kill0mtr · 2 days
new anon oc just dropped
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kill0mtr · 3 days
GOAT - m: buck, billy | f: doe, nanny | b: kid
SHEEP - m: ram | f: ewe | b: lamb
DEER - m: buck, stag | f: doe, hind | b: fawn, kid, calf
HORSE - m: stallion | f: mare | b: m: colt, f: filly
PIG - m: boar, barrow | f: sow | b: piglet
RABBIT - m: buck | f: doe, hart | b: kit
HARE - m: buck, jack | f: doe, jill | b: leveret
RACCOON - m: boar | f: sow | b: kit, cub
RED PANDA - m: boar | f: sow | b: cub
BEAR - m: boar | f: sow | b: cub
PEAFOWL - m: peacock | f: peahen | b: peachick
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kill0mtr · 3 days
blinks. has there ever been a movie or something to that effect where the cgi is like. increadbly realistic but its like. furries. like beastars but like Real.
i think the closest ive seen is like... black myth wukong ???? and even then its like. a monkey. so its not THAT hard to make a human a monkey. but
just. thinking
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kill0mtr · 4 days
this. this dialogue. yeahg
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(i wrote this) (its about a man from the 1920s getting ripped from time and transported to the 2020s) (these are two cops/detectives outside his door in the hospital)
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kill0mtr · 4 days
The Carnifex facts/lore ^-^
He is 22 feet tall; his horns give him 4 feet (not 2. i miscalculated), making him go up to 26 feet tall.
His clothing is mostly quilted together from tarps and bed sheets. the patterns on his clothing are wallpaper placed on top of the tarps/bed sheets.
He is a purple-violet blood cusp, without fins or gills but able to stay underwater longer then most. (possibly because his lungs are huge, but, eh, maybe its the violetblood in him? who knows)
His horns look like this:
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He's over 100 sweeps old, but mentally (as are all of my highblood adults) in his mid 40s-early 50s human-wise. He was quite a large grub, and only kept growing. He's still growing, only it's very, very, VERY slow. He reached 22ft around 50-60 sweeps.
His large height makes it difficult to move around in anywhere but his hive, making it even more difficult to socialize with others.
He's accidentally killed a few people just by stepping on them, and severely injured even more.
His lusus is a 10ft tall maned wolf, with most of the height being in the legs. His lusus doesn't have a set name, with nicknames such as "pup", "puppy", "maned mom", "little wolf", and "wolf mom" sticking out.
He uses a bed instead of a recuperaccoon, because there are no recuperaccoons that fit him. He still uses sopor slime in his "pillow", though it barely drives off the nightmares.
He is not in the Cetuusverse, but a version of him is.
His strife specibus is cleaverkind.
He keeps many, many canine and canine-adjacent lusii/animals around. He can no longer hug his wolfmom without fear of crushing her, so he got her a pack of other canine-like lusii to pack bond with.
He has killed purposefully before. At least a hundred trolls have died by his hands.
He mourns the loss of his friends. Most of them were lowbloods and midbloods when he was little, because some of them felt pity, and some felt safe around him. But, as all things are, they left via culling or old age. The Carnifex is very familiar with death at this point.
Immortality and longer-then-human lifespans often go hand-in-hand, since both are beyond our understanding. The Carnifex would slowly go from an "carefree immortal" to a "tired immortal". All of his friends from childhood are gone, and he can't have a meaningful relationship with anyone under his caste because they'll die before he's ready to even accept that.
He gets cuteness aggression from grubs, which confuses him greatly. He knows to stay away from them, though; no grubs were or will ever be harmed by him.
He mostly eats meat, fish, and anything with a lot of carbs (bread, pasta, beans, etc).
His horns get stuck on a lot of things. At this point, his horns have tree branches and wire permanently wrapped around them. (not literally permanent, just. you know-)
His hair is as big as him. It goes down to his lower back, and poofs outwards. It's very, very wavy. On each side of his bangs, he has two stripes of color; one green, one blue. These were his two most prominent trolls in his life that he's lost, so he's taken to dying his hair to remember them. He's forgotten their names, but remembers their faces.
If The Carnifex ever played Sgrub/Sburb, he'd be a Seer. Of what? I don't know, but despite him being bulky, he's quite smart and can definitely help his team through his aspect.
His voice sounds american, with a slight accent underneath. The way he talks, opting for larger words and speaking firmly, is seen as pretentious. However, he doesn't care.
His typing quirk isn't inspired by anything.
He doesn't wear his symbol anywhere visible on him.
He knows Troll French.
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kill0mtr · 4 days
How 2 search 4 communities: https: //www.tumblr.com/search/[keyword]/communities And replace "[keyword]" with your search query
thank you soldier o7
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kill0mtr · 4 days
just remembered hetalia existed. -100 physic damage
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kill0mtr · 5 days
tumblr: creates communities
also tumblr: has no way of actually seeing other communities except the ones you create???
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kill0mtr · 5 days
redo because i messed up
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kill0mtr · 5 days
Btw love that seisyl is a violet. When whybie doesn't like violets. Adds to the senselessness (?) of idol worship in general but also in this instance double because the person in question just wouldn't like seisyl before they even talk. Sorry if this dont make sense i sm sleepy
fuuuck i forgot that whybie doesnt like violets </3 seisyl would chop off his fins if whybie asked tho /hj
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kill0mtr · 6 days
Seisyl: hey emperor i mean they
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kill0mtr · 6 days
WiFi is called that because it sounds cool! It evokes Hi-Fi, but unlike that doesn't actually stand for anything. It might be undergoing genericization (¿?) like escalator, trampoline, and heroin did
ohhh. like kleenex. that makes sense
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kill0mtr · 7 days
what would my evil twin be. like. heal1ft ??? (kill / heal, 0 / 1, meter = mtr / feet = ft)
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kill0mtr · 7 days
why is wifi named that. is it like. wireless... something?? like who came up with that
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kill0mtr · 9 days
yknow. i should do this. i have many, MANY character designs and ideas in my head that i wanna draw but nothing solid plot-wise.... perhaps i could do a troll adopt thingy.......
2/11 descendants designs giveaway 2: electric boogaloo
-rb with the number u want and it's yours
-pls check if someone else got da design youre asking for before asking
-idc what u do with them or if u keep that theyre 2/11 descendants in or not that's up to you as the owner
-whoever asks first gets the design but if you got one before then idk bro reconsider before asking for another one
-id prefer if they were used for something but idc that much do whatever u want forever
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-number 1 and 3 were originally imagined as olives
-number 2 was originally imagined as a bronzegold cusp
-number 4 was originally imagined as a (non seadweller) violetblood, but has the Taurun symbol over their eye (this is a crucial design detail, the blood is not)
you can of course change their blood if u get them or anything else
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kill0mtr · 10 days
context: this guy is 22 feet tall and his horns add another 2 feet. his hair is also very big. everything about him is very large. the average man (5'7.5" worldwide) is like a doll to him. heres a visual:
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also one that made me laugh but is a cool ancestor name if you dont know what it means:
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kill0mtr · 11 days
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the yassification,,,
the seisyl
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(the troll doll sim had more options then the ancestor one so-)
maybe ill actually draw him one day. who knows !
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