impvlved · 5 years
dean took a deep breath and opened the door. he didn’t bother looking at it, he already knew what it looked like; it was forever imprinted in his brain, along with bez’s body. if he didn’t know any better, he’d think the death had taken place in his truck. he stepped out of the way so teejay could see. 
“whatdya think? any way to make it look like i didn’t murder her back seat or should i just get the whole thing re-upholstered?”
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teejay’s lungs whoosh empty once dean steps aside. the poor gal’s interior is absolutely wrecked. someone bled out in here. god, he wishes his mind weren’t so quick to snap that one together. tentative steps lead him closer to the truck’s doorway –– a shaking hand hovers a few inches over the back seat. never finishes its arc.
“ jee - sus... ”
he sees red. on his hands, ‘neath his nails, ‘cross his teeth. closin’ his eyes doesn’t do anything to wipe away that phantom metallic taste from his tongue. teejay retracts his hand. shoves both of ‘em down deep in his pockets.
“ it, uh... it ain’t pretty. ”  he fights every instinct to keep his eyes clamped closed. “ ain’t impossible, but... ”
teejay blinks. pivots on his heels to face dean. “ assumin’ you already tried all the basics ?  s’gonna take pure magic. ‘n a whole lotta peroxide. ”
he spares an over-shoulder glance at the vehicle. then wishes he didn’t. 
“ whose, uh... ”  a gulp. a grimace. he can’t bring himself to ask it. not directly.
“ they... okay ? ”
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impvlved · 5 years
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stepping into the bookstore can sometimes feel like entering an alternate dimension. the atmosphere shifts, the scent of pine and paper wafting through the air. each isle seems like it stretches for miles, and each book has a world to show you. it always amazed her how different people acted in libraries or bookstores, as if they knew they were surrounded by wisdom that should be respected. 
the man seems caught in a daze, one she wasn’t quite familiar with. her joke seems to break the ice, but this wall and thicker, colder than usual. “ usually you’ve already got a few in your hands by now, a bit stuck finding something ? 
“ beasty-things ? i’ve uh, i’ve got an isle on the supernatural, if that’s what you’re lookin’ for. fiction, non-fiction, resource. which fits the bill ? “
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“ uh... ”  teejay hesitates. he’s not one to hem ‘n haw, but yet... here he is. hemmin’. hawin’. takin’ his sweet ass time tryin’ to explain just what he’s after. ‘cause, hell –– he barely even knows what he’s dealin’ with, let alone how to... read about it.
there’s no way he can play this without soundin’... crazy. like he’s been listenin’ to too much of that witchin’ hour on the radio. so, for once in his life, the young vanetten just leans in to the awkward.
“ well. y’know, the, uh... that show ?   with bez holmes ?  i was... i was listenin’ last night ‘n he... he got to talkin’ about, y’know... ”  no, actually. she doesn’t. teejay shifts his weight and raises an arm to rub at the back of his neck. 
“ er. werethings. wolves. or somethin’. i –– i dunno. ”  he glances around like someone in this place might see him ‘n tattle. “ i guess i just... wanted to... uh. research those ?  find out more. if that... makes sense. ”
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impvlved · 5 years
“it is not okay!” georgia practically yells, before adding a slightly quieter “missed you too.” she’s genuinely surprised she’s managed to not kill anyone today seeing as spending time with teejay during her break’s usually the only thing that keeps her from doing just that. 
she’s about to tell him that if he wants both, he’s getting both, when he asks for the burger, shake, and fries. “are you sure? you want a double? cheese? onion rings too?” she starts walking backward toward the kitchen so she can tell the cook what he wants, grabbing a to go cup for the milkshake, already pulling that handle for the chocolate. 
her mother would convulse. as it was, the woman insisted on taking her grocery shopping on her day off every week to make sure there was normal food in their apartment. if she didn’t, they’d probably only eat diner food. the fact that they were both still in decent shape was baffling. 
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georgia starts movin’ and teejay’s drawn with her, steppin’ in time with her backward strides. he slides his forearms up against the counter and admires his girl as she works the milkshake machine like a lyre. “ hey. you’re stunnin’, ”  he says in lieu of an answer, castin’ her a look that makes one lone, soda sippin’ man roll his eyes with disgust.
seein’ georgia after such a long day makes these long hours worth it. makes the mountain of bills ‘n forms waitin’ at home far less perilous a climb. teejay's got enough of a brain to know they’ll get through this –– the money, the house. the glitch. hell, they can get through most anythin’.
‘cept lyin’. yeah. he’s still workin’ out that whole thing. the... episodes. teejay shakes the thought with a sniffle just as the man to his right crunches into a pickle. his whole damned world turns to vinegar ‘n salt. and georgia. georgia more than makes up for that brine.
“ shake, burger, ‘n fries is all i need. ”  he clasps his hands on the counter, adds in a light shrug. “ and you, maybe –– if that’s on the menu. ”
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impvlved · 5 years
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this town had seen a lot, more than most others could say, but the people in this town were stronger than any he’d ever known. jesse like’s to say he stayed in letum to mourn his mom, take over the property and their assets, but in all truth he couldn’t walk away from this place. cursed or not, it was home. to him. to his mom. 
“ hey, best friends don’t lie to each other. would’ve violated brocode lettin’ you think you’re as cool as clark kent. “ maybe it’s a push, but jesse struggles to cling to better times. before everything went wrong. 
“ yeah, uh — not the best option there. really, you completely missed the target area. “ his friend’s obliviousness, not only to azura herself but to the status of their relationship was hilarious, and after so long, it’s become a bit of a joke. well, to him.
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letum’s got a knack for sinkin’ its teeth into legs and never lettin’ go. that’s what his ma said the day teejay’s scholarship offer came in. you gotta take it, tee. you gotta take it and take on the world. she was angry when he came home. furious. but now that fury’s boiled down quiet. as much as teejay thinks she needs him to break past this town ?  she needs him here.
“ remind me to think of that the next time y’come to the garage seekin’ that friends ‘n family discount. ”  but it’s said with a smile –– jesse’s always got a place in the vanetten home. he’s family, on ‘n off the field. and teejay likes to pretend, sometimes, like this damned town didn’t exhaust itself findin’ ways to pummel damage past their ribs.
“ the target area, ”  teejay repeats with a snort. “ by all means, dude, enlighten me. what the hell is that ?  and if y’say it’s somewhere in bed i’ll –– ”
he flinches mid-sentence. there’s a rustling somewhere. somewhere close. teejay whirls around like he’s heard tornado sirens ‘stead of nature sounds miles off. squints into the darkness.
“ shit –– y’hear that ? ”
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impvlved · 5 years
“i could tell her myself but then she’d leave your ass and i don’t know that i want to be responsible for that. i mean if you were any other guy, maybe. so basically what i guess i’m saying is, you’re welcome.” he grins, tousling teejay’s hair.
“mmm luckily it’s nothin’ wrong with her…” he turns his attention and body to his truck. “it’s uh-” he rubs the back of his neck, “what i did to her…” 
he headed toward the truck figuring out how he could put this delicately; the fact that he’d gotten blood all over the inside of his truck and that nothing he tried seemed to be getting rid of the stain. and that every time lee looked at it she looked like she was gonna be sick… 
he stopped before opening the door. “how’re you with uh- blood?”
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teejay squeezes his eyes shut when dean musses up his hair. he’s probably the only person who’s got hair privileges, besides his ma ‘n georgia. and honestly ?  it’s a mess half the time, so he doesn’t really mind.
“ what you did to her... ”  teejay’s no stranger to dean’s love for his vehicle, so that phrasing gets him worried. he’s half ready to ask, but dean’s already walkin’ toward the truck and he assumes it’s only a matter of showin’. so he trails just a few steps behind, tuckin’ the rag back into his pocket. he’s caught off guard by dean’s question –– it takes a few breaths to come up with a viable answer.
it doesn’t take him back to the woods. it doesn’t make him think of the slick, warm goop coilin’ down his fingers. drippin’ from his lips. still fresh on his tongue.
“ fine, ”  he manages to say, addin’ a light shrug. teejay nods the go-ahead; wait too long and he’ll think too much. “ let’s see it. ”
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impvlved · 5 years
the fact that they manage to stay this pg in public baffled her sometimes. but it was probably because teejay was a good boy and could never. and also because her daddy would kill her otherwise. “definitely the stale coffee,” she nods with a straight face.
“my sellin’ point…” georgia taps her chin as if she doesn’t know the love of her life better than she knows herself. “i don’t know, what could you possibly want?” she hums but she’s already looking at the milkshake machine. “definitely not a chocolate shake, nope.” 
she jumps suddenly. “oh god, i never brought you dinner! why didn’t you tell me?!” she smacks his chest in beat with every word before grabbing his cheeks in-between her palms. “what do you want? burger? patty melt? both?!”
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he’s bluffin’. she doesn’t need any selling point. all she needs is to be georgia rae, and teejay’s sure she knows it –– but that doesn’t stop him from lookin’ at her like she’s the sun, moon, and stars, right here in falls diner. that doesn’t stop him from lookin’ just like he did when he saw her for the very first time, both of them just infants, with his hazel eyes blown wide by pure admiration.
it’s cheesy, but teejay can’t imagine a life without her. a life any different than theirs, now. maybe there have been some detours, but his heart’s full. he never spends a split second ungrateful.
he leans into her palms ‘n sighs, dreamy smile ‘n all. “ s’okay. ”  one of his own hands raises to top hers. his thumb traces light crescents across the back of her hand; he steps a lil closer, so all that separates ‘em is mere millimeters. 
“ missed ya though. ”  georgia stoppin’ by ‘round six is the highlight of his day. but he hasn’t come to expect it –– things happen, the diner gets busy, ‘n teejay’s just over the moon to be with her now.
“ i’m gonna put this place outta business if i ask for both, ” he teases with a melodic chuckle, rocking on his heels. the act brushes their hips together, fleetingly. 
“ how ‘bout... burger, shake, ‘n... maybe some fries ? ”  they’re really for her, the fries, ‘cause she’ll eat ‘em all anyway. but teejay likes sharin’. likes the mischief in her eyes when she thinks she’s bein’ sneaky. 
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impvlved · 5 years
“the difference is my mama knows i’m disgustin’,” she teases, sticking her tongue out at him.
she bites her lip to hide the growing smile her body is forcing at his serious face. “good, you should be. the woman is terrifyin’.” she lasts all of a second before bursting out with laughter.
her arms drape themselves around the back of his neck. “gimme one good reason why i shouldn’t tell your mama on you.”
teejay sticks his tongue out right back, and pretends he might lick her, just for good measure.
“ is she ?  i think she’s all cookies ‘n no bite. ”  just thinkin’ about his ma, though ?  he can’t help but smile. she’s one of the warmest, kindest, strongest people he’s ever known –– and those verdicts have only been mildly influenced by her knack for bakin’ cookies for him all these years.
his girl asks for reasons and teejay doesn’t miss a beat. “ ‘cause i’m gonna win you all them plushie things. ”  their foreheads bump. “ you just wait, missy. you’ll be too busy cuddlin’ your new buds to ever tattle. ”
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impvlved · 5 years
georgia lets out a squeal as he spins her around, reaching behind him and using his butt as a pair of drums. he stops spinning long enough for her to wrap her legs around his waist and pull herself down off his shoulder.
she hums like she’s really thinking about it and squishes his cheeks in her palms. “fine. but only ‘cause i don’t like the taste of soap. maybe i’ll just tell your mama how you feel about my bum next time i see her. let her wash your mouth out with soap.”
“ georgia rae duchannes, ”  teejay says with a gasp. “ you hug your mama with those hands ? ”  it’s the perfect dose of what goes ‘round, and teejay can’t help but be a little proud he’s able to edge one in. 
she smooshes his cheeks and he raises his eyebrows, leanin’ into the joke a bit by makin’ his lips resemble a fish. his eyes widen in mock horror –– that’s him. an aghast giller. 
“ oh no, ”  he gushes, able to uphold a semi-serious expression for the first time tonight. “ now i’m just darn petrified. ”
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impvlved · 5 years
the crowd of gawkers dispersed and georgia was pleased.it would be extremely awkward if she had to call them out and then work a shift with them the next day.
“ugh, the worst,” georgia groaned dramatically. she flopped backwards against his arms as if they were dancing and he’d dipped her, but then popped right back up, mere centimeters away from his face.  “ but it’s getting better by the second.”
“didn’t kick any asses but it’s only-” she leaned over to look at the clock, “nine. i could probably find an ass to kick… but i’d rather go home and put my ass in a chair, if you don’t mind.”
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teejay’s never known a real smile ‘til he met georgia. granted, they’d known one another since practically birth, but... nobody’s ever gotten his cheeks so used to bein’ sore. “ better by the second, ”  he agrees, sneakin’ in a quick kiss just because he can. then he’s pursin’ his lips like he’s hashin’ out why. “ bet it’s the stale coffee, huh. ”
as georgia speaks, teejay unconsciously leans in closer. folks around town have commented on it, that magnetism between them. whenever georgia’s around, all bets are off –– teejay always finds his way on home.
“ hm... i think that ass puttin’ could be arranged. for... the right price. what’ your sellin’ point ? ” 
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impvlved · 5 years
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one finger dragging across the edge of the page, two eyes locked on one of her best customers. she’d admit, she missed him on the way in — the store had been a bit busier than usual and her mind was slow to adjust. in her defense, she was really into her reading when a whole family walked in with a textbook of questions. 
“ tee, what ya lookin’ for today ? might i recommend something from the kids section ? heard they got some good rhymes in there. “
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bleary-eyed and lead-footed, teejay shuffles through his lesser-known aisles of letum read. chin tipped up, eyes squinty, he’s scannin’ for something he doesn’t even know how to look for. nervous fingers dance by his sides, enough so he finally shoves ‘em deep into his letterman pockets. outta sight, outta mind. if only these power things worked that way.
“ oh –– ror, hey. ”  he tries his hand at a cordial smile, but his gaze falls on a book with red binding and he’s blinkin’ away last night’s sights, sounds, tastes.  “ o-oh yeah, ” he finally responds with an unconvincing laugh. “ i was in here lookin’ for planes ‘n trains, how’d y’know ? ”
“ actually, i, uh... ”  teejay glances around, makes sure none of the other customers are listenin’. “ y'all got anything like... ”  he blinks a few times, furrows his brow. “ those beasty-things ?  like... a dictionary. for... ”  he rocks back ‘n forth on his heels. “ ... things. ”
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impvlved · 5 years
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solidarity held a certain value between them, years of friendship tacked on to a plethora of glory and tragedy. jesse had lost a lot, more than he’d ever like to admit or remember, but through it all teejay was there on the other side. hell, just being here, tossin’ a football back n’ forth was a testament to their history.
“ nah man, clark kent is way better lookin’ thank you. “ jesse chuckled, watching as his throw lands perfectly within the other’s hands. just like high school. soon enough, he was running to catch the ball himself. “ dented the thing ? got some gun’s now, big shot ? “ it was a joke, he knew, but jesse knew that look. there was something weighing on him, somethin’ he didn’t like. 
“ hey, i can always rock spandex. “
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watchin’ his own throw arc brings him back to simpler times. before graduation. before illness. before this glitch. and it makes teejay wonder if this all might be some kinda cruel joke, y’know ?  if maybe the god he’s prayin’ to every night just likes to kick around souls ‘n watch ‘em bleed. ‘cause between the two of ‘em, they’ve got enough broken dreams on this damned field to sink a second houdini.
“ oof. ”  teejay places a hand over his heart ‘n staggers back like he’s been shot. “ careful what y’say to the next marvel guy. you got no clue what kinda mess that could get y’into. ”  he laughs. tries to. as a chuckle kicks his lungs, they feel more like deflatin’ balloons.
“ bet az’d eat that up. gee, torres. you should’ve been on the swim team. ” 
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impvlved · 5 years
dean had been home for over a month and nearly everything was a reminder of why he didn’t come back here. people stopping him on the street to tell him things about himself like he didn’t know. god, that was probably why susanna couldn’t stand him anymore and he didn’t blame her. and the shit that seemed to be going on in this town, he didn’t trust that it wouldn’t happen again. and if he wasn’t here the first time? he didn’t want to think about that. 
he shook it out of his head as he drove his truck up to the only place he trusted with it. he’d bought a new one when he left and his dad had brought this one back for him for safe keeping. he got out and walked over to the pair of legs hanging out from the bottom of a car, leaning himself against the nearest wall.
“that’s a good look for you vanetten, but does georgia know you’re cheatin’ on her with a cadillac?”
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ms. kline brings in her late husband’s ‘75 jag xjs every few months, like clockwork, ‘cause she refuses to repave her driveway or admit she’s got a knack for drivin’ over curbs. the axel-and-tire work’s never too taxin’, but it does nab at teejay’s heart, seein’ such a beaut go so blatantly unappreciated.
he’s workin’ on its underbody when a customer comes. he recognizes the familiar purr of that engine before they even start speakin’. teejay sets his tools aside and guides the creeper out from beneath the maltreated vehicle, lips already upturnin’ in an amused smile.
“ haw haw. i’ll take the liberty of tellin’ her you say hi, ”  he retorts with a fond roll of his eyes. as he brushes russet locks from his eyes, he deposits a lil dirt on his forehead. “ not that it ain’t good t’see you, hollis, but i was hopin’ i wouldn’t have t’see you... ”  he's worked on dean’s truck enough to know she’s got good bones, despite her senior fickleness. the mechanic rises to his feet and tips his chin toward ole reliable, wipin’ his hands on a rag he pulls from his back pocket.
“ any idea what’s troublin’ her ? ” 
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impvlved · 5 years
–– @mcrtaliity !
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the football field provides comfort, even now. even with these... things happenin’ to him. he could smell earl’s aftershave just drivin’ past the mini mart last night. but... maybe it’s nothin’. deep down, teejay knows it’s ain’t nothin’. but still, here, tossin’ the ball back ‘n forth with jesse ?  it anchors him back in old times. high school. the thrill of the game. the cheery ignorance of innocence, pre-fall.
“ i think i’m turnin’ into clark kent, dude, ”  he jokes as he catches jesse’s throw. agile hands toy around with the football before lobbin’ it back, perfect spin. “ like. this mornin’ ?  i dented this pickup’s steerin’ wheel just movin’ it into the shop. next thing y’know i’ll be flyin’ or some shit. ”  there’s fear in his eyes, but the ex-quarterback still tops it off with a light laugh. like it’s a joke. like it’s nothin’. 
“ whaddya think ?  wanna be my trusty sidekick ?  think y’could rock some spandex ? ”
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impvlved · 5 years
it had been a day. georgia’d been at work for nine hours and hadn’t had a minute to herself in at least four for of them. she generally liked a fast paced day; it made it seem like it was going by faster. but it had been so busy today that she hadn’t had a break, which meant she hadn’t gotten to see teejay.
but her shift was nearly over and her feet hurt, so she decided to take her sweet time using the employee bathroom. anyone who came into the diner would be the late night shift’s problem anyway. she wiped her freshly washed hands on her apron as she pushed the door open with her back and was met with the backs of nearly every waitress in the place gathered around the kitchen window.
there were only two things that managed to get that reaction out of her co-workers. drama and boys. there was no way there could be worthy drama in the five minutes she was on the toilet so she could only assume it was a boy. the window was thoroughly blocked so she pushed her way out of the kitchen. it was a boy alright. her boy. she turned and squinted angrily at the girls who didn’t really seem to notice.
georgia wasn’t one to get jealous. she saw jealousy as an emotion associated with a threat and none of these girls were a threat, even if they desperately wanted to be. but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel the need to put them in their place passive aggressively.
“hi baby,” she beamed, reaching over the counter to grab his shirt and bring him closer to her before pressing her lips to his with a grin.
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georgia all but parts the red seas and everybody but teejay seems to mind. huffs ‘n puffs ring out from his accidentally-acquired posse but teejay’s arms are coiling ‘round georgia’s waist before anyone can get a word in edgewise. 
with a dopey smile, teejay allows her to draw him in, chest flutterin’ as their lips meet. he steals another kiss just ‘cause he can, fingertips tracing light patterns along her sides. 
“ hey yourself. ”  his words are liquid honey; he couldn’t rip his eyes from her if he tried. teejay savors this moment ‘n feels the entire diner dissipate into the ether –– prying, jealous eyes burrow holes into the couple but they go unregistered. he’s only got eyes for her.
“ how’s your day ? ”  they’ve been apart ten hours too long. and it’s routine by now, but that doesn’t stop him from missin’ her like mad. adoring eyes scan her features. tender fingertips reach up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “ kick any asses ? ” 
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impvlved · 5 years
georgia couldn’t help but brighten at his presence. every time she looked at him it was like day one all over again, and that’s how she knew he was her forever. she let out an over-dramatic gasp, clutching her chest. 
“tucker jeremiah vanetten, do you kiss your mama with that mouth?” she bit her bottom lip to hide her grin but it broke through anyway. everyone in this town knew that she was the one in this relationship who had the mouth of a sailor, not the other way around. 
“where’s the soap?” she teased, pretending to attempt escaping his grasp to get to the bathroom.
she teases and teejay swears, it melts his heart. every. heckin’. time. he smiles so big his cheeks start t’ache, but that’s georgia-duchannes-brand happiness. mighty. she asks if he kisses his mama with that mouth s’all he can do to beam and wink. he can’t stop grinnin’ to form a comeback, ‘cause he’s got the whole world right here in his arms.
but when the world squirms like it might break away, it’s enough to jar him into action. “ nooooo, no no no ! ” he sing-songs, scramblin’ for a better hold. in one swift motion, he swoops his girl up into his arms ‘n twirls ‘em both. he and his world, they keep on spinnin’.
“ not the soap ! ”  he buries his face against her shoulder and wonders if she can feel what a shit job he’s doin’ masking his smile. “ not the soap, ”  he mumbles again against her –– ˆhis –– shirt, words bouncin’ a bit as giggles threaten to break the surface. 
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impvlved · 5 years
–– @dvchnnes​ !
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before the tiny bell above the door has a chance to stop ringin’, a gum-chompin’ brunette’s already locked eyes on her unassuming target. teejay’s far too focused on findin’ a particular blonde to notice. it’s been a long day at the garage and now, with his hair tossed up in a tiny bun and remnant motor oil staining his cheek, he’s practically trippin’ over his own feet in anticipation for his and georgia’s routine ride home. can’t think ‘bout anything else. tired feet carry him to the front countertop, where he stands ‘n leans, nodding hello to a few of the servers he’s come to recognize.
“ how ‘bout some sweet buns on the house, hun ? ”  that’s a new one. hazel eyes flicker in that voice’s direction. caroline. he forces a smile and lets out a clipped laugh. nah. he’s good. just waitin’ for someone.
“ you sure ? ”  a redhead swoops in, leans across the countertop, real close. yeah, he’s sure, but thanks though. sweet of you t’ask.
anyone else might see it how it is –– a flock of vultures, closin’ in for fresh meat. but teejay just reckons they’re bein’ friendly, and rocks back onto his heels. cranes his neck to peer past the gaggle of girls into the window leadin’ to the kitchen.
“ hey, y’know –– y’all seen georgia ? ”  their eye rolls almost go undetected. the brunette blows a gum bubble, and teejay watches wide-eyed as the pink thing just keeps on growin’.
“ she’s busy, sweetheart. we can take care f’ya... ”  pop. with the amount of eyelashes battin’ his way, you’d think he might feel wind. “ how ‘bout we sit you down in a nice booth, huh ?  get you off those feet of yours ? ‘specially after a long day... workin’ with your hands... ”
teejay just smiles ‘n laces his hands together. nah. he’s good. he’ll wait.
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impvlved · 5 years
flashback – november 27th 1982
that’s not presentable. georgia’s mother’s most popular words from georgia’s childhood echoed in her head. she was wearing one of teejay’s t-shirts and flannels with a pair of jeans and sneakers. her hair was in the messiest of buns. she could feel her mom scrunch her nose at the outfit and she wasn’t even there. she huffed, turning back and forth in the mirror. it was a festival, not a gala. “do i look like a bum?”
teejay's in the other room hoppin' into a pair of brown field boots when georgia asks the question. as he whirls to lean against the doorway, the mere prospect of her lookin' like a bum makes him smile in disbelief. he leans his temple against the wood and admires for a few seconds: seein' her in his stuff still gets his chest all fluttery. 
 “ hey now... ” the air 'round them seems to toast with his tone. steady, gliding steps carry him to georgia's side. he catches her mid-turn, arms encircling her waist as his head dips down to press a light kiss just behind her ear. 
“ your bum looks great, ” he murmurs against her skin before leanin' his cheek against her head, expression warming into a smile. wasn't really the question. teejay doubts she'll mind.
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