rickon-on-skagos · 4 days
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awwww cmon alicent let's dress up in laenor's clothes for a laugh look what's the worst that can happen
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rickon-on-skagos · 5 days
I understand patchface was cut out because it wouldn’t have fit with the tone of the show but if they were going to do nothing with Stannis’ character anyway why couldn’t we just enjoy seeing him be followed around by the scary clown that witnessed the death of his parents and now babysits his daughter and sings about how they’re all going to drown? all the characters are followed around by a scary clown called the narrative anyway, Stannis’ case just happened to be literal
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rickon-on-skagos · 12 days
AGOT AU where Ned and Jaime put aside their differences to work towards the same goal : stop Robert Baratheon from giving Jaime Lannister offices.
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rickon-on-skagos · 12 days
"That boy had wanted to be Ser Arthur Dayne, but someplace along the way he had become the Smiling Knight instead" (ASOS, jaime viii)
what do you make of this quote?
this quote is so good because it’s like. jaime baby you’re sooo close. you DID become arthur, and you DID become the smiling knight, because it’s literally the same thing. the smiling knight was “the mountain of jaime’s youth” and the mountain is currently on the kingsguard, knighted by rhaegar— the rhaegar who’s wife he’d rape with the blood of his infant son still on his hands. “knights are for killing” says sandor (the mountain’s non-knight kingsguard brother) and the smiling knight and arthur are both killers, but only one has the white cloak and thus the state sanction to get away with it.
(an aside: it was the white cloak that soiled me, jaime thinks, not the other way around. the white cloak arthur gave him, a teenager on his bloody knees, and cut him on purpose to see him bleed. the marriage and deflowering symbolism is clear, especially with arthur’s “blood is the seal of our devotion”, but jaime’s talk of soiling brings another layer to it, even if he’s not consciously connecting the dots…. I was a daisy fresh girl )
so back to the smiling knight. I’ve pointed this out before and will continue to do so because I fucking love it but the duel between the smiling knight and arthur was not so much a duel, an equal battle between peers, a noble knight slaying a monster, as it was a cat playing with a mouse before it kills it. arthur was doing this for fun, he was toying with him, he was putting on a show, continuously cutting the smiling knight dozens of times but keeping him alive and fighting at his leisure. and then stops to let him get a new sword because he fucked up his old one so badly— which jaime interprets as chivalry but like. jaime that is fucking demented. telling the guy who’s bleeding from a dozen wounds you gave him to go get another sword and keep at it cuz he’s not done with him yet? and then immediately killing him because he gave arthur the opportunity for a dark joke? if the positions were reversed and it was the smiling knight who did all that to someone, or if bronn or one of the brave companions or ramsay did all that to someone, it would come off as cruel and twisted. but arthur’s reputation and jaime’s favorable opinion of him make that completely fly under peoples radar to the point where I’ve barely seen anyone talk about this other than me!
but yeah, basically— jaime, you DID become arthur, and that’s BAD. you are a killer, you are a corrupt figure in a corrupt institution, you hurt people. you’re a knight.
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rickon-on-skagos · 16 days
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House of the Dragon season 1 // a brother named gethsemane by natalie diaz
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rickon-on-skagos · 4 years
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Wildling! Rickon & wife
Ma boy would make a kickass Thenn...
I imagine he'd be with a wildling woman, perhaps even a woodwitch?
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rickon-on-skagos · 4 years
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be cool stannis  (^_^)
Happy birthday @canonicalgay !!
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rickon-on-skagos · 4 years
Margaery: Oh, Sansa, I could kiss you right now!
Sansa: [nervous Bi laughter] Uh.....Neat!
Sansa, lying face down on her bed: I can’t believe I said ‘neat’, Theon. ‘Neat.’ Nobody says ‘neat’ anymore! It’s the goddamn 21st century!! It’s not neat to say neat, but I said it anyway because I’m such A huge loser!
Theon, playing on his phone: Hey, it’s okay Sansa. Don’t you remember what I did when Robb confessed?
Sansa, rolling over to her stomach: Didn’t you like, thank him?
Theon, putting the phone down and looking at the ceiling : I fucking thanked him
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rickon-on-skagos · 4 years
Modern au young griff with gamer rage?
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rickon-on-skagos · 4 years
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“And Orys Baratheon he proclaimed to be “my shield, my stalwart, my strong right hand.” Thus Baratheon is reckoned by the maesters the first King’s Hand.” 
Aegon I Targaryen and Orys Baratheon, voted for by my patrons!
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rickon-on-skagos · 4 years
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Savage Wolf Prince: Rickon Stark
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rickon-on-skagos · 4 years
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don’t cry, Robert. I love you <3
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rickon-on-skagos · 4 years
A Dream of Spring rarepairs week masterpost
Thank you to everyone who participated in our A Dream of Spring rarepairs week! We had some amazing submissions, and we really appreciate all the wonderful works everyone added to the asoiaf rarepairs fandom! 
Below the cut are all the great works that were submitted for the week:
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rickon-on-skagos · 4 years
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bi-curious Robert
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rickon-on-skagos · 4 years
Got tagged by @greeneyedwildthing
🌿 Favourite comfort food: There is Nothing quite as comforting to me as some good broccoli soup. Add some maggi and extra salt and I’m all cozy and happy.
🌼 Favourite alcohol (or hot drink!): I do like Jack and Coke a lot but even more I enjoy a nice Blue Lagoon. In terms of hot drinks, I like Peppermint tea (with lots of milk and one sugar) and close to any Version of a Latte Macchiato
🌷 Favourite relaxing activity: Writing and cross stitching.
🌸 Favourite fluffy/feel-good fic: Kill Me Now by tj_teejay. Not a fandom I’m in much anymore but I relate to the migraine part so much and the story is so nice. 
🌻 Favourite calming scent: coffee or anything citrus really
🌺 Favourite relaxing (or uplifting) song: Nothern Lights by Death Cab for cuties
🌵 Favourite white noise: Rain
🍄 Favourite book to get lost in: The Hobbit. All time favorite book to fall back to when I have Nothing new to read or no energy for something new. 
💐 Favourite chill-out TV show: Sense8
🌹 The best advice you’ve ever had: You don’t have to have your life figured out just yet. There is still time
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rickon-on-skagos · 4 years
Just wanted to say I think your art is incredible!! I love all the fashion choices you make for the various areas of Westeros. German riverlands isn't something I would of thought of and it's so great
Hey Anon! Thank you, thats great to hear! The whole research and thinking about what parts of our world might allign with Westeros and Essos is one of my favourite bits when starting new artwork ^^
I drew you Edmure Tully in german clothing
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rickon-on-skagos · 4 years
I was tagged by @greeneyedwildthing
Rules: Name 10 favorite characters from 10 different things
In no particular order:
Rickon Stark - A Song of Ice and Fire
Tobirama Senju - Naruto
Foggy Nelson - Daredevil
Fili -The Hobbit
Sokka - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Clint Barton - Avengers
Wolfgang Bogdanow - Sense8
Kieran Duffy - Red Dead Redemption w
Leah - Stardew Valley
Clare Devlin - Derry Girls
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