rillegas08 · 2 hours
Working on my novel and couldn’t figure out why it felt so empty. I didn’t have any filler. It was all 100% plot. The characters only interacted when necessary. I didn’t prattle on about the scenery or how the birds sounded. I had all my fuller stuff that I loved saved in another file because I “didn’t need it”.
Y’all, I knew this existed in TV shows but it didn’t hit me until this that everything is being whittled down. We are so starving for filler that we snap up anything. I unload all mine on Tumblr or keep it in a massive Google Docs. It SUCKS.
Honestly? Death to plot necessity. Revive filler. Revive unnecessary interactions. Revive just vibing with characters sometimes. I don’t want to just consume the plot and I don’t want to just create the plot either.
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rillegas08 · 2 hours
"You can't ship that!"
lol what are you gonna do, climb inside my mind and shut off the imagination switch?
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rillegas08 · 2 hours
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rillegas08 · 1 day
I wish it was easier to talk about mobile phone addiction without sounding like a boomer
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rillegas08 · 2 days
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I say a lot of stuff on this blog about "play another game" and I really want people to understand what I mean about that. monopolies are bad. DnD has, through marketing and business decisions and luck and capital, dominated the entire hobby in a way that no other creative genre has ever seen before.
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rillegas08 · 2 days
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first quote can be found in Landmark Speeches of National Socialism ed. Randall L. Bytwerk (including the next sentence of the speech not quoted in the tweet, which imo is relevant in the comparison to the specific argument from frum & other zionist propagandists). speech by Julius Streicher delivered on 10 November 1939, after Kristallnacht:
We could have killed all the Jews in Germany yesterday, but we did not do it. The demonstrations in Franconia were, in general, disciplined, clear, and farsighted. They proved to the world that the days when the Jew could take out his wrath on us, whether from within or without, are finally over.
second quote published in 1939 by the Nazi Party’s Central Propaganda Office, archived in the German Propaganda Archive (source materials also collected by Randall Bytwerk), plus additional surrounding text not included in the tweet:
The behavior of the Führer and the Reich in these days of continuous Polish and English provocations were remarkable. No other nation would have been as patient. It would have done what the Führer finally did on 1 September much earlier.
Our remarkable restraint was noted by all the neutrals. The Spanish newspaper Alcazar wrote on 2 September: "Hitler has exhibited extreme patience, until the Polish attack forced the German army to respond. Nothing is more consistent than the behavior of the Führer and the Reich government. While Poland was attacking Germany along the border, Hitler published his last appeal for peace. The responsibility is not only Poland’s, but also belongs to those statesmen who encouraged Polish insanity."
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rillegas08 · 2 days
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rillegas08 · 3 days
ages ago, I posted an aro positivity post that got a lot of bad replies. “This isn’t aromanticism, this is mental illness”. People don’t realise you’re allowed to be mentally ill and aromantic. You can have a personality disorder and be aromantic. You can be depressed. You can be bipolar. You can be mentally ill and still not want to be in a romantic relationship. It might not be connected but it might be. If you are aro because of mental illness or trauma, then that’s still aromanticism. If you just happen to be aro and mentally ill, you’re still aro. Aromanticism is not mental illness itself but of course, there’s mental illness within the aspec community. There’s mental illness in all communities. It doesn’t deter from aromanticism. Mentally ill aros are valid!
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rillegas08 · 3 days
America has a weird relationship with cults where they’re terrified of small cults (or organizations they think are cults) but completely normalized massive cults that hurt many more people (eg: LDS Church, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Amish, Scientology, most Megachurches)
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rillegas08 · 3 days
”pdf file” “unalived” “grape” “corn” what if i killed myself right here right now
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rillegas08 · 6 days
Holy fucking mask off, Batman
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rillegas08 · 6 days
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rillegas08 · 6 days
It‘s scary to see how very important european petitions get no visibility whatsoever. We had a basic income petition last year which failed because not enough people knew about it. Now we have a „tax the rich“ one that only lasts until october this year and only has around 250k out of 1 mio. signings.
Most EU people go through their every day life w/o knowing about them. There are no ads, no marketing…nothing. I know that costs money though one might think important petitions that lead to a better and progressive life would be supported by the government or ministries in some way, but nooooo
And why should they? It’s petitions that would help out the poor and middle class, but endanger capitalism and their exploitation, sooo: government and business leads for example.
So here the link for those who are interested:
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rillegas08 · 6 days
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rillegas08 · 6 days
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rillegas08 · 6 days
So what this paint company does is take iron pollution from abandoned mines that are polluting soils and rivers and makes iron based red pigment paints out of it.
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Basically they realized hey no one's cleaning this shit up, it's polluting the streams, killing all the fish, making the water undrinkable and there's a huge market for it so why not make money by cleaning it the fuck up?
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They remove this stuff by the industrial bucket load from the rivers. The idea is if it's in a painting, if it's in your home, it's not poisoning wildlife.
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anyway its cool as shit, please support tf out of these people https://gamblinstore.com/reclaimed-earth-colors-set/
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rillegas08 · 6 days
I think it's important for non-brazilians to reblog and share *WHY* Twitter has left Brazil because Elon will definitely try to spin it into a "Brazil's actually a dictatorship and we need to take freedom to them" specially since our country currently has a left-leaning leader and in recent past USA HAS interfered in our politics. Don't let Elon get away with blaming Brazil's legal system. Share the truth with friends and acquaintances so everyone knows Elon is a crybaby who thinks he's above the law of entire countries.
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