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— Sean Michaels, Do You Remember Being Born: A Novel (Astra House, September 5, 2023)
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Whispers of the Hearts Pt 5
Quadratus Rhythm
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Sukuna’s Wife and Yuuji’s Onee-chan (Sukuna x Reincarnated!Y/N) scenario: Heian era childhood
Request by @serendipitylovescat
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A/N: This is a possible origin story for Sukuna and Y/N in this onee-chan au, but I haven’t made up my mind as to how the two met and what their lives were like in the early days. Much like with the Joker’s multiple choice past, it’s the mystery that keeps on giving. Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE.
Trigger warning: child abuse, bullying, violence, swearing
Ryomen Sukuna. Two-faced Sukuna. Bastard. Murderer. Halfling. Demon.
Normally, parents give extra thought when naming their children. For a lot of boys, they’re usually named based on desired traits like “strong” or “powerful.” But for this son, his father snidely called him “two-faced” and the name stuck. 
Like every baby when they are born, Sukuna arrived in this world covered in blood and weeping. The other villagers could only think of the worst outcome for his mother. After all, so many young wives who were healthier than she died during labor, so it was only normal to expect the stick-thin woman to pass on. 
But for better or worse, she survived. 
A smooth delivery would normally be a thing of celebration, a living mother and her plump baby were supposed to be a blessing. For Sukuna’s parents, such a thing was a curse. 
Born with four arms and four eyes and suspiciously symmetrical birthmarks, such an abomination could only be a curse. 
His father suspected his wife of seducing a yōkai, he became a drunk and beat his wife daily, unwilling to even look at the thing that she claimed to be his own son. The other villagers believed that he ate his twin inside their mother and was punished by the gods. 
No one knew the truth, not even the child himself. 
One thing they could all agree on was this: Sukuna was a monster. 
He was a monster who pushed his father into doing bad things. He was a monster who caused his mother shame and suffering, as she loved to remind him every single day.
Sukuna leaned on the tree, watching as the other kids in their little village played tag. His stomach growled but he could only ignore it. If he returned home to eat, his mother would yell at him. He only ate when she was asleep or beaten into unconsciousness by his father.
“Found you.” 
Sukuna looked up and beamed. That’s right, everyone except one person hated him.
Unlike him, you were normal as far as his eyes could see, but you didn’t like staying in your house and you didn’t talk about your family. Neither of you liked anything or anyone in this village, only each other. 
“Onigiri with fatty tuna I caught this morning,” you said, sitting next to him. 
Sukuna voraciously bit into the rice and fish, savoring every moment with gratitude. “You’re the best cook I know.”
“Tell me if you want some tea. I managed to sneak some out.”
“Thanks–” his grin faded when he spotted familiar black and blue spots on your inner arm. They were the same bruises his mother had when she tried to block her husband’s hands.
“Who did this?” He asked, his three free hands grabbing your wrist.
“Ryo-chan,” you said his nickname–you were the only one who was never afraid of saying his name–“you’re hurting me.”
“S-sorry.” He pulled away two hands and softened the grip on the remaining one. He gently rotated your arm to get a better look. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You grinned. “I know you didn’t mean to.”
“Did you—”
“Hey, Ryo-chan…” You shook off his grasp, causing him to frown, but you quickly intertwined your fingers together, making him blush. “If I told you I plan to run away, will you come with me?”
He almost dropped the onigiri. 
Your smile became sad. “I… You’re the only one I will ever miss. I don’t like this place.”
He put his remaining hands over your connected fingers and he blurted out, “Yes!”
You blinked, wide-eyed.
He cleared his throat and looked away. “I-I mean, yes, let’s go.”
Your face brightened and he smiled back. 
That’s right. Even if this damned village burned to the ground, as long as your hand never let go of his then nothing else mattered.
Additional headcanons for this scenario:
Sukuna’s dad never hit him because deep inside the man was actually afraid. So he took out his frustrations on his wife, who in turn, blames her misfortune on her son. 
Speaking of Sukuna’s mother, she was a vain beauty, the most gorgeous in their village during her prime, and was distraught when her appearance faded due to malnutrition during her pregnancy. The entire time, she silently prayed that the baby would die early so she could recover quickly. So in addition to her husband’s mistreatment of her, the loss of her looks has made her resent her son. 
The other village kids didn’t like Sukuna because he gave off a “disgusting energy” (or “bad vibes” as today’s lingo would call it). Some avoided him but others went out of their way to gang up on him, beating him up and stealing whatever he carried, be it food or toys from you.  
Sukuna didn’t fight back because he truly believed that he deserved every bad thing that happened to him. That being said, he allowed himself one selfish choice and accepted your company, enjoying your friendship. The only warmth in his otherwise dead existence.
The first time Sukuna resorted to violence was…it was a few days after your proposal. It was a few minutes before day break and he caught the other kids holding your head down a nearby pond. He didn’t know what he did, only what happened after: you were crying into his chest, hugging and thanking him despite the blood all over him. 
After washing himself, he walked you home, hair and clothes still wet from the pond, your mother was the first person to see you. Instead of concern or worry, she slapped you across the face in front of everyone before dragging you away by the hair.
Because it was your mother, he could only watch on, until your eyes met and you whimpered his name.
That night, a little village with no more than fifty people, burned to the ground as two children watched hand in hand. 
A/N: Speaking of multiple choice past; in JJK (and sadly, even in real life parts of the world), twins are considered bad luck. What if Sukuna didn’t consume his twin in utero and they both survived? What if both fell for Y/N? What if the current Sukuna killed and ate his own brother because he wanted to, in his own sick way, combine himself and his twin into one being so that Y/N wouldn’t have to choose?? Hot damn. The perfect yandere love triangle. But what a pain that would be to write without illustration LOLOLOL.
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