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bonding with family!
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myfieldtrip experience 2018
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when  i got off from the bus im so happy because there is a lot activities our first activities our water activities  im so happy because water activities our first than land activities we go to the restroom and change  our outfit and when we line up we go  to the stairs when we got there there is a big swimming pool and a twinkling water we injan sit  in the floor he entertain us he said the rules  and we we go to kayaki my partner is marge were so happy  so much we play the water when thea  accidentally got off from the boat she laugh when carl and hero jump from the boat they laugh because they said that their boat is not moving  when kuya dante  whistle it sign of stop so  we got off from the boat our next stop is water again but there is a basketball ring  in the water and there is a white ball kuya dante said that dont swim so we dont swim we just follow what kuya dante said we go to the pool but no swimming we do what kuya dante said we play and laugh when its time up  kuya dante said were now allowed to swim we swim at a woman get the mic she said that its time up we go downstair and me iget my clothes  and go to  shower room  we wait until a grade 6 got off from the shower room  eat my lunch  and we go to our land activities  we plant and when kuya dante said its time up we got to our bus #3 and kuya dante and two boys go to our bus and i watch tv and sleep  when i woke up kaz said that when kaz and me are asleep joaquin video us when joaquin get the naturesprings we video him he is a mr.promoter because he promote  the naturespring and breadpan and others we got off from the bus we said goodbye each other then i go home 
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i love and its hurts
by six word stories 
please follow six word stories
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first blog
hi my name is rhianacassandra you can  call me rhiana and ilove playing games
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hi iam new here
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