rickyievoli · 5 years
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                     Pencil to sketchpad -- an  e a s y  concept but one that required MUSE, required concentration, an idea ; none of which Ricky had at the moment. It was impossible to when all he could do was check his phone, reread texts over && over again only to ponder over  w h y  they simply STOPPED, why he didn’t join him at the bar like always. Fuck. A low sigh && hands started gathering art supplies, all such a waste of time. Green gaze couldn’t help but spot the other ; it would’ve been so much easier to keep head down, to keep walking. But in Du Pont’s current state ?? Shit. He paused, a quick shake of his head. “Listen, you don’t have to apologize. That’s -- understandable.” To say the least. “Maybe take a break from it ?? Even just a minute or two might help.”   /   @knightlyfallon​
fallon was sat at one of the desks in the library. as much as she wanted to she couldn’t ignore the news, that was her best friend. it would explain why cristian hadn’t been responding to her texts, it was so unlike him and now she immediately felt guilty. the school wanted the newspaper so report on cristian’s disappearance as well, she couldn’t bare giving anyone else the task, it had to be her that did it. she was in front of her computer, staring at the screen. she hadn’t been this blocked in a long time. she placed her hand over her mouth as she felt the tears start to build, how was she going to write this? she looked over as she heard footsteps approaching, immediately starting to wipe her eyes. “sorry…don’t mind me. i’m just stressing over the newspaper.” 
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rickyievoli · 5 years
CRISTIAN: ha ha ha when'd you become a comedian, ricks?
CRISTIAN: you know i'd make a hot donkey tho
RICKY: since always? but don't worry you have time to catch up. my netflix special airs next week
RICKY: never thought i'd hear the words hot and donkey in the same sentence :/
RICKY: but i'll keep brainstorming. tho if you both went as a ball and a chain that might be kinda funny
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rickyievoli · 5 years
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rickyievoli · 5 years
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RICKY  IEVOLI ・。・゜ general moodboard.
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rickyievoli · 5 years
CRISTIAN: sos i need cool costume ideas before bridezilla ropes me into something stupid
RICKY: you could go as a donkey?
RICKY: you know, since you're everyone's favorite pain in the ass :)
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rickyievoli · 5 years
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                    “Oh, I’m definitely telling her you said that,” he continued to quip -- another short snicker pushing past lips. “Really ?? Well I’m honored since I’m pretty sure the list of those who want me dead is a lot longer than the not dead list, But 21 questions, right ?? Uh -- top three things you’d bring on a deserted island ?? Isn’t that the next usual go-to ??”
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“ I don’t think it’s possible for her ego to get any bigger than it already is, honestly. ” Kenzie smiled, copying him with a shrug of her own. “ Yeah, no, I’m so tired of grieving and the memorials. Plus, I actually like you. I don’t want you dead. ”
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rickyievoli · 5 years
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                    “Yeah see, my good amico Jack Daniels usually does the trick alright ; not sure how looking at some animal pictures is gonna help much.” He mused, long sigh pushing past lips before green gaze peered between her && the phone. Fuck it. “Though some hugging otters I suppose might be kinda cute. Maybe.”   /   @heyimogenthat​
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“Someone looks like they could use a pick me up. What’s your poison: Pictures of puppies in hats or otters hugging each other?” Imogen said, sliding her phone across the table at her displeased looking companion. 
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rickyievoli · 5 years
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lorenzo zurzolo as niccolò rossi govender in baby 1.02
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rickyievoli · 5 years
✆, ??, #, $ - cristian
Send “✆” for a MORNING text.
RICKY: morning, brotiful!RICKY: that was sarcastic btw bc i hope you know ur the reason i feel like shitRICKY: like who thinks 6 four lokos is a good ass idea, fratello?RICKY: you apparently 😒RICKY: and also me it seems when you pour it down my throat 😒😒😒
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
RICKY: iwe out here litty tintty tbonight!RICKY: sapeaikng oxf tittpies, wanna know what’s great? yeaqh ofucking tits.RICKY: speaking onf tifts agbainRICKY: bbq osauce on mwy tititseRICKY: rip vIn e :(
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
RICKY: if someone asks me ‘paint me like one of your french girls’ 1 more time im gonna lose itRICKY: uccidimi, ti pregoRICKY: like use me for my dick not my artistic abilities 🙄
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
RICKY: do you ever feel invisible in a room full of people? like fuck that and fuck them, right?[ two minutes later ]RICKY: you know that line from that movie? i can’t fucking remember and i wanted to watch it lol. fuck it’ll come to me at like 3am nvm lol.
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rickyievoli · 5 years
why r u so hot?
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               “Guess nothing can compare to good ol’ Italian genes ??”
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rickyievoli · 5 years
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rickyievoli · 5 years
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                    Easier said than done, but what was easy was to offer a hint of a smirk in reply. “Well don’t let Crim hear you say that ; she’ll talk about it for weeks, inflate that already big ego of hers.” Ricky jested, brow arching before shrugging. “I’d have to agree. If I said anyone else I’m sure she’d kill me. && I’m pretty sure we’re all sick of memorials around here.”
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“ Okay but I’m tired, my brain’s hurting from grieving. It’s so tragic Michael died, three months ago, but… moving on, please. ” She offers the other a reassuring smile. “ Let’s play 21 questions. Here, I’ll start. Who do you think is the hottest cheerleader? I think it’s Crimson, hands down. ”
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rickyievoli · 5 years
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                    Listen, he loved his best friend with all his heart ; which was surprising when some even believed he didn’t have one, but sometimes it was rather difficult to KEEP UP. Like say when she threw a drink at a person at his other best friend’s memorial service. ( former best friend ?? is someone still that relation to you after they die ?? his brother was still his brother, right ?? fuck, this shit sucked ). Ricky sighed, leaning ‘gainst the frame of the door as lips pulled on the vape pen,  s m o k e   calming upon release. “Yeah, but you can’t travel the world with me if you’re not here to see me graduate. Plus, full offence, but you’d look atrocious in ORANGE, la mia amica.”
                 parked in front of a mirror located in the reception hall, crimson cooper took a look at her outfit, making sure no drinks were spilled on her during the SCUFFLE with nilo. smoothing down the front of her black dress while one hand ran through her long black hair, entangling it from any knots, crimson flashed herself a smile, pleased with her appearance. “ someone told me the police is probably keeping a close eye on me because i spilled a drink on nilo. that’s just crazy, ” crimson proclaimed to the person standing next to her, not bothering to look at who it was. “ if i go to  J A I L  then atleast i’m going to jail looking HOT. ” smiling over at the person beside her, she let out a faint laugh, her confidence at an all-time high when intoxicated. 
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rickyievoli · 5 years
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                    Ricky hate churches, chapels  — not because he hated religion or a deity or anything ( though he did have high doubts )  — but once you go to a funeral, let alone two, in one it’s not exactly something you can forget. Pews become prisons, the monotonous words of a priest seemingly damning as he talks about someone he knew nothing about. How does he know how beloved someone was, where they’re going when after their last breath ?? As more people filled the chapel the more SUFFOCATING it became ; Ricky quick for cigarette to dangle from lips, hands fidgeting under jacket for his lighter as he began to leave, eyes spotting the other rather easily, the tears also hard to miss. Hands raised in innocence, offering a rather kind smile. “Hey, sorry  — quiet steps, I do that a lot.” He mused, moving to stand beside her, back leaning ‘gainst the wall. “Need a sleeve of a jacket ?? Forgot my handkerchief at home, I know I’m ashamed too.” A light jest, one he wouldn’t just make with just anyone, but Amber was always a friend. “I’m FINE.” Fine, always fine. “But it’s okay to be cliche sometimes. That’s what most of the greatest stories, art, sayings are from, sì ?? && me telling you that it’s going to be okay ?? Another cliche ; though it doesn’t make it untrue.” 
This was being harder than she thought it would. Having rushed to a side of the room to be able to compose herself peacefully, Amber almost jumped when she noticed she wasn’t alone. “Jesus, I…” She had managed to avoid the ugly, full-on crying, but a tear or two escaped from her eyes nonetheless; The whole situation was taking her more energy than what she was willing to admit. “God, you surprised me.” Why did she feel so stupid for crying? Wasn’t that what she was supposed to do? Cry, feel bad about the fact that her friend had been killed ( murdered ). Still, she almost felt ashamed. As if Michael’s many flaws meant that everyone should be simply glad that he was gone. “Um, I would ask how you’re holding up, but I’m afraid to fall in a cliché.”
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rickyievoli · 5 years
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rickyievoli · 5 years
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rickyievoli · 5 years
@crimcooper: sometimes i have amazing thoughts & I need to share them with all 1k of my twitter followers @rickyievoli
@crimcooper: sure half of them probs hate me but 💅😎😇 @rickyievoli
@rickyievoli: and these 'amazing thoughts' include talking about belly buttons?? one of the least sexy body parts of all time?? @crimcooper
@rickyievoli: i still don't know about belly buttons but i kno that can't ever be true 😊 @crimcooper
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