drying into the porch. "let's go get our hands washed."
you carefully picked judith up with your non-paint stained hand and brought her to the bathroom to wash her hands.
it was the next day. it felt fairly peaceful- well, besides your body weakening. you knew that you were getting closer to your limit. carl was in the other room resting. you found a pile of envelopes and paper, and proceeded to write. your first note, of course, was to carl. after that, you wrote to michonne, rick, daryl, maggie, then judith. sure, she couldn't read, but for when she's older. you had also found some jewelry beads and string. when you and carl were younger, the two of you had friendship bracelets. his was blue, which had always been his favorite color, and yours was purple. you decided to recreate it for him to remember you by.
once you were finished, you put them on your wrists, covering them with your sleeves.
it was now night, and negan had came to alexandria. a feedback was played on the intercom before negan spoke into it. we was speaking about apologies, and whoever gave the lamest one would be killed. you all were given three minutes to open the gate for them. you felt your fever begin coming in, your body temperature quickly rising.
"come on." carl whispered, nudging you in the shoulder to snap you out of your daze, doing the same with michonne. "y/n, michonne! come on!"
"you guys go. i'll deal with them, okay?" you told him, to which he instantly shook his head disapproving.
"no, you're coming with. it's not something we're discussing-"
"go." your voice turned stern. "i'll be fine. they won't get me. i'll distract them and give you more time to get everyone to the sewer. then come back to the watchtower."
carl looked like he was about to say something, but you cut him off with a kiss. as you pulled away, you smiled at him reassuringly. "trust me."
carl furrowed his brows before looking up at you and nodding, nudging michonne to lead her away.
you began walking up the ladder to the watch tower, hearing negan give final warnings to rick despite him not being there.
you stood up on the watch tower. "rick isn't here."
"oh, shit!" negan said in his annoyingly enthusiastic tone. "everyone, everyone, hold your fire... it's y/n. look at you. answering the door just for him. sucks that he's gonna come home to a big smoky surprise."
"there's families in there. theres kids, carls baby sister." you crossed your arms, looking down at him.
"well, that shit just breaks my heart." negan said pathetically. "there's kids at the sanctuary. even had a baby at one of the outposts. i wonder what happened to her."
you stayed silent, angrily glaring at him.
"none of this shit's fair, kid. carl knows that."
"don't." your voice turned stern.
"he had to kill his own mom. that is screwed up." negan bringing up lori and her death filled you with rage. god, you wanted to get rid of negan right then and there. but you were smarter than that.
you took a deep breath. "bad stuff happens, but we can figure this out. we... we can stop this."
"rick had it that i died, no matter what." he reminded angrily. "he gave my people a choice, not me. now we're gonna need a new understanding. apologies, punish-"
"kill me."
"if you have to kill anybody, if there has to be a punishment, kill me. just me. serious."
"you want to die, girl?" he scoffed, raising an eyebrow at you.
"no... no, i don't. but i'll die if it means everyone here lives." you averted your eyes, looking down and noticing carl standing by the ladder waiting for you. "if.. if all of this ends, or makes things different because i die? it'll be worth it. i mean, was this your plan? is this really who you wanted to be?"
negan looks away, which gives you an opportunity to get down the watchtower and back to carl. you try and get down the ladder as quick as possible, but you trip at the last step.
luckily, carl was there to catch you. "shit, you're sweating bullets. are you okay-"
"nevermind that, we have to go!"
you and carl ran around alexandria, throwing the smoke bombs around as negan and the saviors begin launching their grenades into the homes.
as you guys are running around, you begin getting dizzy and your body heat is increasing.
you walk up onto the porch of one of the houses, laying the back of your head on the front door as you catch your breath. you wipe the sweat off of your head, breathing heavily.
carl walks up to you, throwing a smoke bomb behind him. "what's the matter with you?"
you shook your head. "nothing, nothing. i'm fine. just.."
you and carl come to a halt at the sound of a bomb hissing behind you. you turn around to face the house and just before the bomb blows, carl grabs you by your hand and tugs you towards him, stepping back away from the house.
as your body presses up against him, he notices your body temperature at a high. "jesus, you're burning up. here, the sewer is right here."
he lifts up the sewer cover and begins crawling down, signaling for you to follow after him. you walk over and step onto the ladder, pulling the sewer cover back over to cover you guys.
as you get to the bottom, you turn around and see everyone, safe. you start breaking down, covering your mouth as you sob.
“y/n? whats wrong? its done, were safe, everyone is safe.” carl says with confusion and panic in his tone as you stay silent. "...please, say something. you're scaring me."
“…im sorry carl. im so sorry.” carl raises an eyebrow.
you lift up the side of your shirt, revealing her bite to everyone.
carl stares at you, his eye becoming glossy and his brows furrowing together as his breaths deepen. he shakes his head. “no.. stop.” he turns around with his hands behind his head, shaking.
“it happened when we i was trampled by the walkers.” you admitted.
“why… why didnt you tell me then..? you told me you were fine!” his voice was wobbly as he tried calming down.
“because i didnt want my last day to be spent with you worrying. i wanted your genuine happiness, not you masking your emotions because you knew it would be the… the final time.” your voice cracked as you spoke.
carl stayed silent, understanding, but still denying the whole situation. “i cant- no-“ he began to cry, running up to you and hugging you tightly. one of his hands laid behind your head and the other along your waist. “you can’t leave me. not- not like this, please.”
“i’m sorry. you’re gonna be okay, carl. you… you’re strong. stronger than anyone i’ve ever met before.”
you broke from the hug and began taking the bracelet off of your wrist, handing it to him. “here, take it.” carl wiped away the tears flowing from his eye before reaching his shaking hand out to the bracelet, taking it from your hands and putting it over his wrist.
"it's.. blue." he remembered the conversation you two had the previous day about his favorite color.
"yep. just for you." you chuckled, rolling your sleeve down and holding up your wrist to reveal the bracelet you made to match his. "we always wanted matching friendship bracelets, remember?"
you moved your hands up to the sides of his face, smiling widely at him with tears in your eyes. “you’re gonna be okay…you’re gonna be okay.”
before carl could say anything, you let out a loud wince as a pain shot through your side. carl quickly grabs you, stabilizing you.
"do.." he sniffles. "do you need to sit down?"
you nodded and carl helped you down on the ground. he held your hand tightly, pulling it up to his face.
"i can't..." he cried.
"i know, i know." you brought up your free hand to move his hair out of his face, moving his head to face you. "you're so sweet. i'm so.. so glad that i got to spend my whole life with you. i'm sorry you couldn't spend yours with me."
he shook his head in shock. the sewer cover opened, and rick and michonne stepped down, noticing carl resting his head on your hand and your beaten up and dying frame sitting on the ground.
"y/n?" michonne called out, her eyes widening at the sight of you.
you glanced over to her with a saddened smile. you brought your free hand to lift up your shirt again to re-reveal your infecting bite. rick walked over and put a hand on his sons back, staring at you somberly.
"...i got bit." you sighed, a tear falling from your eyes. "me and carl, we were bringing someone back. his name is siddiq. he was the guy you saw at the gas station before."
rick shakes his head, covering his mouth. michonne steps closer to you with tears in her eyes. she had always been such a supportive person for you and carl, especially since lori had passed. "it wasn't the saviors, it wasn't anyone. i just.. i got bit."
"the saviors are gone. we can get everyone to the hilltop. we can get y/n to the hilltop!" carl argued, squeezing your hand tightly.
rick sighs. "she wont-"
"daryl can get one of the cars."
"y/n can't leave here." rick sternly says. "she doesn't have enough time."
"...i have to stay with her." carl shakes his head, looking down at you.
"if she can't go, then i'm staying with her." he repeats, a tear falling from his eye.
"..can you take judith?" rick asks daryl.
daryl nods, picking her up. "yeah. i'll get her there. i'll keep her safe."
"let me say goodbye." you weakly ask.
daryl sets her down near you, and she begins walking towards you.
you weakly smile at judith. "i already know you're gonna be incredible. you entered this world at a bad time, but that will only make you stronger. you're gonna grow up, make friends, find someone you love.. you'll live." you look down at the ground with a smile. "just like your mom said to carl, you're gonna beat this world. you and carl."
judith begins whining, and thats when daryl picks her up again.
"goodbye, judith." you wave. "goodbye, daryl."
after stating your goodbyes to a couple people, you felt yourself beginning your end.
"i don't.. i don't know how much longer i have left." you held carls hand tighter. "i don't want to die in here."
"here." carl wraps your arm around his neck.
carl and rick helped you to the house across the way, setting you down carefully inside.
"th-thank you." you coughed. "i.. i have one more thing for you, carl."
"what? what is it?" he kneeled down next to you.
"it hurts to move, it's in my front pocket. please grab it."
he reaches in hand into your pocket and pulls out the envelop. "this?"
you nod. "open it."
he opens the envelop and reads whats inside.
'carl, you have always been there for me, ever since the beginning. after losing my family, you helped me. you, rick, and lori all helped me. i never thought that it would end this way, and i'm sorry i put you through this pain. i'm glad i met you. i'm glad you ended up being the one. i wouldn't have traded you for anyone else. thank you, and i love you. through life and death. - y/n.'
tears began flowing out of his eye yet again. he brought up a hand to cover his mouth.
"we grew up too fast. but we grew up together. i'm forever grateful for you, carl grimes." you laughed, holding his hand. "i love you."
"i- i love you, too." his voice cracked. "everything i did was for you, y/n. every single thing."
"that doesn't have to change. you have to be there for judith now, too. she needs her brother." you moved your hand up to his face. you felt your fever start to set in, and your brain felt like it was shaking alongside the rest of your body. "...it's time, carl."
"do you want me to.. to do it?" he put his hand to the gun that was holstered on his side.
"i can't do it myself. i can't move." you cried with a smile still laying across your face. "i'm sorry."
"it's okay." he took out his gun and moved his free hand to the side of your face.
"can i have one last kiss?" you chuckled. he nodded and leaned in, kissing you. you closed your eyes and felt the metal go to the side of your head.
and then the pain all went away.
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rheearchives · 4 months
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✧ *requests are closed! I can write for twd, tvd, tmr, obx, cm, thg, hp, marauders, teen wolf, marvel, dc ect! ⋆ . ୨୧˚
✧ i will not write non con/rape, incest, smut or anything related! please do not request if requests are not open, your request will be deleted.
✧ dni: racists, homophobes, cegan shippers and any toxic or rude behavior will not be tolerated!!
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rheearchives · 4 months
kay bye i was so confuzzled bc why did you spawn in another acc on insta and you COMMENTED ON MY EDIT…. “I GOT ME PHONE TAKEN AWAY IM ON ME BROTHER’S ACC”
MISSED YOU TO TIENENEN!! im literally billy bouncing i just spawned on my brothers account EHEHEH 🤫😈💥
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rheearchives · 4 months
i LOAVAVA new theme sefina 😈 berry happy u got ur phone back it’s been like fifty years..
its been three days…BUT ANYWAY THANKS BOOKAYAYA 😈😈 im literally hip hip hooraying i missed my phone😓😓
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rheearchives · 4 months
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✧ hai my name is SEFINA!! ✦ no. 1 Jhene Aiko lover. dylan o’briens gf PUERTO RICAN + SAMOAN dystopian, true crime, romcom, coming of age, and horror <3
fandoms im in <3
✧ tvd, thg, tmr, teen wolf, cm, avatar the last airbender, twd, pjo, hp, obx, omb, marauders and alot more !!
music i listen to
✧ beabadoobee, jhene, pnd, clairo, mac demarco, summer, daniel, laufey, HER, nbhd, eslabon, lana, tv girl, kali, adturnup, brent, sza, cas, faye, steve lacy, any rnb n blxst
random things i love/hobbies!
✧ photography, cats, bunnies, the beach, figure skating, psychology, hand made gifts, art, dance, baking, reading n writing (hehe)
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rheearchives · 4 months
LONELY ⋆。°✩ carl grimes x reader .ᐟ WORD COUNT .ᐟ ⭑ 1061 ꩜ .ᐟ WARNINGS ⭑ angst to fluff, swearing, depressed/traumatized reader, reader is glenn and maggies adoptive child, intended lowercase, the walking dead 7x1 spoilers, death mentions, lack of eating, suicidal thoughts, use of y/n .ᐟ A/N .ᐟ ⭑ hi! this is my first time writing and posting anything on tumblr so im sorry if its not the best </3 ive never really done oneshots before either so i dont really know what im doing LMAO hope you still enjoy!
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it was supposed to be an easy run. get maggie to the hilltop and get her help, that's all it was supposed to be. but, of course, nothing could ever be that easy. not for you. the last thing you expected to see, however, was your father-figure getting his skull beaten in, and almost having to witness your boyfriend getting his arm chopped off. you were distressed. you couldn't function properly. you had already lost your family once before at the beginning of the outbreak, and all of those same feelings came back after losing glenn. he had been there for you since the start, saving you from dying with your family. and now he was gone and there was nothing you could do.
you had fallen into a deep depression, similar to the one you had before. you locked yourself in your room, not eating, not drinking, occasionally getting up to use the restroom, but other than that, you were bedridden. you hadn't even changed your clothes from that night. the clothes that were stained in glenns blood. hell, even his blood remained dried across your face. you felt as lonely as ever, but at the same time, you knew you weren't. because every single day you heard knocks at your door. it was carl.
"y/n, please. just open the door. i can help you." he desperately spoke from the other side of the door.
you felt like shit for making him continue to come to your door everyday just for you to stubbornly remain in your room, but it felt like nothing mattered anyways. eventually, he'd give up, right? that's what you thought. "go away." you mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. "just open the door. please." he begged again. he understood your struggles. he was aware of why you were acting this way, and he couldn't blame you. he knew how it felt to lose family members and people close to him. unfortunately enough for him, you stayed where you were, not opening the door for him yet again. but after almost a week had passed, he began getting more worried. he begged at your door for you to open it, he tried opening it himself but you had locked the door, blocking it as well so no one could enter. you didn't care. you were isolating yourself, barely sleeping. the only times you slept were when you cried so hard you fell asleep. you felt miserable. you were giving up on everything, hoping one day it'd all just end and you wouldn't have to worry anymore. you wouldn't have to worry about anyone else dying, because you'd be with them. no more funerals, no more fighting for your life... you laid awake on your bed, tears silently falling from your eyes as you stared blankly at your ceiling, those terrible thoughts swirling through your brain. but this night was different. you had opened your window, which carl took as the perfect opportunity. he was tired of not being able to help you due to your stubbornness, so he decided to crawl through your window. *thump!*
you quickly jolted up at the sound, staring at carl who was slowly sitting back up after not-so-gracefully falling into your room. he grabbed his hat and placed it back on top of his head before looking over at you. you stared at him with tears glazing over your eyes, your face scrunching up as you brought a hand to your mouth. "i..." you were speechless. your emotions got the better of you and you began sobbing. he quickly walked over to you, cupping your face with his hands as he looked down at you sympathetically. "don't cry..." he softly spoke, but his eyes quickly noticed the dried blood that was still on your face. "y/n..." "i-i'm s.. sorry." you sobbed, averting your eyes as you crossed your arms around your waist. he shook his head as he softly acknowledged your beat-up appearance, moving your arms from covering your waist as he pulled you in for a big hug. "don't be sorry."
you quickly returned the hug, squeezing him tightly as you sobbed into his chest. he broke from the hug, looking back down at you and your bloodstained clothes. "let's go get you cleaned up, yeah?"
you silently nodded. he helped you stand up and you almost fell over, but he quickly caught you. "...let's get you something to eat, too." ... the two of your were now in the bathroom. he helped you sit down on the seat of the toilet before grabbing a rag, getting it wet before walking back over to you. "this is gonna be really cold." he smiled warmly, slowly bringing the rag up to your face and wiping the blood off. you flinched slightly at the touch. as he's cleaning your face, his face turns a bit perplexed. "why... why didn't you open the door?"
you avert your eyes to the ground as you begin messing with your hands. "i just wanted to be alone, i don't know." carl looks at you with a bit of a somber gaze before continuing to clean you up. "i'm sorry for breaking in. i was worried about you. just... please, don't do that again. if you ever need help, i'm here. you know that, right?" "i know..." you looked up at him. "i didn't want you to see me like this. i..." you began tearing up again as you spoke. he quickly sets the rag down and puts both his hands on your cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe away your tears. "i know, i know. it's okay." shortly after, he pulled you in for a quick kiss, his hands remaining on your face as he pulled away. he uses one of his hands to wipe away the stray strands of hair over your face, tucking them behind your ear. "you're so pretty. you know that, right?" he smiled warmly. "i love you." you laughed with a smile, a tear rolling down your cheek. "i love you, too." "let's go get you some new clothes, okay? and some food. i'll make you whatever you want." carl asks, grabbing both your hands. you nod, standing up in sync with him as you followed him back to the room. god, you were so lucky to have him. ─────────────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────────────────
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rheearchives · 4 months
lab this sm zoe u ate
NERVOUS “you’ve got me nervous to speak.” carl grimes x fem!reader
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tags: angst to fluff, use of y/n, cussing
a/n: back from the dead!! sorta based on nervous by the nbhd, and there’s also a little tsitp steven and taylor action that i used for inspiration. lyrics r in bold + italics or in between paras. enjoy lovelies!!
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the bond between you and carl was truly inseparable. you two had been through it all together, and never once had either of you thought about ending it all.
that was until now.
god, you don’t know how you found yourself in this situation. he’s just a friend. he’s always been just a friend. that’s what you believed, and that’s what you always told people. 
so how come, all of a sudden, he started becoming more than that? how come, out of the blue, you started getting butterflies at his gaze? it was an unfamiliar feeling, and you didn’t like it. you didn’t like it at all. 
you didn’t wanna do anything to jeopardize your beloved friendship, especially over something so dumb. you weren’t gonna lose everything all because of a stupid crush. so, after ages of decision making, you finally set your mind on a reasonable solution.
should i be quiet?
you were just gonna take some time to yourself. you were gonna stop talking to him for a bit. that’s all you needed, just some space. it couldn’t be that hard to lose feelings. besides, he would understand, right?
he in fact did not understand. “wanna come over? i just finished reading that comic you wanted.” he said, a grin plastered onto his face. “not today.” you quickly shut him down, and you could see the happiness on his face slowly fade away.
“oh, that’s fine. tomorrow?” you felt so bad. you really did wanna hang out with him, but you had to push away these feelings first. “i just need some time to myself for a while.”
your felt your heart pang when you looked at his expression. he gave you a slight smile, attempting to mask his disappointment. but you knew him. you knew him well enough to know he was upset. “yeah, i get it. i’ll see you later y/n.” he said, walking away. all of the energy he had when he approached you was long gone now.
it had been days, weeks even. you hadn’t uttered a word to him. so why wasn’t it working? why did you still long for him? it was so frustrating. 
not to mention, you were a mess. you would often find yourself with your head buried deep within your pillow, sniffling as tears flowed down your cheeks. on top of that, you weren’t getting enough sleep. you just missed carl. 
you figured the best thing you could do for yourself was to just get some fresh air. after all, it was no use trying to fix stuff with carl, you already fucked it all up. 
you took in the breeze, as you fiddled with your fingers. if it was a normal day, you would’ve been happy. you loved the cold, but today it was different. today, it made you feel numb. it made everything worse. 
you tried getting it off your mind. you tried to think about other things, but you couldn’t stop thinking about the look he had on his face the last time you talked to him. his smile was wiped clean off his face, and it was all your fault. 
you started to feel your eyes prick with tears. a single drop slowly traveled down your face, and you quickly wiped it off with your sleeve. 
you just wanted to cry, but you weren’t gonna let yourself do it out in the public. after all, once you started crying, you weren’t gonna stop. so, you turned around and picked up the pace. you were headed back home, where you could be vulnerable. 
your head was faced down, trying to hide your glassy eyes from anyone who could potentially see. “y/n?” you hear someone call out to you. the voice sounded familiar, and you instantly knew who it was without even lifting your head in the slightest. 
it was carl. you had to get away. just pretend you didn’t hear him, you thought to yourself. your footsteps quickened, until you heard his pleading voice once again. 
“just talk to me. please. is it something i said? i’m sorry for whatever i did.” 
“you didn’t do anything. it’s me. it’s all my fucking fault because my stupid self caught feelings for her best friend.” you wanted to say, but you restrained yourself. 
you finally came to a stop, turning around to face him. as soon as you met his gaze, you wanted to cry the hardest you’d ever cried before. 
he slowly stepped closer to you until his taller figure was in close in front of you. “can you please talk to me? you know i won’t get mad. you know i’m listening. so please, just please tell me what’s been bothering you.” he begged, his eyes softening. 
you let out a sigh, still sniffling. “it’s not your fault carl.” you said, your voice barely audible. “then what is it?” he said, keeping his voice at the same, calm volume. 
“i-i like you, and it’s really embarrassing.” you confess. you instantly regret your choice of words when you see a frown start to appear on his face. “i don’t know what i was expecting, but that was really fucking mean.” he says, about to walk away.
“no, carl. it’s embarrassing because of how much i like you.” there it is. that’s what you’ve been holding in. it felt weird hearing the words coming out of your mouth. “how is that embarrassing?” he questioned, the tender look started to come back on his face. 
ask me and ill tell you how i’ve been
“i- it’s like i forgot how to act around you. i’m always scared i’m gonna mess up. you’ve got me nervous to speak.”
that was the last thing you managed to get out before he pulled you into his chest for a tight hug. the dam holding your tears back broke.
the wetness stained his shirt, but he didn’t care. he rubbed your back with his arm, soothing you. you missed his embrace, the feeling you would get when you were in his arms felt heavenly.
after a few more seconds of the hug, carl shifted his hands to your shoulders. he softly pushed you back a little bit to get a look at your face.
he reached for your face to wipe any tears. “m’ sorry for ignoring you.” you said, voice soft and quiet. he shook his head, giving you a gentle smile. 
“you’re okay sweet girl, don’t worry about it.” he said. “i-it’s not okay. i ignored you for so long, i just cut you off like that. without a single warning. it was so inconsiderate and i’m really sor-” 
hush, baby, don’t you say another word
“you never shut up do you?” he said, cutting you off mid sentence before he crashed his lips onto yours. your eyes widened, and your movements froze before you slowly adjusted to the kiss. your eyes fluttered closed before you hesitantly tilted your head to get closer.
this was a new experience for the both of you, but it felt like he had years of practice. the way his hands made their way around your body, it sent shivers down your spine.  
after what seemed like an eternity, you both pulled away. the sounds of your mixed heavy breaths filled the air. carl’s hand reached for your face before he wiped your slightly smudged chapstick. 
he then tilted your chin up to meet his gaze. the gesture made the butterflies in your stomach act up more than they ever had in your life. 
i got goosebumps all over me
“next time, just let me know what’s on your mind, yeah?” he asks. “okay.” you say, looking at him with pure admiration. “that’s my girl.” 
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rheearchives · 5 months
my husband !! (real)
i’m “bitches”.
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rheearchives · 5 months
You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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rheearchives · 5 months
i lab finnick odair ZOE U ATE!!! 😋
hiiii i’ll throw my other hat in the ring and give you a thg req!!
angst to comfort fic because why not
but like reader is from district 7 and won the 73rd games, and much like lucy gray, used their wits and charm to win the games. and GOD FORBID SNOWS PAST COMES BACK TO HAUNT HIM they end up in the same room with finnick during the ring, and they grow closer and end up making a bond and falling in love
fast forward to the sewer, and reader sees finnick struggling with the mutts as katniss tries to usher them out of the sewer as reader is screaming and fighting to get back to him and eventually runs straight into the pile, almost dying
anyway they wake up losing an arm, but with finnick asleep at her side 🩶🩶
YOU’RE OKAY “look at me, you’re okay.” finnick odair x fem!reader
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tags: blood, swearing, htc, violence, use of y/n
a/n: hii pooksters, i have retuned from the dead w/ my first thg fic!! req from my bae gracie, i changed up the losing the arm part because i didn’t really know if i could write it well, so im super sorry for that :( i don’t know how i feel ab this one, but i hope you enjoy!!
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god, how you hated the hunger games. you weren’t expecting to be back, but here you were. 
when you had won the 73rd hunger games, you thought that was the end. you thought you could just return to your district, and forget all about the mortifying experience. 
but you were wrong. so wrong. all of that work, all of the trauma? useless. all of your efforts just didn’t matter. your charm and cleverness played a huge role in helping you to win the games. you thought you were smart, but you werent. you were stupid to think the capitol would leave you alone.
they would never ever leave you alone. they couldn’t give you a fucking break. here they were, trying to kill you, again.
them being them, they tried to make it different this time. they decided to make everyone room with tributes from different districts. 
you knew they wanted to cause stuff between everyone. but you weren’t gonna let them get what they want. you told yourself you were just gonna have to deal with whoever you got. 
to your luck, you were paired up with the “golden boy.” finnick odair, in the flesh. hooray. 
you thought it would suck. back in the hunger games once again, and rooming with this guy? it seemed like hell. that was until you started to get to know him better.
finnick was surprisingly sweet. really sweet. he was also funny. and you couldn’t deny it, he was really attractive. “what are you looking at?” you said, noticing how his gaze was directed towards your lips.
“nothing, your smile is just really pretty.” he replied. you felt your cheeks start to heat up. “what, cat got your tongue?” he taunted, a smirk forming on his face. “you wish. goodnight finnick.” you said, trying to hide the fact that you were flustered. 
little did you know, you and him would form quite a complex relationship.
“you win.” he said, while you two were perched in front of a tree, the leaves rustling with every slight movement. both of your partners had died by now. it was just katniss, peeta, you, and him in a truce. 
you brought your head up and looked at him. you two locked eyes before you opened your mouth to speak, “huh?” what was he talking about? “you win.” “i win what?” 
“my heart.” 
that’s all it took. that’s all it took for you to realize how much you really liked him. you can guess what happened after that. that’s right, you and finnick started dating during the games. 
from that moment on, you two swore to never let anything happen to the other. you both cared about each other too much to let that happen.
so when you were all fighting for your fucking life in that stupid tunnel, you were just trying to get back to finnick. katniss was trying her hardest to get you out, but you weren’t leaving until you knew finnick was okay. 
“y/n, you need to go now!” she yelled, holding you back, trying to help finnick herself. she prioritized everyone over herself, which was something you admired about her. but you needed to get him. 
“FINNICK!” you screamed, your voice echoing throughout the tunnel as you finally escaped from her grasp. you ran toward the pile of mutts, plunging your knife into one. “you shouldn’t be here!” finnick yelled, his voice strained with worry.
you ignored his pleading, continuing to fight with all your strength. as you clashed with the horrid creatures in the dimly lit tunnel, you felt fear and adrenaline pump into you. you thought it was going okay, until you felt a tug at your ankle.
“Y/N!” is all you heard before you were pulled down into the water by a mutt. you tried to fight back, but it was no use. suddenly, you felt sharp teeth sink into your stomach. 
it was a type of pain you hadn’t experienced in a long, long time. in a matter of seconds, finnick was at your side, fighting off the mutt which leaned on top of you. he was livid. 
you clutched your side, breathing heavily as a mixture of water and blood dripped down your body. finnick quickly took you into his arms, and eyed your protruding wound. he then reached out his hands to cradle your face. 
“you’re gonna be fine baby, i promise won’t let anything happen to you. jus- just stay awake.” he said, trying to keep his voice from trembling as he tried his best to hurry to the ladder where everyone else was, you still engulfed in his arms. 
“i-i can’t. i don’t think m’ gonna make it.” you struggle to get out, tears starting to stream down your face. he wasn’t gonna let this happen. “hey, look at me.” he said, trying to reassure you that you were going to be alright.
“look at me, you’re okay.” 
that was all you could remember. everything else was a blur after that. you can remember faint yelling, but you can’t quite decipher what was being said. 
you woke up beside finnick. he had his arm wrapped around your body, and your faces were inches apart. your wound was all patched up, but it was still painful. hey, look on the bright side though. finnick had kept his promise. he made sure things got better. 
you were okay. 
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rheearchives · 5 months
hey yall i'm just here to remind you thomas betrayed WCKD and decided to send himself into a maze he knew he could not survive in for newt because he wanted to save newt — be there for him, so he won't feel so alone and bad in that place and so another suicide attempt doesn't happen — after seeing newt trying to kill himself. “i'm coming for you, newt.” NEVER forget that.
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