#seffys about me!
notahungryjoke · 6 months
Captain Domi interview
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I: "How are you, what do you think about the match? Another win with a clean sheet, and another goal for you."
D: " The most important thing for me is the win with a clean sheet, me scoring a goal is secondary. I'm not at all satisfied with the first half, but I doubt anyone is, which is good, at least, we can learn from it. We reacted well however in the second half."
I: "What was the problem in the first half?"
D: "Only if I know... I don't know what happened. We made the same mistakes that we have previously discussed and promised to avoid. It was just one of those days."
I: "What can you tell us about your goal?"
D: "Uhm, funny story, because after we were done with the celebration, Lacika (nickname for Kleinheisler) told me that the only reason he lost the ball was so I could score a goal, thanks, I guess? *laughs* No, Lacika lost the ball, it happens, we reacted well, got the ball back. I saw Seffi (his nickname for Schäfer) on the wing, then I think it was Barni (nickname for Varga) who made the run [to distract the defenders], and then with some luck, but I managed to get [the ball] in."
I: "How satisfied were you that essentially it was the defenders who made the second goal happen?"
D: "We need everyone in equal measure, all eleven of us. The goalkeeper to do his magic, the defenders to do their longballs, the midfielders to keep the ball and pass to the forwards. Or in this case, a defender and a left back. Finally, even Lang used his brains, even for a defender. *laughs* (This is some kind of inside joke between them that the defenders have no brains lol)
We go match by match. We still have a lot of improvement to make, however the most important thing in my opinion is that our team is close, we are one. Everyone fights for everyone. We all have each other's back, [most importantly] if someone is going through it. It doesn't matter who is who, we are one team, and we play and fight as a team."
I: " This is your 14th unbeaten match in a row. How long do you think you can keep going and what does this mean to you?"
D: " *smiles* Only I know the answer to that... Yeah, 14 games, but as I said we go match by match. I'm glad for this streak, obviously. Even the boss [the manager] said let's keep carrying on until we can. Besides, we are at that point now, that we not only want to remain unbeaten, but we want to win every game. This is how I see it, and I'm sure the rest of the guys see it the same.``
His reaction on the stadium chanting his name: 
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D: " I heard it, and I thanked them for it. If you saw me doing that, yeah, that was for them. (He sent kisses to the crowd) I'm thankful, I felt goosebumps all over my body. I hope it can happen again. "
About having to do a lot of defensive work, dropping back deep, playing as a right back.
D: "It's not really about playing as a defender, more like being everywhere, where I'm needed. Still, I hope I won't have to become a right back. *smiles* But if the manager puts me there, then that's where I will play.
About Séfi's assist:
D: "It was perfect. He carried the ball nicely, and we discussed it previously what we should sometimes do in situations like this [...]. It worked out well."
About his free-kicks:
D: " Sometimes they go in, sometimes they don't. They haven't for some time now, but surely I will have one in the net soon enough."
I: "There are still a lot of challenges waiting for you. How are you managing that, with the Euros coming up soon too?"
D: " It's not easy. I will go back to my club, like everyone else. We have a lot of matches, I will try to do my best at each one. Hopefully I can get called up for the nt if I play well enough. *smiles* That's it.  
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Gil: Where’s Tarvek?
Seffie: Don’t worry about Tarvek.
Gil: Oh, I’m sorry. Have you met me?
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phoenixyfriend · 5 months
Masterlist: Girl Genius
Navigation Post
Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists.
This is still very incomplete, but it’s a start!
Most fictional empires are bad! Then there’s the Pax Wulfenbachia
Modern AU: Castle Heterodyne rented out for murder mystery theater
Blogger Meme
Modern Uni AU
GG OT3 Ship Meme
Ask Meme - OT3 as criminals and the detective hunting them
GG Omegaverse AU
The appeal of GG Fandom is the acceptance of loving absolutely horrible people
Gil/Agatha fake dating in the circus
Agatha and rib symbolism
Tarvek being really into forcefem smut as a prelude to Being Trans
Tarvek getting girly clothes with the excuse of ‘my girlfriend dared me’
Anevka Headcanon meme
Otharnevka Ship Meme
Someone asked me about Otharnevka and I am here
Baby Outlaw - vigilante Anevka fic concept
That time I tried to propaganda for Anevka to win a gaslight gatekeep girlboss tournament
Colette/Seffie - “Boom Goes the Dynamite”
Colette/Seffie - shipping meme
Tossing an apple labeled "to the most problematic" and it ends up with: [poll]
Tossing an apple labeled "to the least problematic" and it ends up with: [poll]
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Here’s the promised Seffie meta—I wrote this after chapter 9 of Improbable Fiction, expanding on her queerness, relationship to Colette, and how she foils Gil. All under the cut!
So, in Improbable Fiction, Seffie’s queerness has been purposefully left ambiguous, and I would so dearly love to talk about why—some of this I was aware of when I was writing, and some of it is me finally putting words to my gut feelings. The main reason is this: when it comes to Seffie’s feelings for Gil, it doesn’t matter if she’s bisexual or a repressed lesbian or some other flavor of queer. It’s not relevant, because whatever the case is, her feelings still matter. Whether she’s experiencing romantic attraction or compulsory attraction, at the end of the day she deserves to have her experiences and feelings validated. Seffie has so often been treated as a pawn as a matter of course in her family. She’s so often been dictated to or groomed for certain positions or she’s just had it assumed what she feels or means or thinks that it almost felt… like I would just be going against the themes of her arc to say “well she’s a lesbian so these feelings weren’t REALLY a crush” or “she’s bisexual and her feelings for Gil are more valid because she CAN be attracted to men” or whatever because it doesn’t MATTER. what Seffie needs is to be listened to! Not interpreted by me to the readers, just Seffie laid bare, all confusion and hurt and righteous fury.
And it’s also why, while the ending of chapter 9 is very much intended to show that Colette and Seffie are In Lesbians, I firmly believe they didn’t actually kiss or officially get together or anything. It’s not the right TIME. if Colette were to confess to Seffie at a time like this, it would just show that they can’t be together because Colette doesn’t understand or respect Seffie—which she DOES. Seffie is coming off the high of her first love, true or not, and the heartbreak afterwards.
Gil has spent this entire time dismissing Seffie’s feelings. Part of that is just that it’s in his nature to be a little dismissive of other peoples feelings and bulldoze over them and focus on himself, but part of it is also that he thinks first of Seffie as Colette’s Love Interest, and thus He Can’t Be The One She Ends Up With. If Gil considers Seffie seriously and actually fully acknowledges that she has feelings that deserve to be validated if not reciprocated, then he’s going to have to run headfirst into the terrifying fact that he… doesn’t like her. And like sure yeah he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings so that’s a factor but it’s mostly that he’d have to deal with the fact that he’s incapable of loving her and he… doesn’t know WHY yet. He doesn’t really have the words to explain that he can’t feel those feelings now that he’s started to realize that people are actually serious about that stuff—he’s finally reaching the part of life that every arospec person goes through where it feels like you’re still stuck at thirteen not understanding that people aren’t joking or exaggerating their romantic interest or dating lives. Gil is standing at the edge of a realization and it’s terrifying!
And the thing is! Seffie and Gil are foils! Seffie isn’t that oblivious to Colette’s feelings on accident, she’s subconsciously ignoring them because then she’ll have to deal with how that makes her feel! Gil is acting the same way towards Seffie! And it’s why, at the end of the chapter, Seffie CAN’T reciprocate right away! The end of the chapter scene is about her finally acknowledging Colette’s feelings and her own suppressed ones, finally reaching an internal breaking point for herself and letting go of Gil and the willful ignorance! They’re on even footing now, and Seffie can finally have the space to start figuring herself out and figuring out how she feels separate from family pressure. Paris is very much a coming of age college story—nothing is going how anyone expected, everyone is trying to figure out where they stand and what they feel, and absolutely no one is getting enough sleep or making good decisions. Seffie isn’t done with her internal journey, she’s just at the START! She’s finally facing everything terrifying and raw in her heart and she can do that because she trusts Colette to listen to her and catch her when she falls. Colette sees her and knows her—not because they’re predestined true love, but because Colette looks and tries. Seffie is finally looking up and realizing that she’s had someone on her side this whole time.
They understand where they stand with each other, now, even without voicing it. Seffie is able to take that internal step because of that trust she has in Colette. They value each other enough to not ruin their friendship in the attempt at romance, to be careful with each other in moments of vulnerability. And that’s terrifying, for Seffie especially. But that’s not going to stop them from trying, and exploring this new facet of their relationship.
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stormoflina · 6 months
Heyyy, can you translate a little bit of Domis post-match interview? (If it's not too long of course)
Hii! Sure thing. Did you mean this one?
I: "Dominik, you had to come back a lot to the defensive line. How much of this was pre-planned, conscious, or was it perhaps based on your in the moment feeling during the match?"
D: "It was my feeling [my choice], I wanted to be a part of the game. Perhaps I was a bit too deep... It was a bit pre-planned, a bit not, we will look back on the footage to see if I did well or not."
I: "During the first half, it looked like you were not satisfied [with the result/how they were playing], or at least that's what your body language suggested."
D: "Then I will try to improve on that."
I: " Are you satisfied with the game?"
D: " It's not my job to say that. I think we have played better games. We were too wasteful in many situations. If we had only stayed calm, we would have been able to outplay them, get the ball into the final third. We will have to pay attention to that, but most important is the final result."
I: "As captain, your unbeaten run [with Hungary] continues, now you are getting closer to the Aranycsapat's [Hungary's best team ever, think Puskás] record of unbeaten matches."
D: " Yeah, we are on it, but we only focus on our own performance. The more we can remain unbeaten, the better. I think this is what we all think.
I: "When you dropped back to play as a right back... it can be said that you did everything to win this game."
D: "If I'm the one who has to do that, then I will do that, no complaining...
I: *interrupts* "Is that your new position?" *laughs*
D: "No. *smiles* But if the captain [manager] puts me there, I will try to do my best there. I will do the dirty work, just like everyone in our team. We are all part of one team, I'm not beyond doing the dirty work [nobody is]. I think all of us did their fair share of work tonight."
I: "Penalty... what was going on in your head?"
D: " I thought about changing up a bit (he always shoots it to the left corner), but then I was like nahh... First, I thought about giving the opportunity to Séfi (he calls him Seffi tho lol), but then I decided otherwise. " *laughs*
I: "You ended up being the only goal scorer in this match." (Séfi's goal was ruled out for being offside.)
D: " Maybe if he [Séfi] hadn't worked out so much during his rehab, his shoulders wouldn't have hung in." *everyone laughing* "Anyways, the final result is the most important, I'm glad that we won!"
Sorry, if there are misspellings or anything, I'm on a roadtrip and did it on my phone.
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donotstealoc · 7 months
Blorbo Spotlight: Trynnt
Howdy gamers! In today's spotlight we have a character from Pip/Pyppyn (he/they) @pyppyn. Go check out their blog!
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Who do we have the pleasure of speaking with today?
Excelsior! I'm Trynnt! That's Explorer or Artificer Trynnt if we're using titles, but I just like my name.
What's your background? Where do you come from?
I'm from a smaller settlement on the Tarnished Coast called Rata Kasus. It's a good way away from Rata Sum but there are just as many krewes and labs at work out there. Fishing too, your regular coastal town. I graduated from the College of Synergetics and apprenticed with a few different krewes before making my own way in the world. These days I live in Lion's Arch with my family!
What are some important relationships in your life? (romantic, platonic, familial, etc)
I'm lucky to have two romantic partners - my wife Seffi and our other partner Welxx. His name may not be on our marriage contract but he's every bit important to us. They both mean the world to me and I'm glad to have made a life with them.
My other closest relationship would have to be my older brother Czoll. He and Seffi always looked out for me when we were little and to this day he's the kindest, most caring person I know. I love 'ya, big guy.
I have some great friends as well! i could talk to Zexx for hours about jewelcraft and chronomancy and the same goes for Neffh's understanding of the magitechnical use of necromancy. It's been a delight to work and learn with them and I'll always enjoy the time we spend together. True geniuses and great people, both of them.
This ah- this list would get really long if I kept going, so I'll move on!
Have you done anything you'd like to brag about?
You're giving an Asura an opportunity to brag? You're either very brave or very foolish and will regret this by the time I'm done!
I'm an elementalist - a weaver specifically - and I've always been fascinated by the way different kinds of magic interact. It all exists in a kind of balance across a broad spectrum. Not just the four elements, but everything! It's always changing, working in harmony at one point or total dissonance at another. That kind of ordered chaos got me thinking.
I'm also an artificer - an inventor. I make machines and technologies that I hope to use to better the world around us. Tyria's changed a lot in the past decade, and now more than ever is it important that we rebuild and we've been given an amazing opportunity to do that thanks to Aurene and Her unique fusion of different magics that should react violently - but don't!
-ah bolts, I'm rambling. I made a machine that uses prismaticite to alter the state of magic from one input to another! I call it the Prismatic Aetherconverter. Turns out if you cut those crystals in the precise way, you can alter their output of magic. Put that assembly in a channel and feed magic through the whole system, you get a means of shifting its attunement to your exact specifications.
I use this for my other craftwork. It's a great way to speed up enchanting or charging magitech and it's a great source of magic for study in lab environments! I hope to improve its scalability and introduce a number of different form factors in the coming years, make magic more accessible to the masses.
What's your profession? What does a typical day look like for you?
I'm an explorer with the Durmand Priory. I joined almost ten years ago now and my responsibilities there vary from day to day.
If I'm out in the field it probably means I'm part of an expedition or a Pact taskforce looking to discover something or solve a problem. For me that often means I'm a small part of a much bigger team. Excavation, ruins-delving, anomalous materials handling. Everybody's important and everybody's got their role to fill. What we uncover tends to end up in my lab for analysis and adaptation into artifice.
If I'm working back at the Priory proper, I serve a logistics role. Any equipment requests for advanced technology, enchanted items, and specialized tools flow through me and artificers like me - a golem suit for hazardous environments, a camera designed to look into the Mists, or special munitions for use against dragon minions, for instance.
I find the work to be quite fulfilling!
What are some hobbies you enjoy?
I like to collect and restore old technology for starters! Really old - stuff my grandparents would have used. Datapads, audio devices, communicators, golems and golemites, that sort of thing. A lot of it doesn't work but it has a history all the same. We Asura don't have many connections to our past because of the Elder Dragons, so it feels like a way to look back on where we came from.
I play Polymock too. I was never good enough for the pro leagues but what could be more fun than some simulated holographic violence between Tyria's deadliest monsters? There's a card game variant too that makes for good entertainment on longer expeditions.
If all of that wasn't enough, Seffi's good at keeping me active! We swim or go on hikes or head out to Tyria's different mountain ranges for rock climbing. We don't bother with climbing back down though - that's what gliders are for! She calls me a cheater for using earth magic to speed my way up the cliffs, but she sure doesn't complain about more airtime after the fact. The Festival of the Four Winds is the best time for it - tall rocks, strong currents, and the summer sun? Alchemy, that's just perfect.
That's all for today! If you're an UWU guild member and would like to put your character in the spotlight, use this form!
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peculiarbeauty · 9 months
seffie sent me this a while back and i've thought about it since. like, when i am having a rough day i look at this image and remember .......
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banannabethchase · 10 months
A Few Little Love Affairs - also on A03
Mox is overwhelmed: he's the best man in Seth and Roman's wedding with a chaotic toddler. He's due to blow off some steam.
In honor of the anniversary of my first posted wrestling fic, here have a HangMox! It's an outtake from the Mamma Mia AU of something that happened with Mox when Wheeler was a tiny munchkin. It also fills my second to last bingo square, O2! Title from Lay All Your Love On Me by Abba, of course.
Mox is getting ready to check on Seth after a frantic text when he hears the patter of familiar feet running down the hallway of the little apartment he’s rented with Eddie since he was pregnant with Wheeler.
“Daddy, where’s Uncle Seffie?”
Mox turns to see Wheeler peering up at him, brown eyes giant and curious. Eddie, at the very least, got Wheeler out of his pajamas and into clothes presentable enough for the rehearsal dinner in an hour. “Oh, hey, Potato.” He picks Wheeler up and settles him on his hip. “What are you doing out here?”
“Uncle Eddie says he’s having a…” Wheeler pauses and frowns. Mox kisses him on the cheek. “Daddy, what’s a hissy fit?”
Mox rolls his eyes. “Don’t listen to anything Uncle Eddie says,” he tells Wheeler and kisses him on the nose. “And, uh. Well, everything Uncle Sethy does is a hissy fit, basically.”
“It’s being big mad?” Wheeler asks. He snuggles his face into Mox’s shoulder.
“Yeah, exactly,” Mox says, pulling Wheeler in close. He’s glad he’s been working arms lately – the kid is tall for a three year old. “It’s being big mad and extra annoying about it.”
Wheeler sighs, wiggling so Mox is forced to hold him in front of himself.
“Tater tot, I need to go take care of some stuff for Uncle Sethy before dinner,” he says. “You wanna come with or hang out with Eddie?”
“With you,” Wheeler says.
“Please take him with you,” Eddie yells. “I gotta get my ass in a shower.”
Wheeler swings himself to the side. “I go with Daddy,” he says firmly, sounding surprisingly confident for a child who is upside down.
“I can’t carry you like this,” Mox says, laughing. “You want up on my shoulders?”
“Yes, peas!”
“Please,” Mox says. “Add that l in there, kiddo. It’s part of your name.”
“Different l,” Wheeler says as Mox swings him around to sit on his shoulders. “Wheeler l stays, peas l not for Wheelers.”
“I – okay.” Mox chuckles. “Toddler logic is weird.”
“You’re weird.”
“I hate that Eddie taught you that response, but okay.”
They make their way to the elevator, Mox adjusting Wheeler so he doesn’t manage to hit his head on the elevator frame and Wheeler giggles as he points to Mox’s face in the metal reflection, putting his hands over Mox’s eyes and moving them.
“You playing peek-a-boo with yourself?” Mox asks.
“No, Daddy. I playing with you, duh.”
Mox frowns. “Saying ‘duh’ isn’t very nice, Wheels.”
Wheeler goes all big eyed and cute, then drops his head down and hugs Mox’s head, meeting his eyes in the reflection. “Sorry, Dad.”
Mox’s heart does a weird little twist – Wheeler’s called him Dad a few times, and every time it feels more grown up, more adult. “No problem, little man,” he says.
He swings Wheeler down for a moment as they walk through the elevator and toward the door. Wheeler starts playing the drums on his legs as Mox tries to get him into his seatbelt.
“Calm down, Tater,” Mox says. “I don’t want to pinch you.”
Wheeler pauses, his hands in the air. “Daddy, you’re killing my beat.”
Mox snorts. “Eddie teach you to say that?”
Wheeler shakes his head. “Uncle Seth.”
“Course he did.”
When they make their way to the venue, after ten minutes of Wheeler playing the drums to every song that pops up on the radio, and Wheeler decides he wants to be on Mox’s shoulders to walk into the venue. It’s a beautiful farm, with trees lining the area, a barn for the receptions, a small office building and a building that has to be for ceremonies.
“Your Daddy’s never getting married, Tater tot,” Mox says, patting Wheeler’s leg. “Too much work.”
“Okay,” Wheeler says, completing missing the conversation. “Look! Cows!”
When they walk into the barn and through to get to the outside part where the ceremony will be held, Seth is pacing frantically.
“Oh, thank – um.” He pauses, frowning. “Wheeler?”
“He wanted to come with,” Mox says. He reaches up and swings Wheeler down. “Apparently Eddie wasn’t able to keep him under control and take a shower at the same time.”
Wheeler takes that moment to swing upside down and grab Mox’s leg, biting.
“Ow!” Mox says. “Stop that!”
Wheeler giggles and swings back up like it’s nothing.
“You’re still biting, sweet potato?” Seth asks, poking Wheeler in the ribs until he giggles. “I thought you promised you’d stop.”
Wheeler presses his smile into Mox’s chest. “Wasn’t a real bite,” he mutters. “A funny bite! No teeth.”
“Felt like teeth,” Mox mutters. “Anyway. What do you need?”
Seth’s smile immediately drops. “Um.”
“Cold feet?” Mox asks, swinging Wheeler around to his back. “Your mom acting weird? Ro’s mom acting weird?”
“No,” Seth says, pacing. “Yes. I don’t know.” He looks up at Mox. “I should have eloped.”
“Yeah,” Mox says. Wheeler’s begun to climb around him like a little gymnast, and he’s doing his best to stay on his feet without wobbling. “But you want to show off how much you and Roman love each other, right?”
Seth nods. “I do.”
“And,” Mox says, grabbing Wheeler around the waist and holding him up so Seth can see his face, “if you eloped, this tiny maniac wouldn’t be your ring bearer.”
“That’s me!” Wheeler says.
Seth relaxes, beaming and reaching out for Wheeler, letting him snuggle into his shoulder. His hair’s done in a half up bun with the curls perfectly draped down his back, but the rest of him isn’t dressed yet for the rehearsal dinner, so Mox decides it’s safe to let Wheeler hang for a minute.
“You’ll help Uncle Seth if he needs it, right little man?” Seth says, kissing Wheeler’s temple.
“Yeah,” Wheeler says. “Snuggle time? Movie?”
Mox snorts. “Uncle Seth’s a little busy right now, baby.” Wheeler levels him with a giant pout. “Don’t give me that. I’m not saying no because I’m mean, I’m saying no because Seth’s gotta get ready for his special rehearsal dinner.”
Wheeler sighs. “Okay. I guess.” He slides down Seth and then stands on Mox’s feet, dropping his head against Mox’s thigh.
“Are all kids weird or is it just mine?” Mox mutters.
“Oh!” Seth says. “Speaking of weird, the owner of the venue wants you to meet the day of coordinator, Anna,” Seth says. “He’ll be here all night, obviously, but he wants you and Anna to meet before things get started to make sure you know who to talk to.”
Mox fights the urge to make a face. Wheeler grabs at his arm and crawls up his body, clinging to his back.
“Aw, don’t look like that, buddy.” Seth smacks him on the arm. “You and Adam can stay civil for my wedding, or I’ll kill both of you. Simple as that.”
Mox groans. “The fact that you decided to get married in our hometown, on his farm, will never stop being annoying.”
Seth walks Mox from the outdoor reception area to the small office building in the front.
“Hey, Seth, is everything –” Adam’s voice cuts off when he sees Mox. “Oh. Damn.”
“Hi!” Wheeler says, grinning. “I’m Wheeler.”
“Hey, little man,” Adam says, immediately warming. “Are you our ring bearer?”
Wheeler nods and scrambles down Mox’s body. He takes his little legs and walks over to Adam. “I’m Wheeler.”
Adam smiles. “You said that.” He kneels in front of Wheeler and looks up at Mox. “I didn’t know you had a kid.”
Mox shrugs. “You don’t know a lot.”
“You’re lucky your kid is here so I can’t say what I want to say.” He stands, and is about as shocked as Mox is when Wheeler takes his hand. “Rehearsal’s not until another hour. Everything okay?” He looks at Seth. “I didn’t know you were bringing more people here. I would have prepared.”
“I asked him here to help,” Seth says. “I was – nervous.”
“Oh!” Adam says. “Oh, certainly. You let me know what I can do to help.”
Thus begins the longest three hours of Mox’s life. He’s wrangling Wheeler. He’s wrangling Seth. He’s trying not to kill Adam Page, who seems to be giving him death glares at any opportunity. He’s running interference between Seth and his mother, who seems to be insistent on making the wedding her day.
By the time the rehearsal and the dinner is over, Mox is exhausted and Wheeler is whiny and tantruming in his arms.
“I’m sorry, guys,” he says to Roman and Seth. “But we really gotta get back to the house. Wheels is about to go nuclear.”
“This isn’t nuclear?” Seth asks.
“Nuclear is that time we went to the zoo and you dropped his ice cream,” Mox says. Wheeler is weeping into his shoulder. “Be lucky that he didn’t r-u-n off this time.”
Seth winces. “Okay. Fair.” He steps a little closer. “Want a hug?”
“No!” Wheeler yells, tiny fists rubbing at his eyes. Then he bursts into tears again, flailing backward so hard he almost flies out of Mox’s arms.
“And we’re nuclear,” Mox sighs. “Later, guys,” and he takes Wheeler back to the house in the car. Wheeler sobs the whole ten minute ride, incomprehensible but still insistent.
“Please help your nephew calm down,” Mox begs as Wheeler wails his fists on Mox shoulders and pleads for…something. Mox can’t even figure out what he’s asking for at this point.
Eddie stands. “Get over here, tiny man. Stop beating up your father.”
Wheeler stops crying and levels Eddie with a glare. Mox chuckles.
“No,” Wheeler says through a face full of tears, voice shaky. “Want cake.”
“That’s what you’ve been saying!” Mox says. “Oh, my god. Okay. Give me, like, two minutes.” Mox digs through his bags and pulls out the mini cake he’d carefully wrapped when Wheeler had said he didn’t want it at the dinner. “This one, Tater?”
Wheeler’s entire expression changes. “Cake?”
Mox nods. “If you want your cake, you can have it now. And then we’re going to bed.”
Wheeler takes the cake suspiciously, eyeing Mox until he takes a bite. “My cake,” he says.
“Correct,” Eddie says. “Mox, you go to bed. I’ll put the little hellion to bed.”
“Hell a bad word,” Wheeler says through a mouthful of cake. “That’s what Miss Kris says at school.”
Mox sighs. “Well, yes, but hellion means – whatever. Love you, little man.” Mox leans down and kisses Wheeler on the forehead and nose, like every night. “Goodnight. I love you this much.” He reaches his arms out as far and wide as he can.
Wheeler shoves the rest of the cake in his mouth. “I love you this much!” He reaches his arms out as far and wide as he can.
He dives in and hugs Mox, and Mox hugs back.
“Dad’s gotta shower, Potato,” Mox says, kissing the top of Wheeler’s head. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Mox moves through the next morning in a whirl, getting himself and Wheeler ready while Eddie throws whatever bits and bobs he’s forgotten at them.
“Did you check if he’s wearing socks?” Eddie asks, before Mox heads out the door. “Your kid smells like corn chips if you don’t shove socks on those feet.”
“You are such a douche about the kid you threatened to kill an aunt of mine over,” Mox muses. “Ah. Shit.”
“Bad word, Daddy,” Wheeler says, shaking his head. “No socks. Need socks.”
“Yeah, you do.” Before he can ask Eddie to grab some, he’s pelted in the head. “Thanks, dude.”
“Thanks, Uncle Eddie!”
Eddie comes over and kisses Wheeler all over the face while Mox gets socks and shoes back on tiny feet.
“Alright,” Mox says, pedaling Wheeler’s legs a little. “You ready, short stack?”
Wheeler nods. “Ready, Daddy.”
“I can’t believe you’re putting me on toddler duty for the whole wedding,” Eddie says, taking Wheeler and scooping him into his arms. “Feels unfair since I’m not technically his father.”
“Yeah, well, I’m on Seth duty,” Mox replies, checking his pockets and bags for everything he and Wheeler could possibly need. “I don’t know who’s bound to do more crying.”
They get to the venue around 1pm, but it already feels late. They have a good four hours before things get started, but there’s so much to do that it goes by in seconds. The venue has a small room set aside for the typical bride, but Seth and Roman had arranged it to be storage with a small cot-like thing for Wheeler to take a nap in at 2:00. Like always.
“Thanks for that, man,” Mox says, clapping Seth on the shoulder. He’s watching Wheeler sleep, bunny in his arms and thumb in his mouth. “I – I’m really…” He trails off, the words catching in his mouth. If he lets them out, then the tears will join them.
“Mox,” Seth says gently. “Hey.” He pulls him into a hug, cushy white groom’s robe feeling like a blanket. “You good?”
“Yeah,” Mox says. “Just – long day. The fact that you thought of my little guy in the midst of your own crazy.” He exhales slowly. “Never thought I’d have people like you to take care of me.”
Seth presses his forehead to Mox’s. “Always.”
It’s gone unsaid but known for years that Seth and Roman put off their wedding date, unofficial but discussed, when Mox found out he was pregnant with Wheeler nearly four years before. Mox never knew how to tell them how much it means that they were willing to share that day with him and his kid, let alone put it off to make it work for him.
“Always,” Mox says. “Alright. Don’t make me cry, you douche. I’m not supposed to do that until the actual wedding starts.”
With the human chaos machine napping in the quietest part of the venue, things are easier.
“Hey,” Mox says, running into Adam. “You got any extra blankets? Flower girl found out my kid’s napping and wants some rest time too.”
“Course I do,” Adam says, and he ducks into a little room and comes out with a pair of sleeping bags. “She a Power Puff Girls or Hot Wheels kind of gal?”
“Hot Wheels,” Mox decides, grabbing it. He stares. “This shit clean?”
Adam, to his credit, looks offended. “I wash them after every use. Obviously. What kind of business do you think I’m running here.”
“Just checking,” Mox says, stepping back with his free hand raised. “I don’t know what kind of shit goes down in here.”
Adam rolls his eyes. “And y’all think Seth’s downpayment was ten thousand for bad service?”
Mox trips over a box and falls flat on his ass. “Sorry, what?”
Adam comes over and hauls Mox up with arms that are unfairly strong. “I run a good venue, Moxley,” he says, and his hand is still in Mox’s. “I don’t come cheap.”
He – the fucker winks and walks away. “I gotta take care of some place setting fuck ups, but I’ll be around. Find me if you need…anything.”
Mox nods, and dazedly brings the sleeping bag to the flower girl’s mother.
They’re all getting ready – Wheeler’s hair is a disaster after a nap, always, but it’s even harder to get slicked down in the little way that Seth was hoping for all the wedding party with short hair to have – when someone calls, “Half an hour!”
“Fuck,” Mox grumbles. “Come here, Tater. We’ll see if Uncle Seth’s got some of that hair gel in his pocket or something.”
The floorboards, while beautiful, are in a farmhouse built in the late 1800’s, and he’s not used to the rough terrain. He trips on a rogue board and things start to move in slow motion as he plans how to turn to keep Wheeler safe. And then he feels somebody’s hand around his waist, pulling him back to standing before he and Wheeler can fall. Then the hand dips low enough to pull off a graze of his ass. Mox turns.
Adam Page is standing there, grinning. “Sorry, man,” he says, and god, he looks good in that fucking suit. “Couldn’t let the best man and ring bearer fall on their asses.
Mox licks his lips before he can stop himself. “Yeah. Uh. Thanks.”
“I heard you were having some issues with the hair,” Adam says, and he pulls something out of his pocket. “Hair spray. Can I try?”
“I actually was asking Wheeler, first,” Adam says. Wheeler giggles as Adam zooms the canister around like an airplane. “Are you okay with me fixing your hair?”
“Yeah,” Wheeler says, nodding. “Daddy, yes?”
“Sure,” Mox says. He’s used to his kid being weirdly easy around people, but not going into their arms and letting them mess with his hair without a second thought. Adam works quickly and efficiently, and suddenly Wheeler’s hair looks exactly like the photo Seth sent.
“And back to your dad,” Adam says, shifting Wheeler back into Mox’s arms like he weighed nothing.
“Wow,” Mox says. “Looks great, dude.”
“Yeah, it’s almost like I’m in the wedding industry.” Adam winks, and brushes Mox’s ass again as he leaves behind him.
“Just trying to get by,” he singsongs as he leaves.
Mox wonders if he feels up all the customers, or only the ones who clearly like it.
It’s not the only time it happens.
Mox and Wheeler, when they’re getting ready to walk down the aisle before Roman and Seth make their way down together, are in the middle of a discussion about goldfish for god knows what reason, when Mox realizes the pillow with the fake ring on it is gone.
“Wheels,” he says carefully. “Where’s the – ”
He feels a hand graze his lower back, then from behind him comes the pillow.
“Thought you might be looking for this.”
Adam. Fucking. Page.
The ceremony goes well. Wheeler is cute as hell as he toddles next to Mox down the aisle and the vows are beautiful, but, to be fair, he misses a lot the first few hours. Wheeler’s demanding Mox take him around to meet all the people in the venue, and it’s wearing on him. By the start of the reception, he’s burnt out.
“Eddie,” he says, somewhere around 7:30, “I’m so tired.”
“You ready to call it a night?” He yawns, stretching.
Mox shakes his head. “Dadding,” he says. “Like, I would do anything to keep Wheels, but everybody else is fucking around and having fun and, well.” He looks down, where Wheeler had just barreled into his shins after the brief respite of him playing with the flower girl and her sisters as they danced to some pop song. “Hey, buddy!”
Wheeler yawns, huge, the frosting stain on his tiny suit jacket almost hidden when he reaches his arms up into the air. “Home, Dad.” He slams his head into Mox’s thighs. “Book.”
“What if I take him?” Eddie asks. “Uncle Eddie and Potato Head time, yeah?”
“Really?” Mox asks. “You – that’s cool?”
“Mox, you haven’t had a night to fu-mess around since one of the nights this little monster popped into our life.” He kneels down and swings Wheeler on his back. “I’ll take your car and you can take mine back.”
“You sure?” Mox asks. He feels guilty, somehow.
“Have fun,” Eddie says, clapping Mox on the shoulder. “Spend time with your friends. Wheels and I will be there when you get home.”
It’s an internal fight, briefly, but then Mox nods. “Yeah. Yeah, Wheels, buddy, you’re gonna head out with Uncle Eddie, okay?”
“Eddie Day!” Wheeler says. He throws himself down to Mox, who curses himself a little bit for how much wrestling and daredevil genes must be in this tiny lunatic of a child. Mox kisses his forehead and nose.
“Love you, little man,” he says, grinning as Wheeler pulls back.
“Love you, Daddy!”
Mox puts his keys into Eddie’s hand and then Eddie’s into his pocket. “Love you, man.”
“Yeah, stop being sappy.” Eddie yanks him in and kisses his forehead. “Love you, too.”
He relaxes, finally, for the first time in nearly four years. He has a lingering cloud of worrying about Wheeler, but that’s par for the course these days.
Things, shift, just a little, when he catches Adam on the phone, looking frustrated, right as the music cue gets messed up. Mox knows for damned sure he was supposed to tell the DJ to shift to Seth’s high school throwbacks at 9:30, but he’s definitely hearing Pour Some Sugar On Me. He goes to speak to the DJ himself, then stalks over to Adam.
“Why are you on the phone during the wedding?” Mox asks over the music. “Aren’t you supposed to be making sure the DJ hits his cues or something?”
“I’m – don’t worry about it,” Adam yells back at him. “It’s fine.”
They’ve been dancing around each other all night, sometimes quite literally, but Mox had always had a toddler at his ankles. He needs to know what the hell this guy is doing – Mox knows he’s with Matt Jackson, has been since they were all in high school together. And if Adam Page is a cheater, Mox is going to tattle.
“Like hell it is,” Mox says. “Was that your boyfriend?”
Adam frowns. “What?”
Mox rolls his eyes. “Whatever.”
“I need to go take care of – something,” Adam says, frown deepening. He walks past, but, rather blatantly, he touches Mox’s waist, just a little bit, as he passes.
“Oh, hell no.” Mox grabs Adam by the lapels of his stupid navy blue suit and throws him into the first room. It’s the kitchen, but it’s empty.
“Dude, what the fuck?” Adam asks, spinning on Mox as he glares.
“What was that?” Mox hisses.
“I – what was what?” Adam asks. But he’s pink in the cheeks. Mox knows he knows what he did.
“You grabbed me around the waist,” Mox says. He walks Adam backward so Adam’s backed against the countertop, so he’s got a leg between Adam’s. “The fuck was that about?”
Adam’s eyes flicker down to Mox’s lips, for just a moment. “Get out.”
“Oh,” Mox says, stepping back. “Oh, I get it. This a thing you do? Cheat on your little boyfriend with groomsmen?”
“We broke up,” Adam says. Mox freezes. “Yeah, hope that feels good. Matt and I haven’t been together for a few months.” He glares at Mox, fire in his eyes. “I was texting his brother to make sure Matt wasn’t off getting himself killed while he fucks his way through half the country.”
Mox pauses. “Fuck.”
“Yeah,” Adam says. “I – sorry. I shouldn’t have touched you.”
Mox is notorious for impulsive decisions. One of his favorite runs of impulsive decisions gave him his son, which is, quite possibly, the best part of his life.
Adam tilts his head to the side, reminding Mox of the golden retriever puppy at the petting zoo he took Wheeler to for his birthday. “Why what?”
“Why are you sorry you touched me?” Mox slides his hands on Adam’s waist, grins at the way Adam’s breathing hitches. “You wanna blow off some steam?”
Adam licks his lips then looks up to meet Mox’s eyes. “Fuck it.” He leans in and crushes his lips to Mox’s, tongue insistent, and Mox grins.
“Knew it,” Mox says. “You handsy little shit. Bet you wish you’d done this back on Debate team.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Adam growls. He presses his lips back, shoving down the sleeves of Mox’s dress shirt. He pauses to grip at Mox’s biceps. “I fucking hate how big your arms are. Fuck you.”
“Yeah?” Mox says. He flexes and Adam rolls his eyes. “Bulked up since high school.”
“I can see that,” Adam says, and he reaches behind to get two handfuls of Mox’s ass. “Like it. Looks good on you.” He leans in and bites at Mox’s neck.
“Course you’re a fucking biter,” Mox snipes. “Jesus.” He shoves at the front of Adam’s jacket, debating ripping it open, but he figures that would be a bit obvious to everybody at the party.
“You can unbutton it,” Adam says.
“Yeah,” Mox says. He works as quickly as his excited and shaky hands can move. He hadn’t hooked up with anybody since – well, since Bryan. After that it was all too complicated.
This, though, as he reaches down to grab Adam’s cock through his dress pants. This feels perfectly simple.
Adam chuckles, shoving Mox against the counter again and gets a leg between Mox’s.
“Uh,” Mox says. “About that. I mean, in case you forgot.”
“That your trans?” Adam asks. “No, I know that. That’s no, like, issue.”
“Rad,” Mox says. “You ever eaten pussy before?” He grins. “I know you’ve been gay since day one.”
“No,” Adam chuckles, “but there’s a first time for everything, right?” He winks.
“Prick,” Mox says, grinning. Adam unbuttons his dress pants with the expertise of a man often donning formal clothing.
“Actually,” Adam says, mouthing along the waistband of Mox’s boxers. “I’ve never fucked anybody but Matt.”
“First time for everything,” Mox echoes, but he quickly loses the ability to speak when Adam drops to his knees and pulls his boxers down.
“What do you like?” Adam asks, looking up at him from the floor. Mox has to force himself to breathe to keep from losing his balance.
“Anything that won’t get me pregnant,” he jokes. “But, uh. Go nuts, newbie. I’ll tell you when you’re fucking up.”
Adam rolls his eyes. “You issuing a challenge or something?”
Mox shrugs. “You could call it that.”
Enthusiastic, is Mox’s word for it. Adam’s inexperience is obvious, but he’s clearly willing to learn. His tongue does most of the work, circling and sucking Mox’s clit with impressive speed. Probably from the fact that the dude never shuts up, he’d guess.
“You can add fingers, you know,” Mox says, gripping the counter with white knuckles. “Like – in – god damn, exactly.”
Adam pulls away for a second with a self-satisfied grin. “The fingers part I’m pretty good at.”
It takes longer than it has in the past, probably because Mox’s experiences lately have been with more mechanical dates, but he feels it building in his belly soon enough.
“Jesus,” Mox mumbles, rolling his hips a little against Adam’s face. “I – okay, it’s different than with dicks, because if you stop doing that I won’t – shit, fuck.”
It slams into him, insistent and stark white and so fucking good it’s almost annoying. He has to shove at Adam with his knee to get him to stop, because he’s oversensitive as fuck and Adam doesn’t seem to know when to quit.
“Good?” Adam asks. He grabs at a clean towel hanging on one of the stoves and wipes his face. “Seemed like it was.”
“Yeah,” Mox says. “Gimme a sec I – it’s been a while and I forgot…” He trails off. “Look, I’m gonna blow you. I just need a second.”
“Hell yeah,” Adam says. He leans back on the stove and yelps. “Fuck! How long’s that been on?” He shakes out his hand.
Mox grabs his hand and sucks a finger into his mouth. He can taste himself on Adam’s fingers, and he drops to his knees before a second thought.
“Before you act like a bitch about anything,” he says, hands undoing Adam’s pants, “it’s been, like, four years since I’ve sucked a dick, so cut me some slack.”
Adam laughs and looks down at him with burning eyes. “It’s been months for me, dude. It’ll be hard to get me to complain.”
Mox snickers. “Yeah. Looks pretty hard to me.”
Sucking a dick, Mox discovers, is like riding a bike. If the bike was built like a brick shithouse and had fingers that grabbed at his jaw and a slightly southern twang from a childhood in Virginia that spews enough filth that Mox feels himself getting wet again.
“Fuckin’ hell, knew that mouth was better for more than just arguing,” Adam grunts. “Should’a done this earlier. Maybe would’a stopped being such assholes to each other.”
Mox looks up at Adam and pulls off his dick enough to flip him off and say, “Nah, pretty sure I’d still think you’re a dick.” And he sinks his mouth back around Adam’s cock and sucks, paying attention to the head.
He likes blow jobs. He’d forgotten he likes this part of it, drawing words and swears out of his partner until they’ve lost the ability to do much but moan.
“Dude,” Adam says, patting at Mox’s neck. “I’m gonna – ”
Mox pulls off. “What, you think you’re gonna come on my face or something? We’re at a wedding, dude. Come in my mouth. God. Have some class.”
Adam laughs when Mox takes him back into his mouth and comes with a shudder that Mox can feel in Adam’s thighs where his fingertips have dug in. To get him back he keeps sucking at Adam’s cock, a little longer than he might if he were being nice, until Adam gets him by the scruff of the neck and pulls him off.
“Wait,” Adam says, panting. Mox is still on his knees.
“You already regretting it?”
“No!” Adam yells. “Just – I think I can do better.” He pulls his pants back up and turns them, shoving Mox against the counter. “We’re even. I can out fuck you.”
“What? How is that you out fucking me?”
Adam grins. “Sit on the counter. I’m getting you off at least one more time so you don’t rank me last on your list of one night stands.”
Mox wouldn’t have said it, but that is where Adam stands right now. Probably, if he ranks it, Bryan, then Regal, then Chuck, Suzuki because he left that giant bite mark on his arm, and then Adam. “Alright. Go for it.”
The enthusiasm, he notes, is key. He’s never fucked anybody bored about it, per se, but he’s fucked people hesitant and people who relied more on their dick than other parts, people so focused on getting in him that he got himself off.
Adam, though. He must have learned how to hold his breath in the past, because there’s no coming up for air. The first time he was hesitant, almost cute about it, but this time he’s insistent and greedy. He slides two fingers into Mox and pumps them with the pace his mouth and lips work, like he’s determined to draw an orgasm from Mox if it kills him.
“Fucking Christ,” Mox pants, gripping the first thing he can grab. His best guess is the water faucet. “Where was this energy last time?”
Adam responds by his mouth moving faster, stronger, and then it hits. Before Mox can do anything, he’s shouting and clenching around Adam’s fingers, bucking against Adam’s face.
“Holy shit,” he says, shivering as he notices Adam’s beard wet and shining. “That was different than the other – holy shit.”
Adam grins. “I ain’t done yet, Moxley.”
He loses count. Mox loses fucking count how many times Adam makes him come, his mouth and hand working together so effectively that Mox is straight up shaking at one point.
“Okay, I’m tapping,” Mox pants, slamming his hand on the counter. “I – nope. I can’t do anymore.”
“Shit,” Adam says, laughing. “Alright, if you’re telling me enough.”
Mox nods. “I literally don’t think I can come anymore,” he gasps. “I think I’m all fucked out.”
“Good.” Adam washes his hands casually. “Messier than with dicks, but more fun, I think.”
Mox laughs. “Yeah?” He exhales and hops off the counter, pulling his boxers and pants back up. They’ll have to bleach the area. “You had a fuckin’ blast, man. Different than the first round.”
With a paper towel he wipes up his beard. He grins as he continues wiping his mouth. “What can I say? I have a steep learning curve. And I like men with pretty eyes and bitchy attitudes.”
“I’m not bitchy,” Mox says, folding his arms across his chest. “Also, fuck you for saying that right after you gave me, like, a thousand orgasms in a row so you know I don’t have a good comeback.”
Adam licks his lips. “There’s a come jokes I could make, but I think we’ve exhausted that line of thought.” He winks. “And you were bitchy. You yelled at me a couple hours ago because the tables were a few inches in the wrong direction.”
“That was on behalf of the groom,” Mox says.
“You still said it like a bitch.”
Mox rolls his eyes as he grabs a paper towel and soap and wipes down the counter. “Well, the groom’s a bitch, so I earned it. Also, you weren’t this confident in high school. Or this…in charge. What happened to you?”
Adam scoffs as he goes to the fridge and pulls out a pitcher of water. Mox takes another towel and dries the counter. “Fuck. Matt Jackson happened to me.” Mox watches as Adam chugs. It should be weird that Adam can look sexy drinking water, but here Mox is. “Was gonna propose to him, you know? Was thinking of making his hotel and my barn a thing, but no.” He shakes his head, a grim little smile on his lips.
“I figured something was wrong in paradise,” Mox says, hopping back up onto the counter. He takes a glass offered by Adam and drinks. “This like senior year?”
Adam rolls his eyes. “No, he hasn’t been that dramatic.” He takes another sip and leans against the stove, avoiding the burner knobs this time. “He’s scared he doesn’t have an identity outside our relationship.” Adam shrugs and meets Mox’s eyes. “I’ve told him if he needs to figure himself out to go and do it, but I’m gonna do the same.” He raises the glass to Mox and sips.
“Oh, that’s what this was?” Mox asks, grinning. “You catch up with one of your high school rivals, fuck him, and use that to decide if you and pretty boy are meant to be?”
“Or I’ve thought you were hot since we were fifteen and you cut your hair and started with that ‘fuck everybody’ attitude,” Adam says.
Mox blinks. “You’re that gay that you could tell I was a dude before I even came out?”
Adam shrugs. “Had a minor sexuality crisis before you told everybody you’re a guy, which John and Alex had to help me out with, but yeah. Once you came out, it made sense. I think I knew…” He offers a smile. “You know?”
“We queers find each other, don’t we,” Mox chuckles, kicking his ankles against the cabinets.
“Yeah, and then you tackled me in gym class later that year because you were mad I beat you at that practice debate and knocked me out.” Adam flicks water in Mox’s face. “If it wasn’t for that, I don’t think Matt would have asked me out.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “So, really, it’s your fault we got together in the first place.”
Mox sits in that for a minute. “Yeah,” he says. “Maybe I can be the reason you two idiots finally suck it up and get married.”
“Hope so,” Adam says quietly. “You’re weirdly chill about this being a one time thing, by the way.”
Mox shrugs. “I’ve had more than one one night stand in my life. At least this one won’t give me a kid.”
Adam laughs, and he’s really pretty when he does. “Yeah. Your kid’s cute, by the way. He at home?"
Mox nods. “I had Eddie pick him up. He was starting to get tired and when he gets tired he gets a little screamy.”
He doesn’t know how much time passes while they catch up. They were never friends in high school – being rivals for the best on the debate team will keep that from happening – but they tolerated each other, and, as adults, Mox is realizing they don’t hate each other as much as he thought they would.
“Shit,” Adam says, pulling out his phone. “That’s the 15 minute alarm.” He nods to the door. “I gotta go let Seth and Roman know they need to start winding down.” He frowns. “I left everybody out there with Anna. Fuck.”
Mox chuckles. “Yeah, she’s a personality. She told Seth’s mom to go fuck herself when she tried to change the ceremony chair arrangements.” Mox sighs. “I think I’m a little in love with her, actually. She single?”
“Yeah, but she’s only into women.” Adam makes his way to the door. “You should see the way she hits on bridesmaids.”
Mox is slammed with some chaotic pop song he’s heard a thousand times but still doesn’t know the name of, and looks around for Seth and Roman.
“They’re over there,” he says, and he points with a hand on Adam’s waist.
“Smooth,” Adam laughs in his face. “Thanks, though.”
Mox watches Adam walk away, eyes locked on his ass in the excessively well-tailored suit pants, and goes to the bar to get a Coke. He sips slowly.
“Hey,” says Anna, coming over to him. “Where have you been?”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re the best man, right?” She plants her hands on her hips. “You were supposed to give me an assist with the shitty family members. Seth’s mom started getting bitchy and I couldn’t find Adam, so I went looking for –” She cuts off, eyes narrowing. “Oh, you absolutely didn’t.”
“Didn’t what?” Mox asks, trying to feign ignorance. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t you dare hurt him,” Anna says, waggling a finger in his face. “You hear me? He’s a nice man who deserves kindness. Don’t be a douchebag.”
Mox holds his hands up in front of him. “Jesus, you’re scary. I promise, I’ll let him take the lead.” He smiles at her. “Also, please don’t tell anyone.”
She sighs. “Deal. If you fuck with him, though, I will tell everyone.” She whips out her phone. “Remember I have the email of everyone in this building.”
Mox exhales slowly. She’s his type of woman, but alas. Plus, he’d already gotten laid twice that night, sort of, and doesn’t think he could handle it even if the option were on the table. It’d been since before Wheeler was born than he’d gotten any action at all, and he’s starting to feel the good kind of sore about it.
“I know,” he says. “We’re good.”
He’s in the middle of a conversation with Becky, Seth’s maid of honor, when the grooms stomp over to him. Well, Seth stomps. Roman casually strides.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Seth hisses.
“Did something go wrong?” Mox asks, looking around. “What happened?”
“Roman started dancing,” Seth whines. “Becky told him to go out there and shake his ass and he did.”
Mox shrugs. “It’s his wedding, too. He can dance if he wants to. He can leave his –”
Seth rolls his eyes. “I hate how often you quote that song. God. Fine.”
Mox dances with his friends as the final songs of the night play. Songs from his and Seth’s high school years, from the past year, and ending with the song that he and Seth screamed at the barricade when they saw the band live together, on the evening of Mox’s 22nd birthday.
He’d had no idea what that year would bring him. He’d had no idea that that year would give him the best gift of his life.
Missing Wheeler isn’t something he’s unfamiliar with, but it’s more intense right now than it’s been for a while.
When the lights turn on, he runs at Seth and Roman and grabs them in a hug.
“Holy shit,” he laughs. He steps back. “You two are married.”
Seth beams, wiggling his hand. The engagement and wedding rings gleam. “Hell yeah we are.”
“Someone has forgotten they got into a screaming fight with their mother six hours ago.”
Seth shrugs and smiles and Roman pulls him in and kisses his forehead. “And? It’s my wedding. I can bitch if I want to or however the song goes.”
Mox snorts. “Alright, send me on best man duties. What do I gotta do?”
“You,” Roman says, resting a big hand on Mox’s shoulder, “have done more than enough. Go home and hang with your little dude.” His smile quirks. “Maybe on your wedding day we’ll take him home for you.”
Mox scoffs. “I’m never getting married.”
“Sure you won’t,” Seth says. “Go home. We’ll take it from here.”
Mox steps outside where it’s quieter, out the back door where the other guests couldn’t go, and breathes. The chilly fall air mists around him.
He turns to see Adam Page at the door to what must be the kitchen. “Hey.”
Adam smiles a little. “Live well, man, okay?” He sighs. “And make it easy.” He rolls his phone in his hand. “You deserve some easy.”
Mox’s first impulse is to shoot back that Adam was easy enough for him, but he settles. “Thanks, man. I hope you and Matt figure out what you need from each other.”
Adam nods.
Mox gets into the car, and thinks he may keep this one to himself.
“Shh!” Eddie hisses, hand on Wheeler’s back. “Wheels is asleep. Don’t wake him up.”
“Gonna,” Mox says. “Hey, baby.”
Wheeler blinks his eyes open. “Daddy?” he murmurs. “Daddy hi!”
Mox picks him up and holds him close as Wheeler wraps skinny little arms around his neck and immediately begins snoring again.
“See?” Mox says in a hushed tone to Eddie. “He always falls back asleep once he sees me.”
“That says you’ve ever been away from him for more than a couple’a hours,” Eddie says, but he pats the couch next to him. “Come on. Let’s watch the game.”
They keep the volume low, just in case Wheeler’s snuggled up sleep is more fragile than Mox knows it is, until Eddie shuffles.
“Thirsty,” he says. “Gonna grab a Coke. Want anything?”
“Water,” Mox says.
Eddie pats his thigh, then pauses. “Mox,” he says. “Mox, did you fuck somebody tonight?”
“What?” Mox is frozen. “What? No. Wait, screw denial. How the fuck did you figure that out?”
“Your pockets are all crumpled inside your pants,” Eddie says. “Only way you’d let that happen is if you’d had to pull ‘em up quick.” He stares at Mox. “Who was it?”
“Oh, my god. Leave me alone, Mom.”
“I ain’t your mother,” Eddie says. “I’m much worse. Who’d you fuck?”
“Nobody!” Mox hisses. “And would you please stop saying fuck when my son is literally right here?”
“He’s heard worse,” Eddie says, rolling his eyes. “He’s your kid. Who was it?”
Mox groans and drops his head back against the couch. “Eddie…”
“Did you use protection?” Eddie asks. “Because T ain’t birth control and you know that.”
“Fuckin’ Christ, Eddie,” Mox mutters. “Hold on. If you’re gonna force me to have this conversation, I’m putting Wheeler to bed.”
Wheels wiggles and fusses a little as he’s lowered into his little toddler bed, but he settles when Mox puts his favorite stuffed bunny in his arms. Mox watches for a minute and sees Wheeler’s whole life flash before his eyes, landing on this perfect moment.
“Every mistake,” Mox murmurs, “brought me you, Tater Tot. I’d do it all again.”
Before he can reminisce further, though, there’s a hand on the collar of his suit jacket and he’s being yanked backwards.
“Jesus fucking – Eddie!” Mox says, barely catching himself before he fell over. “Let me have a moment with my kid!”
“Do I need to go get you plan B?” Eddie says. He’s running his hand over his head, eyes panicked. “Fuck, how’s that even work with T? Is that gonna with your top surgery? I gotta do some research –”
“Eddie,” Mox says, putting his hands on Eddie’s shoulder. “We didn’t – he went down on me and I blew him. I don’t think it’s possible for me to get pregnant.” He fights a smile. “I mean, unless coming in my mouth’ll knock me up.”
Eddie slaps him away, looking disgusted. “Jesus Christ, Moxie. I asked if you were gonna need medication, not if you were gonna need a tooth brush.” He frowns. “You’re disgusting.”
“Yeah, and you still love me.”
Eddie sighs and scrubs his hands over his face. “Yeah. Why the fuck do I do that, by the way?”
Mox shrugs and pulls off his shirt, making his way to the bedroom he shares with Wheeler, chucking the shirt in the laundry. “Because you know, deep down, we’re platonic soulmates.”
“Oh, go fuck yourself.” But Eddie smiles at him, and Mox feels warm. He curls up in bed, reaching out a hand to rest on Wheeler’s leg, and falls asleep with a smile.
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snufkinsnogger · 2 years
Me the whole time cleaning my section
Thinking about Moomin taking over care of Lagom so that Snufkin can get some rest down in his tent
How the whole day is super stressful for Moomin even with Mama's help and Snufkin busts in that evening because he's so worried about Lagom
And Moomin takes it poorly because he's insecure about whether or not he's a good parent
They have a quarrel and Moomin goes to sulk in the bedroom and Mama goes and points out to Moomin how hard it probably was for Snufkin to have to do it alone for a few months. And how literally growing and birthing a whole other creature out of ones body is a *very unique* experience that has left its mark on Snufkin.
Moomin goes to take Snufkin to bed so Mama can take care of Lagom for the night and both Snufkin and Lagom are fast asleep at the breakfast table.
Mama takes Lagom with some protest from Snufkin but eventually he and Moomin crawl into bed and talk things out. Moomin confesses that he feels insecure and jealous of how good Snufkin is with Lagom and Snufkin tells him that he didn't just become a good parent over night. He seffi made his mistakes but that's how he learned. Babies don't come with manuals but spending every minute of the past few months with Lagom is how he got so close to him but it's also taken it's toll.
He assures Moomin that they have the rest of their lives to be Lagoms parents and Moomin will be a good parent too, just not in the span of a single day.
Moomin has a think and he wants to ask Snufkin something but when he turns, Snufkin is knocked the fuck out asleep.
Also later on Mrs Fillyjonks is a transphobic cunt and makes Snufkin feel bad about his body and its relation to raising a baby.
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calmingpi · 10 months
Art style and choices musings
Because i have a different art style than phils i have to consider how to make the characters recognizable to their canon appearance while not directly copying him beat for beat. To do that i obviously exaggerated features differently than phil does. Gil got away from me, i think, im trying to tone his hair back to being straighter cause hes looking increasingly like some random ass guy i dont know. But i also was very deliberate with my choices
Agatha and Gils noses are from some earlier more naturalistic panels where phil kinda gives them these button noses. Zeetha gets the same nose and then she and gil get the big circle eyes (while Gil gets the dark circles cause yknow). They also tend to be drawn with lips more often compared to some of the others. And also the fangs. Agatha i kinda flip flop about her eyes, i tend to give her these like half circle eyes, which i think makes her look cheerful. I like it but sometimes it seems too much to me
In general i kept the button nose style for the mongfish family (i dont remember if i also gave them to heterodynes), to give them a family resemblance, but i draw Zola and Theo with different eyes than agatha. Zola i make her face wider and kind of heart shaped, and i try to give her with more obvious makeup like mascara and lipstick. I get stuck on her eye shape a lot. Im usually unsatisfied with it and its rarely consistent. Theo i give sharper eyes and a more angular face shape. I also usually draw them both with different hair, to better differentiate them from Seffie and Tarvek (also i think theo looks hot with short hair)
The valois all have straight noses, sharp eyes, and large eyebrows. The exceptions to this are Seffie, who i dont draw as strong a brow, and Martellus, who phil most consistently draws with a button nose? So he keeps that. I almost never draw human Anevka, but when i do she often looks very similar to how i draw Tarvek
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Important news!
Hello everyone who still has us followed, forgive the silence this blog has given, id like to bring this news to everyone's attention! recently Me (Chibi) and my partner (Seffy) have shown interest in bringing back this adorable project! and i was thinking how i could do it, and it struck me, why not make a roblox game all about adopting and taking care of these little critters! And so i bring you with lots of love and enthusiasm this little peek of whats to come! i hope this sparks your interest i our project once more and hope to see you in the future development of this resurrected project!
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Side Note! We have already made a roblox group! if you would like to join feel free! https://www.roblox.com/groups/16211132/MythicalMyth-Studios#!/about
DIscord: https://discord.gg/CpZRBxK
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In an effort to motivate myself to keep writing this Have another chapter of She Likes Me? She Likes Me Not?
Chapter 2: Tea: It Keeps Things Civilized
von Mekkhan and Son’s Son’s was the kind of upscale coffeehouse and teashop that made most of its profit from inflating the prices for tourists. Locals knew exactly what words to say to suddenly get half-price and the von Mekkhans, Carson and Vanamonde, liked it that way. Any tourist foolish enough to try to get into the Castle was going to pay the price sooner or later, and getting some money out of them now was considered a tax. After all, that money funded the search and rescue operations that often turned up people too dead to invest in the town’s emergency services.
Vanamonde, Van to his friends, was the barista. He had painstakingly bought only the best vintage coffeemakers from Italy and found the best coffee beans and tea leaves from small growers across the world. He tasted each blend and refused to market it unless it was perfection itself. A novelty Van blend could sell out in under twelve hours because of this.
Violetta Mondarev arrived at 16:01 and found Ardsley Wooster impatiently checking his watch next to the cash register, imploring Van to just wait a second more so that he could get his friend’s order in. She’d never heard Ardsley call her a friend before, but she supposed it to be an accurate depiction of their relationship. She didn’t waste any more time thinking about it.
“Hey Van, are you still serving the Darjeeling with orange?” She smiled at Ardsley, trying to apologize.
Van nodded. “Of course! It’s one of our most popular teas.”
Ardsley paid for both of them as Van reminded them that his mother would bring their drinks to their table, which was tucked into a corner by a window far away from the hustle and bustle at the counter.
“So, Violetta, you said that we have a problem.” Ardsley cracked his knuckles. “What is it and what do I need to do?”
“Dr. Trelawney Thorpe thought she was dating Gil, but then the trio got back together and she’s really heartbroken by how it ended.” Violetta looked out the window. “And honestly, knowing Gil, he probably didn’t think they were dating. I mean, sparks. You can’t tell if that vivisection is supposed to be sexy or not. But that doesn’t change that Dr. Thorpe is upset.”
Ardsley nodded. “I know Trelawney quite well. I can try talking to her. I will, of course, have to talk to Gil first to confirm that he did not believe he was dating her and merely saw her as a collaborator.” He grimaced. “Do you think this will go better or worse than it did with Miss von Blitzengaard?”
Violetta laughed. “Oh, Seffie? She was just being dramatic. She understood right away.” The smile faded from her face. “I’m not sure Dr. Thorpe will be the same.”
“No,” Ardsley sighed, “I highly doubt she’ll be as easy to placate as Miss von Blitzengaard.”
“Your drinks,” Mrs. von Mekkhan said, handing Ardsley a cup of single-origin Tanzanian coffee and Violetta her tea. They murmured their thanks to her.
“Well, here’s to a swift resolution,” Ardsley sighed, raising his mug for a toast.
Violetta raised hers and toasted. “To a swift resolution.”
Dr. Wulfenbach’s apartment had once been tactfully described as a “mess”. To Ardsley Wooster, it was a dumpster, bordering on a dumpster fire. He stepped over pizza boxes from weeks ago, printed-out EKGs of various patients (identifying details removed, of course), and dirty laundry to knock at Gil’s bedroom door. He could hear snoring from within.
“Good luck waking the lion,” Gil’s roommate said, emerging from the kitchen with a sandwich in one hand. “He hasn’t slept in a week, and I hope he won’t wake for another day.”
“Bang, this is important,” Ardsley sighed.
Bangladesh DuPree shrugged. “Look, Wooster, I don’t care. What I do care about is that he is finally getting some sleep after a week in the madness place. He’s my friend and nothing is more important than his continued existence.”
“Dr. Thorpe thinks he broke up with her,” he said.
“Really? They were never dating,” Bang said, taking a bite of her sandwich.
“She didn’t know that,” he said, “and now she’s all upset and heartbroken over a breakup that nobody else thinks happened. I need to talk to Gil so I can go tell Trelawney the truth.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re not going to be able to wake him up. Come back tomorrow, okay?”
He groaned. “You can’t be serious.”
“I am, and if you don’t like it, I’ve got knives.” She reached for her sock, where Ardsley could see the outline of a sheathed knife.
“Fine, fine, fine.” He raised his hands in surrender. “I’ll be back tomorrow.” He backed away and almost tripped over an empty beer can. “And please tell Gil to clean up.”
Bang smirked. “Oh, I will.”
“You have reached the voicemail of Violetta Mondarev. Please leave a message.”
“Hey, Violetta, the bad news is that Gil is asleep, but the good news is that I’m going to try to talk to him tomorrow! So hopefully we can resolve this soon.”
Trelawney Thorpe showed up the next morning to the Baron Wulfenbach Medical Center, floor 6, with a bouquet of flowers and a card. It was early enough in the morning that the clinics weren’t open yet and the building was virtually deserted. She guessed that Ms. Mondarev wouldn’t be there yet.
Mr. von Zinzer, however, was there. “It’s you,” he hissed, picking up the phone on his desk. “What are you doing here, because I will call security.”
“Flowers,” she said, waving the bouquet, “for Ms. Mondarev. And a card. To apologize.”
He put down the receiver. “Just put them on her desk and go away and we will never speak of this again.” He swiveled his chair to face away from her. “I will pretend I never saw you. The flowers were always there.”
She placed the flowers and the card on Ms. Mondarev’s desk. “Thanks,” she said, walking out the door.
From down the hallway, she heard Mr. von Zinzer turn around. “Flowers! For Ms. Mondarev! That magically appeared!”
She laughed and heard him laughing too.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
If you are still doing girl Genius stuff, could to do it for the fandom ask meme?
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you:
who is the aesthetic blogger Unironically, I think this is Gil. He's not the one leading the most aesthetic lifestyle, but the ones who are, like Seffie and Tarvek, have a different focus. Meanwhile, Gil does aesthetic blogging as a 'this has literally no bearing on my life or circumstances and so if I do badly, I don't have to actually worry about it.' Also he likes to switch up themes and go from dark academia to cottagecore to y2k at the drop of a hat for the fun of it.
who is the sj blogger Colette is more professional and informative at it, but Agatha is the loudest.
who is the fandom blogger Lars, definitely, but also Van.
who puts everything under a read more Gil and Tarvek have long and drawn-out discourse battles online and, in the interest of not irritating anyone except each other more than they planned to, most of those 5k bitchfests are tucked under a readmore.
who posts the most selfies Zeetha, but specifically as a Muscle Bro kind of thing. She is showing off The Gains.
who is the biggest meme enthusiast Da Boyz.
who makes really quality themes Violetta. I think she does it as a hobby to Support people in her life, but it's not really her main focus, she's just good at it.
who reblogs posts with pointless comments Krosp.
who has the most followers Seffie
who uses 12 emojis in every post Seffie, but she does it ironically... or so she claims.
who had a really embarrassing superwholock phase that no one is allowed to speak of ever again Tweedle.
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soulsxng · 1 year
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"Ezzi, my dearest and most gorgeous monstrosity! When I say I've been eagerly waiting for this match, it's a gross underestimation, really! Are you ready?"
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"Don'cha worry about me, Seffie, worry about yourself! I don't wanna win by default just 'cause you're being all soft an' sappy on me. I wanna see you go all out!"
Death/"Sef": The Horseman of Death. As the name implies, a lot of their powers lie in death based abilities. Spirit summoning, reanimation or corpses, that sort of thing. They can also drain energy from their opponents at close range, and take it for themselves when they start to tire out.
More of a glass cannon in that they're fast (and even outside of their speed, are known to be able to teleport, as well as become incorporeal...though they can't attack as well in the latter case), and they hit hard-- both physically and with magic-- but they can't take all that many hits. Because of this, they've gotten good at studying their opponent's movements, and positioning themself in a spot where they either know their opponent is weaker, or one that they know can't be reached. They also tend to go for vital areas specifically, so they can end a fight fast.
Ezzion Dresiae: If they're playing with their opponent, they'll stay in their normal form. Like this, they tend to favor longer ranged combat with magic, their screech, and their empathic manipulation. However, if they're going to fight seriously, they'll shift into their true form right away. Usually this happens when their opponent lands enough good hits to piss them off, so at that point it's just a "Okay, fuck you, the kiddie gloves are coming off."
If the size and power boost they gain in this form wasn't bad enough, the extreme degree of heat they put off makes it even worse. Not to mention all the string bs that the post on their true form goes into.
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Hmm… thinking about Her (Storm King Seffie)
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peppermintquartz · 3 years
minific, Playroom!verse
TyRo (Mature)
Tyler Breeze is getting used to the routine and stability in his life courtesy of Roman, and so when his boyfriend asks if they can talk, Tyler doesn't think too much about it.
But the expression on Roman's face suddenly trips Tyler's alarm bells. Roman isn't making eye contact, and he's wringing his hands subtly; his broad shoulders are tense, like he's getting ready for a fight.
Did I do something wrong? Tyler thinks frantically over the recent past. He spent a night with Joe and Mustafa, because Mustafa wanted to learn more about breathplay and Seth didn't enjoy it as much; he did send racy selfies to Roman after that, but Roman likes getting those, and the sex after he got home had been spectacular. They accidentally ripped the curtain out of its tracks in the game room. The recent pap pics of them and Seffy at the beach were pretty mild, although there were two where they were caught mid-kiss, but that's hardly anything to talk about. Finn has him testing out a sex swing with Seth, which is pretty par for the course - the testing, not the sex swing, that was fun - so Tyler has no clue what is making Roman fidget.
"Hey babe," Tyler manages to say, leaning down to kiss Roman. He'll never be sick of this, he thinks, capturing the younger man's lips with his own, tasting and savoring the feel of Roman's mouth.
Roman kisses back sweetly, but pulls away before it can become heated. "Hey babe." He bites his lower lip and averts his gaze. "Um, I needed to talk to you about something."
Despite the fear making his palms sweat, Tyler pretends that he's not worried as hell. "Yeah, you said. What's wrong?"
Please don't be a breakup speech. Please don't be a breakup speech.
He notices his fingers digging into his knees and forces himself to relax. Roman isn't looking at him. His cheeks are flushed.
"Tyler, don't take this the wrong way, but I... kinda want a change," he begins, and Tyler's heart drops like a stone.
He can't breathe, but he doesn't speak, because if Roman really wants them to break up... Tyler doesn't know if he can accept it, but he's going to hold on to the hope that they're going to be okay, that the celebrity life isn't too much, that the Arrangement isn't too much, that Tyler isn't too much.
Roman inhales sharply, as if he's been holding his breath, and grabs Tyler's hands. Tyler almost jerks away out of shock, still bracing himself for misery and heartbreak, but Roman's hands are cool and clammy.
"Tyler, I want you to know that... Look, this isn't criticism, because I love our sex life, I love that you're so into it and some days I swear I can't believe I get to, you know." Roman finally looks up at Tyler, and sees something in his boyfriend's face. "Oh shit. Tyler, don't cry, I'm not- Shit, no, babe, I'm really not criticizing you, this isn't... Oh fuck. Babe. I'm sorry. I don't mean that we-"
"I don't wanna break up," Tyler croaks out, suddenly aware that tears are leaking out his eyes. He's ready to beg if he has to; he's not going to let Roman go without a fight like the others. "Roman, I love you. I don't wanna break up."
"What? No! We're not- oh fuck. I said it all wrong, didn't I?" Roman pulls Tyler into his arms and hugs him, before kissing his face all over in frantic reassurance. "Babe I'm sorry. God fucking damn it, I'm shit at talking."
Sniffling and relieved, Tyler wipes away his tears and asks, "So... If you didn't wanna break up, what is this talk about?"
"Our sex life," says Roman, and the blush returns twice as strong. "I just... Wanted a change."
Feeling less terrified, Tyler relaxes more into Roman's embrace. "What sort of change are we talking about? Because you know I am very amenable to experimenting."
Roman tenses fractionally, and then mutters, "You're gonna laugh at me though."
"Promise I'll try not to."
"You know how I always, um, do the fucking?" Roman's fingers twitch where they are placed on Tyler's waist. "I was wondering if I could... Or, if, um, you could." His voice drops to an embarrassed whisper. "I want you to fuck me."
Once the words sink in, all the blood in Tyler's body rushes towards his dick. His hands clutch Roman's shoulders tightly.
"Babe?" Roman's voice is soft, almost shy.
"Yeah, I just. Needed to think."
"You don't want to?"
Tyler grabs Roman's hand and puts it on his erection and stares him in the face. "Roman Reigns, if I could, I would fuck your brains out right now." He kisses his boyfriend and murmurs against Roman's mouth, "I would fuck you legless, babe, fuck your name right out of your gorgeous head. I'm gonna do everything I can to make your first time so fucking good that you beg for my cock every night for the rest of your life."
The younger man turns bright red. Finally he licks his lips and says, smiling crookedly, "That's a very big promise."
"I'll do my best to live up to it," says Tyler, grinning. "We start tonight."
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