ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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Recovery is just as important as being active and eating healthy. Toxins and free radicals are always ready to attack and dystrophy that hard earned muscle! Luckily @1stPhorm formulated the wellness stack to ensure people like me, who train with insane volume and minimal rest, are always ready for their next workout! The spotlight is on adrenal restore because most of us are guilty of abusing stimulants. If you wake up tired, have a hard time sleeping and always rely on caffeine, I would give it a try 馃榿 #neversettle #1stPhormTopTrainer #flexfriday #iheart1stphorm #theresilient
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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The contents of my shopping cart.... Rice cakes!! 馃槏 @cassie_lifts #theresilient #1stPhormTopTrainer #neversettle
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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Supplement spotlight goes to ignition and level-1 protein by @1stphorm ! Intra and post-workout nutrition are KEY, when it comes to muscle building AND fat loss. Liquid nutrition at this time is optimal because it's easily and quickly absorbed. I personally use half a scoop of ignition (about 23g of amazing glucose) with bcaa's half way through my workout, and another half a scoop with level-1 protein (extremely delicious) immediately post workout. This combination allows my body to start repairing halfway through the workout and beyond! Ignition is designed to bypass the liver, so it quickly replenishes glycogen storage without having a sugar crash after 馃憣馃徏. Eat a solid meal an hour after this shake. That's where my favorite apple cinnamon rice cakes come in 馃槈 #neversettle #1stPhormTopTrainer #theresilient
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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What makes the fitness lifestyle special for me? The feeling of wellness, high energy levels all day, and the vanity are some of it. But most of all, I love how this lifestyle leads you into a hard working, successful life. It surrounds you with people who do not compete with you, but help you in your journey to compete with yourself. Keep a positive outlook in life, set goals, work hard, surround yourself with positive people and push forward 馃檶馃徏. #neversettle #1stPhormTopTrainer #flexfriday #fitfam #nextlevelshit #1stphorm
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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HUGE congrats to @realworld_tactical and @dannyjonesfitness for winning the July @1stphorm athlete/trainer search! Words can't explain the amount of motivation you guys give me to work harder each and everyday! It's so great to be part of a supplement company that not only supplies pharmaceutical grade supplements, but also motivational support! Well deserved. Hope to have extreme tactical training sessions and epic pizza cheat meals with you guys one day! #neversettle #1stPhormTopTrainer
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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It's clear to me that people don't know how to eat for their goals. Today I'll share my top fat loss tips that I practice on a daily basis! -use logic 馃槈 -DETOX DETOX DETOX, start your day with lemon lime water before anything else. Include leafy greens with every solid meal. -try to eat organic and non GMO. The "regular" fruits and veggies just contribute to more toxins in your body. These toxins will cause insulin sensitivity and contain Xenoestrogen. The more insulin resistant and more estrogen you have, the more fat you store! -you don't need as many carbohydrates as you think. 50-100g a day is enough to restore liver stores and maintain brain function for a normal sedentary person. Athletes should increase or decrease depending on their demands for that day. Anywhere from 200-300g is enough. -Don't mix fast acting carbs with fats. You can mix slow acting carbs with fats however. Insulin will store anything in your blood stream if it's spiked with fast carbs. -track your food. What gets tracked, gets managed. There's many apps you can use for this. You're on your phone all day anyway! -every meal has a protein and fat source except the post workout meal. This meal will include simple carbs and a fast acting protein. -increase your intensity and keep your rest periods low! Don't be texting or talking between your sets. -don't do slow boring cardio, 10 mins of intense, interval sprints will burn more calories in the long run, than 45 mins walking on an incline. If you have knee or back issues, intervals on the stationary bike or elliptical will work wonders! -Use logic 馃槈 #neversettle #1stPhormTopTrainer
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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Reduce stress in your life! Stress, physical and mental plays a huge role in our everyday lives. What we don't see is the havoc it causes if the stress is too much. Cortisol is a hormone with a double edge sword, released in mass amounts during times of stress. Cortisol can either catabolize fat or muscle, depending on your lifestyle and activities. Don't stress away your hard earned #gainz !! Maintain a positive outlook in life, argue less with family, spouse, coworkers, maintain a healthy diet, train smart and sleep like a baby! #neversettle #1stPhormTopTrainer #relax
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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Lower abs finally popping out! The years of constantly hammering them are paying off! I'll post videos of my advanced ab routines in pieces for you guys. Today I did - 10 sets, hanging leg raises, super set with hanging knee raises (knees to chest). - 10 sets teeter hang ups ab crunches No more than 20-30 second rest per set! Do them slow and controlled. @cassie_lifts will show you the beginner/intermediate ab routine that I've used before 馃槈. #flexfriday #neversettle #1stPhormTopTrainer
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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Protein pancakes anyone?! I LOVE to eat these post workout for them #gainz. I make mine with - 4 servings of gluten free oats - 250g banana - one serving of pb2 - one scoop of chocolate casein protein - 1/2 cup egg whites - almond milk to desired consistency - blend in nutribullet or a similar device Carb 186g/prot 75g/fat 20g - total calories 1220 Cut the oats and banana in half if you're not as extreme as me! And yeah I even put some #1stphorm creative in there 馃榿. #neversettle #1stPhormTopTrainer
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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Four years ago, I slipped a disk in my lower back (L1 specifically) deadlifting with improper form and just too heavy. I kept a positive attitude and worked with physical therapy for about a year. Long story short, I now have a very strong core to make up for my faulty back 馃槈. I'm currently a physical therapy student with plans of giving back and healing others! #nevergiveup #neversettle #giveback
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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My #wcw goes to @cassie_lifts !! I'm extremely proud of her enthusiasm and drive to achieve her goals! Not just in fitness, but in life. She's an honors student and future COTA, that extremely motivates me to do my best each and everyday #neversettle #1stPhormTopTrainer
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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I need a bigger plate 馃槱. Dinner time! 300g chicken breast and 250g avocado (I don't count asparagus into macro count). Meal is around 45g fat/80g protein and 25g carbs (mostly from fiber). Whole meal is around 800 calories. I like to "dress up" my meals to look more appetizing, and constantly change up the cooking methods. Don't make boring meals! That's a recipe for failure 馃槈 #neversettle #flavorgod #paleo
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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Don't skip leg day =], it's such a beautiful muscle when developed! Spend more time at the bottom of the rep in squats/hack squats and leg press to really make that vastus medialis scream and eventually tear drop 馃槈 #neversettle
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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Dem calves pump in the morning! I usually focus on high volume and moderate weight when it comes to calves, 10 sets to failure of donkey calf raises and standing calf raises 2 times a week (sometimes 3). Focus on contracting your tibialis anterior on the bottom of the rep before contracting your gastrocnemius. I don't recommend if you drive manual or work standing all day! #neversettle #mondaylegday
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
Lift heavy, but with control! Take advantage of how much stronger muscle fibers are in the eccentric portion of the exercises. Let's not get injured and grow together! Had to borrow @cassie_lifts lifting straps, thanks! #neversettle
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
Flex with me on #flexfriday !!! #neversettle
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ricecakeloverr-blog 9 years
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A simple, sincere smile goes a long way! It's incredible how a simple smile can help change someone's mood! #flexfriday #neversettle
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