rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
“Yes, it’s as good as new. Just needed small adjustments. I must say, I do not typically get asked to fix such delicate things.”
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Vesparia & Rhosyn
“Have you managed to fix my silver hair comb?”
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
Daemon hadn’t been paying attention as he had moved to the door. He’d only stopped by to look for a friend briefly and hadn’t seen him and was on his way out. When he bumped into someone, he frowned, pulling back and looking down. At first, all he saw was the back of the woman’s head as she bent to retrieve something from the floor - no doubt a blade of some sort - and shook his head “It’s my fault really, I’m terr- Rhosyn?” He asked, blinking in surprise as she stood, frowning slightly. He was very confused at the sight of her in such clothes. He himself didn’t care for brothels too much but the sight of a friend of his dressed like she belonged in one was a bit off-putting. “What’re you doing…here?” He asked, helping her stand better.
Rhosyn froze, with every bone in her body suddenly turning into icicles at the recognition of the man before her. Panic made her chest tighten and her knees lock as she glanced around frantically. She was unsure of whether to tarnish her name or admit to treason. What would he think of her? What would happen to her boys? Rhosyn took a deep breath, putting her hand on her chest in the shape of a fist to steady herself. “I am...lost. I was looking for a potential buyer and came in here to ask for directions,” she lied flatly. “What are you doing in a place like this?” Her scared eyes flicked up to him finally, searching his face to see if he was going to believe her.
The Grey Area || Daemon & Rhosyn
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
“You must have two wonderful sons to speak of them with such pride,” Elena smiled warmly, almost envious that she couldn’t speak so much for her own daughter just yet. But when she mentioned being a Widow Elena’s smile faltered, her expression saddening with a slight nod. “I’m very sorry to hear that.” She couldn’t understand the loss of a husband, but she was about to embark on raising her own daughter alone. “If your sons are happy then I am more than sure that your best is more than enough for them. Thank you, I hope I will. She and I have only spent a short while together but I already know that she is all I will ever need, I only hope I can be enough for her.”
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"Why, thank you for your condolences but I get on without him, barely." Rhosyn was being so honest, so easily. It made her uncomfortable but she could not help herself. She needed to connect with someone, anyone, save for Daemon. "I am sure that you will find that you are enough for her, and more. Mother's are goddesses to their children, after all. No matter what they do." She smiled once more and looked back at the guards. "So you must be very important to someone."
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
“Not a fan of my brother, I take it?”
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"I have no ill will against our king, but I do not like men being sent off and killed for no reason."
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
The Grey Area || Daemon & Rhosyn
The smell of the capitol city was a much more bustling city, more room for anonymity. With every passing of a guard, Rhosyn felt her nerves scatter into a frizzy mess throughout her body. It was ridiculous of her, to parade about in different disguises as she roamed the city, dropping off weapons to rebels. Today, she met in a brothel. It was not her favorite place to meet, but it made the most sense for a single woman roaming the streets and alleyways. The job of prostituting was an option, but she would not dare desecrate her husband’s memory by lying with other men. She wore her best gown of deep red velvet and her hair flowed down her back, looking as feminine as possible. Regretfully, nobody around could suspect a frail woman to be a master blacksmith, let alone to be harboring weapons. Rho felt so uncomfortable in nicer garb, as if she was acting, or rather faking, who she was. Pacing through the streets, she slipped into a tavern that was far more crowded than usual, the men were grunting and the bar maids were yelping as if they were lapdogs. She turned quickly to avoid making any contact before bumping into a man behind her, a dagger dropping from her waist to the ground on impact. Without lifting her head, the terrified elf sheathed her blade before the man noticed. “I sincerely apologize, sir.”
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
He couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’d love to get married, honestly. What’s the point of living forever if you can’t do it with someone that you love?” He frowned and realized how bad that sounded speaking to a widow, looking to her. “I’m sorry,” He added immediately. “But no, you aren’t prying. I’d love to have a family, so long as I get to choose how and when and whom.”
She stood from the table at his statement, feeling her heart drop into the depths of her abdomen. “Just do not count on forever.” Her fingers curled within themselves and she moved to her work station. “Well, I hope you end up happy with whatever lady or noblewoman you end up with.” She started a fire in her nook and began to heat the steel. “I am sure that the governor has work to do, much more important work than I.”
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
“Just the king of Nysa.”
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"Oh. In that case, be on your way. Let him miserable."
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
‘’Well I wouldn’t know you well enough to know whether you would think of it or not. I would judge by your smile you are though. it’s no mind though of course! The gods have indeed blessed me. I have a family returned to me and there is a Lady who makes my heart flutter with just the smallest flash of her smile. After a long time of woe, the gods have seen fit to smile and I shall bask it. Would you like to join a happy soul in a drink my lady?’’
“That’s sweet of you.” She said it with a more serious tone, remembering what it was like to love someone. To have a complete family. “The lady would love a drink.” She sat across from him, suddenly feeling unnerved by such happiness. “Well, good sir, I will try to not drink you under such a lovely table.”
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
“That’s not necessary,” He promised, shaking his head as he looked to her. “I wouldn’t leave your children to beg, Rhosyn. You are far too kind.” He shook his head again, leading her to sit again before sitting as well. “I thank you for that,” He smiled, looking to the tabletop.
“May I ask you something, sir?” Switching back to her more controlled self. How dare she get weak. “Do you actually want a wife?” She felt embarrassed to ask but she did not want to watch her friend be miserable. “I do not mean to offend nor intrude but marriage should not just be political all on its own.”
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
He immediately stood up at the sight of her tears and nodded, pulling out a handkerchief and offering it to her. “Of course I will,” He said with a nod, crossing over to her. “And if the florist cannot handle the two boys, I’d gladly take them in,” He promised, offering her a smile. “No payment required.”
She took the small piece of cloth from him and dabbed her eyes, immediately regretting looking so weak in front of someone. “Oh that’s no need, I will pay you back, somehow. I just cannot take any chances that they would be on the street, begging.” Rhosyn felt guilty for even departing for such a shady job, but money was money and money meant survival. Even if it required giving arms to rebels. “I-I cannot thank you enough,” she nodded and wiped her eyes again. “I just hope that whomever you marry deserves you.”
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
“Cute? I wouldn’t exactly call it cute.” Elias laughed. “Or are you mocking me my good lady?” Elias laughed again, the gods themselves could insult him right now and he didn’t think he’d feel it.
“Me? Mocking, why, my good sir I would never think of it!” She rolled her blue eyes and smiled. “The gods must have blessed you.”
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rhosyn-dur-blog · 9 years
He turned the blade in his hand, inspecting it absently but with a fairly large amount of curiosity. Glancing up to her, he nodded. “Within reason, I can,” He said, finding it easier to be truthful than anything. He could promise a fair bit to the people of Illyrum, but it was always a matter of circumstance. And there was a good amount of things he couldn’t promise. “What is it?”
Rhosyn swallowed hard, unsure of how to word her request. She had to leave for an extended time and it was a big drop, so it was riskier than usual. The young widow needed to know things would be in order if she were killed or imprisoned. “I have to leave for awhile, and since I take the roads, I need to know that my sons would be taken care of properly if anything were to happen. The florist will take them in, but...promise me you will check on them?” Tears welled up in her eyes and she struggled to hide them. “I just want someone to make sure she is good to them.”
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