rimi-ghosh · 2 years
Is there a fic where I can find this specific scene and more??? 😟😟
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draco malfoy's harness (healer hermione x auror draco)
i just wanted to draw draco with a harness but i also wanted to make the harness useful. i think draco as a wizard who combines potions and hexes to duel really suits him :)
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
It's back 😍😍😍 two stupid incredible persons are back
Chapter 55 is up 😍
Hermione wandered into the DMLE in search of Harry. He mainly worked late, and she craved an intellectual conversation. 
A few Aurors greeted her, but Harry’s room remained shrouded in darkness, a clear sign that he had left for the night or was away following up on a lead. 
As Hermione was about to leave, a tall, distinguished figure with unique blonde hair wandered into another room carrying a beaker of a pinkish substance and mumbling incoherently to himself. She was unmistakably sure it was Malfoy this time, her heart skipped a beat, and she scolded herself for reacting in such a childish manner.
What was Malfoy still doing here? Studying, perhaps?
It dawned on her that he had come out of the potions room and headed towards the room that housed the supplies cabinet. Curious, Hermione quietly walked in and found the place deserted except for a cauldron on a slow boil with an odourless concoction simmering inside.
The long wooden table that held cauldrons of all sizes was placed so that it faced a large blackboard, leaving anybody seated there unable to see who entered. 
Hermione peered into the cauldron and frowned. From the appearance of the potion, Malfoy seemed to be brewing an advanced version of a Draught of Living Death, a potent sleeping draught, sending the drinker into a deathlike slumber, but it wasn't quite right.
However, the colour threw her off. It wasn't pale pink as it should be. Hermione took hold of the ladle and slowly stirred. She had hardly completed an oscillation when a large hand with a signet ring on his pinky finger and a black bead bracelet on his wrist covered her hand completely with his and applied enough pressure to make her stop stirring.
Hermione felt his warmth and his front press into her back. When had he entered? She hadn't heard a sound. 
The protruding buttons of his uniform dug into the flesh of her back uncomfortably. Of course, he easily towered over her, but with such ease, he bent to her level and whispered in her ear, "You're doing it wrong."
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
Looking for a fic where Draco is one of the top death eaters and he has a dragon. The dragon is only loyal to him and it doesn’t like other people. When the death eaters capture Hermione, she is with Draco and the dragon likes her.
Edit: Thanks!
erinahomiro: Secrets & Masks? https://archiveofourown.org/works/32136715/chapters/79619566
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
Author: mightbewriting
Beginning and End (650KB - 48 Chapters - NC-17) Years. Broken into months into weeks into days—into hours, minutes, seconds—into moments. Simple at one end, complex at the other. In Draco’s experience, moments, even when simple, had a habit of becoming irretrievable. Moments grew, stretched, multiplied into ages and eras that defined whole stretches of measurable time. Draco regretted several moments in his life, some within his control, some without: all of them irretrievable in nature. At a certain point, wedged between ‘what-ifs’ of his own devising, he’d stopped trying to keep track of those regrettable moments: now and then, pushing and pulling, coming and going, beginning and end. Moments were only moments for just as long. After that, he had no control. [In which Draco is forced to work with Hermione, falls in love, makes many mistakes, and eventually becomes his own man. A Draco POV prequel to Wait and Hope.]
Bone Mortar (38KB - 6 Chapters - R) Draco clenched his teeth, forcing sharp, shallow breaths through his nose as he ripped open the door to his usual lecture hall only to find—someone at his desk. Well, he supposed it was technically less his desk and more the desk as he didn’t actually own this particular classroom. But since he’d taught in it for the last four semesters he at least felt like he’d earned a sort of common law ownership. The woman—presently possessed by what looked like a semi-sentient mass of curls atop her head—looked up, eyes widening before she graced the space between them with a kind smile that could cut through any density of grit or dust or grime. The sort of simple smile that could pulverize rocks: be them buried in the earth or caged behind ribs. He stared at her, belatedly and painfully aware that his mouth had curled into a sneer mostly without his consent. [In which two otherwise intelligent and dignified people fight over a classroom and realize they are very, very into each other.]
A Cross Contamination of Souls (8KB - One Shot - G) It had seemed an impossible destination the first time he’d kissed her, on the heels of bearing his soul and begging for forgiveness. He knew, even then, where he wanted it to lead if she’d let him. It still seemed unattainable the first time she took him to bed, a cross-contamination of souls cleansing him of his sins. He might have wedded her then if she’d allowed it. It hadn’t even seemed possible when she’d agreed to marry him, insistent that her forever lasted just as long as his. And yet—
Guidelines for the Treatment of Non-Wizard, Part-Humans (68KB - 2 Chapters - NC-17) She’d learned that he looked the same as he did before he became a vampire, but more. More point, more presence, more. She’d learned he could move almost silently, clearly took no issue with near-complete darkness, and could go much longer than estimated without blood. When anemic, he looked bluish grey and when he’d had a taste of blood after starving, he thought he could flee the country. And she’d learned, much as she wished she hadn’t, that there was something compelling about him. That presence, that draw, that curiosity. It annoyed her as much as it fascinated her. And it was probably why she’d hadn’t stopped him yet, hovering at her neck, breathing very, deadly slowly. [In which Draco has been turned into a vampire and we check our morality at the door.]
His Favorite Color (9KB - One Shot - PG-13) A few minutes after midnight she heard the distinct pop of Draco’s apparation in the other room. At an almost comical volume, the enormous breath he heaved floated through the hallway and into the bedroom where Hermione now stood, ready to impress. “Hermione?” he asked. Gods, even his voice sounded haggard. “In the bedroom,” she called, propping a hand on her hip as she waited for him to appear. And when he did, one hand raking through his hair and a look of pure fatigue on his face, he froze.
Lie With Me (20KB - One Shot - R) Hermione’s adult life has meant a lot of carrying on. A war ends? She carries on. Her relationship ends? She carries on. Her optimism about swift reform in the Ministry ends? She carries on. An entire Yule Ball full of friends, acquaintances, and strangers mistakenly thinks she and Malfoy are having a grand relationship reveal mid-gala? She probably shouldn’t carry on. “They’re happy for us, Granger.” “And that, truth be told, is very unexpected.” [In which a single evening involves fake dating, only one bed, and the idea that sometimes things can be easy.]
Love in Other Places (41KB - 4 Chapters - NC-17) It required a strangely intimate level of trust, assuming Draco wouldn’t willfully mistranslate her, that he accurately interpreted a conversational ebb and flow. It was irritatingly fascinating too, having him focus so acutely on her every word, pause for a beat, and then spin her intentions into a different language. If Hermione allowed herself the moment of indiscretion, she might have described it as a rush. A completely inappropriate rush, but a rush all the same. [In which Hermione discovers an affinity for seeing Draco speak several languages.]
Scone Strategies (22KB - One Shot - PG-13) When Hermione looked up, wrist deep in the process of crumbling cold butter into her flour mixture, Draco had stopped pacing. “You said you liked the blueberry scones. From the café. It seemed like they were a part of your strategy. I thought I’d…” she trailed off. Ridiculousness robbed her of confidence. Draco’s silver eyes rotated between several points of interest: her face, her hands in the mixing bowl, and the parchment still crushed in his grip. “I don’t know that the scones were part of any strategy, per se. But I do—like them. That is.” “Good. So I’ll just”—she jostled the flour and butter in her bowl in a sad pantomime of mixing—“while you read.” [In which Draco is a rambling, nervous mess and might have accidentally fallen in love with Hermione.]
A Season For Setting Fires (273KB - 31 Chapters - NC-17) Torture smells like spring. Like daffodils and tulips and snowdrops. Like the bouquets brought inside from the manor gardens to lend their life to cold stone walls that house criminals. Easter mixed with madness makes sense in this twisted landscape; Draco’s only chance at survival is to endure it. He knows this. But that doesn’t quell the twitching in his calves, the flexing in his fingers. Granger lifts her hand off the floor and Draco nearly loses his lunch, stomach churning as he watches her extend her arm, reaching through the translucent cord, reaching towards him. He tries to blink it away, blink blink blink, but both she and the cord are stubborn, persistent things. [In which a soulmate bond appears while Hermione is tortured at Malfoy Manor. Canon divergent from that moment onward.]
Sugar Flurries, Candy Storms (26KB - One Shot - PG) Draco steps closer. He offers her a single, appraising glance up and down. “You’re Hermione Granger. I suspect you can do anything if you really want it done.” “Stop almost-complimenting me, Malfoy.” His smile grows, white teeth nearly as bright as his hair as he reaches out and flips a curl over her shoulder. He shifts, leaning once more against the nearby column. “Trust me, Granger, you’ll know if I’m complimenting you.” [In which Draco is a widower and Hermione is divorced. She’s both bossy and his boss, neither of which bothers him one bit.]
Transparency (19KB - One Shot - PG-13) “Granger,” he says from his shadow, calling to her when they’ve been left alone but for you and the other ghosts still lingering, a castle exceeding its phantom capacity. She turns, curls spinning wide around her, lids blinking rapidly as if she’d forgotten she was not alone. In a castle of ghosts, she will never be alone. [In which Draco and Hermione slowly come together in their eighth year, as observed by a ghost.]
Wait and Hope (243KB - 12 Chapters - R) “Harry,” Hermione began, voice very controlled, but she could feel the blade of panic slicing at her vocal cords. “Why was Draco Malfoy just screaming bloody murder about his,” and the word almost strangled her as she said it, “wife?” Harry’s green eyes blew wide. Healer Lucas pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly displeased with the recent series of events. “He was referring to you, my dear,” she said. “That was the other question you got wrong. Your name is Hermione Jean Granger-Malfoy.” Hermione had to be sedated again. [In which Hermione loses the last six year’s worth of her memories, including the entirety of her relationship and marriage to Draco.]
Well Said, Hermione (24KB - One Shot - NC-17) “Again,” she breathes. It’s barely a word, barely a whisper, barely a command. But it’s one I’m happy to follow. She doesn’t want to hear a stranger reciting Shakespeare’s Sonnets. She wants verses—biting, passionate ones—and she wants them from me. It’s laughable when I think about it. But I’m not laughing, and neither is she. It’s hard to, when her eyes darken and her breath catches and lust cracks like a lightning strike through every nerve in my body.
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
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A Game of High Stakes cover art
Story written by the wonderful @indreamsink
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
I'm intrigued 😍
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“Right, before we start—let’s get the introductions out of the way.”
“I’m Luna,” the youngest member of the squad turned toward Malfoy, hand extended. “Luna Lovegood, but please call me Luna. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr 007.”
The gobsmacked expression on Malfoy’s face was priceless as he shook her hand after a slight hesitation. Hermione had to force herself not to laugh, something Ginny didn’t even attempt to do, guffawing from the other side of the table where she sat between Cho and Hannah.
“Draco Malfoy,” he said, casting a glance around the table. “But then you all know that.”
“Oh do we ever, Pretty Boy,” Hermione saw his face twitch at the nickname. “I’m Ginny Weasley.”
“Cho Chang.”
“I’m Dr Hannah Abbott,” Hannah gave him a small wave of her hand. “You probably don’t remember, what with all the blood loss and being knocked about, but we saw each other at the prison infirmary.”
He nodded, and then his grey eyes turned to her. 
“And you are?”
“Hermione Granger,” she said, before raising her wineglass. “Welcome to the Phoenix Squad headquarters.”
Read on AO3: Chapter 2: Of Secret Magical Heritage & Whiskey
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
Chapter 53 us up ❤
Draco brushed a piece of greasy hair off Hannah’s face and said firmly, “Well, she’s in safe hands. You can leave.” He was afraid his partner would collapse out of sheer exhaustion.
Hannah yawned and didn’t bother to conceal her gaping mouth. She inconspicuously glanced at the closed door and said groggily, “Don’t make too much noise. That Muggle bloke from the club spent the night, and they were bloody loud doing whatever they were doing in the bedroom. I hardly slept a wink.” 
Draco felt a raging surge of anger. His hands balled into fists, and features contorted unpleasantly as he hissed, “What?” Somebody was going to die, but he wasn’t quite sure who. He battled internally. Calm yourself. This isn’t the way! What is the matter with you?
Hannah let out a tired chuckle and rubbed her eyes to chase away the sleepiness, “You’re lucky, Malfoy. Granger sounds pretty good in the sack.” 
“How could you let this happen, Hannah?” Draco accused after failing miserably to keep his temper intact. Back in China, he had such control over his emotions and feelings. A few weeks with Granger and all his hard work to control his inner self fell apart.
Hannah shrugged, “It’s not my place to dictate her life, Malfoy.” She poked him in the chest with a knowing smirk, “Granger has needs, Malfoy. Needs you aren’t satisfying, apparently.” Draco blushed crimson and raised a questioning brow. What was that supposed to mean? Whatever it was sounded insulting. 
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
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Headcanon: Hermione being a seasoned drinker as an adult and (almost) drinking Draco under the table– no pun intended lol 🍻
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
Chapter 52 is up ❤
Hermione rolled her eyes, "Relax, Draco! Don't be such a killjoy." A masculine scent invaded her personal space. The smell was repulsive and almost made her vomit.
"Who's Draco?" The Muggle man probed curiously while slipping a hand around her waist. Hermione attempted to move away, grinned slyly and stated the truth, "My gorgeous fiancé."
Draco couldn't help but smile, and then the sudden realisation of another man wanting to spend time in her company made him deeply frown. 
The determined man caught sight of the impressive ring and tried to persuade, "Ah, how about we forget about him tonight, love? You and I can have a little fun." He could pocket the ring and sell it for a sizable fortune if all else failed.
Draco fumed, "Granger! Are you there? Answer me!" His free hand balled into a hardened fist, and he mustered all his self-control not to put it through Theo’s antique mirror. Blaise sensed something was wrong and tried to be the voice of reason, "Hang up the phone, mate."
Hannah emerged from the side with a deep frown of disapproval etched onto her face. Without hesitation, she pushed the man's hand off Hermione’s person before she could and shoved him back with a dire warning, "Don't touch her."
Don't touch her? What? When had it escalated into touching? Draco was livid. His hold on the phone tightened, and his patience hung by a very fine thread.
Reluctantly, the man fell back and sneered, "Mind your own business." This no good bitch was thwarting his plans. Hannah stood her ground, sized up the pitiful Muggle, cocked her head to the side and smirked, "Make me." Hermione kept her eyes on the man seeking an altercation with Hannah and spoke calmly into the phone, "Good night, Draco." Her bad idea to rile up Malfoy had backfired.
Draco insisted with more force than necessary, but his plea fell on deaf ears, "Granger, don't you dare hang up," Blast, the line went dead, and Draco stared at the black screen with his heart pounding in his ears. Theo caught sight of his friend’s anxious face and demanded in an elevated state of panic, "Where are they?"
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
Novel Length Fics (> 200,000 words) (Part 6)
Title: False Pretenses Author: tasteoftheforbidden Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Drama, Angst Chapters: 31 Word Count: 273,454 Summary: The solicitor was convinced that the only way to salvage the Malfoy family name was marriage to a certain muggle-born witch. "Granger is one of the people who has witnessed every single negative aspect of my personality. The moment she sees me act decent, her defenses will shoot up. She'll know from her gut that something is wrong." Draco paused, twirling the glass of firewhiskey in his hand. "So… you're going to offer it to her? Like a deal?" Blaise was positively sure that the Malfoy heir had gone mental. What could he possibly present to his longtime mortal enemy to get her to agree? *A story that uses the most common tropes in Dramione fanfiction... Then changes how it's done.
Title: The Light is No Mystery Author: masterofinfinities Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Drama, Angst Chapters: 41 Word Count: 238,224 Summary: Defeating one man was simpler than ripping out the roots of a centuries-old belief system. For Hermione Granger, agreeing to work in the Mental Rehabilitation Center is the latest attempt at stitching her life back together. For Draco Malfoy, finishing his court-mandated rehab has just gotten a lot harder. Soon, Hermione and Draco find themselves in the middle of a storm of new politics, power struggles, and pureblood culture. But a growing connection between them might not only change the course of their lives, but also the future of the Wizarding World.
Title: On the Nature of Daylight Author: ikorous Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Drama, Angst Chapters: 27 Word Count: 234,689 Summary: Hermione Granger wanted to lose control. And Draco Malfoy wanted to take it. Takes place in HBP. Dark, possessive, smutty, and everything you want it to be. ;)
Title: Beautiful Incongruence Author: charlie_weasleys_gf Rating: T Genre(s): Romance Chapters: 38 Word Count: 26,188 Summary: “You are not an easy person to talk to, Granger.” “Well, you haven’t made the prospect of talking to you sound very exciting." Hermione Granger was ready for her third year at Hogwarts-that was, until it was interrupted by time turners and apologising assholes. In which Draco Malfoy apologises (a lot).
Title: Unseen Author: LittleSixx Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 77 Word Count: 308,454 Summary: Draco Malfoy never thought he deserved to be loved. He tore himself down bit by bit until there wasn't enough of him left to hate. (Or: How Draco Malfoy recovers from an eating disorder and falls in love along the way.)
Title: The Traitor Author: Carol2323 Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 40 Word Count: 276,105 Summary: Disaster has struck at the Battle of Hogwarts and their World is teetering on the edge of the Abyss. The Vortex sends Draco and Hermione back in time to their Sixth year to prevent the New Age of Voldemort. Much to their dismay, extraordinary Magic can sometimes have startling consequences. Body swap story. Good Draco Malfoy. Starts off dark but cheers up.
Title: The Iron Sky Author: HuntingHardyGirl, Minxchester Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 47 Word Count: 423,367 Summary: Harry Potter died on June 24, 1995, in the Little Hangleton graveyard where Lord Voldemort returned to physical form. As the Dark Lord intended, this guaranteed that nobody knew of his rebirth except for his followers. And Draco Malfoy. (This story is a retelling of books 5-7 with the basis that Harry died at the end of his fourth year. It is named after and heavily inspired by the song "The Iron Sky" by Sunrise Ave. This fic is now complete, and has a sequel coming!)
Title: From Wiltshire, With Love Author: MistressLynn Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, War Chapters: 86 Word Count: 355,109 Summary: Hermione convinces Draco to spy for the Order and she becomes his handler. But what are Draco’s true motivations? Hard to say when he’s still figuring that out himself. A story of reaching adulthood during war. … Draco cut her off before she repeated the question. “Granger, you may have my wand, but you’re not in control of the flow of information here. It’s not your life on the line.” Granger bristled at his assertion. “My life is on the line every day.” “So. Is. Mine.” He growled at her. “Give me my fucking wand and don’t be so bloody obvious when you contact me.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “I already told you I’d be more careful next time.” She better be. “One more thing.” “What, Malfoy?” she said impatiently, still angry that she hadn’t gotten the information she wanted. He pointed his finger at her so she would understand how important this was. “You need to learn Occlumency. If you’re captured, I’m dead.” She stared back at him defiantly. “We both are.” He couldn’t argue with that. She tossed his wand to the floor and Disapparated with a crack.
Title: Seek and Find Author: serpent_and_sage Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Hurt and Comfort Chapters: 40 Word Count: 205,273 Summary: Hermione Granger constructed a predictable life for herself following the war. However, she realizes that within the constraints of control there is no room for want. In an uncharacteristic move, she flees her life in London to visit Neville, who works as a gardener at the Zabini Estate in Italy. The Estate, now a wellness retreat for elderly witches and wizards, is also the refuge of three of her Slytherin classmates that she has not seen since the war. This is a story of overcoming assumptions, judgmental garden gnomes, flowers, and the quest for contentment.
Title: Stay Alive Author: peanutofthenight Rating: E Genre(s): Drama Chapters: 54 Word Count: 258,958 Summary: Draco Malfoy has a multitude of problems—his biggest one being his mother. Left with no other options, he turns to Master Potioneer: Hermione Granger. If she can't help, then no one can.
Title: Counting the Days Author: olivejuice28 Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Fluff Chapters: 102 Word Count: 465,465 Summary: The third and final installment of the "More Than A Thousand Words" series follows Draco and Hermione through another year of life. With weddings to plan, jobs to secure, and lots of decisions to make, they and their friends will be extremely busy in the months to come. Join them on the last leg of this journey as they chart a course for a future that has been a lifetime in the making. *While this can be read by itself, there are many references to the previous works all throughout, so it would truly be best to start at the beginning. :)*
Title: Love Conquers All Author: Fawkeswriter01 Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, War Chapters: 31 Word Count: 221,122 Summary: Love and Happiness were never part of Draco Malfoy's life before Voldemort's defeat. Now that he's been sentenced, not to Azkaban but rather to a summer at the Burrow, could they? And when Love and Happiness become the only thing that can save his mother, will he be able to hold onto them? Perhaps. But only with the help of Hermione Granger. Part 1 of Love Conquers All Series.
Title: Measure Of A Man Author: inadaze22 Rating: E Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 42 Word Count: 615,841 Summary: To truly know someone is to differentiate between who they once were, who they are now, and who they're capable of being. Hermione realises the duality of one man as she rectifies what she knows of the past and begins to understand the pieces of who Draco Malfoy is now: a father, a son, and a man.
Title: Brand New World Chapter Author: NinaBinaBallerina Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Drama Chapters: 72 Word Count: 286,547 Summary: Draco Malfoy had the perfect plan: use Polyjuice to turn into the Weasel, infiltrate Gryffindor tower, and steal the memories implicating his father. But the Golden Girl had to ruin everything by kissing him. Now Draco's developed a strange addiction for bushy-haired know-it-all mudbloods, and nothing but the best will do.
Title: Falling Dark Author: scullymurphy Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Mystery Chapters: 33 Word Count: 254,864 Summary: It's a year after Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy parted in Italy. Voldemort is dead and Hermione is ready to start her eighth-year studies with Draco by her side. But when Draco finally arrives at Hogwarts, it's clear that things are very wrong. No one is talking, but Hermione will get to the truth-even if she breaks her own heart in the process. **Sequel to Bending Light**
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
Resilience Chapter Update!!
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An unexpected tingling sensation filled his stomach, and a rush of warmth tickled the top of his head and flowed down his spine. His teacup clattered against the saucer as his hand trembled.
"Draco, darling! What is it? Is it the Dark Lord? Has he summoned you?"
He felt his cheeks heat, as a sudden flash of himself appeared in his mind. A dainty pair of hands smoothed up his chest, digging into his hair and pulling. The tingle morphed into a spark of magic that shot straight to his core, causing Draco to keel over and brace himself against the dresser.
Resilience by @kmd0107 and @the-og-mkt
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
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Currently reading this Dramione fic Draco Malfoy and Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by @isthisselfcare and I'm loving it.
Auror Malfoy
Healer Granger
Pov Draco
Slow burn
It's been long It read something like this. Please read this. It's so good.
And yes I tried to make some aesthetic for this fic in the basis of as long as I read and this is my first attempt so forgive me 😅
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
Vampire Draco 😍😍😍
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“Admit it,” she mumbled to herself. “You did send him a personal invitation, you do blush at his name, and you are very disappointed that he hasn’t bothered to show up and—”
–Museum curator Hermione Granger and her romance with Draco Malfoy, vampire.
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
It's time to binge read from the beginning 😍😍
Falling Dark is Complete!
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Art used with permission. Artist credit: catmintandthyme
Draco pulled back on the throttle as soon as they left the city center behind. The bike answered beautifully and Hermione whooped at the burst of speed, her arms tightening around him.
The air blew by them in a warm stream, flapping the edges of his t-shirt and singing up his skin.
Early evening light filtered through the canopy of trees above.
He could smell dust and green things and asphalt and stone. He could feel the temperature change as they moved from sunlight to shade.
He was soaring. In every sense of the word.
2 stories, 2 years, 400k words. I can’t believe it’s done, y’all. Thanks to everyone who read along, commented, made art, discussed, recommended, etc. It’s been such a ride and I send you all love. xoxo ~SM
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
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I Did This to You by Wassco
Chapter 6: The Yule Ball
Thank you for the absolutely stunning artwork @imperiness
Keep reading
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
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From Chapter 12 of Hogwarts: A Home by coralcollective
Art by @aurithemoon
Draco took his time perusing her curves as she gulped down the alcohol. Her waist nipped at the perfect point just before her hips curved wide. He savored another taste of his drink so that he could have a moment to imagine what it would be like to wrap his hands around her waist, to drag his fingertips over those hips as she bounced in his lap, smothering his face into her naked breasts.
“Muggle liquor is certainly an acquired taste.” He said in his signature Malfoy timbre, the tone of voice that usually had a witch melting for him. Damn, he knew he was playing with fire, that he should stop, but he’d allowed himself too long of a leash and pulling back now was proving impossible. She was staring down into her empty glass. He couldn’t pull his eyes from her lips. They were so full, so soft-looking. He wanted to taste them, to pull that bottom lip between his teeth. Bite down until she whimpered into his open mouth. She was blushing hard now, and Draco didn’t think it was because of the alcohol alone.
“And have you?” She turned a brave face towards him with her question. Daring him to lock eyes with her.
“Acquired the taste?” Another breathy question that was bordering on a moan.
Saucy fucking minx.
Draco’s cock was so swollen in his quidditch trousers that he thought it might rip through the seam to get to her. Draco licked his lips, imagining hers pillowed and wrapped around his leaking length.
“For muggle-made liquor?”
For muggleborns?
“I’m certain it will prove quite addictive.”
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rimi-ghosh · 2 years
Chapter 4 of Hogwarts: A Home
Art by @elivrayn
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She attempted to tilt the broom down so that she could begin the descent. But in a split second, Hermione didn't know how, she was in a nose dive—straight towards the grass. She heard shouts, distant and shrill. She tried to pull at the handle but it only made her lose her grip. She was falling, falling, falling…
Where's the broom?
Where's my wand?
As she braced herself for impact, she felt a hard pull around her waist, a strong tug that knocked the breath out of her. In a blur of grass and robes she felt the falling sensation stop. She lifted her head to suck in a deep breath only to find herself lying on top of Draco Malfoy.
Her arms were tucked in and resting on the hard planes of his chest. Their legs were tangled and his large hands were splayed across her lower back, clutching her tightly to him. He wasn't looking at her. His eyes were sternly fixed on the top of her head. She'd never been this close to him before. She was mesmerized by his eyes, steel—
No...silver, shiny like sterling silver.
Ron pulled her up off of Malfoy and into his arms. She was shaking.
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