rilannon · 4 hours
proud to say that I have never once in my life figured out the whodunit in any crime story I've read or watched. I just let the facts and clues wash over me, absorbing absolutely none of it. I am the audience they think of when they throw in red herrings, in case you've ever wondered "who would fall for this obvious false lead". it's me. I am the idiot viewer/reader. not once has an obviously framed clue revealed anything to me. my head is completely empty when I consume these stories.
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rilannon · 4 hours
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Bi-donna you moved me
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rilannon · 4 hours
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More profound when you consider that Doctors Without Borders rarely makes political statements.
In #UNSC mtg on Middle East, @MSF SG Christopher Lockyear says: "Israeli forces have attacked our convoys, detained our staff, bulldozed our vehicles, hospitals have been bombed and raided. And now for a second time, one of our staff shelters has been hit. This pattern of attacks is either intentional or indicative of reckless incompetence. Our colleagues in #Gaza are fearful that as I speak to you today, they will be punished tomorrow."
He adds: "The humanitarian response in Gaza today is an illusion. A convenient illusion that perpetuates a narrative that this war is being waged in line with international laws. Calls for humanitarian assistance have echoed across this chamber. Yet in Gaza we have less and less every day, less space, less medicine, less food, less water, less safety."
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rilannon · 4 hours
yeah i use this pro gamer technique called "hitting every single button frantically with my little raccoon hands until something happens" you probably wouldn't get it it's really advanced
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rilannon · 12 hours
theres too many pokemon games where you play as a kid whos full of life and full of potential. there needs to be a pokemon game where you play as a college dropout who lives in a shitty apartment
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rilannon · 13 hours
How do you have such pertinent and personal advice to give to transmascs too? I thought you were transfem?
i am transfem! though people have been confusing me for a transmasc for years, even before i came out.
the "reason", if there indeed must be one, is probably just cuz ive grown up around a lot of transmascs since middle school, and have heard many of their woes. heck, my longest romantic relationship was 5 years with a trans guy who's still one of my best friends. i used to BE the cis guy dating a trans guy. so i leverage that info and experience, just like any other knowledge i have, to help!
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rilannon · 13 hours
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new reaction image just dropped
ID: a still from QI. comedians nish kumar and alan davies sit at the desk. nish kumar has his arms in the air and his head thrown back in rapturous joy. alan, arms crossed, laughs. on the screen behind them is projected the word “PERVERT.”
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rilannon · 13 hours
i think villains in general provide better, more epic romances because they're allowed to go to extremes. they're allowed to put their love over the greater good. they're allowed to be selfish. the best a hero can offer you is number two, because their duty comes first. villains, though. villains will burn down the world for a last kiss goodbye.
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rilannon · 13 hours
Friendly reminder
“Doing your best” does not mean working yourself to the point of a mental breakdown.
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rilannon · 13 hours
the thing about me is i get hannibal and hamilton confused
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rilannon · 13 hours
When you understand that kids and teenagers being salty about literary symbolic analysis comes from a very real place of annoyance and frustration at some teachers for being over-bearing and pretentious in their projecting of symbolism onto every facet of a story but you also understand that literary analysis and critical thinking in regards to symbolism is extremely important and deserves to be not only taught in schools, but actively used by writers when examining their own work to see if they might have used symbolism unintentionally and to make sure that they are using symbolism effectively:
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rilannon · 13 hours
My beloved wife has a coworker, a very beautiful girl, who snuck into the break room one day when my beloved was sitting alone. She checked the perimeter for any other people listening in. They looked up curiously as the girl assured herself they wouldn’t be overheard.
“Dr. So-And-So is just so beautiful. I don’t know what to say to her when she talks to me, all my thoughts just scatter!”
My wife smiled and agreed that the doctor in question was gorgeous. They chatted along this vein for a bit.
Another coworker drifted in and the girl clammed up. When they had left again she went on to say, “I like guys well enough, I mean. They’re fine,” she said, “But girls are just so beautiful!”
My wife deliberated then finally said, “Look, I’m not saying you’re not straight but uh. That’s the kind of stuff I said before I figured myself out better.”
I’m now very invested in this coworker. Cannot wait to hear updates.
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rilannon · 13 hours
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i saw this helpful print out at my local library earlier, i thought this could be of help to someone. even if you don't inject, this advice could save a life. I'm here for all addicts and users, we care about you and love you. everyone deserves to be informed about their health regardless of what substances they use
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rilannon · 13 hours
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Everyone shut up and go watch the cinematic masterpiece Evil Dead 2 (1987)
Reblogs are back on y’all better behave
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rilannon · 13 hours
Random linguistic worldbuilding: A language with six sets of pronouns, which are set by one's current state of existence. There's a separate pronoun for people who are alive, people who are dead, and potential future people who are yet to be born, and the ambiguous ones of "may or may not be alive or aleady dead", "may or may not have even been born yet", and the ultimate general/ambiguous all-covering one that covers all ambiguous states.
The culture has a specific defined term for that tragic span of time when a widow keeps accidentally referring to their spouse with living pronouns. New parents-to-be dropping the happy surprise news of a pregnancy by referring to their future child with the "is yet to be born" pronoun instead of a more ambiguous one and waiting for the "wait what did you just say?" reactions.
Someone jokingly referring to themselves with the dead person pronouns just to highlight how horrible their current hangover is. A notorious aspiring ladies' man who keeps trying to pursue women in their 20s despite of approaching middle age fails to notice the insult when someone asks him when he's planning to get married, and uses the pronoun that implies that his ideal future bride may not even be born yet.
A mother whose young adult child just moved away from home for the first time, who continues to dramatically refer to their child with "may or may not be already dead" until the aforementioned child replies to her on facebook like "ma stop telling people I'm dead" and having her respond with "well how could I possibly know that when you don't even write to us? >:,C"
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rilannon · 13 hours
Ran into an "everything was better in my day" old guy today who was genuinely shocked to learn that he was in his teen years before his mother was allowed a bank account without a man's permission
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rilannon · 13 hours
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