rickrickgreenpeace · 4 months
Very near yet so far
Minds do work wonders, but when you’re in love, it’s like a time machine out of juice in the middle of a medieval nowhere; it ponders and ponders the age-old feelings that have humbled brave knights of the ages, yearning for love and attention, willing to shed blood for romance and chivalric desperation. How could someone like me, born in the sleepy and backward town of Barili, yearn for the love and attention of an uptown lady? I don’t want to be in the usual plot of a cliché romance movie, minus the requited feeling and comedy. Is life really that unfair, or am I, as religious men and sages say, wasting my time on something practically unworthy and stifling my productivity? Should I move on, and what does moving on really mean?
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rickrickgreenpeace · 4 months
Someone special brought me to this place. Technically, it was the hullabaloo of emotions that prompted me to deactivate my Facebook account and be here away from judgement. At least here, I can have the freedom to relive my early twenties with the added wisdom and experience. Someone who inspired me to write here made her last post more than 10 years ago, a testament that she’s years ahead of me when it comes to expressing complex emotions. No one would probably read this post but it doesn’t really matter. Years from now, the only thing that will matter is the fact that I saw her, we saw each other in the vastness of space and in the randomness of life and it’s beautiful; VERY NICE :)
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