rightwinged · 7 years
Here's the thing: no matter what pro lifers do, abortion will not cease to exist. So you must pick. Safe abortions that are easy to access, or abortions done unsafely and painfully at home. What do you prefer? - a fed-up pro choicer
What if I said that child trafficking will always exist, so you have to choose between legal, regulated, “safe” child slavery and illegal, “back-alley” child slavery?
We can’t keep the mass killing of human children legal simply because it will “happen anyway.”
We must do everything we can to protect human rights. That includes not just banning abortion, but also providing the resources and support that mothers need to be able to choose life for their children. It also means educating people on human development in the womb and what abortion does to that developing human.
Beyond making abortion illegal, we need to make it unthinkable. Will it still happen sometimes? Maybe. But if we can reduce the numbers from 43 million per year worldwide to a few isolated incidents here and there, that would be some progress.
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rightwinged · 7 years
here is an argumentative point, which you can either refute or confirm. my point is: there is good music between 1990 and the present date (any genre is acceptable)
Of course! I don’t know how anyone could argue otherwise.
My least favorite genre is 70′s rock. That garbage is awful. Other than that I’m open to most types.
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rightwinged · 7 years
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rightwinged · 7 years
Jeffree Star is garbage and so are his products spread the word
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rightwinged · 7 years
Dont. Hit. Your. Children.
We know, from over 50 years of data and study, that it is incredibly detrimental to use physical force to punish children. Yes, this includes spanking.
Model proper emotional response for children. 
Understand where misbehavior comes from
If a child is overwhelmed, remove them from the overwhelming situation.
If a child is hungry or tired, address those needs. 
If they are throwing a tantrum in the department store, take them somewhere quiet and let them cry until they are calm. They’re probably just bored or cramped or overwhelmed and need a minute. 
Address the cause of misbehavior, not how it manifests. 
Make sure things like transitions, when you are leaving or moving on, are clearly communicated. Sudden transitions can be a huge trigger for tantrums. Best to try and mitigate with proper advance notice. 
Explain your reasons to children when you are enforcing rules 
Listen to children when they explain their objections to rules. You don’t have to agree with them all the time, but you should listen.
Understand that you, the adult, can also be overwhelmed, tired, hungry, and frustrated too. Acknowledge, to your kids, out loud, how these things are impacting you and apologize if you snap at them unfairly. Again, this is modeling emotional response. 
Make the rules clear, simple, and consistent. Don’t change what the rules are based on your mood that day, or if you must, explain it before hand. If you normally let them play video games in the car, but you can’t today because your head hurts and your driving to a new place and you need to concentrate so you don’t want the sound to distract you- explain that to your kids. If they counter with “I have head phones. Is that ok?” Then, yeah. It’s ok. 
If you need to have consequences for their actions, then actually follow through. Don’t threaten with consequences that you won’t really do. That makes it a lie, and makes it super ineffective in the future. 
Make consequences fit the behavior. Explain why that is the consequence. 
Some good consequences might include: cleaning up a mess they made, taking a cool down time for a few minutes, not getting to a special treat like a trip to the movie theater with their friends, etc. Remember, we are trying to avoid physical pain as a form of punishment. 
Speak to children respectfully and prompt them to speak respectfully back. 
Choices. Give kids a reasonable, manageable number of choices. Do you want to wear the green shirt or the blue shirt? Do you want Cheerios or waffles? Carrots or green beans? Do you want to give grandma a hug or a high five? Older kids can handle more choices than younger ones.  
General rule of thumb: You aren’t trying to raise an obedient child. You’re trying to raise a thoughtful, respectful adult. And you have to be a role model, not just in what you say, but also in what you do. 
And don’t. hit. your. children. 
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rightwinged · 7 years
One of these days I’ll actively debate people again, but I’ve been so busy lately that I can’t say when it’ll happen.
Send me posts to debunk or ask me questions.
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rightwinged · 7 years
I thought that with everything going on in my life that the bad stuff would end with the divorce last year, but everything just keeps getting worse, and my head’s not even above water anymore. My ex-husband is drowning me and I need help. Please.   Gofundme description: As a few of you know I just recently got out of a terrible divorce and custody battle with my physically abusive ex-husband. And while I was able to gain full custody of my 2 year-old son and get away from my ex-husband, he still deems it necessary to make mine and my son’s live’s a living hell despite ditching his own child and saying he “wants no part of us anymore”. He stole $1,500 from me when I had decided to leave him because he wouldn’t stop hitting me. I wish that was where the problems stopped, but unfortunately that’s just the start of it. He owes me over $2,000 in child support that I have not seen a penny of in over a year, and getting help from the Attorney General’s Child Support Division is impossible. My ex-husband also filed my son on his tax return, stealing my tax return and putting me under federal investigation with the IRS even though it’s illegal for him to do so, and I recently lost my job. I’m a single mother with not even a penny to my name, but still lucky enough to have a roof over our heads. And sadly enough, even though the divorce is over, I’m still in terrible amounts of debt because of it. I’m lost, scared and just don’t know what to do anymore, so I’m finally admitting for once in my life that I need some help. Any help at all. This has been such a long road for my son and I, and it never seems to end. We just want this over with so we can finally move on with our lives, and we can’t do that without the money to help get us out of this mess, and away from him for good.  Anything helps, even if all you have is a prayer for me and my son. Thank you, I hope this will all be over soon, God bless.
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rightwinged · 7 years
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rightwinged · 7 years
Democrats then:
forcibly import poor people from the 3rd world to support the economy, feed clothe and house them to control them. 
use gun control to disarm black people
advocate for eugenics to control populations of undesirables
establish a permanent income tax 
use sedition laws to punish people who do not support WW1
Democrats now:
advocate forcibly importing poor people from the 3rd world to support the economy, giving them welfare so that they vote for Democrats. 
advocate for gun control to save the children disarm black people 
advocate for abortion on demand especially for poor, WoC. 
advocate for higher taxes 
threaten administration officials with treason for not wanting WW3 with Russia
Also Democrats now:
lol didn’t you take 4th grade history? the parties switched. 
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rightwinged · 7 years
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rightwinged · 7 years
Friendly reminder that catcalling is only as offensive as you allow it to be. There’s no need to grieve over a harmless compliment or whistle from a stranger.
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rightwinged · 7 years
subatomicsquid replied to your post “Finally home from my trip :>”
where did u go
On vacation with my significant other for my birthday!
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rightwinged · 7 years
Statism And Racism.
  One of the most flagrant falsehoods in all of leftist thought is the idea of an association between “Capitalism” and racial oppression. Racial oppression is somehow depicted by the leftist as an extension of the overall exploitation that supposedly defines Capitalism. In reality, large scale racial oppression, and caste systems have essentially always been products of government. Caste systems of one type or another predate free enterprise societies by thousands of years, and they are always imposed by the force of law. The United States is no exception. Blacks in America were rendered second class citizens half a century ago as a result of the state: specifically as the result of a code of laws popularly known as Jim Crow laws. Before that period slavery was practiced; enabled by the state through the selective enforcement of felony laws for some people and not others. Apprehending and confining certain individuals against their will was punishable by law, but not other individuals. Eventually the Supreme Court gave the practice of slavery official government sanction in the infamous Dred Scott case.
 The arguments against the abolition of slavery during the Lincoln-Douglas debates were quite revealing. The defenders of slavery both feared and argued that the absence of any legal distinction between Blacks and Whites would lead to various forms of intermingling, or in other words, the increasing absence of social differences. What they literally feared was that the free market and private sphere left to themselves would annihilate the divisions among men.  
Make no mistake. Government has always been the great accomplice of racism.
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rightwinged · 7 years
Finally home from my trip :>
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rightwinged · 7 years
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rightwinged · 7 years
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rightwinged · 7 years
Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries.
(via the-art-of-femininity)
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