riogamistblossom · 4 months
Rioga’s laugh permeates the room, overwhelmingly warm and free of inhibitions it fills the darkest cracks in the walls around her. In front of her lay empty bottles and cups except for the one across from her still full in front of the disgruntled eyes of her younger sister, Diosa impatiently waiting for the eldest to speak. Her small frame was rocked side to side by the most intoxicated and youngest sibling Roandi who had only had maybe a bit over a single glass. Diosa’s pursed lips relax “Haven’t you had enough? I wish to return home before an ungodly hour, can you just get to the point?” Rioga uses her arm to rid her lips of the froth, the family could only afford cheap ale, unfortunately. With a hefty sigh, the druid mutters “Can’t take a long enough break to join us, priestess? Y’know we often miss your presence” She is cut off by an eye roll, Rio’s face dropping into a snarl. “I’m the one who wishes to make up for lost time the least you could do is cooperate you entitled cad!” Now standing the eldest lurches over the table, her talonlike nails dug into the wood with only a few inches of space separating their faces. Roandi is lightly startled but too hammered to truly react, Diosa meets the intensity of Rioga’s gaze long enough to reach for her own glass. Taking a crude loud gulp the priest moves to her feet, leaving the youngest slouched over. “When you wish to break away from drinking your issues in order to live with them I suggest you contact me when you’d like to face what we witnessed in Shattrath” She gathers herself angrily with the gaze of multiple other patrons on her before storming off, the inn was not ready for such an event that night. Gripping the table harder to the point of splintering Rioga’s eyes trail her as she leaves holding back any desire to to strike, which would only lengthen the divide. Something she fears is ever-growing.
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riogamistblossom · 4 months
Rioga's History
Rioga's life started in a small community within Moonglade, her being the eldest with two younger siblings she spent most of her time within the tree line surrounding the territory. While the three were still rather young their father a druid who was seeking out an attack on the Shatterspear tribe completed his task but was killed for his efforts. As retribution their mother was caught and killed as well but managed to gather Diosa and Roandi and have them sent to the Eastern Kingdoms to ensure their safety. Rioga was left behind in the rush, leaving her to evacuate and continue her education as a druid elsewhere.
BC: The opening of the black portal would have her dislike for Medivh and mages for destroying the environment, giving her dislike early on for Draenei and the Kirin Tor by association with arcane magic. She'd possibly make her feel as if we were wasting resources on aiding them in the outlands, until coming upon the black temple with Illidan and learning the true cost of life. Her ability to use Common would still be limited having her come off as crass to other alliance she comes in contact with. Knowing Rioga at this point in time, she'd be rather hostile or frustrated with most unless close to the character. She'd be more likely to have contact with other Kaldorei.
Lich: Her previous hate for mages grows to all of arcane magic during the Nexus War. Malygos having had turned his aggressions into Azeroth, Rioga strictly blames arcane users doing this upon everyone. Absolutely hostile, she turns her frustrations unto the Scourge completely giving herself giving herself over to the war effort. Rioga would be fully against connections with mages and very weary of death knights.
Cata: Rioga is deeply upset over the global impacts caused by Deathwing, with the world's shamans having joined to repair the harm caused to the land and its elements a deepening respect for shamanistic allies. Rioga had joined the aid in Gilneas helping the affected learn to control what she considered a gift, always having a dangerous interest in pack form. She had liked Thrall’s leadership for the fact he was more interested in the greater good of all but could not shake her hatred for the horde to look past that. Upon Garrosh’s use of arcane to inflict a toll on Theramore, Rioga had seen Jaina as someone to rally with letting up with some of her bias with mages.
Panda: Rioga had an interest in the teachings of the Pandarian, melting away some of the bloodlust she had been building into wanting to invest in pack form, inspired by the fact her youngest sibling had enrolled herself as a monk. She was deeply invested in the execution of Garrosh, leaving a crack in her belief in Varian as a leader; and a strong distaste for Wrathion. Preferring the warlord is punished even if it means she must take on the legion and horde herself.
WoD : Rio took the call to aid in setting up the garrison doing what she could to gather resources, to relax from a day’s efforts she would drink with allies boasting and telling stories of previous fights to numb herself from oncoming conflicts ahead. Upon the death of Velen in this timeline, Rioga is fueled with disgust for the atrocities done; she takes careful measures to begin her hunt with her fellow Kaldorei and her personal need for justice. During the destruction of cities in Talador, she resided in Shattrath giving aid to residents during the time of conflict and scouting for any signs of Gul’dan’s presence. Upon further destruction and invasions, she gives way from her mission to protect the sick and the weak. Reuniting with her sisters despite the chaos, their meeting was cut short they rushed to provide aid.
Legion: Upon the death of the king, Rioga takes to Val’sharah adding to the efforts to save the the wild gods. Debilitated from the sheer loss of life she experienced by the previous attack by Gul’dan in Draenor she takes to the grove exasperated and morose. She finds herself changing, her grasp on language and ability to be socially inept from where she had been as a child became muted; reverting to something more similar to her former self. Quietly sullen amidst the tall grass favoring her feral form despite the war continuing.
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