took some time off from this blog to relax, so i'll be answering any questions i have sometime later this week!
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so on this christmas weekend we’re really going to equate ren’s traumatic violation of rey’s mind with her using a benign mindtrick to escape……….. we’re actually pretending that people are saying that ren was born evil, despite everyone seeing him choose evil countless times……… as in massacring luke’s jedi order, killing his father, slicing finn’s spine, overseeing a planetary genocide, violating rey’s mild, taking over snoke’s empire, at the least……… and in tfa we don’t literally hear him talking about how the light calls him yet he ignores it……. like that’s…… that’s really where we’re at……
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we waited two years for that moodboard 
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and the award for worst twitter name ever goes to
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nice deflection, julia.
so. i’m sure you’ve all seen the polygon post about the article about rey//////////////lo. below are the events that followed– including me not getting a response from polygon about it.
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of course, polygon has been quiet, and i’m sure julia will continue writing pieces ignoring abuse in other relationships– or, is it only abuse when it’s a man, but for a woman, it’s sexy?
well, julia?
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get off my lawn
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one: rian calls adam driver ‘beefcake’
two: nowhere in this article does it mention how adam felt. it mentions rian saying how adam felt.
three: rian johnson retire bitch
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The only “risk” in TLJ was killing off Luke both literally and figuratively. Everything else was resetting the story - Luke is Yoda/Obi-Wan, Rey is Luke, First Order is the Empire and Resistance now Rebels - how is this a bold new direction the critics and TLJ stans are creaming themselves over?
lmao real talk it's not new or innovative or even creative when you realize everything he did as "a twist" was set up earlier on in the film. there are recurring themes, and then there is shit writing-- guess which one tlj is.
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@the rey//////////////los:
yall are nasty if you read that article of rian clearly objectifying one of his cast and admitting to putting rey in "intimately uncomfortable" situations as good
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let's see if polygon responds
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"the joke that he left his credit card in luke’s hut so you should DEFINITELY NOT see the movie and steal his credit card information followed by some gratuitous winks" that was a clickhole article, a satire website. it has nothing to do with rian johnson himself.
except the fact that rian retweeted the article showing him as being in support of the joke
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"the joke that he left his credit card in luke’s hut so you should DEFINITELY NOT see the movie and steal his credit card information followed by some gratuitous winks" that was a clickhole article, a satire website. it has nothing to do with rian johnson himself.
except the fact that rian retweeted the article showing him as being in support of the joke
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Rian “Sexuality doesn’t Matter” Johnson: Kyle being shirtless was to cause sexual tension between him and Rey, and Rey would be conflicted with hating him and wanting him. Also I wanted there to be a hot make out scene between him and Rey
Me, smacking him with a newspaper: STOP! TALKING! PLEASE!
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Shit Rough Drafts: The Last Jedi, written and directed by Rian Johnson
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“My impression of J.J. Abrams at this point—and this might be completely unfair, I don’t know him or anything—but my impression is that he loves movies, and he knows everything there is to know about movies, and doesn’t have a lot to say. Whereas I feel like Rian Johnson has things to say. And I’m afraid that this trilogy could easily mirror the first trilogy, where you have the crowd-pleasing first movie, then you have the dark, kind of weird second movie that people only in retrospect recognize was the most interesting one, and then you have a third mindless crowd-pleasing one again. And I’m sort of expecting that J.J. Abrams is going to come in on the next movie and it’s just going to be fun and the good guys are going to win, and there won’t be anything more to it than that.”
--David Barr Kirtley on J.J. Abrams
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one: rian calls adam driver 'beefcake'
two: nowhere in this article does it mention how adam felt. it mentions rian saying how adam felt.
three: rian johnson retire bitch
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